
There's a Rumble in the Floor




3 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
03-04-2021, 08:00 PM (This post was last modified: 03-04-2021, 08:15 PM by Muzet.)

Location: The Polar Sound

The Wall proved longer than Muzet expected, and while she wasn't expecting to shack up with the stranger overnight, she certainly wasn't opposed to it. Still the sun was pretty high, or at least the glare of it through the slate clouds.

Muzet turned to Kiela as the sound of the falls were heard in the distance while they still couldn't spot the end of The Wall. "I guess we'll never find the end." She joked with a chuckle, turning back to continue the move forward, pulling away from The Wall and towards the gentle crashing of the falls ahead.

The Sound was closer to them than she expected, but she would be a bit confused as she heard to water spinning but couldn't actually see the falls of The Sound. Upon a further inspection, creeping up closer to the edge of the ridge, she would see that they were in fact standing over the falls and they came out from the cliff side into the ocean. It wasn't exactly the beautiful scene she expected to share with her company, but either way it was an interesting miracle of nature.

There was a trail only made by the cliff it's self, and as Muzet pointed her nose in the direction, she thought for a moment before asking, "Should we brave the risk of venturing down?" She wouldn't be scared, but a bit of uneasiness in her voice. Ice that had formed over the stone surface down into the valley wouldn't be entirely noticeable to them, and it wasn't even a thought in Muzet's mind actually.

Walk "Talk" Think

Check out my absence here (Yes this is still active)

!Mature! For language and sexual themes.

(Mu-zah-ay Air-eh-bah)

Scent: Chocolate
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Season: Spring
Status: Single (Pansexual?)
Height: 34 inches
Home: Habari - Redbud Nook
Maims: Muzet has a blotchy spot across her muzzle from an acid tongue. The skin here is black but it is clearly visible that she is missing hair. Looks kind of like a large snoring nose strip.

Important Details:

Plotting Thread



Expert Intellectual (120)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualIce Bridge Explorer
03-08-2021, 10:37 PM
Despite not being the most social of wolves - in fact, Kiela preferred the company of none other than herself far more often than anyone else - the longer she spent with Muzet, the more she began to remember what it felt like to be surrounded by family. The Jarvela were raised to be independent but the ties that bonded family together were strong and undeniable, and nothing could quite replace that, though some pleasant company definitely helped ease that faint longing. The feeling might be temporary but for now Kiela was content to bask in it.

It did seem like the wall might never end. It was no doubt an impressive structure though after a considerably time spent walking alongside it she wasn't sure she'd gain any knowledge by going further. Here the landscape shifted anyway, the trees thinning out slightly. The pair made their approach toward the edge of the cliff, Kiela slowing as it became apparent that moving too quickly might prove dangerous. It certainly wasn't what she'd expected to find either; the sea was so far down that the briny stench of the ocean didn't quite reach up here on the frozen tundra. She paused for a moment, looking out across the expanse of cliff and sea that stretched before them.

Muzet seemed to have a similar idea as she did, asking if they ought to venture down. Kiela hummed softly in deliberate thought as she scoped out the path down the cliffside. There appeared to be a reasonable path to descend not far from where they stood. "I think I'd like to. At least - to try," she added. If the journey down proved too difficult they could double back the way they'd came, though only by testing the path could they be sure either way. Perhaps it was dangerous but there was always danger present in the harsh terrain of the north; it was inescapable.



3 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
03-15-2021, 10:06 AM

Muzet followed behind Kiela as she ventured over to observe what they would be trekking. Muzet herself was pretty worried about it, given her healed broken leg was still giving her issues. But she tried her best not to show her worry, instead agreeing, "Yeah, we should see if there's anything down there. See if I can salvage anything for my pack. " Looking down the trail that had been clearly used for travel by other wolves but not anytime recently, "If anything I bet the view is gorgeous on the other side." She raised a brow with a charming grin, before carefully finding her footing on the stone surface.

Finding her path down the rocky cliff side was not easy. But it was more because of her anxiety about her unbroken leg. Either way, it was apparent she wasn't in a perfect mind set to go climbing down the mountain. The snow didn't help, but there was a chance she could find her paw sliding across some ice too and go flipping down the mountain. She would ignore any advances Kiela could have made with only a response of "I'm fine" or "I got this" still not trying to phase her cool cat attitude.

It wouldn't get her far though as she ended up examining her surroundings for a moment, looking at the ice covered grasses and whatever else this terrain seemed to lack. Grip apparently. As she slipped her front paws went out in front of her and her body swung around to face the top of the incline. She couldn't hide her expression of terror at first, but while she noticed she wasn't going to start rolling and was in fact just sliding down like a slip and slide, her mind was put at ease. Her body came to more flat part of the path, sliding to a slow halt as her paw dug into whatever grip she could get. Only looking up to see if Kiela had better luck or footing on the rock ice than her, or if she was about to come crashing down on impact.

Walk "Talk" Think

Check out my absence here (Yes this is still active)

!Mature! For language and sexual themes.

(Mu-zah-ay Air-eh-bah)

Scent: Chocolate
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Season: Spring
Status: Single (Pansexual?)
Height: 34 inches
Home: Habari - Redbud Nook
Maims: Muzet has a blotchy spot across her muzzle from an acid tongue. The skin here is black but it is clearly visible that she is missing hair. Looks kind of like a large snoring nose strip.

Important Details:

Plotting Thread



Expert Intellectual (120)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualIce Bridge Explorer
03-18-2021, 08:15 AM
It was hard to tell what might await them once they made it to sea level - if they made it there. Kiela had no shortage of confidence in herself and her abilities to navigate even quite difficult terrain but she was also not a fool. Not all land forms could be conquered, perhaps for good reason. Only time would tell if this was one of them or not. Muzet suggested she might try to see if she could bring anything back for her pack and Kiela nodded, understanding even if she could not fully relate. She wondered what they might find. Often herbs grew in areas that were secluded and unbothered by wildlife. Maybe she was a healer of sorts? Kiela had no idea. "Perhaps," she replied simply to her words, returning the smile with a softer one of her own.

Fortunately - or maybe unfortunately, depending on who you asked - Kiela wasn't the type to dote on those around her. She wouldn't rightfully let Muzet fall to her death if she could help it but likewise she wouldn't be quick to jump to her rescue if she seemed unsteady on her paws. It wasn't purely because of lack of compassion; but focusing on oneself and letting those around you do their own thing was definitely the Jarvela way, the way she'd been brought up. If Muzet needed help Kiela expected she'd ask for it. Instead of dwelling on where her traveling companion was going, she was focused on her own journey, her eyes drifting from her paws to whatever lay before her. The path was a rudimentary one, clearly once traveled but now it had become overgrown and even more treacherous. Coupled with the snow and debris all along the steep path it was definitely a challenging journey.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Muzet's legs go out, caught on a patch of ice. Instinctively she veered toward her, carefully so as to not lose her own grip. The last thing she needed was to slid and fall into Muzet and escalate the already precarious situation. Fortunately this particular section wasn't a death sentence - she watched her traveling partner sliding down, more slowly than she'd expected. Given the possible danger of the situation, the outcome wasn't too bad. Kiela nearly laughed aloud, the sound quiet but still audible in the stillness of the wooded area. "That - it almost looks fun," she observed, moving carefully toward the edge of the small incline. Gingerly she lowered herself down, hunkering down on the ice and letting the force of her body pull her down, sliding in a similar way Muzet had, only without the initial look of panic. This was one way to make their way down - at least a short distance - though Kiela was less certain how they'd get back up. But that was a problem for later, not now.



3 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
03-29-2021, 08:18 AM

Kiela had manged a lot better than her. Whether it was that she saw her stumble first or that she had more experience in the colder, northern lands was besides the point. Maybe Muzet was being too careful, and that's why she slipped. It was gone and done now, and she didn't seem to embarrass herself too much.

She found her footing as Kiela joined her, she wasn't thinking they would have to go back up the icy incline, only that she had made her way down faster than she expected herself. But it seemed they wouldn't have too much trouble the rest of the way at least. "Sure was scary at first," she admitted, "But yeah, I guess it was pretty fun." She gave a little chuckle before moving on, discovering a more treacherous climb down to the bottom of the mountain. But the sounds of thundering waterfall could be heard behind her, though it almost sounded like it was surrounding her entirely. She turned her head around to see the massive waterfalls, falling down into the ocean. Only then would she realize what was on Kiela's mind, how they were going to get back. She looked back at the rocky, steep cliff side in front of them, pondering exactly what they would need to do. If they made it down more, they could take the path around the Sound. But at what risk? "Not sure how we are going to make it out of here now." She tried to keep a more cheery, sarcastic attitude, but that wasn't entirely easy.

Walk "Talk" Think

Check out my absence here (Yes this is still active)

!Mature! For language and sexual themes.

(Mu-zah-ay Air-eh-bah)

Scent: Chocolate
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Season: Spring
Status: Single (Pansexual?)
Height: 34 inches
Home: Habari - Redbud Nook
Maims: Muzet has a blotchy spot across her muzzle from an acid tongue. The skin here is black but it is clearly visible that she is missing hair. Looks kind of like a large snoring nose strip.

Important Details:

Plotting Thread



Expert Intellectual (120)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualIce Bridge Explorer
03-31-2021, 06:01 PM
Kiela looked vaguely amused at her descent - at least in her own little way. She wasn't one for expressing herself outwardly, her moods were often quite subtle, but distinguishable once you got to know her. She let out a soft, dry laugh as she slowed and eventually pulled herself upright onto all fours. She shook some debris from her coat as she tried to regain her bearings. Thanks to the slope downward it was easy to tell if they were going in the right direction or not but it was critical that they scoped out their surroundings and figured out both how they'd continue their descent, as well as how they'd make their way back up. Kiela let out a little huff as they continued on.

Before long the sound of rushing water became audible, only growing stronger as they continued on. Eventually as they went she could see waterfalls - more than one, though one was quite close - falling from a steep cliff behind them and pouring down toward the ocean. For a moment she stopped to take in the scenery, grateful she'd made it here to see this. Kiela didn't doubt by the time she made the eventual trek back up that she'd be beyond exhausted, and would no doubt sleep soundly tonight. If they made it back tonight, that was. "I do not know," she admitted, slowing her pace to twist around and glance at Muzet. "Though perhaps we could rest, and find a way back after?" It sounded like a good idea at least. Growing too fatigued to continue back would be troublesome if a sudden storm hit; she'd much rather be on solid ground and off the cliffside in case that happened.



3 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
04-04-2021, 07:14 PM

Kiela would have the right idea, it seemed their day was coming to an end anyway. The sun always fell quickly at this time of the day too, so they needed to make haste before it grew too dark and they had more difficulty in their terrain. "That sounds like a plan to me." There was always a bad option that when they woke, the snow and ice would be worse than today. But at least in the morning they would have all day to make their way around the sound instead of up it.

She would start the venture down a little bit, she was in search of a cave on the cliff side. That would get them through the night so long as a predator didn't occupy it. As the sun continued to fade she searched more eagerly, looking before her in hopes to find their resting place for the night. And eventually, a small dark hole on top of a steep decline would be ahead of them.

Carefully she made her way there, peeking inside the cave to make sure it was unoccupied, but the ridge for the cave was too dangerous that she didn't think any animal would call it home other than a few birds maybe. Her eyes scanned around the walls and ceiling noting, "This seems as good a place as any." She laid down off to the side, the cave was small but big enough for her, Kiela, and perhaps one other. She looked back to Kiela with the raise of her brow. She wanted Kiela to be welcomed beside her, perhaps closer than the woman would have expected. But Muzet was too tired to worry about the warmth of another. Or trying to hard for it at least. In the dark of the night and the treacherous terrain they had ventured, she was ready to call it a night.

Walk "Talk" Think

Check out my absence here (Yes this is still active)

!Mature! For language and sexual themes.

(Mu-zah-ay Air-eh-bah)

Scent: Chocolate
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Season: Spring
Status: Single (Pansexual?)
Height: 34 inches
Home: Habari - Redbud Nook
Maims: Muzet has a blotchy spot across her muzzle from an acid tongue. The skin here is black but it is clearly visible that she is missing hair. Looks kind of like a large snoring nose strip.

Important Details:

Plotting Thread