
Divine Aeon's


05-31-2014, 03:23 AM
So I've been creating a character, and he is finally finished. I decided to make family for him, and you may do with them what you wish, however, there are a few things to keep in mind. Respect those, and your character might be safe from slaughter :3

Ixion and his family are from a former pack where they believe they are divine gods. They are warmongers as well, so there are close to no softies in the pack save for the random one or two. (Maybe). They believe themselves to be of higher caliber, and will always be loyal to each other. When one comes into power, the others will follow no matter where they were previously. (If they joined another pack they are expected to leave and follow their divine family). They are never disloyal to one another, so if one were to find a mate he/she is expected to bring them to the pack else they risk punishment by disloyalty & treason. They remain close to one another, though they are not what you would call "the perfect family" they will always have each others backs and will fight together when the time arises.

-These wolves can range from small to extra large, though the majority are extra large since they are bred for wars. Smaller wolves in the line generally, aren't allowed to breed and the males often castrated at a young age to avoid "unpurifying" the line. Thus their features are more feminine like. The smaller females are also used as servants, despite their skillset. However, there might be the rare few that actually make it into the higher positions.

-Colors are bright and bold, there is no dull color among them.

-Personalities may vary, but keep in mind they are mostly bred for war and leadership, thus there usually aren't any nicer ones among them. They deign to integrate themselves among "plain looking" wolves, and will never dirty their blood lines with those that are not of divine right.

-The members of the family may commit incest, but within reason. They work on a system of betrothal, and to defy these laws means certain punishment. Even death. Generally, the males hold more power. Thus the Fathers/King/Eldest male sibling chooses who marries who.

-Designs to come. Though you may create your own, but run it by me for approval first.

The Aeons

Bahamut: Male, King 5-6yrs old
Shiva: Female, queen 4-6yrs old
Ramuh or Spark: Male
Titan or Hyper: Male
Catastro or Odin: Male
Leviath or Leviathan: Male
Carbuncle: Female

NOTE: Genders may not be changed. Names may not be changed. Cindy, Mindy, & Sandy are triplets and must be the same ages.

(Yes, to you Final Fantasy freaks this family consists of the Aeons/Espers/Summons from the Final Fantasy line) XD


Age: (Range from 1-4yrs) The Queen/King range from what is chosen.
Personality: (Site Minimum)
Appearance: (Site Minimum)
Brief History: (If you need more details let me know.)
Roleplay Sample: 300 words minimum please. Though more is always welcome.