
Hang 'Em High


Valor I


8 Years

03-08-2021, 08:07 PM

Winter seemed to have quite literally blown into Spring. Did seasons even exist anymore? It was hard for Valor to gauge what was going on with Boreas and Auster anymore. Ever since his run in with the behemoth wolf he was beginning to question the laws of nature anymore. So much had changed since when he'd left that up was down and right was left. Even the biting cold, which typically didn't penetrate through his thick coat, found a way to seep in past his insulated layer leaving him with the feeling of not being able to warm up. The chill soaked in through his bones and it made his healing wounds ache even more. It wasn't as though the traveling was improving his health at all either.

Even with the lacerations the monster had left him, he found himself heading towards the east of Boreas. Eventually he planned to visit the grave site of his father, but he wasn't in any hurry to get there. He was hoping that by the time he arrived Spring might finally make an appearance so he could leave flowers at the grave, but it wasn't looking like mother nature was in any rush either.

He had been lost in thought until the scent of a pack infiltrated his senses. It'd been years since he'd been in Boreas and the pack scents, at least the one's he'd come across so far, had changed dramatically. Not wishing to risk a possible bad encounter, he'd made a quick detour to go around towards the coastline. The wind blew more harshly here and ruffled his fur around in different directions making his fur stick out at odd ends.

The cliff was intimidating enough on its own. Without the flowers that would be blooming here this time of year it was even more so. It wasn't snowing currently, but enough of it had piled up and frozen from previous snowfalls to still leave it mounded up in areas. With no trees to catch any of it it was just a flat expanse of snow. Had he not smelled the ocean nearby he might not have guessed there was a cliff edge at all with everything being the same color. White and gray and the sun had yet to make an appearance to change that.

His paws automatically brought him near the drop off and he sat down a few feet from the edge with a groan. He gathered a quick assessment of his wounds and looked back towards the ocean's horizon once he was satisfied none of them had reopened on his journey. It was a quick reminder that he was getting older. He wasn't as strong as he used to be and he really needed to stop believing otherwise.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: AXsoNeI.png]
[Image: valor_by_centipedle-dah2lmt.png][Image: moegmmY.png]



13+ Years

Treat 2019
03-09-2021, 05:33 PM
Rhythm looked forward to a spring that didn’t seem likely to ever come. Most days she was curled by someone’s fire as the cold sapped her energy with the pain it drove into her joints. This made it so the old woman didn’t often get out and about. There was plenty to be out for however, her new great grand children, something she thoughts she might never see.There was so much brightness to the future Rhythm didn’t have to dwell on the past, but she did anyway.

Once chocolate paws carried her away from Abaven with her small bird companion to lead the way. This wasn’t where Shaye was buried, but it was the place where she died. Somewhere that she had mostly avoided. Loss was easy to get lost in, but Rhythm carried on, taking comfort in the young life bursting Abaven’s seams.

She double dosed on arthritis tinctures and ointments to make it out here, but as she slowed while nearing her destination she felt the trip a worthy endeavor. Feather twittered softly, indicating another presence, and Rhythm took her chance and approached. Foggy eyes seeing nothing as she followed the bird’s lead.

”Hello there,” she offered in greeting, telling from scent alone this was a man reaching the end of his prime. There was a hint of healing wounds as well, but from what she could tell seemed tended to. ”Nice day, isn’t it?” She chuckled softly to herself as she lowered herself to her haunches stiffly.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads

Valor I


8 Years

03-13-2021, 09:17 PM

He sat for a while, thinking of plans for the future, when the soft sound of footsteps caught his attention. He was near a pack, but certainly not trespassing so he wasn't worried about that. Judging by the sound, they weren't in any hurry so he relaxed and enjoy the view until the female drew closer. She was older than him at a first glance and he couldn't help but note the foggy eyes and the way her gaze didn't seem to focus in on anything. Blind, or at least partially, and that gave him uneasy thoughts. Was that what he had to look forward to? His father hadn't been very old when he'd died. He'd never been around any wolves of any older age to truly know what to expect. He supposed it was all a game of waiting now. He'd find out soon enough.

"It's been nice enough." He commented. "I've been meaning to ask someone who broke the weather since I left." He said with a chuckle. "I leave for a few years and someone's pissed off mother nature." He joked. Of course he was curious as to what was going on, but he highly doubted to get an actual answer about it. What the weather did seemed to be a mystery and would probably remain that way. "I'm Valor Ancora."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: AXsoNeI.png]
[Image: valor_by_centipedle-dah2lmt.png][Image: moegmmY.png]