
Take The Long Way Home

Twig I


05-30-2014, 12:52 PM (This post was last modified: 05-30-2014, 12:55 PM by Twig I.)

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ooc. Set two days after conception.

Madieke would walk the couple back to Valhalla, swiftly they had walked and caught up on recent events. Twig didn't even know Angel had joined Valhalla, she'd been too preoccupied with Themisto... She would visibly cringe at the thoughts of him. She hadn't spent much time in mourning for him, so much loss had occurred she was having trouble allowing herself to let go. Now with the sickness sweeping the land she would have to make him wait even longer. Her heart hurt for him, but there were other matters she had to attend to before she could let go completely. She and Alpine would finish out their journey back to Valhalla, having left her sister to go warn other packs of the outbreak. Twig would lean into Alpine's shoulder for comfort. She didn't even know if she would get to see her brother, but she had to know what was going on. Going back into the territory could have been potentially dangerous, so the she wolf would tilt back her head as they approached the border. She would call for anyone who had information. Erani, Odette, Sephiroth.. Anyone.?

"Talk" Think "You"



06-25-2014, 11:25 PM

A call would rise in the wind, pulling the male from his den. He had been lying there, napping while his muzzle healed. With Jinxx's raging fever, the male had gone made for a short time and attacked him, and the result would be a possible scarred muzzle. But Erani and Imena were skilled healers, so there was the chance it wouldn't scar. Still, he wouldn't doubt the possibility. Rising to his feet, he would stretch before beginning his walk. Though he wasn't entirely sure why the voice stopped at the border, as far as he was aware, there were a few Blacks that were members of Valhalla. Curious as to what it was about, he would move swiftly. The Beta moving through the territory on silent paws, and it would soon be apparent the exact one(s) who were calling. He slowed, aquamarine gaze eyeing the Black girl as he came to a stop a few feet away, a questioning look in his eyes. "Ms. Twig, how may I help you?"
