
Strides in the right direction



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
03-13-2021, 11:47 AM

He had never ran so fast to get back to Ashen in his entire life. Viridis and Procella had to use their claws to hang on to his back as he rushed them back to the den, but he didn't care. He was going to go searching with Void and that was all that mattered. As soon as he got the pair of adolescent snow leopards back to his den, set them up with several days worth of dried meats, and made a quick stop by his sister's den just to let her know where he would be - and giving her a promise that he wouldn't be gone long - he ran back to where he had left Void in the northern part of Auster. By the time he got back he was completely out of breath, but he wore a huge, genuine grin on his face. He couldn't remember a single time when he had felt so excited for anything or so unabashed with his emotions. Void was worth every ounce of energy he could offer the Destruction man.

Once he was reunited with Void, they began the renewed search for his missing family members. He suggested that they start combing Auster from top to bottom, whether he had searched a particular area already or not. Plague wanted to make sure they were being as thorough as possible to give them every chance of finding them as possible. If Eulogy was in Auster, Plague was determined to help Void find her. He mainly wanted to see Void happy and relieve this stress that was clearly dragging on him, but he also knew that this was the piece that was holding them back from any of their future desires and plans. If there was something he could do to help tip the scale in their favor then he would be more than happy to do so.

After a long day of working their way through the Bifrost, the Wildberry Grove, the Aspen Dam, and Hermit's Cove, they finally had to call it quits for the day. It was too dark to truly see anything by and his muscles were aching from all of the distance they had traveled. He knew it was most likely just because he was finally getting to spend time with Void without the threat of immediately having to leave him combined with the fact that he was fresh to the search, but he wasn't discouraged at all. Even as they finished out their first day of searching, he was still determined and already looking forward to starting again tomorrow. He brushed against Void's side as the star-marked man led the way toward the camp where they would stay the night, a smile lingering on his features.

Plague | Viridis | Procella



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
03-14-2021, 08:42 AM
While Plague was running his small errands before the trip Void searched the area as bets he could while his mind was distracted. He couldn’t get Plague out of his head, nor the time they would finally be able to spend together. He was nervous, guilty, excited, but most of all he was fostering a happiness that he hadn’t felt before. Their reunion was nothing like they experienced before, now that the threat of imminent departure was no longer weighing as heavily their demeanor was much lighter. Void mirrored the grin that played on Plague’s handsome features and he felt higher than he’d ever been. Plague awoke something inside of him and when they were together that feeling couldn’t be crushed.

Having Plague there beside him to search was better than he could have imagined, Though he struggled with diving his time between Plague and searching now he could combine them both. He felt less pressure as he searched at Plague’s side, and even though they found no clue Void felt more accomplished that evening than he had the entire trip so far. The Destruction man tried not to put a title on the day, but he couldn’t think of a better time. Plague was the light of his life, and he never felt so alive than when they were together.

Void was tired by the end of the day, but it was a good feeling. He felt accomplished. Plague was beside him, and after much hard work he looked forward to falling asleep next to each other. The next step was approaching though, one that had his belly in a knot as they walked. He was going to introduce the man to Gloom and Spirit. Void hadn’t told anyone about his affections for the Abraxas man. He wasn’t ashamed, far from it, he was just worried that his siblings might take his relationship as abandonment.

He was encouraged by the man at his side though, and couldn’t help himself as he slowed slightly to glance back at Plague’s features as he pressed against his side. Void came to a complete halt as his attention was suddenly monopolized by his ivory furred love. Without hesitation he aimed to touch his own dark lips to his in a sweet kiss. He pulled away only slightly as he spoke. ”I know it doesn’t make any sense, but this was one of the best days I’ve ever had.” Void confessed softly as he barely resisted taking hold of Plague now.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
03-17-2021, 05:33 PM

Plague's smile widened when Void stopped and looked back at him, happily returning the kiss he was given. It still surprised him how different he felt with Void compared to how he tended to feel in his daily life. There was so much more darkness and doubt that lingered on his mind usually, but now as he traveled with Void it was like all of that was swept away. He felt like he could conquer the world as long as Void was by his side. It was almost as if nothing felt as daunting as the separation they had to endure. If they could get through that then certainly nothing else could stand in their way.

He grinned and chuckled softly to Void's comment about how great this day had been and leaned more into Void as he replied,"It makes perfect sense. I agree." If they could have such a spectacular day while searching every inch of Auster and coming up empty handed then he could only imagine how wonderful all of their days would be together once this was all behind them. At least he could say that he brightened up Void's outlook on this journey and that made every step, every sore muscle, and every day away from his family more than worth it.

He nuzzled into Void's neck for a moment, thinking forward to the wolves he was soon to meet. He wasn't necessarily nervous for the introduction, but at the same time he also didn't really know what to expect. "Does... Do your siblings know?" he questioned, wondering how much of a bombshell he was going to be walking into. He didn't feel any particular way about if Void had spoken of their relationship yet for not - who was he to judge when Venom was the only one of his family that he had told and she didn't even know the specifics.

Plague | Viridis | Procella



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
03-18-2021, 08:43 AM
Life really was different when he was beside Void, he felt so much more real, like his life meant something in the bigger scheme of the world For a long time he could easily lose himself in thinking about the vast infinite sky above and how tiny and insignificant he was within this massive world. Life was dark and uncertain with Plague, but when the man was at Void’s side everything was different. The light was brighter, their mundane task of searching became extraordinary and his outlook was completely changed.

Plague leaned into Void’s easy affection, and dismissed his thought about the sense to his feelings because he felt the same. Their day was harsh, they found no sign of his family. However the pair of them were together, and that made every action worthy of note. The love that blossomed between them put a new lens on Void’s blue and lavender eyes. The star speckled man didn’t think he had ever worn a smile for so long before and he didn’t even mind the way his face was sore because of it.

Void couldn’t help as he leaned into Plague’s sweet affection. He wrapped his neck around his pale features in a gentle embrace as Plague reminded him of reality. Dark ears fell to his skull in shame, he hadn’t yet mentioned Plague to anyone. He was his perfect secret. Void wasn’t ashamed of his relationship, but he still felt guilt that he was exploring this new experience when his focus should have been wholly on Eulogy and his siblings.

”They don’t know.” He said softly, worried Plague would think he was ashamed of him and everything happening to them. Their visits had been so sparse so far Plague’s scent didn’t stay on his pelt very long so Spirit and Gloom had yet to ask, and Void had yet to have a perfect moment to tell them. He was going to have to sooner than later, especially with his help over the next week. ”I hope you aren’t upset.” He continued softly.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
03-19-2021, 11:41 PM

Plague wasn't really surprised when Void informed him that his siblings didn't know of his existence yet. It did mean that his introduction to them would be a much more unexpected and shocking, but that was fine. As long as he knew that to expect then he could face whatever would come. When his love expressed how he hoped he wasn't upset, Plague smiled softly and leaned into his embrace again, tipping his muzzle up to place a lick on the man's cheek. "Not at all," he assured him. "You've had so much on your mind. I don't expect to take priority over your missing family." He had no way of knowing what his siblings were like or if they would even approve of their relationship, but he had to hope that they would at least be accepting of it. He was certain his own family was sure to be more of a wildcard in that regard so surely in comparison the Destruction siblings would be more mild mannered than them.

He continued walking again, though a bit slower than before so they could talk as they went. The stars were out in full force by now, glittering and sparkling above them with the moon giving them just enough light to see by. "What are your siblings like?" he questioned curiously, bringing his emerald gaze back to Void from the path ahead of them. Even though they were both still very young in the grand scheme of things, he still felt like he had a lifetime of catching up to do and he was determined to take advantage of every single minute he had with the handsome man at his side to glean as much information about him as he could. Family was so important to both of them so it seemed like a good place to start. He believed that there was a lot about ones family that shaped and molded someone into who they grew up to be so he was interested to see how true that was for Void.

Plague | Viridis | Procella



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
03-20-2021, 07:25 PM
In honesty Void had no idea how his siblings might react to meeting the man he wanted as partner in his life. Plague meant the world to him, he was responsible for completely changing Void’d outlook on life. When they were apart Void often lost his self worth, unable to see the importance in his own existence. He knew his family relied on him but he always argued with himself if their lives meant anything. The stars, the sun the moon, they were all eternal but what were they?Some quick spark that was swiftly snuffed out..? Void found Plague’s forest gaze as he chased the thoughts away. The love he was given was proof that his life had meaning, and however brief, Plague made him want to burn brightly.

Plague assured him that he was not upset, and again understood completely. Void shouldn’t have worried, he leaned more heavily against Plague as he felt relief. They still had Spirit and Gloom to meet but surely they would be supportive and appreciate Plague’s efforts to assist. He took a deep breath and continued onward, turning slightly at the question. He smiled softly, blue and violet gaze growing distant as he thought about their qualities. ”They’re both rather shy,” Void warned, knowing how timid his siblings could be. ”But they’re both determined to see our mother come home.”

Void continued forward, his steps were slow now that the day was coming to a close. He wasn’t quite ready to hurry to the camp yet, enjoying this time he was allowed with Plague. ”They’re very sweet when you get to know them. I hope one day.. I hope they can find happiness like I have with you. Like him it felt like a blindness to one’s self worth, he hadn’t been able to see until Plague showed him.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
03-21-2021, 09:01 AM

Plague nodded and smiled softly as Void spoke of his siblings being shy, but similarly determined. His assumption that Void's family was more even keeled and subdued than his own seemed to be on the right track - though he wasn't surprised. He actually appreciated the juxtaposition. He had already experienced how much balance Void brought to his life so he could only hope that he would be able to continue feeding off of that energy. At one point in his life he would have thought of this softer side of himself, the side that can admit to loving someone and dedicating himself to them, as weak. Void completely turned that around for him and showed him that was actually one of his biggest strengths.

He had no doubt that anyone related to the kind hearted, genuine wolf beside him would be sweet. He just hoped that they would welcoming to him in the end. He knew that his ultimate goal was to have Void join him and his family, but he wanted to he a part of their family as well. Anyone that meant this much to the man he loved clearly deserved his time and attention as well. When the Destruction man mentioned his hope that they would find happiness as well, Plague brought his gaze over to Void's again, adoration shining through in his eyes and smile. "All I can ever hope for is to make you happy." He brushed his side against Void's for a moment, pressing his cheek into the man's neck affectionately. It was a simple wish, but nothing brought him more joy than to know that the starry sky man was happy in his presence.

They continued to make their way toward the camp slowly, both of them seemingly to be in no rush to make it to where they would spend the night. Every minute together felt precious and the thought of wasting them sleeping seemed like a disservice to those rare, wonderful moments together. Another thought crossed his mind as his mind continued to wander across their futures together. His life with his family and Ashen would intersect with his life with Void sooner or later so he felt like he wanted to include him in his decisions for everything he did with them as well. "When I get back to Ashen," he began, bringing his emerald eyes back to Void again, "I plan on challenging for one of the top ranks in the pack. It's something I've been training to accomplish for a long time, but... I think now is the right time." He smiled faintly, feeling proud in his decision, but wanting deeply to make Void proud as well. He knew he had to do everything he could to make his mark in Ashen and carve out a place for both of them there and this felt like the perfect way to do just that.

Plague | Viridis | Procella



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
03-22-2021, 07:22 PM
Void had endured a lot of turmoil when he was younger, and it felt like he still faced those same trials. He hadn’t gotten past them and relived his nightmares over and over. He still had no idea where his mother and missing siblings were. All he had in the world was his two siblings, and now Plague. The one who took his life and flipped everything he knew upside down. Void didn’t really know the feeling of emotions until he met Plague, he brought out the best of him. Though he felt his guilt and worry so much stronger now, he felt like it was completely worth it for the feeling of love and adoration. Not only for Plague but in the way he loved his family. Void had a new appreciation for his siblings and the struggles they shared.

Plague reminded him softly about what he wanted, just for Void’s happiness. They slowed even more, Plague brushed against him and nuzzled against his neck. The star marked Destruction couldn’t help his grin, and aimed a kiss on Plague’s forehead. ”I want the same for you.” Void couldn’t have predicted how fast he had fallen for the ivory man. Now he couldn’t imagine his life without him, even with only their sparse visits Void knew this. Nothing felt more right than being together. Even now he felt excited butterflies rising up in his belly, Void adored Plague.

Their pace slowed so they might enjoy every rare moment together. Plague found Void’s blue and lavender gaze, already reminding him of the return he’d have to make to Ashen’s borders. Void pushed the thought from his mind as Plague continued, and his eyes widened in pleasant surprise. He knew Plague was a talented warrior, he’d said as much and his toned form was even further proof. His grin widened and Void flashed pearly teeth, ”Your opponent doesn’t stand a chance.” He promised with a chuckle as he bumped his shoulder against Plague’s.

Was this pride that he felt? The swelling he felt in his heart as he thought of Plague’s impressive form standing at attention next to his Empress. He stopped again, unable to take his gaze from Plague as he grinned, astounded at the man he’d found. ”What is it about you?” He asked again, the familiar phrase he’d said over the cliffs as Plague stole his heart. Void wanted to get lost in those forest green eyes forever, but the fact they’d be separated again continued to haunt him.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
03-23-2021, 10:23 AM

He grinned at Void's vote of confidence as he declared that his opponent didn't stand a chance and chuckled as he returned the bump Void gave his shoulder. He had no doubt that Hela would give him a fight for the rank he desired, but he honestly wouldn't have it any other way. He didn't want to just be handed a position - he wanted to work for it. He wanted to prove that all the time he put into his training since he was very young had finally paid off. In a way he mostly just wanted to prove to himself that taking the time away from his family to focus on his skills had been worth it in the end, but the more he thought about it the more he felt that he had grown exponentially stronger since he reunited with them... and since he met Void.

Just as the thought crossed his mind, he noticed Void stop so he did so as well, turning his gaze to his love and seeing the grin that the starry man wore. It was infectious and Plague found himself grinning in return as he turned to face Void properly. He never grinned as much as he did when he was with the Destruction man that made him feel more in the short time they had been together than he had felt in his entire life. Void's words echoed the ones he had spoken the night on the cliffs when he had begun the hard fall into love and it made him chuckle as he leaned forward to press a kiss onto the lips of the man he adored. Unlike that night, there was no hesitation, no regret, and no confusion in this kiss. He was sure of his feelings now and confident in his love for Void. There was a long road ahead of them, but he was ready and willing to face whatever it brought.

As he pulled back again after a long, lingering moment of affection, his eyes found Void's again. "What is it about you?" he repeated back quietly, a grin lingering on his lips. Of course he knew that they would have to separate again once this trip came to an end, but he refused to let himself think about that. He only wanted to think about the possibility that they would find his missing family during this search and they would never need to separate again. He could help Void return his family back to Abaven and then they could be together. That was the only possibility and future he was willing to consider right now - no matter how difficult that might be to accomplish.

Plague | Viridis | Procella



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
03-23-2021, 12:31 PM
There was no doubt that Plague was in for a difficult fight, a rank that lofty wouldn’t have just anyone in that position. Void tried not to entertain the thought that Plague could be seriously hurt in this challenge. He pushed the thought from his mind, the ivory man was capable as he was intelligent. Void put his faith in him and knew he would come out victorious. He’d take comfort in the thought, especially because he couldn’t be there to support him and witness the event unfold. One day soon, he hoped. Void wouldn’t be able to take searching forever, he knew one day soon they would need to make their return to Abaven. He just prayed they would have Eulogy and Desolate alongside them.

Having Plague beside him helped to chase away those dark thoughts, his bright smile chased away Void’s fears. The way he loved him so easily gave him hope, life was so difficult sometimes but even through their struggles the pair could smile together. The star spangled Destruction felt his heart beat faster in his chest as Plague leaned forward with a loving kiss. Void could so easily get lost in that easy and exciting affection. For a moment he wondered if he wanted to return to camp, but Plague pulled away slightly and Void blinked open blue and lavender eyes to meet his verdant gaze.

Void was smitten, and Plague admitted himself as well. He couldn’t say what it was, fate, or destiny, but he knew it was love. He cared deeply and in such a different way about Plague than th either wolves in his life. Not that he cared any less about his family, the opposite in fact. Since finding Plague he loved them more completely. ”Sometimes I’m not sure,” he had his own self doubts he struggled with, and the distance that lay between them was difficult to ignore. Yet here the man was, taking time from his own pack to search for wolves he hadn’t ever met. ”But there’s no one I love like you.” He added and savored the words as he said them. One day they would no longer be separated by family or duty, he knew it despite the uphill battle they seemed to face.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
03-25-2021, 09:11 PM

He often thought about how far they had come since that first night when he started to realize the feelings he had for this man that embodied the starry night sky. The way he had originally acted was not something he was proud of and he hoped to never lash out like that around Void again. It had been so entirely unexpected and so against everything he had ever believed about himself that he hadn't known how to process it - but now he was certain. His entire heart was promised to this Destruction man and he couldn't be more pleased with where life had led him. Yes, coming on this search mission had pulled him away from his pack momentarily and distracted him from his training for a bit, but he couldn't imagine a better use for his time. Nothing felt as important as supporting Void in whatever ways he could.

Even as their lips parted, Plague only wanted to return to that affection again and again. The way Void made him feel was so addictive and he just couldn't get enough. He did his best to restrain himself since he didn't want to get them into the same situation as they were when Void had to turn down his advances, but if given the chance he would have completely lost himself in the man he loved. He understood what Void meant when he said he wasn't sure. He often felt the same way - not knowing why he was worth this amount of love or willingness to face this uphill climb they had in front of them, but he was grateful for him and all of the perspective and encouragement that he received. He felt as if every ounce of love and effort he gave to Void he received tenfold.

"I feel the same way," he agreed easily as he leaned forward and rested his forehead against Void's for a moment, smiling as his eyes closed contently. Sometimes it almost felt as if they had always been in love - as if their souls had meant to be together and once they found each other he felt whole. "It's getting late," he commented softly, reluctantly pulling away enough to let him find Void's gaze again. He knew they needed to be getting to the camp for the night so that they could continue their search in the morning, though it was hard to not be selfish with Void's attention. He smiled softly and added, "Shall we go?" and waited for Void to lead the way.

Plague | Viridis | Procella



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
03-26-2021, 08:13 AM
Void wanted Plague, in ways that couldn’t parallel with anyone else. Having to deny the one he loved earlier had been one of the most difficult actions of his life. He felt strongly about the decision, even now as they were given more time together than they had ever experienced. How easy would it be to ignore his siblings for the night to find a secluded place to take his man. To indulge in the flesh and truly express the love he felt for Plague. Deep down he knew that choice was wrong and a disservice to the relationship they were building, along with the siblings that waited on him even now.

He wanted to do right by Plague as well as his family, but the anticipation would make that moment so much sweeter along with pledging the rest of himself. He was divided for now, uncertain if he even deserved the love he found in Plague. Once he was whole, once he could put his mission to rest, there wouldn’t be anything stopping him. Void would be able to give his entire heart, soul, and body to the one he was so in love with.

Plague echoed his sentiments, the verbal and silent. Void returned the affection, holding his head to Plagues and squeezing his eyes shut as he willed for this moment to last forever. He was never more complete than when Plague was beside him. The ivory man was the first to speak and gently pull away as he reminded Void of the time. The pair were better off returning to camp lest temptation reappear, and Void knew the second round would be much harder to resist than the first.

Their differing gazes mat again and both men hesitated. They hung on the cusp of one of those first steps and Void was both eager and nervous. Plague was about to meet his siblings. Void drank in Plague’s encouraging smile and savored one more private nuzzle. ”We should, I don’t want Gloom and Spirit worrying about where I am.” He sighed softly and turned slowly before picking up the pace and leading them to the camp.