
Say You'll Haunt Me




1 Year
Extra large
03-14-2021, 07:56 PM (This post was last modified: 03-16-2021, 06:50 PM by Rhaegath. Edited 1 time in total.)

The young wolf was in a rather foul mood. He'd been trying to track down Okami, but without much luck. He'd managed to follow her to this cursed land and then he'd lost her scent. He could handle the journey, that wasn't his problem in the slightest. His issue with Boreas was that it was so. fucking. cold. He'd taken after his lineage with a shorter pelt so the desert climate should have been his friend. Key words being should have. For whatever reason there was even a healthy layer of snow in the west and a harsh wind penetrated through the very little layer of fur that he had. What the hell was this sorcery? Obviously someone had pissed the gods off and whoever it was he disliked immensely.

The willow trees here had a depressing air to them as he brushed underneath their weeping branches. It just so happened they were his mother's favorite, but those were thoughts that he typically kept pushed to the farthest recesses of his mind. It was always best to ignore those types of problems rather than deal with them. He certainly did not enjoy thinking of his father. Now his grand father and great grand father? Those were good wolves. He'd heard stories of them as a young child and aspired to be as strong and gifted in battle as they had in their prime.

He was pleased that the Spartans were moving on to new territories. He'd heard stories of Boreas from his father and it seemed like prime territory to set up shop. Probably plenty of packs to raid and lots of fighting to be had and his skin crawled in the anticipation of it. All he had to do first was track down Okami and see how the aging she wolf wanted to proceed. The horned wolf shook his head in irritation as a willow branch wrapped around a horn. With a soft snap he broke the branch free and shook the nuisance away. What an awful place. He was positive it had to contain awful wolves too.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Rhaegath is not friendly! Most (if not all) of his posts will be rated M for the ridiculously foul mouth he has. Thread with him at your own risk (cause half the time even I don't know what he's gonna do.)



3 Years
03-15-2021, 10:04 AM
The swaying willows to the north seemed to be a decent area to hunt, even if the prey was quite smaller than he was used to. The animals were smart, and tended to stick to the wooded areas when the cold was the worst - which happened to be now, during the spring-winter. There were many trails beneath the trees, and he followed one of a rabbit; not only did he quite enjoy the taste of their meat, he could absolutely use another soft rabbit fur for his bed. He stalked among the trunks quietly, but it wasn’t too long before another set of tracks crossed his path. It was obvious to the type of owner, and Fizniraeth stood as tall as he could to see if the canine was near. A rustle of noise made him look off to his left, and there he could see a dark figure. Well, the rabbit was no doubt hunkering in his burrow at this point, so might as well check on this new encounter. It was best to check out everyone that came close to his temporary camp site.

As he neared, he spied what had caused the commotion - the other male shook away a stray wine that had gotten stuck about a pair of horns upon his head. The stout male couldn’t hold a chuckle in, stopping a good ways from the stranger to call out. ”B’ware, they bite at night!” The russet man offered a toothy grin at his helpful advice, the deep rumble of mirth still bubbling from his throat.



1 Year
Extra large
03-16-2021, 06:46 PM

He had just freed himself when a voice caught his attention. He swung his massive head to look at the wolf that dared disturb his peace with a look that said "you've gotta be fucking kidding me". This guy was about the shortest wolf he'd ever seen and he'd seen quite a few wolves since joining his new family. His comment about the trees biting almost went unnoticed as he scrutinized the male who he supposed wanted to socialize. He was a strange brown color with fairly intriguing markings. Had Rhae given a damn about being friendly he might have commented on it, but not this wolf. Nope. In fact he would have been content just ignoring the half pint and walking away completely.

Except his agitation at his attempt of a "joke" definitely deserved comment. Absolutely.

"I bite back." He quipped back. Whether it be trees or another wolf, he had no qualms about what received the wrath of his fangs. "Hard." He added as an after thought.

He unashamedly looked the male up and down again trying to take note about any redeemable quality about this man that would be worth his time. He was here to find Odyssia, but growing their army was a thought as well. Maybe not with this guy, but perhaps he could glean some information out of him while the other had him here. "You're short as fuck." He found the words slipping out with some disdain. "Was it your mother or your father that decided to fuck a rabbit?"

ooc: I.... Idk what happened here, he's not friendly in the slightest. I'm sorry xD

Walk, "Talk" Think

Rhaegath is not friendly! Most (if not all) of his posts will be rated M for the ridiculously foul mouth he has. Thread with him at your own risk (cause half the time even I don't know what he's gonna do.)