
Redwood Retreat Family

adopt a cutie!



2 Years
03-21-2021, 11:00 AM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2021, 11:01 AM by Hudson. Edited 1 time in total.)
Redwood Retreat

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Redwood Retreat
Lead Family: Redthorns
High-ranking families: Redthorn, Reed, Mazun, Montane
Mid-ranking families: Fisher, Sandoval
Low-ranking families: Vela, Rendón

Pack Leaders: Mateo Redthorn & Laramie Redthorn-Reed

A huge pack that migrates from southern California to Mexico, with small sub-families running families along the way. All members should be bilingual English/Spanish, some families may know other languages.

Typical personality traits: Overall happy, cheerful, joyful and kind. Most of these wolves live a very cushy, very easy lives. A lot suffer from harmful naivety and a lack of common sense. Sometimes they can be downright stupid.
Sappy, romantic, loving. Most are big flirts. There are no breeding restrictions in RR and there tends to be a LOT of relationships and a LOT of pups. Flirty, confident.
Cowards. A lot of these wolves are just awful in a fight. Fighting isn't usually a priority. Most high-ranking and mid-ranking families invest in combat training.

Typical coloration: Most wolves in this group have bright orange, amber, yellow or red eyes. Other eye colors are very rare.
Their fur is usually a mixture of orange, brown, red, and cream. Some have areas of almost black. Typically they have long and very plush fur as well.

Current Pack Ranking:
Leaders: Mateo Redthorn & Laramie Redthorn-Reed
Leaders' Kids: Irving, Delta, Catalina, Selma
Second-In-Command: Casimir Reed
Lead Hunter: Zinnia Sandoval
Lead Combat: Isandro Mazun

Plot Ideas:
Lots of arranged marriages in RR! Also, smaller packs are taken over by forcing an arranged marriage.
Irving originally left the pack because a pack member was killed by a mysterious source and the leaders did not want to do anything about it. They tend to ignore most big issues.
'Bad Egg' - maybe a RR wolf that just isn't quite like the norm? Possibly fathered by an outside wolf.
Fires, earthquakes etc disrupting your character from the pack
Lost loves/etc - perhaps a girl that Hudson once loved joins Ardent? Ooooh~

Characters for Adoption:

Designs For Use:
[Image: OPfEgAF.png]
[Image: 2pGRR6r.png]
[Image: 2vJqV1r.png]

2 Years Old
Parents: Delta Redthorn & ???
Siblings:  Hudson, Sydney, Dorothea, Flynn

2 Years Old
Parents: Delta Redthorn & ???
Siblings: Hudson, Colt, Dorothea, Flynn

2 Years Old
Parents: Delta Redthorn & ???
Siblings: Hudson, Colt, Sydney, Flynn

2 Years Old
Parents: Delta Redthorn & ???
Siblings: Hudson, Colt, Dorothea, Sydney

?? Years Old:
Parents: Pick a family!
Siblings: ???
Feel free to pick a family listed or come up with your own!

If you're interested, post or send me a message on discord. Happy to answer any questions!!