
Ulric daughter readoption



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
03-31-2021, 01:42 AM (This post was last modified: 03-31-2021, 01:49 AM by Ulric. Edited 6 times in total.)

One of Ulric’s daughters is back up for adoption! She will be one year old this summer and lives in the The Hallows with Ulric and three of her siblings - Ezra, Jane, and Emile. This girl was barely played since she was born so she’s pretty much a blank slate.

Her mother, Azariah, and sister, Everlyse, have been missing for a while now, but Ulric has been very present in the kids’ lives. He has had a brief relationship with Aranea over the past season, but so far Ezra has been the only one to really notice or lash out against it. There are many things still in the works there, but just to give some context of what has been going on with the family. Any of that can play into her personality as little or as much as you want.

Character Specifics
The only things that need to stay the same are the design and gender. Name, personality, and skills are up to you! The most common name themes in Ulric’s family have been English, German, or generally European with three part names being pretty common. Last name will of course be Adravendi. (For any of you old school players that might care, Ulric and fam come from the Pip x Maverick side of the wild Adravendi tree.) Personality wise, something on the good to neutral spectrum would be most believable. I’m all for some character development and changes even if it sends them down a darker path, but make it make sense! So far it's been assumed that she's still been around the pack so you don't necessarily need to have a backstory for her absence, but if you have any ideas for what she could have been up to during that time then that'd be welcome.

Activity & Requests
I don’t have many requests for her - just keep her semi active. Even just 5ish posts a month would be fantastic. Of course small gaps or temporary absences are understandable. I would love for her to stick close to Ulric and her siblings, but if plots eventually take her elsewhere I totally understand and encourage that development.

Because I want the design to stay the same in order to keep using this Sigath art I had made, I will pay for the albinism pass required for it. I’m also willing to pay for half of any extra height you’d like to get for her, but height certainly isn’t needed - just whatever your personal preference is.

I will take the character, along with the design, back if they are set inactive or if a long period of time goes by without regular posting. If something happens and you need to take a break for any reason just let me know and we can figure out a reason for her to be absent, but I'm not as lenient with sudden disappearances or not posting with her at all when I see you posting with other characters frequently.

Thanks for reading! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or fill out this form to apply for her!
<b>Personality:</b> Just the usual site minimum 150 words is fine



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6 Years
Dire wolf

04-03-2021, 06:46 PM (This post was last modified: 04-04-2021, 10:16 AM by Indigo. Edited 6 times in total.)
Name: Lillith Liberalia Adravendi
Height: 40?
Build: medium
Alignment: neutral good
Skills: healing | fight
Personality: soft spoken and shy, strong and steadfast, protective and scared to lose the ones she loves
Once a bright and confident child after losing her mother unexpectedly she will forever struggle with self esteem issues. Wondering if she's good enough or even adequate in life. No matter the accomplishments or praise the feeling will always remain at the back of her mind that she just wasn't good enough for her dam and that's why she is gone. This wall also lead to Lillith needing reassurance from female sources, not having a mom she'll grow up quickly because she has to. That missing piece will eventually make her stronger on the outside. Able to hide the insecurities within and the struggles she keeps to herself. Lillith will be private in her terrors, only revealing weaknesses to those who earn her highest trust. She projects a strong image and fights hard when the situation arises, but inside she will always be fearful. Afraid to lose the family she has left or worse make them leave because she wasn't good enough.

Plans: I think after Azariah and Everlyse disappeared Lillith got sick so she was much more quiet. This didn't help her belief that her own short comings caused Aza to take the better daughter and leave them. She's finally recovering and is in constant fear that Ulric and her remaining siblings will leave as well. Eespecially when she learns about the relationship between Ulric and Aranea Lillith will put her all into training and learning so she can prove herself to her father and the pack. I kind of want her to work herself sick and just have a constant roller coaster until she figures things out with her dad.

Since Indy will be making his own Band I kind of want her to be my Hallows replacement for him.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
04-04-2021, 09:44 PM
I actually love this vibe for Ulric's girl so I'm going to go ahead and award Lillith to Kat! Congrats!! <3