
I'm All Grown Up Now

Solo Seasonal Prompt



4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
04-01-2021, 07:30 PM

Relm had been spending a lot of time prepping for her leave of Kefka. She still needed a lot of training. Not only because she would have to be fending for herself now, but in the event Kefka ever found her and wanted to fight her for her freedom. She knew he wouldn't be pleased the night she left him, and he'd probably go rampaging through the lands looking for her. She needed to make sure she could hunt well for herself, and she was starting to consider going into a pack for sanctuary against him instead.

She had been extremely obedient her whole short life to her father, and she felt that he returned almost no kindness back to her. She ignored the fact that Kefka had actually cared deeply for her, loved her as his daughter, and would have done almost anything for her. He refused to touch her, she was unaware the her mother was actually his mother and he was scared to be in any physical contact with Relm for the fear of doing what he did to Agria to her. He hated Agria, but he loved his daughter. Still he was worried about the evil part of him taking over, and hurting his Relm.

Relm was out scavenging for resources, testing her abilities as she ventured through the giant oak trees, not thinking much of the beauty or superb environment around her. She leaped up on the roots of the oak trees, being careful and testing the waters of her footing on the icy surfaces. She thought pretty highly of herself so while she was busying herself with keeping her grip across the ice, it boosted her ego with just how much cooler she could really be.

She found her paws into a giant hollow trunk of the ancient trees, not knowing she had ventured inside or even noticing what she walked in to. She did however notice the odd new smell of a wolf ahead of her. Holes in the hollow trunk shinned through giving her some light inside from the cloudy day, and she was wary as she approached the stranger.

The wolf had some kind of stand set up inside the tree trunk, there was plenty of room for his curios and set up as well as Relm's path to go around him. It was an odd place to set up a shop, but maybe the man wanted to be hidden. Maybe he believed his items were so good or rare that anyone who found his shop here in the hollow tree was worthy of his items. "Welcome fair traveler," he greeted, perhaps a little far-fetched of his hospitality. Maybe he was trying too hard, but it didn't really matter. "Is there anything I could interest you in trading? I'm only looking for some dinner to make it to my next destination. Prey has been hard to come by in these trying times." Relm slowed as she approached the shop, not sure if she should barter with the odd man. But some cool neat things for a meal or two? That seemed pretty doable.

"What is it you have to offer? I'm not really looking for trinkets to waste space and hold me down." It was the truth if blunt, but she didn't seem to offend the shop keeper. He wouldn't push her away because he had much better things than fancy shells or necklaces. "It seems you have a knack for battle, perhaps I could interest you in some kind of armor or weapon to add with your spiked collar." His nose pointed at her accessory, perhaps more cosmetic than it was used offensively. It protected her scruff and throat, and that was a good enough purpose. "Well then, what do you have to offer?"  The man moved over to the right side, showing her a few small things first, "Perhaps you'd like a knife and holster, I have plentiful sizes to choose from." Relm looked down at the options, but she couldn't imagine using a weapon like that. In the midst of battle, reaching and grabbing the knife just didn't seem to be in her skill set for now. She made a scowl as she considered the outcome, "I do have some armors to wear too," The shop keep stepped away seeing she wasn't interested in the knives, his paw presented the few armors on the higher shelving behind him. "Perhaps a chain mail," He lingered, seeing Relm as she tilted her head in thought, "Or I have this piece here made of large oxen horn, you wear this piece on your back so the horns can come forward at your opponent." That seemed pretty different. Relm definitely didn't want something that everyone had, she wanted to stand out from others and maybe even scare them off with the odd things she was wearing. "What do you want for that then? I can make a deal for that." The man nodded, stepping in front of the armor pieces just so Relm couldn't jump him to take it without payment. "An ox for an ox, sound fair?" Relm nodded, that was definitely reasonable. She would make haste, not wanting it to get too late for both the keeper and herself. Finding an oxen wouldn't be that easy in this weather, but damn it she would do it.

-Time Skip-

She returned with her traded meat, the oxen set up on a makeshift sled made of bark and vine. She pulled through the tree trunk which was harder once she ran out of snow and ice to glide the sleigh over. She removed herself from the sled, looking at the keeper to pay up. He bowed his head as the deal had been put through and helped Relm set up her new armor before sending her off. "Thanks man, this is pretty cool." She rustled in the armor to get comfortable, she still had to grow into it but she would manage for now. She would at least take it back home as a keepsake until she could fit in to it properly. And then she would sport it in all her future fights.

Walk "Talk" Think