
Louder than thunder quieter than snow[open]

Big cat tribe adopt



2 Years
Dire wolf
04-01-2021, 11:47 PM

The Frost Tribe

This tribe is a mountain dwelling tribe of felids and candids. Their customs and religion are based in balance and equality. They are Not a conquering people as much as they are a peaceful one. So they're coming to Ardent to settle and to enjoy their lives to the fullest. They don't aim to start wars or to take sides as much as they do to bring balance and teach others. They have left their homelands after other tribes became over run and decimated by groups of conquerors and slavers. They took in survivors from other tribes and decided to move on before their sanctuary was over run like their sister tribes had been. They took their herds and families and trekked long and far to get here.

Customs: They celebrate the spirits daily but each year they hold two festivals. All tribes come together on the first day of winter to celebrate a year of prosperity, there is singing, dancing, story telling and many other activities. Young and old alike come to this festival, where a bonfire is lit and the tribes all come together to enjoy the night, with the sky spirit dancing overhead there is merriment all around.

The second festival is one for yearlings and older. it is the festival of love and is held every spring. There is tournaments where young men often compete together for the affection of maidens. All tribes attend this, usually there is pairing off at the end of it to watch the sunset and watch the lighting of the bonfire. Pups and mothers are usually not permitted to attend as well as a few warriors left home to guard them. It is not uncommon to have commitments made here, and highly encouraged for young maidens to chose their betrothed here. Its also not uncommon to have pregnancies after this festival, even if the female has no committed man.

Commitments are the promise of becoming mates with one another in the tribes. it is not uncommon or looked down on for a feline and canine to commit to each other, nor for a same sex couple to commit to one another. It is encouraged to not make this promise unless you are sure as a commitment is for life in the tribe, they do not think highly of adulatory or divorces. They discourage young women from being hasty with their choice of suitor and prefer if she is unsure that she not take this promise.

Rape and murder for no reason, is not tolerated. Most in the tribe have a strong respect of one another and loyalty to each other so they don't often fight among themselves, but when they do if the fight escalates to death most do not see this as acceptable, as most things can be talked over and a delegate can help to smooth things over. The punishment for this if a creature resorts to this is normally death, if you ae lucky though you become exiled instead.

Men: They are the tribes defenders and hunters. Men are often given less education than women as they are not normally seen as healers or "motherly" and as such their educations consist mostly of hunting and fighting. All are taught to navigate the land. Some men are taught to farm and a few become healers with gardens of herbs. Men are in charge of constructing huts and any form of heavier job. One man is chief and all answer to him.

Women: Women in the tribe are just as important as men, they often hold important roles such as council positions and are sometimes thought of as smarter than the men. They are usually the head of the household and are in charge of most family matters. Though most respect their male partner and stand as equal in the household. They are the tribes healers, mothers and in some cases are given warrior status. They are not treated horribly, and hunting is just as much their job as it is the men's.

Religion: They believe in spirits, not gods. All spirits are connected to nature is what they are taught, and nature is the most powerful force. Upon death it is believed the spirit joins with the sky spirit, which can be seen in the night sky in the north. Every spirit to them has a name and a purpose in the world, and balance is very important to them. There can be no good without evil and no evil without good, there is no light without darkness, and many other concepts. They often thank their prey for the life they give to feed the tribe, they are also notorious for their belief that if you take from nature but don't give back that you will be punished by nature and not allowed to prosper in this life until the debt to nature is repaid.

Naming theme: Their names vary greatly and as such there is no real theme as much as there is the premise that females name their cubs/pups for things that lend strength to the bearer of the name. Names hold meaning to them as they believe a name can will them through life and a strong name will make a child a strong adult.

Species: The species of the tribe varies greatly. There are wolves as well as cats, most are thick coated as they hail from a land with mountains and immense snowfall, they are used to cold and have only one season of heat(summer) the rest are chilly or freezing.

Adoption Rules:
  • Please don't apply if you don't feel you can post at least once a week with the character you apply with. I wanna see these guys all get active and be played a lot.
  • Should you set the character inactive or disappear without notice, I will reclaim the character. If you applied with your own design it is yours but if the design you applied with was mine it will stay with the character.
  • Don't make a character who outright hates the tribe, i understand development but there shouldn't be anyone who outright hates the tribe. These guys are loyal to each other so there should be some extent of respect/loyalty to the others of this tribe.
  • Your character does not have to be religious, but don't make one that outright curses their religion or the like without a proper in character development reason.
  • Have Fun! That's what we are all here for so lets do that.

The sister:

- Velimal
Female | sister of mine and Shrapnel's | 1 year(fall of year 15) | Snow Leopard
She is on the smaller side, considered runty to most outside the tribe. We are looking for a softer personality but still a lawful. She is highly protected by her brothers and if anything they might even be over bearing to an extent. She has a face marking and her brothers do as well, so no its not war paint. Design is to stay with her even if you leave the sight and is not to be used elsewhere. It belongs to Asena. If you cannot afford her passes please speak with me as I have an unused Open character pass I'm willing to have used on her, you will have to unfortunately have to buy her species pass.

Others: These are open for you to adopt and to design as you will, i cannot sadly help you all pay for your character but I'm excited to see what you all come up with. These characters can be of any alignment and age, and of held any position in the tribe. There is wolves and cats that intermingle here though so they have an understanding of one another's species and it is not unusual for interspecies relations to have developed before hand. They all know how to best fight along side each other and hunt together. Characters of the tribe are from all alignments, backgrounds, and appearances as well.  

The form:
[b]OOC Name:[/b]
[b]Character Name:[/b]