
I got this feeling that I can't go back




5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
04-03-2021, 12:45 PM
As the harsh, wintery weather stretched on endlessly, she could feel herself getting more and more restless. She understood that she had no real limitations on leaving the pack's dedicated territory if she so wished and she was certain hat Iroh would accompany her if she requested to go somewhere, but this weather didn't exactly make for pleasant exploring weather. All she wanted to do was stay in their cavern away from the snow, but then she became her own contradiction against her own happiness. Elise occasionally ventured out and wandered around the ravine a bit, but ultimately ended up back in their den again.

She sighed as she reclined next to the fire as she came back inside from a short stent outside, holding her paws close to the heat to warm them up. She knew that if she was still a loner during all of this she would have been even more miserable since she wouldn't have a nice place like this to stay, but that didn't stop the little contrary whispers in the back of her mind from souring her mood. Even though it didn't make any sense, she couldn't help herself from wondering if she was still out there without the pack to keep her tied to one spot if she wouldn't feel less inclined to brave the cold. She felt like she had almost gotten too used to this warm, safe den that she could easily retreat to whenever she wanted and now she had an excuse to stay here more. Elise pouted and rested her head on the fur that was stretched out under her, pulling her paws back away from the fire as she curled and snuggled into herself.

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4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
04-04-2021, 06:56 AM
Iroh felt the cold to his bones, every day no matter the day. The sun seemed to disappear and the world was forever white and dreary. The young man almost preferred it like this, his hot tea tasted better and there was always an excuse to cuddle up with Elise. He didn’t forget his duties though, especially after the poor results in the raid with Valhalla. He had hoped the pack would prove much more formidable than he had seen and the result was much like the fight with the Armada. They were crushed, and Iroh hated the feeling. He wasn’t sure what he could do to change such an outcome besides training and continue seeing to his duties. What he really needed was to step up and to help the youth of the pack in their skills. His cousins children had so much potential, and if he couldn’t prove himself with them how could he hope to prosper with his own children?

Elise was his mate, one day they’d raise a family together. At least he hoped. There was nothing stopping them from getting pregnant, but it hadn’t happened yet. He knew they would get their chance in due time, whenever the gods saw fit to bless them with such a gift. For now the man would enjoy his lady all to himself. Iroh had her presence to look forward to as he finished his patrol and made his way back to the ravine and the private den he shared with Elise.

She was there waiting for him when he returned too, as he let himself in blue and lavender eyes would fall on her beautiful form, curled up next to the fire. Warmth was a mental construct these days, only cold lingered forever. That was why he didn’t hesitate to approach the Adravendi woman, curling his massive body around her as he aimed to steal a warm kiss from her silky lips.
Where My Demons Hide



5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
04-04-2021, 03:42 PM
Elise lifted her head when she heard Iroh enter the den, a smile pulling at her lips despite her sour mood when her sapphire gaze landed on his dark form. It was still a wonder to her how one man could make her so indescribably happy. Sometimes it made her feel ungrateful for ever feeling anything but happiness considering how much he cared for her and made sure she had everything she could ever need. How could she be unhappy when almost all of her far flung dreams had come true? She had a mate who was loving and incredibly handsome who did nothing but cater to her every desire. The only thing left to complete the picturesque life she had dreamed of as a child was a family, but surely that would come in time. The previous season hadn't been successful in that regard for them, but there was still so many years ahead of them to fill this place with pups. So if all of that was true, why was she still having such a difficult time finding her place here and figuring out where to draw joy from outside of Iroh?

She loved how he didn't waste a moment to come and curl his larger form around her own, letting her sink into the curve of his frame as she turned her muzzle toward his to catch the kiss he offered her. She nuzzled into the thick fur of his neck as she buried herself into him, letting the combined warmth of him and the fire drive away the cold that she was constantly running from. "I'd do anything for a warm day," she commented with a chuckle, her voice muffled by his fur. It was meant to be a joke, but there was very much some truth in that statement as well. She wanted very little more than to be able to go out into the world again without fear of freezing solid. She was quiet for a while, just enjoying his presence and letting herself thaw while her mind continued to work and sabotage herself with her own internal doubts and worries.

The last thing she wanted to do was stew in her own thoughts, but without an obvious answer to her problems that she couldn't really describe she didn't really know where to begin to fix any of it. Maybe she just needed something to change up her routine, something to spark some kind of interest... Before she came here she had busied herself with the affections and attentions of others and with just enjoying the world as she moved through it aimlessly, but now that she had to face her own thoughts and form herself into some sort of order and normalcy she was struggling to do that. "Iroh... Do you think you could try giving me some lessons about fighting sometime?" she questioned as she pulled her face out of his fur enough to look up at him. "I've never really tried it, but... I don't know, I think I just need a new task or hobby or something. Something I can work on, if that makes sense."

Walk | "Talk" | think



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
04-04-2021, 07:03 PM (This post was last modified: 04-04-2021, 07:03 PM by Iroh. Edited 1 time in total.)
Neither wolf had specifically mentioned not getting pregnant to this point, but neither really seemed worried either. Iroh was content enjoying his mate and the incredible life she was building with him. They would have their family in time, for now it was just him and her. He had more than he ever expected to. Iroh hadn’t grown up in a happy loving family, he had no idea who his father really was and his mother had been older and distant while he was growing up. He didn’t have great role models beyond Malleus, but even his mate was gone before Iroh could remember. In any of his future plans he’d never imagined having a woman like Elise.

He could tell she was restless, but they all were with the extended winter. If he could Iroh would have warmed the earth for her, but how power was not that incredible. She would have to do with his warmth, and she didn’t resist his grasp. Elise melted against him, and combined with the fire’s glow and warmth the chill was fought off. He wrapped his arm around her and held her close as she spoke softly, Iroh rumbled in agreement, pulling her closer as they fell into an easy silence.

Eventually Elise stirred and Iroh brought his blue and lavender gaze down to search her features as bright sapphire eyes looked up to him. ”Of course, anything.” He told her softly, preferring she come to him anyway. That way he could keep an eye on her and know it wasn’t someone else pulling punches. ”I’ll do whatever I can. I want you to feel at home.” He reminded her and kissed her nose lovingly. ”We can start with patrolling tomorrow. There’s a great little training clearing along the border.” He told her as he stole another kiss off her nose.
Where My Demons Hide



5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
04-08-2021, 12:51 AM
She certainly wouldn't have gone to anyone else with this request though she had almost expected some kind of objection or at least questions over why she was suddenly interested in learning the skill that she hadn't previously shown any interest in. Instead he readily agreed and began to set a game plan for where they could start, making her smile as he left a couple sweet kisses on her nose. It made the thoughtful crease between her brows soften from her expression as she gazed up at him lovingly. She appreciated how there was no hesitation or doubt, just a willingness to help her in whatever way she felt like she might need his help in. At this point she wasn't even sure if learning how to fight was the answer she was looking for, but it was something and it was certainly better than just laying here waiting for life to pass by.

She brought her muzzle to his to catch his lips in a proper kiss, lingering there for a few tender moments before pulling back again to give him a sweet smile. "I don't deserve you," she told him softly after she had shifted how she was laying and rolled a bit in his embrace till she was facing him a bit more, bringing her forepaws to rest against his chest. The longer she was with him and the more she saw how much he genuinely cared the more it affirmed that choosing to be here with him was the right choice. At the end of the day it wasn't him that she doubted - it was always herself. She constantly worried that she wasn't contributing enough and wasn't conforming enough. In her mind she thought that she'd be a flourishing member of the pack and would know exactly what she'd want to be doing by now and now that she felt like she fell short of those goals she didn't know what to do with herself.

Elise slowly traced over his chest, shoulders, and neck with her paws, letting her claws lightly pull through his dark fur as they made the circuit across his skin again and again. "I don't make you feel like I'm not happy to be here, do I?" she questioned softly after several moments of continuing to lay there pressed to him, one of her paws coming up to brush against his cheek and scratch around his ear. "I don't mean to if I do... I'm happy to be with you, I just... haven't quite figured out the pack part of things yet."

Walk | "Talk" | think



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
04-10-2021, 03:48 PM
Having such an amazing woman beside him was one of the few desires he had in his life. There weren’t very many role models he looked up to but his cousin Pyrrhic was one of them. He’d made his own mistakes and decisions, some Iroh hadn’t agreed with at the time. He saw the man with Riva and their puppies and there were far too few moments that truly shaped the Abraxas man. Elise built on those memories and desires, she was everything he wanted and so much more. Now that he had her here Iroh wasn’t certain he could live his life without her.

Elise wouldn’t let him get away with innocent nose kisses and her lips shifted to meet his. Iroh didn’t resist her affection, he leaned into and returned her kiss. ”I’d argue you deserve better.” He mumbled in return, wrapping his arms around her shoulders as her paws shifted to rest on his chest. Iroh pressed his muzzle to the side of hers as she traced the lines in his fur with her pretty paws, her silence was thoughtful and Iroh wouldn’t interrupt before she spoke again. He opened his blue and lavender eyes again to find her own pretty gaze.

”What? No, never.” He assured her and she bared her inner thoughts to him. She hadn’t found her place yet, and that worried her. Iroh pulled back slightly to kiss her again, holding her tightly, offering his reassurance. ”Everything will come with time.” He smiled softly. ”You’re home,” He gestured with his nose to the den as a greater whole. This was her home. ”Sometimes it takes a while…” He trailed off, not forgetting his own struggle with where he wished to be. ”When Eligos took over as alpha I felt like all of my dreams had been pulled out from underneath me. Sometimes I still don’t feel like I’ve fully found my place here.” He confessed a bit softer as he sought her bright eyes again.
Where My Demons Hide



5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
04-11-2021, 11:58 AM
Elise scoffed softly when he told her that she deserved better and gave a little shake of her head before his muzzle pressed to the side of hers, making her lean into his touch. He was by far more than she could have ever imagined to have and considered herself lucky every day that he was hers. She nestled into his strong embrace as his forelegs wrapped around her shoulders, holding her against his now very familiar form. She felt like she knew every inch of him by now and that was something she enjoyed very much. At one point she thought that constantly finding love in someone new was what made her happy, but the longer she was with him and the more familiar she became with him she realized that this was what she had truly needed. That part of her life had just been for entertainment and to distract herself from all the things she didn't want to address about herself. Now she had no choice but to work through her own self doubts and worries, but his patience and love made it so that she didn't have to do it alone.

He assured her that she hadn't made him feel as if she wasn't happy with him and reminded her that this was home. It made her feel feel better to hear that she wasn't alone when it came to taking a while to settle in, though what he said about his dreams and not finding his place made her curious and concerned for him in return. She smiled softly and caught his lips in another gentle kiss, slipping her paws up around the back of his neck. "You're my home," she insisted as her gaze met his again. "Where we live doesn't really matter... This den is very nice and I'm happy to have it, but you're all I really need." She didn't know how to make herself fit into the structure of a pack, but it was impossible to deny how much more at ease and happy she felt when he was with her.

Her claws lightly moved through the fur on his scruff, working up and down the back of his neck while her gaze took on a more questioning look. "What dreams got pulled away from you with Eligos took over? Did you want to lead?" She knew him physically like the back of her paw, but there was still things about his past and his inner thoughts that she was still learning. She enjoyed slowly peeling back the layers of his personality and getting to know him inside and out. It was something she had never been afforded the chance to do with anyone else.

Walk | "Talk" | think



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
04-21-2021, 09:32 AM
It felt good to know that she disagreed with him, but Iroh wouldn’t argue anymore. He was grateful every day that he was allowed to wake up every morning beside this beautiful woman. She had been nothing but perfect beside him from the moment they met and he was so glad the events of their lives led them here to be together. He held her tighter and she returned the affection, shifting slightly so she fit perfectly into his embrace. Just like she fit as the missing piece in his life. Elise had to battle a lot of change and face some hard truths but here she was. Iroh held her in his arms and called her his own just as he had given himself to her.

Elise wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing them even closer before she spoke to him softly. Her words were a reassurance, even if she didn’t know her place in Aerie she found her home next to him. No matter where they were or what the conditions might be. They were always home when they were together. Her words resonated deep within him as he was forced to think about them. For so long he thought that his family was all that he would ever need in this life. They were the superior beings in these lands, he’d find a suitable partner to bring children into the world with and then his focus would be on raising them. He’d never put much emphasis on the mother of his children.

That line of thought was completely changed as he got to know Elise and welcomed her into his life and heart. He knew that deep down she was the most important aspect of his life, and that was a fact he knew to keep quiet in the greater scheme of his life. He’d show it unabashedly to the woman he loved, but his devotion to her easily trumped that he held to his first morals. He grinned as they spoke, maybe not for the subject but only because of their closeness. She was curious about their somewhat shared experience and Iroh wouldn’t hide his thoughts from her.

”No, I’ve never wanted to lead the pack.” He assured her softly, it was the truth for the most part. The man would go on to explain further. ”I’d been training alongside Pyrrhic since I can remember. I was going to become his General.” He told her, reminiscing hard about his younger days. ”My cousin was closer to me than my own brother. I looked up to him, I was eager to see what our future might be like.” He painted the picture for her, but went on to more present affairs. ”When Malleus died in the eruption leadership fell on Pyrhhic’s shoulders and he crumpled under the weight. I couldn’t support him, and he stepped down. Eligos took his place. I felt like my whole future was ripped from my paws. I was disappointed in Pyrrhic and never developed a real relationship with Eligos. Not anything like what I had with Pyrrhic.” He was getting long winded, but he wanted Elise to know. ”There was no general position for me to fill anymore, no rapport built with my alpha. I guess I feel cheated. I worked so hard my whole life and then everything changed right under my paws.” Iroh finally admitted to Elise and himself.
Where My Demons Hide



5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
04-22-2021, 09:16 AM
Perhaps he felt like he had begun to get long winded with his explanation, but she could have listened to him for hours. As she began to paint the picture for her, she slowly began to understand how he felt toward Eligos, toward Pyrrhic, and about the situation that had really just happened around him and had impacted him so greatly. She understood how it felt to have things happen to her without her really being able to change the course of those actions so for that she was sympathetic. Since she was a loner since birth, it was harder for her to relate to not being able to attain a rank that he had been working toward, though she couldn't help but think about her father when he would tell stories of defending the pack he led, of how he had felt when her grandmother handed him the position, the pressure that went along with it, and the obvious pride he always showed when he told those stories. If that kind of pride and success was something Iroh wanted... she was upset that he didn't get the chance to enjoy that despite the work he had done for it.

She frowned as he explained where he currently stood among it all, her paws still messing with the fur along his scruff absentmindedly while he spoke. She didn't respond right away while she turned over the story again and again in her mind, but there was just some things she couldn't quite understand. Perhaps it was just because she had the perspective of someone who had mostly enjoyed the freedom of living on her own from such a young age, but the "why" was what she couldn't puzzle out. "So... Why did you stay? Why do you continue to stay?" she questioned softly, her brows pulling together with thought as her sapphire gaze refocused on his. "If they've slighted you so much and don't appreciate the work you've put into this, if you don't feel connected to the wolf that leads you... why do you put up with it all?"

Walk | "Talk" | think



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
04-23-2021, 08:04 AM
She held onto him gently, continuing to brush her claws through the thick dark fur at his neck. Almost to the point of being distracting, not that he would dream of telling her to stop. The closeness helped him to be more forthcoming, to a point where he hadn’t even admitted the facts to himself. She was sweet to him as he spoke, but he didn’t miss the look of concern that flittered over her pretty features as she thought about all that he told her. Admittance was easier when he had her curled beside him, as close as they could really get.

He wasn’t looking for any advice or comment, he just wanted to show her more fully his life before she’d found him. Elise was silent and contemplative for a long moment as she thought about his words and what she was going to say. Their eyes met and he wasn’t expecting to see confusion in her bright eyes as she asked her follow up question of why. Why had he stayed after so much had happened. After his hopes and dreams had been crushed with the death of his uncle.

Iroh hummed softly as he dropped his gaze, those questions had similarly run through his mind before. ”I couldn’t. They’re my family.” He told her simply, bringing his gaze back up to her. ”I couldn’t leave when they were at their lowest. We’ve received blow after blow, after Malleus my cousin Aureus was killed in a freak rock slide. They needed me. Even if they don’t show it… I couldn’t abandon them after that.” Maybe he was making excuses, but in his heart he knew he couldn’t just walk away after everything.
Where My Demons Hide



5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
04-23-2021, 06:01 PM
Elise listened quietly as he explained his reasons for staying despite everything that had happened and how he felt about it. Deep down, she fully understood. Family had always been the priority in everything her parents taught her and it had been one of the things that had attracted her to Iroh in the first place. In that regard they were very similar. Even though all of her siblings had scattered to the wind long ago and her parents had passed away so she didn't currently have any ties of her own to speak of, but she knew that if any of her siblings ever showed up she would do anything to help support them in anyway they needed. But... at the same time, she also had limits. If she did that again and again only to not have her efforts appreciated or get any kind of thanks in return, she probably would reach the end of her rope - family or not.

She smiled softly and brought her muzzle to his to give him a gentle kiss. "I understand... But... whatever you decide to do, whether its now, in the future, or otherwise, I'll support whatever you decide to do. My family might be gone now, but... You're my family now. I just want you to be happy." Whether his happiness kept them here or took them somewhere else, she didn't care either way. She would eventually figure out a way to be content with whatever life he chose for them. She had never thought that she would dedicate her life to one wolf like she had done for Iroh, but she had to regrets over the decision. he made her feel loved and cared for - what else could she ask for?

Elise brought her lips to his again, but didn't slip away right away this time, instead lingering in the affection and letting her eyes close as she pressed deeper into their kiss with a contented murr. It didn't seem to matter how many kisses they shared, they still made her heart flutter in her chest every time. She couldn't get over how obsessed she was with this man and still couldn't quite believe that he was hers. After several long moments of letting that single kiss develop into several more and eventually into making out with her mate, her forelegs slipped away from his neck so that her paws could follow the line of his shoulders and chest, savoring all of him as she was thinking to herself how grateful she was to have been chosen to be his. She blinked her eyes open once more as their lips parted again, finding his gaze with a grin that pulled at her lips. "I love you," she breathed quietly, throughly enjoying this quiet time together as they hid away from the cold and the world outside.

Walk | "Talk" | think



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
04-24-2021, 02:43 PM
Maybe he wasn’t very close to his brother these days, but Iroh would have done anything for Zagan. Any of his cousins as well, just a word and he would be there for any of them. Iroh couldn’t imagine leaving them before, but now he wouldn’t completely dismiss the thought. He wouldn’t delve too deep into it either. Elise brushed her lips to his once again, and spoke softly while assuring him that no matter where they were she would be there beside him. He was her family, and he knew by this point that she had become his as well. Iroh closed his eyes and smiled into her affection as he held her close and echoed her sentiments.

”You make me happy.” He promised her softly, ”I’m glad to call you my family.” There wasn’t much time for words as each of them sought to reunite their lips. He wasn’t sure he enjoyed much else in life more than Elise and her sweet kisses. Iroh dove deep into her affections, each time they shared a kiss he felt an excited flutter in his chest and his belly. Every time felt like the first and yet he knew her so well.

Iroh was comfortable with the direction the evening was going, there was little need for words when it was so much easier to show his emotions through the passionate affections they easily fell into. He’d let her take him away for as long as she wanted, Iroh would get lost in her forever if she’d care to let him. She pulled away slightly and he let his blue an lavender gaze blink open as she whispered softly. The corners of his lips pulled back into a grin as he struggled to put into words how much he loved her in return. ”I love you too, more than you could know.” Iroh returned as he pulled her closer.

The emotions were indescribable as they welled up within him, having her close by the fire was all he ever wanted. They were here together building their life together. She felt like his other half, and he wasn’t more complete than when he was with her. He shifted himself carefully, moving his massive form above Elise’s more petite frame as he pressed his belly against hers. He grinned and aimed to keep his nose pressed to her all the while. ”I could give you a glimpse though.” He chuckled lightly and tilted his head to steal away another kiss.
Where My Demons Hide



5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
04-27-2021, 06:03 PM
How she was feeling in this moment was just a testament to how much Iroh influenced her mood and made her into a better version of herself. Just moments before he walked into their den, she had been feeling so down and uncertain and now she was soaring high on his joy and love that he gifted her every time they were together. Feeling the way their fur mingled together and his warmth surrounding her and filling her soul in a way that the fire never could was all she could ever ask for. It was a simple thing, but even just hearing him express how much he loved her in return made her heart patter in her chest as if it was the first time. Even if there were parts of his life that she would ever fully understand, she did at least understand how much she loved him and that was all she really needed. As long as she had his love she could be happy for the rest of her days.

She ginned and giggled softly as he shifted to settle himself over her and her paws tangled themselves in the fur of his scruff as she held herself tight to him and gazed adoringly up at her soul mate. Nothing described him better in her mind than calling him her soul mate - her other half, the part that made her whole. His words pulled an excited grin to her lips before her muzzle was claimed by his in another kiss, pulling her attention away from anything else in this world besides the handsome male above her. Everywhere they touched felt as hot as the fire they were laying beside and nothing could quench that blazing desire besides him. Elise lost all sense of time while they devoured each other until the fire had died down to nothing but embers and they had wiped away any sort of worry or care from each other's minds.


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