
Joy in the little things



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
04-03-2021, 07:24 PM
Leaving the castle was a rare thing for her these days, but Eilwen just wouldn't let her sit around her room for yet another day. Most of the time the pale raven would relent after a few nagging remarks about staying inside all day, but not this time. Eilwen did all but drag Gwynevere out of her room to get the young healer to actually go out into the world. As they went down away from the castle toward the shore, Gwyn looked up toward the sky with her marbled lavender and sage gaze to see her companion soaring through the sky, making sweeping circles and dips on the breeze. Gwyn scoffed and chuckled softly to herself. All of this talk about her a young girl like her didn't need to be cooped up all day... The truth was just that Eilwen wanted to go flying.

Ah well, now that she was out here she might as well see if there was anything worth collecting and taking back with her. She knew that finding herbs was a lost cause at this point, but the shore might have some shells she could decorate her room with or maybe some driftwood she could take back to add to the fire. There was always something worth finding out there - at least that's what she tried to tell herself to keep her interested in their trip rather than just being grumpy about being out in the cold. She padded along the snow dusted beach, watching the waves curiously as they crashed into the shore only to form into crystals of ice and add to the icy crust where the water met up with the sand.

"Gwynevere" | "Eilwen"



2 Years
04-11-2021, 03:29 PM

The girl has found herself wandering all of Auster to keep herself busy. Without the company of her father or a sibling, the woman found that she wasn't used to the silence that solitude brought. She'd long since given up on fully restocking her herb storages and would just snag what where and when she was able. She'd already realized that mother nature was going to continue doing what she wanted and there was nothing Antheia could do about it. Seeing as that was the case, she needed something else to occupy her time.

She found herself at a beach, but seeing as it was day time she would not come to know the joys that the ocean would bring at night. She was easily mesmerized by the frigid ocean as it crashed against the shore of the beach. The foam formed crystals as it froze in the open air and she watched it with her dual-toned gaze for a good minute. Seeing as she couldn't collect herbs, she instead began to sniff around for sea life and seashells that might have washed ashore. Occasionally she'd come across a poor creature washed ashore and she'd shove it back, but most of the life her seemed smart enough to avoid the shallow waters near the shore and opting for the darker and slightly warmer tempers of deeper water.

She wasn't paying much attention, but a dark figure finally caught it as she meandered further down the beach. A young wolf, under a year, seemed to have a similar idea of how to spend her time. Not one to pass up on company at all, her fluffy tail waved back and forth eagerly as she trotted to the younger woman. "Hey there, I'm Antheia! What brings you out in this cold weather?" The wolfdog questioned the pup eagerly.

"speak."| "You"


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
04-13-2021, 12:51 AM
A short call from Eilwen who was still circling over head alerted her to the stranger’s presence and she brought her marbled gaze up to look at the smaller wolf as she trotted over to greet her. The enthusiastic energy that the woman carried made Gwyn smile and her tail wag gently in response. Even though Gwyn was still under a year old, she was getting pretty close to that one year mark so she had already grown into much of her height - though she was still quite lanky and slender. She easily beat out the smaller woman in height even though she was still considered a pup.

The pretty, silky fur that swished and swayed as the stranger moved seemed usual but beautiful and her cheerful demeanor reminded her a bit of Outlaw, though he was on a whole different level when it came to energy and enthusiasm. ”Hello! I’m Gwyn, a pleasure to meet you,” she replied with a polite dip of her head. ”I was thinking I might do a bit of scavenging… Would you like to join me? I was thinking of finding some shells or driftwood… Though I could make use of some seaweed if any has happened to wash up on the shore.”

"Gwynevere" | "Eilwen"



2 Years
04-18-2021, 01:00 PM

It was a strange feeling to have a pup be taller than you, but Antheia didn't think too much of it as she drew near. At this rate, everyone was taller than her. It was something she'd almost gotten used to. It was the really giant wolves that she took notice of. One day, maybe one day, someone would let her ride on their back like a horse. She almost giggled at the thought. She just had a lack of candidates for the job at the moment. She had plenty of time to cross it off of her bucket list though.

"I would love to join you! I was looking for seashells myself, but why do you want to find driftwood?" The tiny wolf dog asked. She'd personally wanted the seashells because they were pretty little trinkets, but driftwood held no real value in her eyes as far as being useful or even pretty as a decoration. She supposed she could use it for crafting, but she wasn't particularly fond of the texture either. She preferred sturdier pieces of wood that held up better and weren't water logged. Now that she thought about it, she supposed she could make a decent fire with it when they were done if it wasn't too wet.

ooc: crap tag, wasn't feeling her today D;

"speak."| "You"


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
04-21-2021, 08:55 AM
Gwyn grinned happily when Antheia agreed to join in on the hunt for things that might be hidden around the beach. She didn't often go out of her way to make friends or interact with strangers, but since Antheia had already introduced herself and seemed eager to help with the search she figured there was no harm in having an extra set of eyes to help look for things. The smaller woman seemed really friendly too so that helped. When Antheia asked about why she would want to collect driftwood, Gwynevere smiled again and explained, "Oh! Well, when you burn it the fire turns all blue and purple! It's really pretty so whenever I find a piece I take it home with me. We have fires going all the time around the castle." She took a second to point up toward the large structure in the distance at the top of the slope to indicate the castle she was speaking of - as if there was another castle anywhere.

She began to lead the way around the beach then, keeping her marbled lavender and mint eyes peeled for any sign of little collectibles she could take home. She was kind of hoping she'd find some big shells she might be able to repurpose into dishes to place smaller herbs into, but even just some little ones to decorate some of her empty shells with would be fun to have as well. It was a little harder to find anything with the dusting of snow on everything, but eventually she spotted the curve of something sticking out of the sand and she grinned as she trotted over to it. Brushing away the snow she lifted the conch shell free of the sand, her tail wagging gently. "Come look at this one!" she called to her acquaintance, pointing out the pearlescent shell she had come across.

"Gwynevere" | "Eilwen"



2 Years
04-24-2021, 07:26 PM

It didn't really occur to her to burn driftwood before now. Oftentimes she helped herself wo whatever the forest had to offer and hadn't found herself near too many beaches. After hearing the girls explanation she couldn't help but want to try it for herself. Of course she would try it later, but now she had more of a reason to help search for the driftwood! The castle comment was what stopped her in her tracks. She rose her head to look at the structure off in the distance before she looked back to her new friend. "Oh wow, you live there?! My father used to tell more stories about living in the castle when the pack Talis was there." She stared at it wistfully for a moment before turning her attention back towards their search.

Gwyn wandered down the beach and Antheia trailed slowly behind her with her nose to the ground. She dared to move closer the the icy water and, despite the fact her feet were getting wet, she managed to dig out a clump of seaweed. It wasn't much, about a mouthful, but hopefully it would be enough to suit Gwyn's purposes. She trotted after the darker female as she called to her. She glanced at the conch shell with enthusiasm before she tried mumbling with the seaweed in her mouth.

"I found you some seaweed." She wasn't sure how much was audible with her mouth full, but at the moment she was more excited about her find.

"speak."| "You"


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
04-26-2021, 11:28 PM
Gwynevere smiled and nodded to her new friend's enthusiasm when she questioned her statement about living in the castle and giving her a curious look when she mentioned stories about a different pack that had lived there once upon a time that her father had told. She certainly loved a good story, but with a beach to search she was too focused on the task at had to get more details right now. She did tuck that information away for later though so that perhaps she could find out more when they were satisfied that the beach had given up everything they were looking for. "You can come to the castle later if you want! We'd just have to get permission, but I don't think they'd mind you visiting. Or if you're looking for a pack to join maybe you can join ours." Was that how recruiting worked? She wasn't sure, socializing had never been her strong suit.

Either way, they got to searching the beach and with a pretty conch shell found, she went to look for Antheia and found the smaller woman trotting toward her with a mouth full of seaweed. Gwyn grinned widely at the find, her tail wagging gently behind her. It was a bit difficult to make out what she was saying since it came out more like "Ef ound oo soe sewee" but, the managed to piece things together. "Oh thank you!" she replied happily, flipping open the flap that closed off her bag and holding it out to Antheia so she could drop it in. "I've been doing some experiments with using them like bandages!" she explained, clearly excited about the work she had been doing. "Since herbs are so hard to find right now and I'm quickly running out of lambs ear I was hoping to find something else to help seal over wounds so maybe this will do the trick."

"Gwynevere" | "Eilwen"



2 Years
05-01-2021, 05:02 PM

The idea of joining a pack was a foreign concept to her. Aodhan had raised her outside of one her entire life until he had died. She supposed the opportunity had never risen for her to join one. Really she'd only wanted to visit the castle, but Gwyn's idea had sparked some interest. She wasn't sure if they could use another healer in their ranks, but it wouldn't hurt to try. She definitely was excited about checking the castle out with all of its rooms and decorum. Having a place to call home was also an appealing idea. It would be strange for her to settle in one place, but the more she mulled it over the more enticing it became. She didn't like being by herself most of the time and packs were known for having lots of wolves. There was the added bonus that she was already quite comfortable around Gwyn, but that didn't take long at all. She was comfortable around most wolves. It was something she was going to have to think about later when she didn't have a scavenger hunt to worry about.

She was grateful when the bad was opened and Antheia quickly dropped the seaweed in there. She wasn't overly fond of the taste of seaweed, but seeing as she didn't have paws she could grip things with it was her only option. She licked her chops until she was sure the slimy feeling was gone from her mouth. She hadn't thought to use seaweed as a bandage before, but she could see how it would be helpful. Especially with the harsh weather they were having. Her own stores had become dangerously low. Even in Auster she wasn't finding enough to scavenge and she found herself traveling farther and farther to find what she needed. She supposed it was time to get creative. Gwyn had the right idea. "Was there anything else we could look for while we're both out here? Two pairs of eyes are better than one and I'm sure you'll need things for your pack." She was perhaps far too eager to help out a pack she'd never even met, but it wasn't in her to just not care about even the smallest of things. If she was having issues finding herbs Antheia was determined to help.

"speak."| "You"