
Messing with the wrong one




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
04-03-2021, 07:53 PM
She found herself on an unusual beach that with the thanks of the unseasonal snow she didn't realize was strange until she got closer to the edge of the shore that met up with the ocean. She noticed how dark it was through the ice crusted water and after brushing away the layer of snow on the beach she found the dark, black glittering sand. It was enough to make her brows lift with interest and she gave a curious hum. There were so many things so far as she continued to explore this land that she knew would be more interesting and beautiful if it wasn't all crusted in snow and ice, but there was nothing that could be done about it. Eventually she'd have to make her way a bit further south so that she could possibly find something not frozen over, though she got the sense that this weather was entirely off kilter everywhere on this continent so she might not find any luck with that.

For now she was having a swell time with those that she had met in the north thus far and as long as interesting souls kept crossing her path she was content to continue lingering here. As she wandered through the palms that seemed quite out of place in a northern environment like this one, she heard a noise off to her left and looked toward it with a dismissive glance. Her aqua gaze landed on the form of a malnourished polar bear, looking at her as if she was the one that was prey. Clearly the harsh, extended weather hadn't been kind to this large bear, but that was none of her concern. It kept moving toward her, lumbering along in the way bears did. She scoffed and turned to face it with a questioning look. "Really? You think I'm the best one to try and make a meal out of?" She got a roar in return, blowing all sorts of awful smelling breath in her face.

She wrinkled her nose at the bear, giving herself a shake before fixing her gaze on it again with a wild grin. "Well... If you insist." Running forward, she clashed with the creature, ripping the spiked horns along the top of her head against its shoulder as she darted by and danced out of its reach.




3 Years
Dire wolf
04-04-2021, 04:20 PM

The colorful man found himself wandering further and further in search of entertainment, but yet none were to be found. He'd half expected to have run in to someone by now, but for whatever reason he'd come across very few individuals. He imagined the cold had something to do with it, but maybe he wasn't looking in the right places either. Like for instance right now. He pondered the thought of someone being on this bitterly cold cove and he began to question if his thought pattern had been in the right place. To him, it looked like a perfect snow covered tropical paradise just waiting to be explored. Maybe, to another, it just looked like yet one more extremely cold place that they wanted to avoid at all costs. Eh, too late now. Even if he didn't find someone he was going to try to enjoy himself regardless.

He'd just started to get a really good look at the black sand hiding underneath the snow when the sound of a polar bear caught his attention. His massive head cocked to the side as he tried to figure that one out. Since when did they travel so far south? Maybe they were trying to escape the bitter cold too. Deciding to check it out like an insane wolf, he padded closer to the sound and to his surprise he found a dame fighting the beast.

A beautiful purple dame.

She stood nearly as tall as he with a dark and beautiful pelt that was colorful and yet mystical in its own way. He admired her beauty and tenacity as she raked her horns against the polar bear before he came to his senses. He didn't suppose it would earn him favors if he just stood there and gawked at her while she took on a polar bear. He rolled his shoulders to loosen his muscles before charging forward in a full out run. He probably shouldn't have felt as excited as he was, but a giddy grin still found its way to his muzzle. Once he was close enough to the fight he launched himself at the beast's back and landed his front paws squarely on its shoulders. Balancing like some kind of awkward cat, he buried his teeth in the bear's neck to both cause damage and hold on for dear life as it roared angrily trying to shove him off. His hind paws tried to find whatever purchase they could as he tore into the fatty neck. Well, he supposed this was enough of a distraction at least so the gorgeous lady could land another hit in uninterrupted.

Walk, "Talk" Think



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
04-04-2021, 07:46 PM
The spiked ridges of bone ripped through the bear's flesh and sent a splatter of red out across the snow beside her and its pained, angered roar filled the air in response. She gave herself a shake, sending another scattering of blood flying off from the top of her head. A pleased grin still danced on her muzzle as she prepared herself to launch into another attack, but she was interrupted by the sound of paws charging through snow, the unexpected yet dazzling entrance of a stranger making her pause. She blinked with surprise as a handsome, multicolored male painted with hues of purple, green, and blue leaped boldly onto the bear's back, balancing there as he bit deep into the back of its neck.

Another grin split her lips and a peel of laughter left her at the sight, her vibrant eyes sparkling with amusement and perhaps something else. She'd met three wolves so far since coming to this unknown land and all of them had been quite striking in appearance and so far both males she had come across had gone head first into a fight seemingly without hesitation. If this was what all the wolves in this land were like then she was certain she had finally found somewhere she belonged. If nothing else she was certainly not finding a shortage of entertainment.

With the bucking bear throughly distracted by the cowboy currently trying to ride it, Manea took the opportunity to race toward it as well and easily got in close to its neck. She wrapped her front paws around its neck, hooking her tiger-like claws into its fatty flesh to she could keep a good grip on the beast. She then started tearing into its neck, biting down deep into the flesh and ripping away at its throat till a heavy amount of red was now coating the bear's pale coat as well as darkening her face and chest. The fight didn't last too much longer after that, the bear attempting to shake either of the wolves off and not really succeeding. It did manage to get a paw at her hip and rake its large claws along her back leg, but that sting of pain only drove her on more and she bit down harder.

Eventually she felt the polar bear starting to buckle and crumble - whether from blood loss or because she managed to rip straight through to its trachea she wasn't sure. Either way, Manea finally released her hold on the bear's neck and brought her paws back to the ground as she stumbled back a couple of steps from the bear as it sank to the ground. She was breathing hard, but that excited grin still lingered on her muzzle even with all the blood that now darkened her already dark pelt. Her gaze turned toward the stranger then, all that adrenaline from fighting the massive predator getting funneled into a very different emotion.

"Do you make a habit of leaping onto the backs of your opponents?" she questioned as she swiped her tongue across her muzzle to start cleaning away the blood there, lifting a brow quizzically at him as she hoped the suggestion in her tone wouldn't go unnoticed. She chuckled and grinned, already throughly amused by this man she had only just met. Anyone that was willing to pull such a stunt was at least worth her time as far as she was concerned. "I'm Manea. What's your name?"




3 Years
Dire wolf
04-11-2021, 04:03 PM

The man was definitely getting a workout as he tried to quite literally ride the bucking bear. It wasn't often he found himself in strange positions like this, but truth be told he was probably enjoying himself more than he should have. These were the kinds of thrills he lived for, even if it was dangerous and probably not good to his wellbeing or health. He just so happened to have a flair from dramatic entrances and doing things that were probably frowned upon by the rest of society. He left out a gleeful chuckle to himself as he dug his claws further into the bucking bear and tightened his grip with his teeth trying to render the flesh from its neck with his teeth as he did so.

The woman continued to battle it on the ground as she grappled it with her front claws. Had he not been preoccupied he might have taken note that her claws were different than average, but as it stood it was taking all of his muscles and willpower to keep holding on. Eventually, as she was tearing at it's neck, he felt the fight drain out of it underneath it. He hopped off just as it slumped to the ground clearly unable to keep living after she had hacked and slashed at it so much.

He turned his gaze to focus on the purple female and he grinned sheepishly at her question. "Only when the opportunity presents itself." He rumbled back to her as he licked the blood from his muzzle as well. "I'll never pass up the opportunity to do something fun." A few more swipes of his tongue and he was clean. He'd gotten far less messy than she had, but he was positive he'd had just as much fun. "I'm Aurorion, but you can call me Auro if you prefer. Do you make a habit of picking on poor polar bears?" He teased, clearly not minding the fact she'd killed it in the slightest.

Walk, "Talk" Think



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
04-13-2021, 12:46 AM
She chuckled at his response and smirked before giving her muzzle another lick. It would take far more cleaning than it had him to get rid of all the blood that had been splashed onto her form, but she didn’t exactly mind the mess. Any good and exciting fight was surely going to leave some blood behind. If it didn’t then someone wasn’t fighting correctly. At least it seemed like he was someone that knew how to have a good time so there was no fear of him being the boring, uptight sort.

She laughed lightly when he questioned if picking fights with polar bears was something she did often and she gave him a wicked grin in response. ”Well… I can’t say it’s not something I do fairly often,” she replied with another chuckle. ”Though, to be fair, it started it. I just needed to finish it… This time at least.” It had gotten to the point that if she wasn’t fighting something equally dangerous as herself then it was just boring and she didn’t want to waste her energy on it. Plus, there was plenty of supplies she could harvest from this polar bear so it wasn’t like its life was going to go to waste.

”Well, Aurorion, that was awfully fun, but…” she gave him a challenging glance and a smirk, beginning to settle into a more defensive stance as she faced off with him. ”I haven’t had a good fight with another wolf in a very, very long time. Perhaps you’ll indulge me? Maybe we can see if your streak of leaping onto your opponent’s backs continues when we’re done…”




3 Years
Dire wolf
04-18-2021, 11:47 AM

Aurorion liked the grin that crossed her face as she answered his question. That look was an answer by itself, but he chuckled as she blamed the polar bear for starting it. "Well I suppose I can't fault you for not wanting a bear to beat you up." He said teasingly. Truth be told, if it seemed like a fun idea, he would do the same thing. Fighting wasn't a thing he did on a regular seeing as he wasn't a glutton for punishment, but he'd participated in his fair share. Playing pranks, exploring dark and ominous places, and wooing fair ladies had been more on his agenda, but he'd try everything at least once in his life. No wasn't a word he found himself saying often.

So when Manea settled into a defensive position and challenged him to a spar he found himself nodding his head in agreeance. Who was he to deny the pretty lady? "Well I hadn't planned on it, but tearing each other apart sounds like fun. Maybe later I can show you a different way of how I can be on the back of something." He said with a wink, trying to throw her off with his comment. Of course if she indulged him later that would make his day, but his intention had been to unsettle her. She didn't seem like the type, but he found it often worked on males the best.

Rather than be a gentleman, he wouldn't allow her the first move. He settled into his own fighting stance with his ears flat against his head and his shoulders squared, before he launched himself at her. He feigned like he was aiming to bite at her neck, before he attempted to shoot his head downwards to grab her right front paw. As he did so, he angled his hind end so he was moving in a more perpendicular direction to her. He aimed to ram his right shoulder into the center of her chest as well.

ooc: If you need me to draw up a diagram to picture how he's moving let me know!

Aurorion Velaeris vs Manea for Spar
Round 1/?
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Beginner Navigator
Specialty: N/A

Walk, "Talk" Think



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
04-21-2021, 12:13 PM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2021, 12:28 PM by Manea. Edited 1 time in total.)

If the multicolored brute had wanted to throw her off with his comment, he was going to be sorely disappointed. If anything, it just made her all the more eager to fight him and made a grin spread across her muzzle as an interested gleam touched her aqua gaze. She knew she was more forward and outwardly flirty even with wolves that were complete strangers to her so she didn't often expect to get similar responses in return, but she was always pleased when she did. "Careful, I'll hold you to that," she warned him with a chuckle before turning all of her attention to the fight at hand.

With her defenses in place, she braced for his attack as soon as she saw him dart forward to cross the short distance between them. Her eyes followed his movements closely while she kept her ears tucked neatly against her skull and her paws spaced evenly to keep her stance firm and stable beneath her. She picked up on the fake out he had planned pretty quickly and stopped the dodge she was tempted to do before it began. Instead, she lifted the right paw he was aiming for, feeling his teeth graze her ankle as she turned her paw over so that her paw pads were facing him instead of the ground. She swiped her paw upward and attempted to catch his cheek with her tiger-like claws, though she didn't have them fully extended like she would someone that she was actually trying to hurt. No need to scar such a pretty face.

She wasn't sure if her attack would land the way she intended though as he pivoted and his shoulder hit squarely into her chest, knocking her back a bit and threatening to throw off her balance since she was one paw short of a fully stable stance. In an attempt to catch herself and keep him from getting out of her reach, she reached toward his scruff to grab ahold of it, wanting to grip the loose skin there and almost use him to keep herself from falling. She also took the chance to shift her weight more firmly onto her back legs and attempted to bring her left leg over his back and across his shoulders and would hook her hook her claws into the shoulder opposite from the one currently pressed to her chest if she was able to get a good grip on him.

Manea Mendacium vs Aurorion for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Light
Companion 1: Raven, Male - Flying
Mutation 1: Serrated bone ridges - Offensive
Mutation 2: Tiger claws - Offensive
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Beginner Hunter
Specialty: N/A




3 Years
Dire wolf
04-24-2021, 03:27 PM (This post was last modified: 04-24-2021, 03:39 PM by Aurorion. Edited 1 time in total.)

He wasn't surprised that his feign didn't work, but he was slightly disappointed. He hadn't thought he was that readable, but she'd clearly seen right through him. His shoulder successfully slammed into her chest and he quickly adjusted his weight so that he was balanced evenly on all four paws. Only good timing kept him from getting scraped by those wicked claws as his head jerked back quickly. He wasn't quite quick enough as he felt her claws graze the top layer of his skin. The downside to avoiding her claws though was that he hadn't actually avoided them. He'd been so focused on her not ruining his face that he hadn't paid too much attention to what she was planning.

She managed to get the one paw latched into his scruff and that was all it took for him pay attention to her other foot. Just as she tried to bring her left leg over his back, he attempted to surprise her by bending all four legs until his stomach was almost touching the ground. He also tried to grab her back right leg with his teeth to try and jerk her off balance so she'd go tumbling over him. He wasn't sure if he could reach, but damn it would be funny to surprise her and send her sprawling in the dirt. Mostly he was just intent on getting away from those cursed claws of hers.

Aurorion Velaeris vs Manea for Spar
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Beginner Navigator
Specialty: N/A

Walk, "Talk" Think



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
04-25-2021, 12:13 PM
Manea felt her claws barely catch on the skin of his cheek, but that was fine. A little scratch was better than nothing. What she was successful at though was hooking her claws into his scruff and getting a firm hold on him with that. That momentarily gave her a better footing as she leaned some of her weight into him, but as she tried to hook her other leg around his neck, he suddenly dropped out from under her, the paw gripping his scruff ultimately becoming the downfall of what little balance she had as the movement jerked her toward the ground. Manea struggled to stay upright for a moment and that was long enough for him to reach under her and grab her back leg, yanking it out from under her and sending her tumbling onto the ground. She released the hold she had on his scruff just to keep from injuring her paw or claws in the process.

She fell onto her shoulder with a grunt, but she didn't give him a moment of reprieve. With a growl, she reached for his hind leg as well, trying to grip it and yank backward at the same time as her hind legs came up to kick into his shoulder and ribs from where she was laying on the ground. She wanted to knock him down before he had the chance to try anything else while she was down and give herself enough time to get back to her feet.

Manea Mendacium vs Aurorion for Spar
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Light
Companion 1: Raven, Male - Flying
Mutation 1: Serrated bone ridges - Offensive
Mutation 2: Tiger claws - Offensive
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Beginner Hunter
Specialty: N/A


The Judge


05-08-2021, 12:57 PM

And the winner is...


AURORION must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.



Rolls: 77, 34, 78, 54
Adjusted rolls: 88.55, 34, 78, 54
Total: 280.01


Rolls: 93, 89, 97, 66
Adjusted rolls: 116.25, 89, 101.85, 72.6
Total: 417.67



3 Years
Dire wolf
05-09-2021, 08:29 AM

He'd succeeded in catching her by surprise and before he knew it she was on the ground. Mirth danced in his eyes as a laugh threatened to escape him. That was the best move he'd pulled on someone in a while! He'd gotten too caught up in what he'd done and hadn't paid enough to attention to what she was doing with her mouth.

He felt his leg shift out from underneath him as she yanked it towards her. That combined with the kick was enough to send him to the ground with a jarring thud as he landed painfully on his side. A lesser man probably would have been enraged, but he just found the entire situation hilarious. They went from fighting a polar bear to fighting each other. He supposed that's what he got for being cocky. "Alright, alright. You win woman!" He said between laughs. "My god you're fierce. That bear should have run away when it had a chance." He said with a cheesy grin plastered on his face.

Despite submitting to her, he'd had quite a lot of fun. It was certainly more entertaining since she was of a samilar stature to him. They would definitely need to do it again some time. For now though he was going to lick his wounds and mostly his pride. With ruffled fur, her heaved himself to his feet and shook himself free of any debris and then looked to the woman to see if she wanted a paw in getting to her feet.

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