
Until The World Goes Cold

Spring Year 16 Seasonal Prompt, Solo



3 Years
Dire wolf
04-04-2021, 03:35 PM
Spring Year 16 Seasonal Prompt, Solo - Fighting

Boredom had overtaken the giant beast. Ever since his run in with Keetie, he'd found that it had been impossible to come across another fun individual. Finding another as pretty as she she-wolf proved to be difficult as well. A soft sigh fluttered past the giant's lips as he looked around for something interesting to occupy his time. He had let his feet lead the way and soon found himself on a barren and desolate plateau. Pink eyes glanced around as he took in his surroundings with an overzealous interest. There were rusting remnants sticking out of the snow everywhere he looked it seemed. After pawing his way through a snow drift he also found tiny bits of metal half buried. He sniffed one curiously to see if he could make sense of what they could be, but didn't find an answer immediately so he decided to move on. Larger constructs of metal, bent and broken, peeked out from underneath layers of snow and ice as well. He merely gave them an obligatory sniff before padding forward again. He wasn't sure what this place was, but it appeared as though prey avoided it. He couldn't smell a rabbit anywhere near and there was no movement in sight. So much for finding someone to keep him company.

Or so he thought.

Movement around the side of one of the structures caught his attention. Fluffy ears flicked forward with curiosity as he went to scope it out. The stranger seemed to have the same idea and it wasn't long before he was face to face with, what appeared to be, a wolf larger than even himself. He was a pretty cocky and confident guy. He liked that he was one of the biggest wolves to walk the planet, but he couldn't help but feel a little insignificant now compared to the size of this guy. He backed away a few steps so he wasn't right on the creature and for once in his life couldn't find anything to say which was completely abnormal for him. It wasn't often that his own ego could be squashed so flat so quickly and all without sharing a single word.

They stared at each other for a few more awkward moments before the other wolf decided to break the silence. "You up for a spar rather than just standing here staring at one another?" He mulled it over. He wasn't overly into being a downright brute most of the time. He'd do spars for fun or if it served a purpose, but he didn't go looking for fights. He supposed he had a very lazy and laid back lifestyle, but it had been a while since he had tested his mettle. Not to mention, when would he run into a wolf of this size again? He hadn't sparred with anyone taller than him since he was a pup. Of course this could all be a drug induced trip. He didn't remember taking anything, but it was definitely possible. It would explain the bizarre things he'd seen as of late. As it stood, hallucination or not, this guy wanted a spar. It wasn't like he had anything better to do so he shrugged again. "Sure, why not."

They moved over to a clear patch where the snow wasn't as deep and squared off a few feet from one another. Being the absolute gentleman he was he offered the other wolf the first move. The other stared at him for a brief moment and Aurorion studied his face to see if there was any telltale sign of what he was going to do. Without warning, the other sprang forward and Aurorion had to admire the view. This guy was stacked. Yeah this was going to be fun.

The larger wolf moved to wrap his front limbs around his neck and Aurorion ducked his head and neck to avoid being wrapped up in the larger wolf's embrace. There was no way in hell he was going to let him pin him that quick. Just as the larger wolf tried to drop his weight on him, Auro lurched upwards and rammed himself into the broad chest of the larger and shoved him to the left. The dire, realizing he didn't want to be thrown completely to the ground, backpedaled on his hind legs to keep himself from falling over. They both regained their footing and there was a slight pause, before Aurorion took the initiative and threw himself at him. He brought his right front foot up to take a swipe at the other's face as a distraction, before raising up on his hind legs and aiming a vicious bite towards the male's face. It was just a friendly spar, but Auro knew better than to not throw everything he was worth into this. Why put the effort in to it if it wasn't going to be all his effort?

He managed to get a good hold around the male dire's muzzle and the other bucked his head as he tried to throw him off. Finally Auro let go, taking a good chunk of flesh with him, before he found a shoulder being rammed squarely in his chest. Winded and wheezing, he slipped back in the snow and skidded on a patch of ice which ended up being his undoing. The other wolf reached a paw out and managed to tangle up another one of his legs and down he went. Of course, that wasn't without him grabbing on to a chunk of the other man's fur and pulling him down with him as they both slipped on ice. They both scrambled for a purchase on the slippery ground and Auro managed to throw himself on top of the other wolf before he could get his footing. They rolled around in the snow for a good minute, the each trying to over power the other in an aggressive display of brute force, before the dire finally managed to wrap a large foreleg around his neck and with his sheer weight pinned him to the ground. With his head pinned to the ground, he wiggled his back half around wildly trying to free himself, but the Dire had the time to shove more of his body on top of Auro's. Before he knew it he found himself practically being sat on. Realizing he was in no position to get this gigantic wolf off of him he beat a paw on the ground weakly. It was hard to breathe when you had something heavier than yourself sitting on you. "Alright, alright, I give." He chuckled as he wheezed. "Damn fat ass. And I thought I was heavy."

The dire accepted his submission and Aurorion got up with as much dignity as he could muster while the other backed off. "It's been a while since I've had my ass handed to me. Thanks, I needed that."

Word Count: 1,153

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