
Feel Useful



5 Years
05-28-2014, 03:58 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It was amazing how quickly everything had been turned upside down. She had been enjoying the stability of pack life, the opportunity to venture away and see new things in this new region, to meet new faces and make new friends. But with the sickness upon them there was no more freedom. Anais hardly felt the loss of independence, however. It was completely outweighed by worry. It had started with a few pack members getting sick and suddenly Kailos and their mom was waking up, bleeding from their eyes and acting irrationally. And it had only gotten worse.

All thought of adventures and wandering ceased in the face of this new, unknown, seemingly unbeatable adversary. She was useless when it came to healing - she barely had enough patience for fishing - but Anais had needed something to do, something to make herself feel useful when she had nothing else to offer. So she had set out hunting, fetching a couple hares, even a squirrel who had happened to crossed her path, with the intention of delivering them to her sick pack mates.

One rabbit had already been delivered - the typically stoic girl around her own age had not roused no matter Anais's attempts and it had been left at her den's entrance - and with the squirrel and the last hare in tow she headed back through the Garden to see if she could round up another, at least one more, before she went by the lake and her own family's dens. Hare and squirrel dangling from her jaws, the gold-grey girl padded through the grey rocks and wintry terrain, her breath fogging before her nose. She scented the air, a uncharacteristically serious furrow set between her brows as she searched. She hoped the cure could be found soon. She hated seeing her family like this, and hated more knowing no way to cure them.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.