
Live That Fantasy


05-27-2014, 03:50 PM

The snowy maiden was weaving clumsily through the woods that night, her soft laughter echoing in the air. She had made the mistake of tasting an unknown herb, one that had seemed harmless. She was an experienced healer and should have known better, of course, but such was life. We live and we learn, she told herself again, followed by another stream of giggles. Besides, no regrets could come from this. She would only gain the knowledge of a new herb, one that could come in handy later on as a type of anesthesia, perhaps, or a mild painkiller. It all depended on the dosage. And maybe Adelaide had tasted a bit too much. But what the hell?

The snowy woman would pad through these magical woods a bit longer, taking in the beauty of it all. She felt as though she was walking on air, floating high above the scene and watching the fool below. But it was amusing, really, to see a grown wolf dancing like a pup, and so the laughter continued until a hushed silence followed. She hadn't really crashed, not yet, but the high seemed to pause as she caught an unfamiliar scent on the wind. For a moment, she was herself again. There was a numbing ache in the back of her skull, and she swayed on her feet. "Is somebody there?" the ivory maiden called, only to hear her own voice and begin laughing once more.



05-27-2014, 04:28 PM

The behemoth of a man weaved in and out of the trees. His bangles shined within the skies light. Trees shaded him for the most part, but leaving rays to shine through and illuminate the surrounding woods. His silver eyes danced across the area with curiosity as the scent of a female resided within his slightly moist nose. The man was yearning for some touching and if a female was close her could get her. The man was very confident in himself. He was a ladies man by default. His tough guy appearance, dark fur, noble jewelry, those deep, silver eyes. He was a package deal. Though, he was not a mate man. He was more of a one night stand sort of man. Like many, now a days. Though, something about the scent of the female allured him more then usual. Laughing caught his attention as he trotted her way. Silver eyes began to feats upon the image of an alabaster lady tainted with black stripes along her body. He licked his inky lips and cleared his throat as he sauntered closer. She asked who was there and he responded with his baritone voice. "The man of your dreams." He simply sat and stared at her with those alluring eyes. His head was high and his tail was slightly erect. The man was ready for some fun.



05-27-2014, 05:33 PM

Her short moment of sobriety would quickly succumb as a smile overcame her face. Her eyes were bright in the evening light, shining through the darkness like twin sapphires. They sparkled with interest as a deep voice answered her call. The man of your dreams. How intriguing. The maiden would laugh once more and sigh, squinting into the shadows. Before her sat a patch of moonlight, empty and beckoning. Her tail would sweep the edge of it as she batted her eyes flirtatiously. "How do I know that if I can't see you? Come into the light," she said playfully, tracing one paw around in the dirt.

She may have been playing it on a little heavy, but who could blame her? That mystery herb had given her a wave of confidence, and suddenly she was feeling very charismatic. From where the man stood waiting in the shadows, she could make out a few glimmers of silver. Two were presumably his eyes, and they were brilliant. Adelaide found herself swaying slightly under their intense light. The woman guessed that the other glints were pieces of jewelry, truly making this gentleman seem royal. "What is your name, my prince?"



05-27-2014, 06:44 PM

The handsome man stared at the intoxicated bitch that swayed and fluttered with stable eyes. He just observed as she taunted him with her body and spoke with such an elegant tone. As she traced a line in the dirt he tilted his brutish head and licked his lips again. Silver orbs glistened as he just sat there and observed. Sure, he wanted her and he knew he could have her. But, the man wanted to play with his new little pet. The little minx was quite adorable, with the way she attempted to lure him forward. He had been at the same game with countless other one night lovers, he was the master. "How about the sweet little temptress comes to me..?" He tilted his head to the other side and watched her pointedly. As she asked for his name the man flicked his tongue at his nose and spoke once more. "Kristoffer Armada." He would have asked for her name, but in reality. He truly did not give a shit.



05-27-2014, 07:31 PM

Adelaide would frown at his words, her entire expression enveloped in exaggerated disappointment. She wanted to see the body that this alluring voice was coming from. So the woman instead decided to follow his enticing words. Her heart fluttered a bit as she crossed the threshold of light, swinging her hips like the sweet little temptress she was. Her blue eyes narrowed considerably as she searched for the brute, but she felt him before she saw him. Ebony and ivory mingled as they collided, and she let out a gasp before stumbling back a step. The man had a muscular figure that didn't budge as her chest struck it. That brief contact sent a tremble through her skin, and she chuckled breathlessly. "Oh, there you are," she whispered against his fur. Her eyes moved eagerly over his body, soaking in his appearance. This man was a large, handsome beast with a coat of black and blue. Or was that only a trick of the light? The maiden blinked, moving on to the markings and jewelry that adorned the brute. He had silver bangles that caught the light of his argent eyes, along with a pendant that hung at his throat. The man was simply breathtaking, easily one of the most attractive she had ever seen. Her heart fluttered again, and she felt a warm smile spread on her lips. The girl would step forward again, feeling the heat between them. "Nice to meet you, Kristoffer Armada," she purred. "My name is Adelaide Lazurite."



05-27-2014, 08:34 PM

The man would continue to sit and observe as he beckoned her closer. A cute little vixen she was. Alabaster fur with elegant black markings. Deep blue eyes that seemed to glisten with need. The man was captured by the wiggling hips as she sauntered his way. He could see the quick flash of disappointment before it was hidden by that thick lust within the air. He watched her as she rubbed her chest right against him and let forth luxurious words. The woman chuckled, but he found nothing funny. The man leaned in and inhaled her intoxicating scent. Oh how he loved the scent of a worked up bitch. The dark man rumbled with anticipation, he could not help but get a sense of innocence from the woman. She would greet him with a few more words. Though, he knew after he was done with her, she would not think it was nice to meet him. The man was rough without any sort of empathy. He knew the femmes enjoyed the pleasure, and he thought that should be enough. No strings attached. Ever. She let out her darling name that he soon forgot. All her remembered was hearing her lovely voice ring in his black audits. The man leaned in and nipped at her snowy fur with want. "Mmmm. You are just perfect." His words were husky, masked with the rough yearning in his voice. He would stand and begin to circle her. His tail would be high in the sky, showing he was indeed the dominant one and the female was his. He would lean in and nipped her rear before moving back to face her. "What is it you want from me, darling fae."



05-28-2014, 07:18 AM

This brute was certainly nothing she had bargained for. The intoxicated maiden continued to drift a little on her feet, staring dreamily up at him as he leaned closer. She smirked mischievously and moved away a bit when his jaws nipped seductively at her fur. He called her perfect. The last shred of sobriety in her mind screamed that something wasn't right with this male. He wasn't gentle. He wasn't kind. As he circled her, hungry eyes soaking in every inch, she understood. And if she had been in her right mind, she would have run. But in this daze, all she could do was grin flirtatiously back, even as a touch on the rump caught her by surprise. She found herself giggling a bit, and even the sound was a bit nervous. If she was correct in her thoughts of what was happening tonight, then she was unprepared. Totally unprepared. But ready for it all the same.

Adelaide caught his lustful grumble and returned it immediately, luminescent eyes locked on the handsome male. The woman was entirely innocent and pure, like the snowy white color of her fur. But just like that fur, she could be stained. Where would tonight lead?

She blinked slowly at his question. The way he asked made it sound like the events of this night were up to her. But the instinctual thoughts that remained argued that this wasn't true, judging by the high stature of his tail. Kristoffer was in charge here. The question was entirely flirtatious. Perhaps he wanted her to beg. Heat coursed through her veins, bringing with it only thoughts of desire. In her drunken state, she wanted nothing more than to love this man and be loved by him. Even if only for one night. "I want you to take me. I want you to show me what love really means." Her words were delivered in a sultry murmur, she did not request that he give her devotion. She was truly giving him permission to steal her innocence away. "Stop playing around, Kristoffer. Just take me."

It was clear that the youthful emotions had left her. She was entirely a woman now, and her body was heavy with need. This scene was about to be turned upside down.


05-28-2014, 12:53 PM

The man was a brute in many more ways then one. He was a force to be reckoned with. His form was huge and his ego was huger. Kristoffer was royalty in his mind. He was an Armada. It was the way of an Armada male to replenish the cycle, make more little kings and queens. And so he was. As he cirlcled the alabaster babe he would breathe in her lovely scent. Her eyes seemed glossed over, she was probably high off of something. The man did not care about her state of mind. He was more concerned about the thing between his legs. As she would breath out an answer for him he would rumble, yearning to do as she wants. The man rolled his shoulders and padded up to her. He nipped at her muzzle then at her ear. It was a warning. She was his now, there was no turning back. The man grinned and moved to her rear, but as she spoke he let forth a very loud growl. How dare she order the man around. He quickly rose and attempted to grip her hips with such force. He leaned in and let his jaws snap at her scruff, trying to get a grip. The man would then do the deed. Their hips would smash together in such power. His mind was in the darkest of places, he did not give her a second thought.

-fade to black-


05-28-2014, 03:24 PM

The hungry brute would waste no time getting what he wanted. After hearing her desperate words he would step in close again to give a few more soft nips. Except they weren't exactly soft this time. It was as if Kristoffer was warning her of the pain to come. Pain she knew nothing about. So Adelaide simply let out a whimper as his teeth grazed her injured ear. Her stomach would stir with nervous butterflies as the beast circled her. His growl would fill her ears. He sounded angry now. The white maiden forced herself to swallow, still unsure of what to anticipate but excited all the same. Thousands of emotions rolled through her, from desire and need to disgust and fear. The fear came from that remaining thread of rationality. The desire came from that terrible herb.

But in the end, her drunken state overruled her and she let out a moan when his paws hooked around her thighs. It felt so wrong and yet so right when his jaws fought for purchase on her scruff. Then the other sensations began. There was ecstasy and there was pain, but in the end Adelaide couldn't help but enjoy herself.

-fade to black-

As soon as the deed had been done, the woman would fall to her stomach on the dark forest floor. She was beginning to fall from her high, and the resulting migraine was terrible. But she fought through and tried to think only of the pleasure she had just experienced. Her sapphire gaze showed pain and exhaustion, but there was still a hint of playfulness in those eyes as she looked back at the monstrous black male. She was still drunk enough not to feel any guilt. "Not bad for my first time," she panted, dropping him a wink for good measure. What were his thoughts on their night together? Had she even come close to satisfying him?



05-28-2014, 09:48 PM

The elegant man let go of the womans hips with a growl as he pushed her away. He sat down and rolled his shoulders slowly. His fur was a mess, his necklace was tangled in his mess of fur, and his bracers were all sorts of uncomfortable. But he was completely satisfied. His body was all sorts of tingly. He had no clue she would be so small and pure. It was invigorating, he could almost go for seconds. His gaze returned to the not so innocent babe who flopped upon the ground and he grinned. Words escaped her exhasted lips and he let forth a cackle. "There will be more where that came from, little one." The regal man got up and stared down at his victim. His silver eyes were dull, but his body tingled. He yearned for another round. He needed her again, which was odd for him. He leaned down and nipped at her before licking at her muzzle. He then sat down next to her and smiled. "I want more, my darling." He then smirked and let his paw press down on her torso. "Can I have more?" The question was only to be answered by actions.



05-29-2014, 04:11 PM

All things considered, Adelaide was very tired. This had been her first time, which meant her body was overwhelmed, but her mind had also been wrung out by the side effects of that sedative overdose. The white maiden had ridden her high for tonight, but now she was quickly falling from that rainbow cloud in the sky. Her muscles were taut as she fell hopelessly on the ground, clinging to the recent feelings of pleasure for support. Oh yes, the guilt was settling in. What had she done? Her blue eyes scanned the dark woods in a panic. What had happened? Why was she here?

Then a deep, husky voice reached her ears from behind, and she remembered. Every thought came flooding back, crashing through her mind like a tidal wave. Her innocence was gone. What had she done?

The beast spoke flirtatiously, and it took the woman a moment to process what he was saying. When his paw touched her, she jerked away. He was, of course, a very attractive man that any female would be lucky to spend a night with. And she had done just that. But it was over now. She pushed herself to her feet, legs trembling under the pain. "I'm sorry, Kristoffer, but I don't think I could, uh," She cleared her throat nervously. He had displayed his dominance once before. He seemed to be the kind of brute who always got what he wanted. And if he wanted more, he would have more. Her ears leaned back with worry. "You were amazing, and I had a wonderful time, but..." Adelaide started to trip over her words. "That really wouldn't be the best idea. I don't think my body could last another round, you see, and I need to recover from that awful herb I ate, and... and..."

Her words trailed away as she backed into a tree. She let a short whimper escape her lips, the rear of her body was a bit tender at the moment and that certainly didn't help. But she saw the hunger in his eyes. She would need to reason with him and satisfy herself in return. Her face was composed as she spoke, a coy smile moving into place. "What would you say to a compromise? I truly can't stand more at the moment, but I would surely love to see you again. Hopefully a night with such a sexy piece of royalty isn't a once in a lifetime chance?" Even in sobriety the idea didn't sound half bad to her. She still couldn't deny enjoying the opportunity.

"What say you, Kristoffer? Could you spare me one more night, but at another time? I promise we can pick things up where we left off.."



05-29-2014, 05:03 PM

The man watched her with keen eyes. He wanted me and he wanted it bad. She was so pure and innocent. She was so new. The man was excited and his core tingled some more. But, what did concern him, was her scent. She wore the scent of a pack. If he forced her to do anything the man would have a target on his ass. And he really did not want a pack on him. As he watched her look around, as if she just woke up he assumed her high was wearing off. The man was still all sorts of worked up and ready for action. He rolled his shoulders before her words entered his audits. Her answer was quite dissapointing. He stared at her with a slight pout. He rumbled softly before she began to spew off random excuses that did not nearly suffice. Kristoffer huffed softly, "You are lucky I like you." It was a simple warning.

He began to get up, to let her up as she began to speak more. He rolled his shoulders and grinned. Now, another night of her innocent bliss would be nice. Wouldn't it? The boy laughed softly and stood. He shook out his, quite dark, fur. "I would rather enjoy that, little one." He turned back to look at her and smirked. The boy would listen to her once more and he nodded. "Just howl and I shall deliver. I promise, as long as you promise." The pure one saw the nice side of the Armada son. He cleared his throat and began to saunter away without a second glance. "Good night, love."



05-29-2014, 06:53 PM

The snowy woman would tense up as Kristoffer stood, anger clear on his face. But it soon subsided with an irritated grumble and a thinly veiled warning. She wasn't sure what had saved her from his abuse, but she was grateful for it, whatever it was. He would shake out his dark, handsome coat and send over a grin as Adelaide made her attractive proposal. The maiden breathed a sigh of relief when he agreed, turning away to leave without another argument. Her promise for tomorrow had saved her from today, but something told her there was no turning back now. She would need to go through with everything, whether she enjoyed it or not. She would keep herself safe from any further injury. Her blue eyes lifted expectantly when Kristoffer turned around with a smirk. Just howl. He would deliver.

As soon as the words met her ears, a vacant shiver would creep down her spine. Was it fear or pleasure that made her fur rise? Was she anticipating that last night with a feeling of excitement or dread? Either way, the healer would tighten her black lips into a line. She hoped she wouldn't live to regret this. It was just a fling, she was being safe. For goodness sake, it was winter. Her season was far away, and so was Kristoffer by now. She need only spend one more glorious night with him. Ten everything would be forgotten.

If only it were that easy...