
Make the impossible possible?



High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
04-26-2021, 08:28 PM

Admittedly his journey hadn’t kicked off to the best start.  With a bit of guilt, the motley grey wolf had to admit there was a sense of freedom has left the castle.  Whenever Rudy acknowledged that thought though a plague of guilt rained on the young wolf’s heart.  Rudy had to find a magical cure for his mom so she didn’t die.  It was to save his mom and to say the leader of their pack.  It was to save the hearts of everyone in his family.  So how could he really find enjoyment? Mom might die, mom probably would die no matter what.

Rudy had imagined always trying to do what was right at home, and even if no one knew it in his own way the boy did watch his pack mates and desire to help them live a life free from pain.  Maybe someday he would be able to good enough but right now he’d been failing.  So his happy heart would fail and turn back into guilt and pain.  Until he’d walked long enough for the pace to soothe his aching heart and help the boy find more interest in the world around him.

At first, Rudy had been running but he was tired and had settled to a slow jog for now.  Somehow trying to keep his senses on alert for other wolves or predators could almost take more energy than jogging did.  For now, he ran along the wall of the fjord with the tree line, eyes casting occasionally downward deciding if he needed to head down and cross to the other side.  Once it would have been a fun challenge but the boy was on a mission so that he’d rather lessen the risk of injuring himself.  If he got too injured to travel mom would probably die.  She’d probably die anyway.

Up in the sky far above him, a hawk soared watching.  On the boy's back rode a Tasmanian devil whose front paws held on to bits of fur seemingly well enough balanced.  Please let him be wrong.  Please let there be a healer who knew a cure for madness.  His stomach rumbled for food but it was ignored.  Food could wait.  No need to waste time hunting yet.




10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
04-27-2021, 07:48 PM (This post was last modified: 04-28-2021, 06:40 PM by Ásvor. Edited 1 time in total.)
It was rare Asvor went far from Fireside's lands; as far as she was concerned, she'd traveled more than enough for multiple lifetimes. For the majority of her life she'd been a wanderer without anywhere in particular to call home, but once she'd settled in to life with Valdis all that had changed. Only occasionally did she feel the call to explore the world beyond her home, though those brief desires were all but outweighed by the much stronger need to keep herself close to her family. Today was an exception. With the cold clinging to these lands for dear life her herb stores were sorely lacking, and she hoped she might work to replenish some of them.

That was how she'd ended up here. The forest was thick, and Asvor felt hopeful she might find something of use here. If she'd ever been to this particular forest before she couldn't recall, but then again most of her life had been spent in the north.  Here, though it was still cold, the forest seemed like it'd somewhat protected itself against the worst of the cold. Bits of snow were scattered across the forest floor where the treetops didn't fully block the sky, but where the light shone down through the trees some vegetation grew, sparse and clinging to life but still very much there. It was a hopeful sign and Asvor felt as if her trip hadn't been in vain.

She sniffed around the base of some shrubbery, seeing if she could learn more about this place and its vegetation and decide where to go next. A gust of wind brought her the scent of a stranger though and her attention was briefly derailed. Perhaps this someone knew where she could find plants that might be of use to her? Curious she redirected her path, though once she saw the presumed stranger in the distance she was surprised to see... a child. Well, he wasn't a newborn pup by any means, but compared to her he was definitely a child, younger than Ulfr even. Asvor raised a brow as she drew closer to him. "What possible purpose could a child have for coming to a place like this?" She asked curiously, offering a faint smile. Though she was hardly the friendliest of wolves she had a soft spot for children. Fortunately for him though she wasn't exactly the mothering type and she wouldn't try to encourage him back home - but she would try to strike up a conversation with him.


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
04-28-2021, 06:23 PM

Rudy’s ears flicked back and forward-thinking he’d heard something, and then he definitely did when the wolf spoke up.  Another two strides as he slowed down before stopping.  Rudy was searching for other wolves so while he was glad to find another the young wolf warned himself not to be too naïve.  He recalled the emotional scars that had come with two others who had entered their pack as proof not all wolves were friendly.
Still, he had to meet all he spotted and so he turned towards the voice, the scent picked up shortly after. “Hello,” The boy offered politely, a tentative smile.  Rudy was great at smiling but, the boy doubted he could manage a real one any time soon.  How could he?  What sort of horrible wolf would smile when someone he loved was dying? “I’m going to be one soon,” there was no defensiveness to the words as if he really expected this would be proof enough he wasn’t a kid.

“I’m searching for healers.  My mom’s sick.”  No fancy words right now, this was a moment for frankness.  He held back a whole long run down on what was wrong and the fact no one thought there was a cure.  What was the point in a long story if she was neither a healer nor knew one?  Heck for all Rudy knew she might not even care.




10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
05-01-2021, 10:01 AM
Ásvor wasn't the type of wolf to emanate kindness and warmth; she leaned toward being cold and closed-off, though she did have a soft spot for children, and aging had softened her demeanor considerably. She gave him a nod of acknowledgment when he greeted her and insisted that he was going to be an adult soon. "Good point," she answered simply, giving a faint semblance of a smile. Even if he was far too young to be out on his own she wouldn't do anything about it besides possibly point it out to him. This sort of terrain could be dangerous to explore on your own as a fully-grown adult, but he seemed confident enough in himself.

And.. he was looking for healers. What a coincidence. "I might be able to help," she offered nonchalantly. "I've been studying herbs since I was a child. But it depends what you're looking for, really." She knew a fair bit about healing and herbs though her tendencies leaned toward psychedelics rather than healing infections... though she knew the basics when it came to simple injuries and illness. "What's she sick with?" Teaching others about herbs and spreading her knowledge was enjoyable for her and so she'd gladly do it; it gave her something to do to occupy her mind. Her interest wasn't in changing the world or leaving a mark on it though - she just enjoyed the act of healing and teaching others about it, so she'd gladly take the bait.


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-01-2021, 07:07 PM

The fact she was a healer was brought a flickering of hope to the young boy.  Of course, the hallows had a good number of hallows and it didn’t stop the fact that they felt the sickness had no cure.  It didn’t stop the fact Resin believed there was no cure.  To have a shred of hope even for a minute would be nice until that hope was dashed.

“I don’t know what its called.” Rudy admitted, “but she said her mind wasn’t her own.  She attacked mom, my other mom."  Rudy hadn’t thought about how that might sound confusing to anyone until he imagined talking to someone outside of their pack.  “She was asleep then woke up and just attacked her.  She said her mind isn’t her own.  She said it’s just going to get worse and there was no cure.” Rudy paused there, speaking a rather unpleasant truth that the boy hoped was false.  Rudy also wished he could make himself have the hope it seemed his brother had.

“Have you heard of it before?  We have healers but no one knows of anything.  That doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist though.  It just hasn’t been found by any of us.”  Rudy watched the wolf as he spoke, looking for any signs of what she was thinking.  If only she could make him have more hope!




10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
05-04-2021, 03:44 PM
Ásvor narrowed her eyes and focused. Often trying to piece together a diagnosis was like a puzzle, though rarely were all the pieces right there in front of her. Usually it was a mystery that couldn't be solved perfectly, and this particular case was no exception. The boy admitted his mother's mind wasn't her own. She'd attacked his other mom. Fortunately, having a wife, Ásvor was far less confused by his explanation than another wolf might be. She merely nodded as he explained as much as he could about the situation. Almost immediately she knew it was something she couldn't cure... but perhaps she could help offer some guidance to treating her symptoms and calming her down during those bad spells? Ásvor wasn't entirely sure - and though she wasn't what anyone would consider a tender wolf, she couldn't help but feel sympathy for the boy, with all his hope in the face of certain death. For his sake Ásvor found herself hoping it'd come sooner rather than later, but she held her tongue.

"Sickness of the mind... are not like those of the body. They often cannot be cured. But -" She didn't want to crush his spirit entirely, but likewise she didn't want to give him false hope. "You have some options that can still help her. Keeping her calm might help her seem more like herself, and reduce those moments where she acts out." The Finnvi woman squinted in thought. "If you're interested, I can help you look for some. It's a plant called cannabis - it's safe to ingest. I'd recommend against taking too much but even if she does, she'll likely just want to sleep." Or going on a trip - which it sounded like her brain was already doing naturally - so either way it was a safe bet for an inexperienced healer to give to a patient, with relatively few risks. "It should calm her down and help ease any pain she's feeling." If we can find some, that is...


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-09-2021, 03:29 PM

Rudy wasn’t overly surprised with Asvor’s answer, at her first words his ears twisted back a fraction disappointedly.  It wasn’t a surprise to horrify him but it was unwelcome news.  Still, she then offered a little hope in another fashion.  “I appreciate your help,” the boy offered humbly, “What’s it look like?” Glancing around at the various plants.  “I have a sister learning to be a healer, I can give it to her and tell you what you said."  Rudy was already determined they could find this plant and quickly.

This wasn’t what he had wanted but it was more than Rudy had expected to find.  The boy imagined he’d keep on searching for an answer even better despite Asvor’s words of it being impossible but this was something to hold onto.  Any way to help was a step in the right direction.  Rudy’s mind was working as he imagined could ask his hawk to take the plant back to the hallows.  It seemed reasonable depending on how hard it would be to hold a leaf in the talons or beak? That might be tricky with how easily it would puncture it and then the wind well, they’d figure it out.

Rudyard Carpathius



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
05-14-2021, 11:13 AM
She was hardly what anyone would consider an empathetic wolf, not by a long stretch of the word, but she did feel for Rudyard's struggle. If anything was relatable it was love for family, and wanting to protect them at all costs. She could imagine searching tirelessly for a solution if she was in Rudyard's position and she applauded him for his perseverance. "It really can help quite a bit. Doses too large might make her seem.. off, but start slow and see how it affects her. It has wonderful sedative properties. If she's in pain it will help dull that too." It was by no means a miracle cure but since there was no cure for sickness of the mind, not this sort, this would have to do - and it could help her considerably if Rudyard tried it.

"It's pretty easy to spot. It looks like regular vegetation from far away but up close you can see the difference. And it's pungent - very pungent. The plant itself is symmetrical, with seven or nine long leaves. At the bottom of the leaf they are small, with the largest leaf at the top in the middle. Here," she gestured to the ground, to a patchy spot of dirt, and tried to draw out an example. "And each leaf has a specific pattern inside it," she drew lines from each spiky edge of the leaf down to its center. It was a rudimentary drawing at best but he hoped it'd help him.

Though... looking on his own with an inexperienced healer could be dangerous. Giving the wrong psychedelic to an already mentally unstable patient could be dangerous - or, in the case of something toxic, just plain kill her. "It shouldn't be hard to find around here. Maybe not this exact area, but..." Why not help? It wasn't like there was anything that made her desperately need to return home right away. "Not the best season for gathering but surely we can find something." And even if it wasn't potent, she'd just instruct Rudyard to feed her more, that was all. Even a plant wilted and struggling to live could have some medicinal benefits in its leaves, she knew that much.


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-30-2021, 05:38 PM

Rudy wasn’t going to let a side effect of being ‘off’ worry him overly.  Mom was already ‘off’ in a way he couldn’t imagine much more off.  It would help her pain and might help on pain and help her be calm was enough to be worth any other variable of ‘off’ he could imagine.  He still nodded to acknowledge he’d heard the warning of a side-effect.  Gwynn or another healer would know how much to give anyway.

Rudy was having a hard time by her description of the plant but as she started drawing in the dirt her words made much more sense.  Had he seen any plants like that before? Maybe there were some near the hallows?  Rudy tried to imagine the plants near home but to him, a plant was a plant was a plant.  They were a part of the scenery and tingled his senses a different way but of little notice for the details of individual looks.  Well, now it mattered.  “Ok, sure.  Got it.”

“Thank you.  If you ever need a favor in return I'll be sure to remember this.” As much as the young wolf wanted to charge straight into searching he did take a moment to look at her squarely to offer his thanks.  Even when not in an emergency he was the sort to plow ahead into things when possible.  She was helping him out, he had to pay attention to that.  She wasn’t part of his pack after all.

Rudy glanced about the foresty area.  There were plenty of plants to try and find just one specific type.  Reminding himself this was to help mom the grey wolf started walking away with slow strides, scenting the ground, eyes roaming for a more careful view of the various plants.

Rudyard Carpathius



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
06-05-2021, 03:45 PM
If ever she or Valdis fell sick in the way Rudyard's mom had, she could only hope Ulfr would find a way to make their final days more comfortable. She commended the boy for his care toward his mom, regardless of what conclusion he came to. Unfortunately he hadn't seemed too surprised by her news that her sickness couldn't be cured; if she was so mentally unwell that that was attacking others it seemed unlikely it was something temporary. He seemed to appreciate her help quite a bit anyway, even offering a favor of she needed one. Asvor highly doubted she'd take him up on that offer but she nodded anyway, appreciative of his politeness. Clearly his mother had raised him to be a decent wolf, which only made her want to help him more.

Finding this particular plant here was going to be hard. It wasn't the type of thing to grow in a landscape like this. She'd have to lead them further west, and so she did - minutes turned to hours before they reached the edge of the fjord, where it met a vegetated area. Asvor wasn't the most chatty of traveling partners, but occasionally she paused to make note of a similar looking plant so at least if they didn't find what they were looking for Rudyard might have some more concrete examples of how to pick out the plant he was looking for from other, potentially dangerous ones.

Just when she had begun to think they were out of luck, a particular scent touched her nose. Quickly she redirected herself, sniffing around a stretch of of overgrown vegetation. "Here!" She called out to the boy after a few minutes of searching. She'd found it - a small little section of cannabis plants, growing in sparsely but still there, and definitely still usable. Gently she reached a paw up to gesture to the particular leaf. "Find a way to tear off some of these leaves, as many as you can carry back." Maybe his companion there might help carry them home? She wasn't sure.