


05-27-2014, 02:05 PM

The man had left Glaciem for obvious reasons. The pack was dead. It was nothing but a few pups and a sickly King. They were putting the Armada name to shame in Kristoffer's head. The man knew it was winter, and he needed a pack to survive, well. He could probably go to an island or something and work things out as a Rogue, but Packs were interesting. And.. they had bitches. The man loved the females and the females loved him. There was no doubt. So, he cam wobbling up to the gates of Covari with such confidence and desire they could never turn him down. He had been watching the odd bunch. Many had odd markings and colorful fur. It interested him. To mix his blue hues with some reds or even purples would make him quite happy. To help the pack grow with Aramada blood. It would be lovely. But, how could they turn down royalty. In alactrica the Armadas were practically royalty. He could just see them scattering to reel him in. Oh, the man would have fun. So, he wandered over the border and let forth a deep, baritone, howl, beckoning the leaders to come at his will.



05-27-2014, 03:53 PM

The plague was exhausting. It was wearing everyone down, particularly her leader. One Queen was sick, and the other was desperately trying to find a cure. So when a summoning howl echoed across her home, a sigh slipped from her lips. Didn't anyone know what was going on? Now wasn't exactly the best time to join a pack, but whatever. Creamy limbs carried her towards the border, the woman moving at a steady pace. The perfume of her heat still swirled around her heavily, taunting anyone nearby. Bracelets sat securely around her ankles, flashing gently with each catch of light. She was in no rush to the get to the border, whoever was there could be patient.

When she did arrive, verdant gaze would settle on a dark hued man, a rogue. She would stop several feet back, her crown lifted, tail curling at her hocks. "What can I do for you?" Silky words left her maw, not at all hinting to her exhaustion, this was stranger, it was unwise to show weakness. His masculine scent filled her nostrils, taunting her, her body launching into action, demanding to be sated. However, she would remain in control, her expression blank, her posture showing vague dominance, as he had no place to show any here. Tattered ears flipped to attention, waiting.



05-27-2014, 04:38 PM

The man waited and waited for an answer. He had heard rumor of illness but it had not caught up to him. Sure it seemed odd to join a pack while a plague hit the lands, but without the help of others, if he caught it, he may have been doomed. Therefore it was indeed a good time to join a pack. As an uninfected Wolf. But, he hoped one of the members did not give him the illness, for he was slightly afraid of being ill. He has never really been sick and he did not wish to start something new. The man was cautious as a russet babe slithered in. Her red fur shined in the sunlight and her scent lured him in. The Armada man smirked slightly and eyed her up and down. Maybe they could start their relationship off nicely? Maybe as more then a simple meeting? The man licked his lips once more as he became flushed slightly, but he would not scare her off with his creepy tendencies. The woman asked a question and he rolled his broad shoulders. "I request entry into your pack." His voice was dark and mysterious, with a hint of comfort. He eyed her once more. "I have been observing here and there and i enjoy what I see. I am a trained warrior and hunter. I can also help guard and such.. - Oh pardon me, I have yet to introduce myself..-" The man paused and cleared his throat. "-I am Kristoffer Armada." He said his name is if it were to cause her to tremble. He smiled softly, "Can I have your name?"


05-28-2014, 08:48 PM

The man would lick his lips before speaking, requesting to become part of the pack. He would briefly explain his talents before introducing himself. Her blood would run cold, muscles tensing, hackles threatened to bristle. Armada. She had not heard that name in so long. Her stance became defensive, all traces of desire gone. "Armada. My fathers name leaves a bad taste in my mouth." Lips threatened to curl, daggers glinting as she spoke. "I'm Sibelle, I dropped my fathers name long ago." Chin tucked against her throat as her crown lifted higher. Tail curled dangerously at her hocks, threatening to lift higher. He looked nothing like her father, but he was undoubtedly Armada, Isardis wouldn't give anyone his name unless they were blood. Verdant eyes hardened into daggers, demanding answers to unspoken questions.



05-28-2014, 09:07 PM

The beautiful man stared at the russet female with those gleaming orbs. His jewelry shined within the sunlight as his fur danced within the wind. The rather large man was indeed intimidating, but slightly relaxed. Even as her form began to take shape into that of defense. Did this woman have something against his name? He was sure he did nothing wrong. The boy was usually charming and rarely put off ladies so easily. But, when she spoke his suspicions came true. The man would only assume her father was the one and on Isardis. His name did indeed leave a bad taste in everyones mouth. But, he was offended that she would disgrace the name as a hole just because of a single man. After he second spout of vocals the man smiled and nodded, "Nice to meet you, Sibelle." He paused for a few moments, dipping his head into a simple bow before letting it rise once more. "I assume you speak of my brother, Isardis. He is indeed a douche bag on many levels. But, the Armada name stands for much more then his little harem and his power hungry ego. My father created the legacy, not him. I would never abandon the name, but I see no fault in abandoning him." He smirked and eyed her slowly, It would be a shame for such a beauty to be locked away in that brothel while you could be here speaking to me. Hmm?" He rolled his shoulders, his tail was low and his body was calm. The man showed he was no threat, he was a friend, not a foe.



05-30-2014, 01:43 PM

The man remained pleasant despite her hostilities, and so her defensive would slowly slip away until she stood neutrally, her face still void of any pleasant emotion. Audits stood at attention, listening to man as he spoke. His brother was Isardis? That would make him her uncle. How stranger. The more he spoke, the more it became apparent that he held a distaste for the ivory King, much like most of the land. He would attempt to crack a joke, his posture friendly, it seemed as though he was trying to make a good impression. The woman would recline onto her haunches, still scrutinizing the man that was her uncle. "I find it hard to believe that he let you go without an trouble." Her father seemed to have an issue with hoarding those around him, especially those with the Armada name. Torn ears stood at attention, interested now more than ever. "I won't put my pack mates in danger over my fathers wounded ego." If this man left without the pale mans consent, hell would surely follow. She would not watch her pack mates die over something so ridiculous.



05-30-2014, 02:52 PM

The cobalt man did in fact want to make a good impression but he wanted his kin to know he was no threat. The man was often an ass to the bitches he claimed, but it was different with a pack or family in some cases. He would treat his pack differently then he does the girls he plays with. Unless some of his pack mates wanted to do the deed, which was likely. Who could resist Kristoffer Armada? The man was royalty and very handsome. The man watched as the red woman sat on her haunches and relaxed. As the babe spoke he nodded with understanding. The pale King did not let many leave without struggle. "He does not let a lot of people leave. But, he did not like me. See, I was a threat to him and he was afraid I would take his ladies. I slowly slipped away and out of his radar. Leaving me to be forgotten. I doubt he has even noticed I left, due to the fact I left Alactrica a while back." He was sure that Isardis hasnt even spared him a thought in a long time. The next line of words Sibelle let forth was to be unsaid. Obviously Kristoffer would not join a pack with a target on his ass. "I am sure there is no target on my back at this moment. I would not put my future pack in harms way. And, if there is an issue in the future I would leave before things got out of hand. We all know how Isardis can blow shit out of proportion." He spoke with common sense and he would stick to his word.



05-30-2014, 03:03 PM

The man would speak the truth, knowing the pale king just as well as anyone else, always hoarding his playthings. But this one seemed different. While he still had the arrogance of an Armada, he didn't seem to think everything he laid eyes on was his to claim. He assured that he would paint on a target on the pack, promising to leave before anything ever happened. The woman would laugh, unable to help herself. "It almost seems to be a talent of his." She would shake her head, laughter fading away, leaving behind a smile. "Very well then, you say you can fight? You will ranked as Voin, a warrior, you are freed of a test as I have slightly more important things to do with this damn plague." She hoped Vi wouldn't mind that she gave this man a rank, she had after been trusted to accept him. The woman would rise once more, not lingering at the border for long. "Come, Ill explain things." She would turn away from the border, excepting the man to follow before she started speaking. "The pack is run by Virdiana and Desiree, you can't miss them when you see them. The pack is neutral in its aligned, and Vi is fairly easy going so long as you pull your weight, though I wouldn't cross her. The pack is still small, but growing. You are more than welcome to talk to Vi about getting a higher rank, though she is preoccupied as the moment since Desiree has fallen ill with this plague. She filled him in quickly, assuming her already knew about the plague, if not then he would find out soon enough.



05-30-2014, 04:03 PM

Kristoffer stood tall, but his body was relaxed. He did not want the woman to see him as a threat. As she began to cackle so did he, a gentle chuckle would be let forth as he slowly faded into a soft smile. As the woman began to let forth some more pleasing vocals he smiled even more. He was accepted into the ranks of Covari. It excited him, he had not been in a pack for a long time. Other then Glaciem, but he would not count that as a pack. He nodded a few times at her instructive words. The man listened carefully, enjoying the fact that she trusted him to be a fighter. Not that his muscular build and experienced tone gave it away. As the russet dove got up and beckoned him to follow he did. The man trotted behind her, but not to far. Juts enough for her to speak and lead and him to listen and trace. The man listened as she spoke about her leaders and their duties. He remembered their names and pinned the mentally. It would be a shame to forgot their names upon their meeting. Though, it worried him that one of his leaders, the Des lady, was sick. Maybe he should steer clear of her for a little while. Though, the man has not come upon the plague or been near it but he had heard rumors of the symptoms and it doesnt sound nice. The man cleared his thought and nodded once more. "I understand, Sibelle. I will pull my weight. You call and I will be there. I am here to help with anything, even if it involves sickly ladies." The man laughed softly but was being honest. Kris did honestly have his nice moments, it just depended on the girl and the situation.



06-09-2014, 07:36 PM

Her uncle would follow without a word, speaking only when she was done. He would understand and claim to do everything he could, but only time would prove that. She would slow to a near stop. She would smile, appreciating his will to serve. But he would have to prove himself to more than just her. Vi would most likely be watching him like a hawk. "I'll let you get settled in and Ill see you around." She would offer him one last smile before turning away, intending on patrolling the borders and possibly finding a nap, if she were so lucky. Creamy limbs carried her at a brisk trot away from the first Aramada she had met in awhile, and a pleasant one at that. She made a mental note to tell Vi about the newest member and the rank he had been given, in due time, she didn't plan on spending her entire life running back and forth, telling vi who was who.


"Talk" "You" Think