
Running alone



High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-02-2021, 08:12 PM

Rudy was tired physically, mentally, and emotionally.  The boy had finally accepted the fact he’d have to stop traveling to hunt if he wanted to be strong enough to keep going.  The idea of not eating or sleeping until he found a cure and got home sure sounded good but, it wasn’t possible.  He had scented the fresh grass and many plants of the prairie near where he’d been and made his way to it.

All of the life around here guaranteed him a meal.  No need for something large at this point, a quick kill of a small game would take the edge of his hunger enough and give him more strength to keep going.  In the back of Rudy’s mind was the question to himself of how much time did he have.  How long until mom died?  Gwynn had given Rudy hope that there was time enough to travel a ways in his search.  How far had he already traveled?  It felt like he’d been gone forever but no, mom probably had at least weeks still maybe considerably longer?  Too bad Gwynn hadn’t known for sure.

The boy smelled food all over the prairie.  The prey Rudy chose was one even dumber than a rabbit.  Rudy crept down low in the grass making his way towards some type of bird that seemed built for living on the ground.  There would have been more meat on a rabbit but this had shown itself first and paid the least attention to its surroundings.  Rudy wouldn’t be picky and it was a quick hunt.  Training to hunt in the hallows land had been fun but taken seriously.  Now it was serious in a whole other way, there were no other means to eat than a successful hunt.

Rudy stood as he started tearing into his little kill.  The boy wanted to rest but decided it was best to do that when the food was gone so less of a temptation to steal from him.  That was the idea anyway.




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-02-2021, 09:55 PM
He had begun putting the last finishing touches on the home he was building, but there was still a few things that he needed to make it just right. Moving from his smaller den to the larger one built for himself and Void required more materials, furs, and the like than he previously owned. He'd done well so far in finding prey to hunt and harvest furs from so far and had nearly built out a nice enough bed, but a couple more larger pelts to help cover the doorway and cover parts of the floor would be great additions to the space before he finally presented it to Void.

He knew from experience how plentiful the Algoma Prairie tended to be with prey so he made the trip away from the pack lands to go see what he could find. He was eyeing a small herd of pronghorn when he heard a rustle in the grass near by, catching his attention as he glanced In the direction of the noise from where he was crouched, hiding in the grass. Maybe a dozen feet away he spotted a young man, speckled and spotted and dappled with different grays. The breeze brought the boy's scent to him and he noticed that it was one of the wolves from The Hallows. He hadn't seen many of them around since the pack moved south so to got him curious.

Momentarily abandoning his hunt, he stood and walked over to where the stranger was standing, ripping into a prairie chicken, obviously hungry. "That was a clean kill," he commented, still giving the boy some space so he didn't think he was a threat.

Plague | Viridis | Procella


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-02-2021, 10:08 PM

Rudy’s eyes jerked up as the man spoke and he finally caught the wolf's scent.  Hunger apparently dulled the senses and the young wolf realized then what a dangerous flaw that could have been.  Rudy was hungry and felt quite possessive so that he stayed next to his food instead of moving in closer as the friendly boy might normally do.

“Thanks,” Rudy replied feeling a mix of emotions.  He wanted to ask this guy about mom, he wanted to finish his food, he wanted to be cautious and he wanted to finish his food.  Then he wanted to rest.  Priorities first.  He told his empty stomach it would have to wait a moment longer.  “I’m Rudy.  I’m searching for healers.”  

He was becoming more straightforward by the day.  No small chat first or boasting if his hunting skills or getting a feel for the guy.  Priority one was to try and get his mom saved.  Second priority was making sure this guy wouldn’t try to steal his food. When had he become to so wary of others?  Apparently, since his stomach told him not to let anyone else touch his food.  If this guy was a healer or knew a healer who could heal mom though, well then, he could have all the food he wanted.  Rudy would hunt him down all the pronghorns out there for that, as long as they could do it after mom was healed that is.




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-02-2021, 10:38 PM

Plague watched the younger wolf curiously as his head popped up from his meal. He clearly hadn't noticed him approached, but after the momentary shock he seemed to settle the slightest bit. He was also incredibly straight forward when he introduced himself and immediately explained that he was looking for healers. Plague's brow lifted momentarily with a little bit of confusion and concern, but his stoic face smoothed out again soon after. "A pleasure, Rudy. I'm Plague." He settled back on his haunches a few feet away and gave a nod to the half eaten chicken at the boy's feet. "Go ahead and finish your meal. We can talk when you're done." His tone was calm, but assertive, insistent that the yearling care for himself before they continued.

Once that was done, he offered Rudy a slight hint of a smile. "Now then. What kind of healer are you searching for? What's the issue?" He didn't know much more than the very basic triage of wounds, but considering he didn't see any cuts or bites on the boy he didn't think that would quite cover it. Though, depending on what it was, he could possibly bring the boy back to speak with Kiyo. He assumed Ashen was friendly enough with The Hallows anyway. They did do that practice raid with them not that long ago.

Plague | Viridis | Procella


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-02-2021, 10:58 PM

Rudy watched Plague for another moment after he said to eat the bird but the guy was clearly not looking to attack and Rudy was clearly hungry.  After a moment he nodded and did focus on eating his kill though now he did keep a small bit of attention on the other wolf.  It wasn’t that he so much bothered watching plague as just a part of his mind listening for any approaching sounds.  It didn’t take Rudy long to finish, between it being a small meal and his appetite Plague didn’t have a long wait.  The name Plague kind of sounded ominous though with Rudy looking for a cure from sickness and instead finding a wolf named something that went along with sickness.

“Thanks,” Rudy offered with some honest gratitude.  The guy had been courteous and patient and the food had put Rudy at least a little more at ease.  What kind of healer?   Rudy had always thought of Gwynn and the other healers as healers versus any special type of healer.  “It’s a sickness of the mind.  So I guess one that helps in that area.  It makes one confused or, lose control of themselves?  Not realizing who family is or who they might be attacking?  Only some of the time though.  So, something to fix that.  Do you know a type of healer that can do that?  There weren’t any in my pack.”

Rudy had left out it was mom that was the one sick.  Not that this wolf couldn’t know that it was simply that right now he didn’t want to think of his mom alone in the cell with the sickness.  To voice it was to make it more real and describing it was bad enough.  Maybe easing the empty stomach only helped him to remember the strength of other problems.  Well, maybe this wolf would have the answers.  Imagine how good it would be to go home with a cure.




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-03-2021, 07:24 PM

Plague hummed thoughtfully as Rudy explained the ailment he was seeking help for, his brows pulling together slightly. He had heard stories from others of these sorts of things happening and as far as he could recall there had never been a solution or what most would think of as a pleasant ending. He was sympathetic for the young wolf since he clearly just wanted to find help for someone close to him, but end the end he felt certain that he was just fighting a losing battle. It did make him wonder who it was that he was trying to help, but it wasn't really any of his business. He didn't personally know much about The Hallows beyond the raid they had participated in so he couldn't begin to hazard a guess.

He gave the young man a small shake of his head, telling him, "I'm afraid you're wasting your time." It was harsh, but honest. "I wish I had help to offer you, but that's not something that can be helped. Managed perhaps, but not healed." He got to his paws again, fixing Rudy with a firm, but sympathetic glance. "If I were you, I would be spending time with whoever it is while you can instead of running around looking for a cure." In a way it was his not so subtle way to get the young man to go home instead of having to wonder if he was alright out here on his own, scarfing down prairie chickens and starving.

Plague | Viridis | Procella


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-03-2021, 11:40 PM
Walk | "Talk" | think

Plague had the same answer as the rest in the hallows, no way to heal it.  Rudy glanced away to hide the deflation of any spark of hope he’d had.  Why had he bothered having hope?  It was easier when he had tried to just resign himself.  Should he keep searching?  His eyes looked back up at Plague, “Do you know how to manage it then?  What herbs the healers need or whatever needs to be done?”  It would at least be something to go back with.  Maybe then mom would let them see her again and that could help her not be lonely and make a better ending for them all?

Rudy could go back with that, it would be some form of hope and a better ending.  Of course, that was if this guy knew it and didn’t just say Rudy would need to find another healer to ask.  The idea of some time to see more of mom and maybe make her end easier was finally giving Rudy hope the more he imagined it.  Already he was imagining how he’d run straight back.  Somehow he’d make it without a break or meal or drink and, well, maybe he couldn’t quite make it that fast but, a minimum at least.  Plague was getting all the focus in the world.  Rudy needed him to know this and of course, staring at him would somehow help.