


05-27-2014, 11:18 AM

Nausica Saxe was a legacy. She was the daughter of two legends. Her blood was full of darkness and terrors. Power and destruction. Her mother was a ruler and her father a killer. They were both special. But, they were gone. Her pa was dead and her mother no where to be found. The babe only had her brother left, that she knew of. Neios and her bonded through their abandoned childhood. They were playful rivals and had an odd relationship. But, they were perfect in the womans mind. He had joined a pack, which annoyed her slightly. She did not believe they needed a pack to suffice within the cruel world. But, obviously he knew what he was doing, so she would leave the chained man be. For the moment, the babe was wandering around. Maybe trying to find more of her kin? Her mother even? She really had no goal, but she had to start planning for her takeover at some point. The purple hued girl had met a few people on her way but no one to interesting, which was normal. But, she had a feeling she would have a breaking point soon.

The woman weaved in and out of the thorny bushes with huffs and puffs. Little pricks danced across her body as she pushed through the large patch of spiky plants. Why had she even come to such a horrible place? Many questions danced through her frustrated mind. The violet bitch rolled her broad shoulders as she buckled through the gambit briar. Though, with just her luck, the female spotted a nice tree to climb. She quickly trotted its way and began to climb it. Her claws dug into each branch until she found a spot that would hold her heavy body. The large yearling sighed softly as she leaned against the trunk of the tree and peered down at the briar with gleaming, purple eyes. She felt lonely in those moments, almost hoping for someone to come her way.



05-27-2014, 07:13 PM

The scent of another drifted through the air, catching Senka's attention with ease. It was a female, and a fellow rogue, though Senka couldn't pick up on much more from just the scent. It was tempting to simply turn away, and leave while she still could, but Senka didn't really care enough to change courses. What was the point in that? A conversation would be transient and swift, ending as swiftly as it had begun, in the grand scheme of things. And perhaps, just perhaps, it would lead Senka to her mother. That was what she vaguely hoped, the sensation just strong enough that it kept her moving towards the stranger that she might have otherwise avoided.

Senka padded along easily, lanky limbs extending to carry the small female along until the scent trail came to an end - at the foot of a tree. How odd. Senka looked around curiously, purple gaze flickering around to seek the female that she had been absently following. Where had she gone? The other wolf was nowhere to be seen, and Senka didn't even dream of looking up. They were wolves, not cats, after all, and wolves didn't climb trees... right?

Ears twitching, Senka sank back onto her haunches, not quite motivated enough to continue her search. Ah well. The odds of the other wolf knowing about her mother had been slim to none anyways, and at least now Senka could enjoy the day in peace.



05-27-2014, 08:24 PM

The beautiful being sat upon the tree branch with ease. Her purple hued fur flowed within the brisk wind. Her claws dug into the thick bark of the giant tree. Her purple orbs peered down at the world below. Her tail dangled down, waving to the critters below. A Squirrel stared at her from a higher branch, praying she would not attack. The woman was still full from her last meal and she did not have the tree climbing skills to scale all the way there. She returned her attention to the briars as a grey Wolf slithered its way through. Her purple orbs peered down at the creature as it sat rat below her. The snake grinned with delight. She loved observing little creatures in their natural habitat. The purple hued fae examined the odd markings upon the babe below and the purple eyes. She seemed oddly familiar, but nothing came to mind. The behemoth licked her inky lips as she cleared her throat. "Lets not get to comfy now, there might be creepies lingering.. hmmm?" The bitch tilted her head and stared at the woman below. There might be creepies lingering indeed...



05-28-2014, 09:10 AM

It was only thanks to careful self control that Senka didn't jump straight into the air when the voice reached her ears. Instead, Senka tilted her head slowly back and found her gaze settling on a purple tinged wolf. How interesting, Senka found herself thinking absently, tail wrapping easily around her paws as she examined the wolf that perched in the tree like a cat. It was easy for Senka to glean at least a few hints into this strange wolf's personality. She presumably referred to herself when she spoke of creepies, implying that perhaps she was less safe to be around than some. Not that Senka really cared one way or another. She could handle herself, Ignis had made sure of that. And if she got injured, well, injuries would heal soon enough. Nothing to worry about either way.

Senka flicked her ears, tilting her head a little bit further back to examine the other curiously. "Creepies, hmm?" Senka let the idle question fall from her maw, "I'll be sure to keep that in mind." She thought that she might already have an idea of how this would go down, but for the moment Senka was still careful to remain neutral, so that her actions and words could be adjusted later if needed. Still, Senka was fairly sure that she had a good feel for the other wolf thus far. She didn't seem particularly complex, at any rate.

Then again, it was quite possible that Senka was going to be surprised by this stranger. She should not get too confident - pride comes before the fall and all that. Besides, Senka was only a year old. There was still a lot for her to learn, she knew that much. "Is there anyone in particular that I should be worried about?" Senka queried idly, not exactly dying to know the answer but willing to continue the conversation anyways. This would be interesting no matter what, Senka was sure. It might even be worth wasting her time.



05-28-2014, 01:10 PM

The large yearling would stare down at the dotted babe. Her purple eyes observing with curiosity. But, curiosity would not kill this Cat. She merely watched as the other yearling settled her eyes on the darker fae. Nausica truly hated females due to their 'i gotta be the best' attitude. Nausica had the same attitude but she knew she was the best. Just look at her, giant form, muscles, wonderful eyes, lovely birthing hips, and dark pelt. She was every mans dream and every woman's nightmare. It was perfection. The Saxe bitch was not seeking a fight. Fights were a waste of time if they meant nothing. And for the moment, there was no reason. The lighter colored femme would let forth some vocals and Nausica would giggle softly. "Indeed, Little Dove." The girl below did in fact remind Nausica of a Dove. Not the pretty ones, the grey ones. She shrugged and nodded as the girl spoke another line of words. The Saxe woman would let her tail sway slightly as the wind picked up a little. Her eyes would wonder the birar before returning back to the speckled woman. The Dove would speak some more and Nausica would giggle softly, "Thats up for you to decide. I worry about no one." The statement was only 99.9% true due to the fact she did in fact worry about Neios. But, that is all.



06-05-2014, 11:39 AM

Little dove? Senka's ears pricked towards the other, and the gray female felt a smile tug at her lips. Though it didn't cross her features, she was still pleasantly surprised by the nickname falling from the other. "What does that make you? Big Raven?" The other did remind Senka of a raven; she was black (well, somewhat), intelligent, a little strange, and perched in a tree. It fit the larger wolf well. Senka was still testing the water a little, but she thought she had a decent grasp on how this might go. The other wolf seemed a little strange, to say the least, meaning that Senka had some room for error. She wasn't particularly worried about making any errors, however. This seemed fairly simple.

No one? Senka examined the larger female curiously. "No family?" She questioned lightly, examining the other wolf. Even Senka cared for her family, if only a little. Her siblings weren't as important to her as her mother, and she didn't care at all about her father, but Senka's family meant enough to her. Did this stranger not care at all about her family? Hmm. It was an interesting concept, though one that this apathetic creature didn't care to put any effort into comprehending.



06-05-2014, 03:03 PM

The Saxe bitch was quite large for a yearling. Her fur was quite shaggy and messy. The grey beneath her neck complimented her dark body. She rarely blinked, her eyes were wide and bright as ever. They had one feature in common. They both shared purple orbs. Beautiful. They were tragic for whom go caught in their gaze. Nausica was quite deadly already. She could pummel down a yearling of lesser size. Her shaggy fur would let her neck be untouched. Her thick muscle that was already nearly bulging would help her take down nearly anyone soon. Yet, her confidence may be her downfall. There were those to be larger then her. Her mothers was giant. Neios was a few inches larger and adorned with his silly harness. Yet, she knew she could still take his sick ass in a fight any day. (Or in her mind she could.) Though, the violent thoughts were quickly shaken from her mind as the little dove chirped her words into the air. Big Raven? Nausica let forth a maniacal giggle as she rolled her tight shoulders. "I like it." The girl licked her inky lips again. Though, when the spotted girly spoke some more Nausica tilted her rather bulky head. "My family has abandoned their roots. We have all scattered." The Raven dug her claws into the bark, leaving her brother from the equation on purpose. No one needs to know her personal life. Especially not little miss Dove down below.



06-12-2014, 06:40 PM
you'll run for cover

{but you can't escape the second attack}

Senka nodded as the girl mentioned liking the nickname that she had proffered. "It fits you, Raven." She claimed it as an official name for the other with these words, ears pricking lazily towards the blackish female. She certainly did remind Senka of a raven, if they were making bird comparisons. Though Senka didn't see much of a dove in herself. Hmm. Maybe a cuckoo. They imitated the hatchlings of the parents, changing themselves to fit the nest they were in. Though Senka didn't plan on killing off her siblings any time soon, the way that cuckoos changed and adjusted themselves reminded Senka of herself, in an odd way.

The female nodded slowly, agreeing silently with the other's sentiment. She too, knew that sensation - Senka had been separated from her mother and siblings for half a year now, and Ignis had been a poor replacement for a family. "I have been separated from my family too," Senka spoke tonelessly, voice blank of the emotion that had stirred in her heart. It hadn't been much of a reaction, but it had been enough for Senka, who was unused to such things.

It didn't take long for her emotions to settle, and within moments Senka had calmed back to her usual, apathetic self. "I wish you luck in finding yours - if that's what you desire." Senka twitched her ears with that, voice as bland as ever as she gazed at Raven (which would forever be the other's name in Senka's eyes, even if she learned the female's true name).

holding on for your life[ S E N K A ]


06-14-2014, 12:01 AM

Hmm The Raven, she could imagine the murmurs of nurses and mothers letting their pups feed at their swollen tits and telling stories of The Raven, the monster of the night. The villain that will get you if you wander off from the den. She could just see it now. Nausica wanted a reputation. One that her mother had. The huge bitch that could dominate and conquer with no issue. The Saxe family was a legend and she would live up to it. When the little dove chriped some more about the nickname Nausica only nodded, still caught up in her thoughts of fame and wonderful things. Yet, it would all come with work and time, of course. Though, once again her attention was snapped back to Senka below. The larger girl tilted her head slightly, "My father was slaughtered after he did something unspoken of to another and then my mother has been scarce lately. I have various siblings out and about, my mom got around, but the only one I even see is my brother, Neios Saxe. But, even him, I do not see much." The woman lied only a little, but she did not care. Then more words were emitted from the girl below and Nausica shrugged, "I have much larger ambitions, I have no time for their nonsense." She yawned softly.