
Kissing in the blue dark

Void <3



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-05-2021, 12:00 PM (This post was last modified: 05-06-2021, 02:08 PM by Plague. Edited 1 time in total.)

It seemed like he just couldn't quite make himself stop working on their new home despite the fact that it was now probably far larger than either of them would ever need. Now that the weather had begun to warm and thaw the ground it was far easier to let his mind run wild and imagine it as larger and grander each time he thought he was done. Nothing felt good enough for his Void. If he was going to pull him away from his siblings for even a minute he wanted to make sure it was worth every single second. He still couldn't quite shake the sound of Spirit begging him to not take their brother away from them and as much as he told himself he wasn't, that he was letting Void come and go as often as he wished, it still hung on him with guilt.

He walked around the main chamber of the den, a fairly large circular room built to have a fire going in its center whenever the weather called for it. He took inspiration from some of the abandoned dens he saw on the other side of the Hot Springs, supposedly left by The Hallows after they moved to Auster, and he lined the floor of each room with fire hardened clay before he spread every hide and fur he could find across it, creating places to lounge and relax in practically every corner of the den. Two more rooms branched off this main room and they had gotten a similar treatment and each one had a substantial hide hanging across the doorway, blocking it and creating privacy for whoever slept within. The largest of the two was obviously meant for himself and Void, but the other, smaller room he thought could be used for guest if someone from either of their families ever decided they wanted to stay. He had considered building at least an alcove or something for Viridis and Procella, but the pair of felines had seemed content enough sleeping on the furs in the main chamber that he hadn't bothered. The walls of all of the rooms were lined with long branches from the pale trees that surrounded the shrine, giving the walls more structure and a lighter appearance.

Plague stepped out of the den and turned to look at the entrance that had more of these pale tree branches woven together into an arc that formed the curve of the doorway. The den was done - at least for now. He was certain that as time went on he'd think of more things that he could do to improve upon it even more, but for now this would suffice. Now all he needed was his love to make it truly feel like his home. He walked over to the near by hot spring, dipping his paws in the water to wash away some dirt that had cling to them and gotten hung around his claws while his mind wandered to the speckled, handsome man as it tended to do constantly throughout each and every day. Even just thinking of his strong face and spectacular eyes filled the Abraxas man with longing. He knew that he had told Void that he would wait as long as it took - and he would - but he sincerely hoped that wait was coming to an end.

Plague | Viridis | Procella



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
05-05-2021, 03:48 PM
He hadn’t been able to quite admit that as the trio made their way further east they were going home. The search was over and they failed, and Void couldn’t bring himself to say it out loud to either brother or sister. They continued to search regardless, maybe there was still that small chance that they would find clue or proof of her existence. For now the young Destruction mourned inwardly, and comforted himself with thoughts of Plague and the future. Void was on his own now, scouting the long way so his siblings wouldn’t have to work quite so hard. But also because he knew this was where Plague had been working on a home just for them.

Void drew closer to the hot springs and didn’t take long for his dual toned gaze to fall upon Plague’s pale form. Instantly Void felt his heart clench, just as it always did when he saw him. It didn’t matter the distance or time, being reunited always renewed the intense emotions within. He’d never felt before he met Plague, he changed him for the better. The sorrow he felt was worth the suffering because of moments like this. Void didn’t hesitate to approach, his pace as a quick lope that didn’t slow as he aimed to fully embrace the one he loved. His heart and soul.

”Plague,” his voice didn’t hide the relief and love he felt. Void buried his face into soft white fur and breathed in the man he adored. Like a breath of fresh air or weight from his back Void relaxed in Plague’s presence. He shed the guilt and worry that assaulted him and held tight to the love they shared.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-05-2021, 04:20 PM

As if the universe was reading his thoughts, the sound of paws moving toward him made his ears flick toward the noise and when he turned his head to see who it was a grin immediately pulled onto his features. Void. He turned toward the Destruction man, hurrying to meet him half way and easily falling into his embrace, that now familiar and relieving feeling of love washing over him. He brought his forelegs up around Void's shoulders, hugging him tight as his face disappeared into dark, speckled fur and Void's scent filled his nose. It never failed, no matter how many times they were reunited after any length of time apart, it always hit him just as strongly each time.

"Void," he rumbled in return against his love's skin, nuzzling into his fur and allowing himself to get lost in his presence for a moment. Any worry or tension always fell away the moment he was able to have Void in his arms and everything felt right, as if this was where they had always meant to be. He lifted his head from Void's neck after a few savoring moments, but only so that he could bring his muzzle to Void's ears and give them a few teasing, playful licks, squeezing Void a little tighter to him. He looked forward to a day when he'd no longer have to say goodbye to Void and he could have him be a more permanent fixture in his day. He brought out a whole different side of him, a joyful part of him that only Void got to enjoy.

"You came at the perfect time," he mentioned with a proud smile. "I was just putting the finishing touches on our home... Would you like to see it?" He caught Void's lips in an excited kiss before he finally released him from his embrace so that he could lead the man across the short distance to the den that awaited him. He led the way inside, ducking under the arch way of birchwood branches, and stood to the side so Void could inspect his handy work. Once Void had a chance to take a look at all of this, he cast a curious glance toward his other half, asking, "What do you think?"

Plague | Viridis | Procella



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
05-05-2021, 04:51 PM
They wrapped their arms around one another and fit themselves against one another like some kind of complex puzzle. Plague fit perfectly in his embrace and Void squeezed his eyes shut in thankful reverence to have this man again. His heart yearned for him when they were apart, and his familial duties always weighed even heavier on him while they were alone. He’d lost his hope of finding Eulogy though, there was little use spending his time searching now, when his heart would be done better good here with Plague. The man returned his greeting and his warm affection. There was nothing softer than Void’s fur against his muzzle. Void wanted to just get lost in his presence and embrace.

Plague showered him in affection, a tight embrace and sweet playful teasing against his dark ears. Void couldn’t help but smile, there was no one who made him feel like this. His happiness was tied directly with Plague’s love. This was where he was meant to be, Plague was the one that he was supposed to be beside. Void would have lingered right there forever, but he was still excited to see this special place that Plague made for them.

Reluctantly he loosened his grip as Plague’s excitement reached his ears. Void let himself share in the emotion, feeling the build of surprise. Plague’s lips brushed against his before he could answer, but the passion in his kisses were plenty of answer. This was a home for the both of them, a place to call their own. A place to put down roots with the one he loved. He didn’t want to let Plague go but followed eagerly to the cozy entrance. He could already imagine inviting little plants with bright flowers blooming.

When he stepped inside he knew he was home. His jaw fell open as he took in the first room, he was surprised at how bright and inviting it was. He stepped forward without hesitation, taking in every detail and being more and more amazed at what Plague built for him, for the two of them. Void returned to Plague’s side and leaned into his shoulder, sure his expression said it all. ”Plague, I never… I couldn’t have imagined a nicer home.” It wasn’t the beauty of the inside that made it home though. It was having Plague here beside him. Without another word Void aimed to tilt Plague’s features with a dark paw so he could better kiss him like he wanted to. There was no hesitation anymore, this moment was for Plague.

He forgot about the weight that was always heavy on his shoulders and took Plague to the forefront of everything. Nothing but how much he loved Plague entered his mind, he was all that mattered.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-05-2021, 05:48 PM

The look on Void's face and his reaction to the space he had built made every minute and day he spent building it entirely worth it. It was worth every effort imaginable to know that he had made a place worthy of being a home for this wolf that made his heart so full and his soul feel complete. He sat back with a smile lingering on his muzzle as Void walked around the room, his emerald eyes following the handsome man that he got the privilege to call his own. He leaned into Void's shoulder in return when he came to sit beside him, grinning proudly when Void told him that he couldn't have imagined a nicer home. Good, then he had successfully done what he had set out to do. This was all for him, every last bit of it. This was his love letter to Void, a physical representation of how much their future together meant to him.

His head turned easily and with no resistance when Void's paw found his cheek, lifting his muzzle to his and bringing him into a kiss that he immediately melted into, their lips pressing firmly together as his love and passion for this man poured out of him. This was the first of what he was sure would be countless kisses and affections that they would share within this den. This would be their retreat away from the world, somewhere that at the end of the day they could always come back to and fall into each other. No longer would they have to wonder where each other was or worry about when they would see each other again. Even if days passed between Void's visits as he continued his search, they would both know how to find each other once again without searching.

His lips lingered on Void's, one kiss filled with passion leading into another and another until he lost track of where one ended and another began. It sparked a desire and a fire that he hadn't allowed himself to feel since he dove into their affections in the northern part of Auster. He shifted without breaking their kiss, facing him more easily as he pressed even deeper into their kisses, his paw brushing against Void's cheek before coming to rest on the back of his head, his heart pattering heavily in his chest as a spark grew into a flame and then into a wildfire that threatened to consume him.

When he finally allowed their muzzles to part, he was panting lightly and he blinked open his emerald eyes to find Void's breathtaking sapphire and lavender gaze. A hunger and a deep, passionate love burned in his gaze as his claws grazed lightly through the fur on Void's cheek and neck. But he hesitated too, fighting with himself and the lust he felt. Void's words lingered in the back of his mind. I want this to be perfect. I don’t want to ruin anything when I have to let you go again. He knew Void was winding down their search, but was that enough? Was it enough to know that there would be a home for him to return to even if he did have to let him go at the end of it? There was a question in his heated gaze, a soft, needy whine escaping him as his muzzle brushed against Void's, leaving the decision in Void's paws.

Plague | Viridis | Procella



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
05-05-2021, 06:33 PM
This was what Void needed, a quiet space away from everyone and everything. There were no reminders of shirked duties or failed missions. This beautiful den, that had to have taken Plague so long to construct, was beyond perfect. This was all for him and Void wouldn’t let anything spoil that fact. For so long Plague was forced to take a back seat to the rescue efforts. There was never complaint nor blame, and Void was convinced he didn’t deserve how much patience, support, and love Plague gave freely.

They melted against each other, Void mirrored the affection. There was no withholding the emotions within, He gave his heart to Plague and proved that in the dreamy kiss. This moment was what he waited for, this perfect little world where there was no outside horrors. This perfect little cottage built out of Plague’s devotion and love. Void finally lowered all of the berries that once held him back and poured his heart and soul into his beloved.

As Plague kissed him the motions seemed to build on one another, stoking the eated flame they carried with them. From tiny spark to raging fire, Void felt the same waves through his body. His heart beat heavily against his chest and he grasped a hold of Plague like they couldn’t be close enough. The ivory man pressed back, with both of them becoming more intense with every kiss.

Plague finally pulled away and Void blinked open blue and lavender eyes to meet the endless forest gaze of the one he held so dear. There was a silent question lingering there in the deep love that pooled. A soft whine fell from Plague’s sweet lips as he brushed against his muzzle. He was prepared to stop, but that would be a painful course. Void couldn’t, and wouldn’t deny Plague a second time. Flames burned beneath his skin and desire welled in his belly. Void closed his eyes again and traced Plague’s jaw with timid nibbles and eager kisses. Dark lips reached for Plagues ears so all he had to do was whisper breathlessly, ”I’m yours.”

There was nothing he wanted more in that moment than Plague. For so long he’d allowed his one desire to be finding his lost loved ones, but he couldn’t ignore the one he loved right in front of him. The Abraxas man was his soul mate, and Void would make up for every moment he was forced to wait to start their lives.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-05-2021, 08:16 PM

His breath caught in his chest and his eyes fluttered closed as Void left a trail of sweet kisses and nibbles along his jaw, fanning those flames he was doing his best to keep in check. Electricity danced across his skin everywhere that Void touched until his love's muzzle made its way up to his ear. The breathy words he was given made his heart skip and a grin pull across his muzzle as his paws gripped tighter to him. I'm yours. The only words he had wanted to hear from Void for what felt like ages and ages. He brushed his cheek against Voids and brought his muzzle to Void's ear as well, giving the delicate skin a slow, teasing lick. Nerves curled their way into his gut, but the fire and desire that burned under every inch of his skin far outweighed his uncertainty and inexperience. "I have one last thing to show you..." he said softly into Void's ear before his gaze found Void's once more, looking at him with absolute love and adoration before pulling away, leading Void toward the large room that branched off of the left side of the main chamber, pulling the hide back that hung over the door frame. He let that passion simmer for just a few more moments, eager to show Void the last part of his gift to him.

Inside, there was a large bed made up of a platform built out of the same wood and branches that he had used to construct most of the den that was filled with dried grasses and wool that he had gotten from some traders, all covered in a plush polar bear fur. The wall behind their bed was more densely packed with the branches and saplings than the rest of the walls, making it appear almost like a headboard. One of the thicker saplings that stood directly in the middle of this display had a circle carved into it with a fairly simple design going through it. On the right side of the circle was an uneven, speckled line that drifted from the top right of the circle down to the bottom, middle point. On the left side a smooth, swooping line followed a similar, mirrored path. A representation of the marking that he wore under his right eye and the smoother, more elegant markings that highlighted each of Void's eyes. All along this wall the pieces of wood were sporadically studded with embedded pieces of glass that were nearly invisible until the light from a small skylight on the other side of the room caught on them. He'd made sure that the light from a bright moon would hit them just right, making it look as a portion of the night sky had been captured to decorate their den, a tribute to the star-like patterns that swallowed up Void's appearance.

He slipped into the room behind Void, sliding up beside him and leaning his side into his, placing a tender kiss on the back of his ear. "My family... we create these markings - sigils that are unique to us. I don't follow or practice our religion much these days, but..." He looked up at the one he had carved above their bed. He had a feeling that if Toxicity ever found out about how he had used his and what it meant for him he might never hear the end of it, but he didn't care. Void was what made him feel alive, made him want to be and do better. What other reason did he need? "Our sigils are supposed to grow and change with us to represent what's most important to us." He shifted his gaze to Void, a soft tenderness shaping his expression. It felt subversive to reclaim his sigil to represent his relationship that certainly didn't fit the mold that the Abraxas family would approve of, but it was his and he wouldn't apologize for it. No one could make him feel ashamed or afraid of the all encompassing love he felt for the man at his side. "You're the most important part of my life... I love you so much it hurts."

Plague | Viridis | Procella



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
05-06-2021, 10:29 AM
Letting go of all that held him back released Void to love Plague like he deserved. Unfettered and with purity. All of him, just like he said, belonged to Plague. The man was good hearted, and saw the devotion to family they both possessed. Plague encouraged Void’s relationship with them, and that wouldn’t change. What would change was how much deeper and more meaningful he would love the man in his arms. He felt their emotions stir and collide as the both of them let their excitement and desire push through the nerves and inexperience. They were going forward together, learning along the way. Void wouldn’t have it any other way.

Plague pulled back just a bit, Void thought he’d seen the best part. This room was everything he ever wanted, but the man led him further into their new home and surprised him yet again. Void was used to sleeping on grass, snow, and dirt, he wasn’t sure that he had ever had anything like a real bed in his life. What Plague had to show him was beautiful and luxurious beyond his wildest dreams. Rendered speechless Void leaned against Plague as he returned to his side. Void’s eyes sparkled with tears, amazed at every small detail Plague planned and arranged, for him.

Void leaned into the sweet kiss, still keenly aware of the fires that were lit just below the surface as he listened to Plague’s deep voice. His attention was brought to the carving above the bed, the sigil Plague spoke of. The markings were familiar but he didn’t quite realize what he was looking at until Plague quieted, his markings beside Plagues. A soft whine left his lips as his eyes shifted to Plague’s deep emerald gaze. He loved him so much it hurt. The feeling wasn’t foreign, he knew exactly how Plague felt.

”Plague,” he didn’t hide any of the emotion in his voice. He knew, more than ever in that moment that he’d given his heart to the alabaster man. Without hesitation or regret. Plague was the one, his soulmate and better half. Even their markings were nearly the inverse of one another. Balance. ”I still can’t say what it is about you,” he teased while aiming to embrace him again. ”But I was nothing without you. Plague, you showed me what love could be, I can’t describe how you make me feel.” There were no words, but there were actions and he held onto Plague tight, and kissed him with all of the unsaid words that would not be written.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-06-2021, 12:26 PM

Void always succeeded in making him feel as if every amount of effort and love he put into them he received back ten fold. All it took was hearing the emotion in Void's voice to know his decision to include them both in his sigil had been the right one. If his sigil was to represent his soul and devotion, then who better to share it with than the man who completed his heart, shared his soul, and knew all of his devotion? This place was special and sacred to only them, it felt right to mark the space in such a way to represent that. Void was everything he could ever hope to be - kind, dedicated, genuine, hard working, held an unapologetic softness. He was truly Plague's better half.

A smirk played on his features as Void brought up again that he couldn't figure out what it was about them - a feeling that he agreed continued to confound him. He fell into Void's embrace again happily, pressing into him as if he couldn't possibly get close enough. It felt like their souls were desperately trying to reach each other and even forming every inch of his body to his still wouldn't be close enough to satisfy that need. Void's words of love and finding themselves in each other rang true for Plague as well. That was evident in how he pressed into the kiss that Void gave him, paws gripping onto Void's fur as if he was certain that if he didn't hold onto his love he might drift away. Void made his chest hurt with overwhelming love and happiness, a feeling he wouldn't trade for the entire world.

He kissed the star-marked man with every ounce of hungry passion that he had kept bottled up inside, finally allowing himself to release it and let it drive him forward as he sank deeper and deeper into this affection that he simply couldn't get enough of. He only broke that kiss to pull Void over to the plush bed he had crafted for them, falling down onto it tangled in Void's embrace with the biggest grin spread across his muzzle. This was his heaven. He didn't need to ascend or strive for better - all he ever needed was right here in his arms. He kissed him hard again, paws roaming and exploring unabashedly, learning and memorizing every inch of his man that he had the distinct joy of calling his. All his, just as he belonged to Void.

When the fire ranging under his skin threatened to burn him alive without some kind of release, he finally let their kiss break so that he could shift and reposition around Void, his heart hammering against his ribs with nervousness and excitement and love. He kept them both on their sides, pressing his chest to Void's back, wrapping his forelegs around Void's sides and pulling him tight against him. He showered every inch of Void's neck, shoulder, and ears that he could reach with kisses and nibbles and licks, showering him with affection and pure, fiery love. "Void..." he breathed, whispering softly against Void's ear, his paws wandering and starting to explore yet undiscovered parts of his lover. "Will you marry me...?" One last question, one last thing to tie their lives together forever, one last thing to bring this man that had changed him for the better into his family and himself into his. They would share a life together and until his death Plague would be loyal to him. "Will you allow me to make you my husband...?"

No matter the answer, Plague would finally allow himself to delve into Void in a way that was new to them both, learning and experiencing it all together for the first time. Nervousness fell away quickly and he completely lost himself in it all, his face burying into the fur on Void's neck and his grip on his lover tightening as he was overwhelmed with all of the emotions and pleasure that he never thought was possible. They melded together perfectly like they were crafted and built for one another, which he was nearly certain was the case. No one could possibly be as perfect for him as Void. His Void - always and forever.


Plague | Viridis | Procella



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
05-06-2021, 02:28 PM
There really was no getting close enough, but both pressed against the other like life simply depended on minimal distance between them. Void didn’t allow himself to feel the sudden thought that he didn’t have anything to give in return. Plague must have spent months creating such a perfect place for them, a physical memento of how much he loved and cared for him. Void hadn’t even been able to find his mother after that much time spent searching. None of that mattered though, Plague made that obvious as he returned the passionate kiss and grabbed more tightly to him. Void melted into the adoration and affection. This was all they needed. He would have been content with a dirt den and a summer hide beneath them.

His heart only sped up as the moments together went on, he thought for a moment it might explode with the rush of feelings and emotions that cycloned within. Nothing remained between them, no hesitations hovered at the back of Void’s mind. Guilt didn’t belong here in their home. All that mattered was the man he held so close to him. Plague pulled him towards the centerpiece of the room and he eagerly fell into the bed of clouds with him. His expression mirrored the ivory man, a bright grin that wouldn’t be darkened. Joy filled him, like he’d never felt before as he relaxed into the plush white fur of Plague and the luxurious bed.

Void’s breath was swiftly taken as their kisses echoed the intensity of the emotions felt within. The need for Plague’s affection and the building desire that grew in his belly. He equally held the man tight, combing his claws through thick fur as he brushed against sensitive skin. Void whined as Plague pulled away, but the needy sound shifted to a pleased rumble as white belly met his silver marked spine. Void arched his back to meet his lover, and twisted his head to bury his muzzle into Plague’s fur. His heart thundered against his chest and his skin burned as Plague touched and teased him. He whined again as the man whispered his name.

Bright blue and lavender eyes blinked open in pleasant surprise as he twisted enough to kiss the one who was his. Plague wanted to marry him. Just when he thought that his heart couldn’t be more full Plague went and astounded him again. ”I will.” He answered breathily, barely able to convince the words from his lips his body was so alight. There had never been a more intense high, but even as he spoke Plague led him onwards to show him new levels of love, desire, and pleasure. There was nothing like this moment after waiting for so long, Void didn’t hold back as their bodies moved together and they pledged themselves to one another. He’d found no greater joy than Plague, the man would prove it over and over again.




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-06-2021, 03:22 PM

Plague felt as if he was floating on a cloud and it had nothing to do with the comfortable bedding under them. He was held aloft by the joy and love he felt for the wolf he still held tightly in his arms and the incredible tingling that still danced across his skin. He laid his his nose just in front of Void's, staring lovingly into his lover's gaze. His betrothed's gaze. Those stunning, captivating eyes would be his for all eternity and it almost didn't feel real. If he hadn't been able to run his claws through Void's fur and feel his perfect body pressed against his own he probably could have believed this was all some fanciful dream.

His paw brushed gently against Void's cheek, a goofy grin pulling across his features. He never smiled as much as he did when he was with Void and now was certainly no exception. With anyone else, besides maybe Venom and his nieces and nephews, he fell into a stoic, serious demeanor without really thinking about it. Void lifted away every bit of tension from his shoulders just by being in his presence and made him happier than he could have ever imagined. His mind was already spinning with ideas for their wedding and he was absolutely giddy at the thought. "We're going to be husbands," he said softly, nearly in disbelief, his cheeks hurting with how wide he was smiling. He chuckled and pressed his lips to Voids in a gentle, tender kiss, squeezing the love of his life in his embrace.

"Now we get to decide how we're going to manage the complicated task of deciding who is getting what last name or names," he commented, obviously amused by the uncharted territory they were walking in to. With two husbands it wasn't as obvious as the wife taking the husband's name or adding it to her own. Only to add more difficulty, he had two names of his own even without trying to add in Void's. His paws trailed up and down along his fiancé's back, gazing at him adoringly and holding him like the treasure that he was to him. "Destruction-Abraxas, Abraxas-Destruction... Perhaps Destruction becomes your middle name and you become Void Destruction Klein-Abraxas... Maybe I become Plague Klein-Abraxas Destruction..." He laughed softly as he began rolling ideas around in his brain, offering each of them to Void as they came. "What do you think, my love? Whatever you prefer, I'll be more than happy with." After all, at the end of the day he was getting every single thing he had ever wanted. A name hardly made any difference as long as it represented them well.

Plague | Viridis | Procella



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
05-06-2021, 05:21 PM
Void felt indescribable as Plague held him afterwards, their noses brushing as each man lost himself in the other’s endless gaze. Both of them wearing a silly smile and feeling more lighthearted than they maybe ever had before. This was where he was meant to be, Plague wanted to marry him and the inverse was equally true. Pledged to this one incredible man for the rest of his life. He’d never imagined this would be where his life went, but before Plague he’d never really had a future. Void went with the flow, he did his duties to Abaven and he watched out for his family. Now he had a fiance, a home, and a real future beside him.

His grin didn’t diminish as Plague eventually broke the silence between them as he placed a tender touch on his cheek. Husbands they were going to be married. Void knew before how much Plague loved him, before this beautiful home and before he’d helped to find Eulogy. There was something innate about what they shared that went beyond this physical manifestation. Void wouldn’t ever hesitate to kiss Plague ever again and as their lips met he felt electricity jolt through him despite the fatigue spread through his whole body.

Void enjoyed seeing his love so care free like this, he was talkative as he spoke from his heart and offered up different combinations of surnames. The Destruction man couldn’t help but chuckle at him as he snuggled into his chest and just let Plague hold him and gently caress his back. This was what he had needed for so long. He would have let Plague tell him his ideas all day, he felt like he was the one being warmed and protected for once. His man made all of the bad go away, at least for a time. He could simply focus on the two of them. He smiled again and looked up into Plague’s endless forest gaze.

”I do like the ring of Abraxas-Destruction.” He told him softly, but with a grin playing over his relaxed features. He still felt tingles all over his body and his heart had only just begun to settle in his chest. Loving Plague was unlike anything in the world, but he wouldn’t give him up for anything. ”I’m not picky, I just want to have you.” He told him with a sigh as he melted into Plague’s embrace and the soft bed beneath them. Willingly ignoring the responsibilities that awaited him outside.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-06-2021, 06:15 PM

"Void Abraxas-Destruction... my husband," he said softly as Void gave his initial opinion of what name they should take, testing the feel of it on his tongue. Even just hearing their names together, a representation of the bond they would soon share, made his heart skip and he grinned as he held Void against him, keeping his fiancé tucked into his chest as he folded his head down over Void's. He wished they never had to leave this den or this perfect moment. He wanted to keep Void here in their bed and protect him from anything that might steal that smile off of his face. His new goal in life was to make sure Void only knew happiness for the rest of his days. Plague chuckled softly when Void mentioned that he just wanted to have him. "You have me... All of me, for the rest of my days..." he replied without hesitation, nuzzling into Void's fur as he spoke.

His paws roamed and traced over Void's back and sides, occasionally sitting his claws teasingly trace over his hips and thighs, simply enjoying every single part of him and the fact that he was his. Now that they had allowed that passion and desire for each other out into the world he knew he'd never get enough. Even though he was satisfied and fatigued in the best way right now, he still couldn't resist savoring him and enjoying every second with him. "We could hold our wedding on the cliffs where we met," he suggested, still lost in a day dream about the future as his paw came to lovingly pet over the back of his neck, bending his head down to leave affectionate kicks around his ears. "A little later once the summer when all the flowers are fully grown back in perhaps... I'll put together a little something for us to wear, I'm sure my sister would lead the ceremony for us, her daughter is incredibly sweet - I'm sure she'd want to play a part in it..." He chuckled again as he got caught up in a whole slew of plans, clearly excited to spend time planning out every little detail.

It was going to be hard to focus on anything else, though he knew he would need to focus on his pack duties as well. They would eventually have to leave this bed and face the outside world again to return to their responsibilities, but it was hard to even think about those things when he was just so caught up in his own joy. He let his eyes close as he held Void snuggly against his chest, a smile pulling at his lips. Soon, this was what every night would feel like. Holding the man he loved in this plush bed in front of this wall that glittered and sparkled like the stars that his husband reminded him of... He couldn't think of anything more perfect. He began to teeter back and forth between wakefulness and sleep despite the fact that it was only early evening at best. He was so delightfully worn out and so at peace with Void in his arms that it was hard to avoid. "Do you need to go back to your siblings?" he asked softly before he just let them sleep the night away and worried his family unnecessarily.

Plague | Viridis | Procella



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
05-06-2021, 07:24 PM
Hearing Plague’s voice as he tested his new name and called him by his soon to be title caused Void’s heart to skip a beat as he cuddled against Plague’s chest. ”My Husband, Plague Abraxas-Destruction.” He whispered in return, savoring the words on his tongue. There was never a more perfect moment between them. Still lingering in the high of their love, and talking quietly about the future they had to share. Void smiled, and committed these moments to memory. The first day of the rest of their lives together. Forever.

His skin tingled and shivered as Plague traced the contours of his body as they lay there puzzle pieced together perfectly. Void sighed softly, feeling again the tension leave his body as he relaxed into Plague’s protective embrace. As long as he was here in these strong arms there was no sorrow that could overwhelm him. Plague quietly assured him they would be together all of their days. Iit made his heart swell and the guilty feeling nag at him at the same time. Spirit and Gloom would be out there making their way back to camp, expecting him to be there. ”Good,” he whispered softly. ”You won’t be rid of me either.” He teased to get his mind off the coming goodbye.

Plague continued with his train of thought, and his voice echoing through his chest continued to lull Void to total relaxation to the point that he could have fallen asleep. Sore and satisfied he craved a good long sleep. He grinned throughout, pleased to hear any and all of Plague’s ideas and even more eager to let him run with him. If their home was any guess anything that Plague did would be perfect and beyond Void’s expectation. The pair of them settled naturally into a peaceful silence as they both fell closer to sleep, but again reality came knocking.

Void would have to leave this magical place at a moment he really didn’t want to. Gloom and Spirit flashed in his mind and Void grit his teeth. He needed to return to camp. Plague had been gentle with him, but even after such care racing back to camp wouldn’t be a comfortable journey. Void grumbled as he blinked open blue and lavender eyes. This was a labor of love, leaving the one he wanted most to make sure his siblings were safe and sound. ”I do.” Even as he said the words his heart broke, and the countdown to return to his love would be set back.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-06-2021, 08:02 PM

Plague knew what the answer would be as soon as he felt Void beginning to tense at the question and it made a pang of sadness grip at his chest. He wished he could deny the possibility and beg him to stay, but he wouldn't. Their perfect moment of love would have to come to an end and he would have to let his betrothed go back to his family, at least for now. He did well at hiding the hurt and longing in his heart, keeping a smile on his lips as he looked down at Void, watching his lover blink open the eyes that had captured Plague's heart from the very beginning. "That's alright," he assured him before catching Plague's lips in a gentle kiss. "We both know this is just part of it for now... Just think of how close we are to never having to say goodbye again." It was a nice future to dream of, one he hoped would come to them sooner rather than later.

He started untangling his limbs from Void's reluctantly, pulling himself to his paws before helping Void do the same. He felt slightly guilty having to send Void away in this state, no matter how gentle he had tried to be with his lover, especially considering the distance he would have to go to get back to their camp. He gave his forehead and cheeks a few tender licks, smoothing down a few ruffled clumps of fur with a slightly sad smile. This was only temporary. He knew that. It didn't take away all of the sting though, no matter how many times he reminded himself.

Plague padded out of the den with Void, lingering against his side. "Come back soon," he quietly pleaded, nuzzling his cheek against Void's. He knew that every minute they were apart would feel like an eternity, but at least now they would have the hope and plans for their future to look forward to. He'd busy himself with preparing for their wedding and keep his mind busy with all the pleasant memories from this day till he was able to make more with him. "I love you."

Plague | Viridis | Procella



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
05-07-2021, 02:19 PM
Void knew that this moment would be one of the most difficult yet, and both of them tried poorly to hide that fact. He tried to offer a grin as he reluctantly offered the truth. He wanted desperately to stay here in Plague’s warm embrace, in the comfort of their home after everything. He had to keep his loyalty to Spirit and Gloom, they needed him more than he needed to stay here. His only consolation was this arrangement wouldn’t have to be forever. Once they returned to Abaven Void could take some time with his ivory man-to-be. Plague tried to soothe him the best that he could, his words an assurance as much as the mindful kiss they shared.

The Destruction man barely allowed Plague from his grasp, but he did appreciate his help in finding his feet. This was no simple task, and he was slow to let himself far away from Plague even as they struggled out of the bed. Void closed his eyes and enjoyed the last bits of affection as Plague straightened his fur and readied to send him on his way. A deep hole seemed to open up in his belly at that moment and he grasped tightly at the man in front of him. Leaving now hurt so much worse than before.

Plague didn’t leave his side as Void reluctantly let go and headed towards the entrance. He took one last long glance around and he memorized every fur and branch. He leaned into Plague’s touch as he begged him to return swiftly. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, steeling himself for the trial ahead. ”I will.” Void whispered back as he aimed to steal another long kiss for the road. His heart swelled and broke as he pulled away. ”I love you, Plague.” His eyes shimmered lightly with tears. ”I’ll see you soon.” He couldn’t say ‘goodbye’ the words wouldn’t come. With another sigh his paws reluctantly carried him from Plague’s side.