
so broken hearted



3 Years
Extra large
05-07-2021, 06:37 PM
He had to return Eastward again, his heart continued to call out for a girl that would never be able to answer. Ocean grit his teeth as memories of her filled his mind with every step. He took better care of himself this time, he’d seen his sister’s tears and he didn’t want them to fall again. The emotions that stirred just underneath the surface ebbed and flowed like the tide. Pain and loss swirled together as anger touched at his consciousness. There was nothing to be done and frustration bit at his toes. There was absolutely no sign of the woman he realized he loved far far too late.

Ocean’s paws continued forward but his eyes were filled with tears and his chest felt hallowed out. He was almost numb but not enough to ignore the throbbing sense of loss that encompassed his whole body. Motif was dead. The silver marked man made his way slowly up the waterfall, to the very peaks as the sun lowered towards the horizon. He stepped into the brilliant orange light and raised his head to the sky as the wind tore through his thick fur. Ocean let out an anguished cry, a song of heartache and loss that rang out over the falls and the forest surrounding. He cried out his hopeless frustration, his voice slowly subsiding as his body sunk to the rock below. Ocean collapsed beside the waterfall and wept.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-08-2021, 10:29 AM
After her night with Indigo, Aslatiel took the long way home. She curled around a few territories and ended up crossing through the falls. The sun had melted most of the snow and ice away. The very snow and ice that had almost killed her, who knew how long ago? Time had been moving so quickly lately. There was little time for rest. Everyone and everything was go go go. So, because she had this time alone, Aslatiel soaked it in. Used it to think. Get all of the bad thoughts out. Who knew when she'd have time to herself again?

A cry of hurt and pain cut through the air and Asla's fur stood on end. She hurried forward, eyes wide and scanning as she looked for the culprit. In time, she came upon a dark colored man laying prone beside the waters edge. Though the water was loud, she could see the rise and fall of his body as he sobbed. Asla... could relate.

She did not know this man. Something in his posture, the aura pouring off of him, whatever you wanted to call it... it called to her. Slowly, the significantly smaller woman approached. She felt how he felt, but in most situations, she chose the route of strength so that others might be able to release their weakness. Wordlessly, Asla seated herself beside him, her shoulder touching his own. They didn't know one another, but she told him anyway...

"You're not alone."
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



3 Years
Extra large
05-08-2021, 04:10 PM
His shoulders shook as he sobbed beside the constant roar of the water. Ocean had to double check himself he’d returned to the east, certain that he would find something pointing him towards Motif. All signs of her disappeared, and he knew that she had perished somewhere. The emotions overwhelmed him again, he’d come back because he allowed himself to hope that he had just been wrong. There was no mistake. She was gone. Motif was gone and he had never told her how he felt.

The feeling of brokenness inside was akin to the loss of his parents, but it felt so much more devastating. Both his mother and father had been old and lived a full life, there was so much more for Motif to live for, so many years they could have spent together. His best friend, his first love. Ocean felt lost, and he blocked out all the noise of the world beyond the steady beat of the water upon rocks. He’d not have any idea he wasn’t alone until he felt warmth against his shoulder.

Ocean froze for a moment, his mind’s first instinct to believe that a miracle had happened. Motif came to sit beside him, finding him after everything...He lifted his head as the girl spoke and Ocean did not blink open his silvery gaze to find the dark coated she wolf he loved. His mouth opened in disbelief and his features crumbled again. He did not know this woman. Quickly his eyes were averted to his paws, tears still streaming down his face.

”I am though.” He whispered, feeling the loss like a steak through the heart. It was sharp and driving, and didn’t feel as though it would ever subside.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-11-2021, 07:36 AM
Seeing the man suffering and feeling his sorrow so deeply lessened her own and for that, she was thankful. She didn't know him at all, but he was helping her more than she could explain. His denial that he wasn't alone brought a soft chuckle from the woman beside him. "Well, I'm not a ghost." Aslatiel nudged the stranger lightly with her shoulder before her gaze drifted away from him. "I'm going through a lot myself." She wouldn't get into the whole mess unless the man asked, but she wanted him to know that he wasn't alone in an emotional sense. "Things seem bleak, but life goes on. We have to deal with it, come to terms with it, and push through."

She didn't want to sulk anymore. She didn't want to feel the deep, endless sorrow that Indigo's absence filled her with. Something needed to be done. "Come, try to feel something other than sorrow." Rising from beside him, Asla took a few steps back. "Fight me, stranger." She pointed out the fact that they didn't know one another. There were no strings here. Just two wolves who needed to get some feelings out. Asla generally used humor and sarcasm to deal with most situations and today was no different. "Don't worry. You won't break me."

Asla didn't think that the brute would take her seriously. He wasn't the only one that needed to be pulled out of a rut, so she softly added, "Please..." The woman's swirling, galaxy gaze rested upon his face, their depths silently pleading for him to help her and in turn, she would help him.
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



3 Years
Extra large
05-11-2021, 09:04 AM
Ocean felt the loss like losing Motif was the end of his world. He lost his parents not so long ago but he had his siblings there to comfort him. Chrys had really tried her best to comfort him. If anyone could help it was his sister. She patched his wounds and offered her support, but there was nothing that she could say that would help alleviate how deeply he hurt. Oce hated that he hurt so much, but even more so that his hurt was causing his sister distress. She didn’t want to see him like this anymore than he wanted to feel it. Oce was sure that his heart would remain broken for the rest of his life. The deep gaping hole in his heart was intense and overwhelming, but even through his sorrow the stranger tried to break through to him.

The young man didn’t know this girl, she had no reason to show interest in his brokenness. He was incomplete, defective, Ocean was shattered. The silver eyed monster looked up to the woman as she nudged his shoulder comfortingly. She told him about her own struggle, and he realized she meant to begin with that they were both suffering. They were kindred hearts, finding themselves alone and struggling. He knew the words she said were true but they were also hard to deal with. Ocean didn’t know if he was strong enough to do what she said. Move on? How? All he wanted was Motif, for one more day just to tell her everything he was never able to.

Silver eyes followed her as the dainty woman stood up and challenged him. Tears continued to stream down his gaze, and for just a moment he felt completely lost. He didn’t think that he could feel anything but sorrow but a small thrill raced through his massive frame as she challenged him. The anger he felt seemed to flare, the frustration that he was helpless in all of this. That there was nothing he could do to bring his beloved back. He could give this woman a fight though, and despite himself Ocean craved the feeling of flesh between his teeth.


The gentle word caused a thrill to race through the young man, the sweet voice begging him was more than just a call for violence. There was something deeper and mysterious that Ocean wanted to find. The challenge called to him in ways he’d never felt and the boy felt a glimpse of hope in those emotions. His silver eyes met her swirling gaze as the young man lifted his massive form from the dark rock.

Ocean hesitated for a long moment, she assured him that he would not break her but Oce couldn’t ignore the differences between them. Her sweet voice replayed in his mind and his inhibitions disappeared. His expression changed from one of loss to savagery. He didn’t have anything left, there was very little in his life worth fighting for except perhaps his sanity. Ocean rushed at her, his claws scrambled against stone as he unleashed the caged beast inside. His only thought was attack. He’d immediately try to gain control over her smaller form, his jaws going for her scruff as massive dark paws aimed to pin her down. Oce didn't notice her confident stance nor think about her superior agility, he was determined to take swift victory. His mind numb to what he’d do with said triumph.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-11-2021, 02:49 PM

Asla didn't think that he'd ever stop crying and just when she'd been about to give up and go elsewhere, his expression changed. Ahaaaa, that was what she wanted. That was what they both needed. Perhaps her plea had broken through his wall of grief. Whatever it was, he looked ready to carry out her request.

As the man scrambled to his paws, Aslatiel cracked a grin, lips peeling back momentarily as she squared off. Unfortunately, it looked as though he lacked skill. No matter. She would spar with him anyway. He needed it. She needed it. Everything would be fine. If anything, she'd take it a little easier on him than she might on most. That was until he rushed her in a rage.

The monchromatic wolf rushed her, jaws open wide with the intent to sink his teeth into her neck. Aslatiel easily sidestepped, having fought drastically larger wolves her entire life. She utilized her small size and agile nature to the very edge of her ability. Having dodged the mans bite, Asla skirted to the side and took a nip at one silver and black knee. She wasn't attempting to hurt him, just letting him know that she could land a hit when she wished. Turning, Asla squared off with the black and silver man once more. "Again," she said. Head low, stance wide, she prepared herself yet again for his attack. This time, she had a mind to let him hit her. Grappling would not only release pent up frustration, but it would expend their energy as well. She imagined they could each use a little of both.


[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



3 Years
Extra large
05-11-2021, 03:58 PM
There were no thoughts pared for anything besides getting his teeth on her. She challenged him, pushed him and led him forward into the feeling of frustration and anger instead of hopeless sorrow. He had nothing to blame her death on, and taking out his frustration with this emotional and physical exertion was therapeutic in a way he might not ever fully understand. He raced at her, wanting nothing more than to sink his teeth into her and rip the smirk from her features. He wanted to rip and tear, a feeling that he had never truly embraced until now. A red haze ebbed at the corners of his vision as his gaze narrowed.

His bloodlust remained unfulfilled as she sidestepped out of his reach and turned on him. Ocean felt her teeth at his knee, he didn’t cry out but he took in a sharp inhale. Realizing full well what the deeper meaning to her touch was. The boy was far outclassed by this young woman. He caught his footing before going head first into the water and returned his attention to her. Turning himself so he was facing her smaller form. She urged him forward again. Her stance held her in place and Ocean didn’t hesitate a second time.

Oce charged at her head on, aiming to pull his massive head back and swing it against her ribcage as he passed by. He wanted her to tumble over so he could turn about and pin her to the earth. His tail lashed and his eyes glared and flashed with anger. He wanted to feel her struggle beneath him, to feel the consequence of the beast that she had summoned forth, but like the loss he suffered she was just out of reach. Anger swelled and raged in his gut, but already the burst of pure emotion was running short of fuel.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-11-2021, 07:37 PM

Once more, Asla sidestepped the man's attack. As he swung his head though, he caught her ribs, though not with the full force of his thick skull. Asla hissed and curled her body, raising one paw to cuff his cheek, though she kept her claws sheathed. Rather than square off again, Asla leaped forward, jaws wide with the intent to bite the man's neck and shoulder.

Already she was feeling the wear on her body. They hadn't even moved that much, but the buildup of emotions was slowly being depleted with each step, each attack, each glance and growl. His anger still burned and she wondered when it would die down as hers had. No matter. She would go for as long as he needed then after, maybe they could introduce themselves. The thought brought a soft laugh from the woman and she let her guard down for just a moment. A moment was all that it should take for the monochromatic giant to make his move and win the day.


[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



3 Years
Extra large
05-12-2021, 09:13 AM
The woman sidestepped skillfully, but even as she avoided most of his attack the side of his head connected with her body. Just that one simple blow was enough to cool him down considerably, with every step and attack Ocean was relieved of the emotion within. The fire was let out as he danced with her. Her own blows hit, but they didn’t cause the sting he craved. Even those diminished the ferocity. He cried out despite there being no physical pain as his flame burned burned and went out.

She faltered, and Ocean used the last of his fury to capture the dancing vixen. His massive form went after her again, eyes glaring and teeth sparkling. He pushed her to the ground, finally. His frustration and anger had settled as sorrow and loss returned even as he stood over her. Oce looked down into her bright purple eyes, transfixed as he could only see the two brilliant blue eyes of Motif in her delicate features. Ocean grit his teeth and felt his heart fill with grief once more.

Anger dissipated completely as tears filled his eyes again and he slowly lowered himself over the smaller woman, he curried his face in her chest. He hadn’t realized before how good she smelled or how soft her fur felt. Oce lost himself. He wrapped his huge char marked arms around her and held on tight like he’d never been allowed to with the girl he fell in love with.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-17-2021, 09:03 AM (This post was last modified: 05-17-2021, 09:05 AM by Aslatiel. Edited 3 times in total.)

Having taken advantage of her moment of laughter, the man slammed into Asla, knocking her to the ground. She grunted as her back struck the earth, but was proud that he'd taken the initiative and bested her. Not that she wasn't going to let him end up on top anyway. Asla was trying to get his emotions out and boost his confidence. What better way than to let him win and end up on her back?

Asla looked up into his face, prepared to congratulate him on his victory, but the dark man had tears in his eyes once more. He lowered himself gently over her and buried his face in her fur. Aslatiel sighed. She'd hoped that he would have worked through some of the grief that had been plaguing him. Gently, she wrapped her forelegs around his neck, holding the stranger close.

Strangers. They were very much strangers. This was just an odd, chance encounter. They didn't even know one another's names. And yet it didn't seem to matter much. Shared sorrow brought wolves together. Still holding the man against her, Asla brushed her lips across the top of his head. One paw stroked his neck in slow, rhythmic strokes. She kissed one dark ear, then the next, showing him that he wasn't alone. He needed something and she was intent on giving him what she could.


[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



3 Years
Extra large
05-19-2021, 03:58 PM
She didn’t pushed him away, even as he felt her disappointment in him. She still wrapped her arms around him. He couldn’t have Motif, he’d never be able to tell her how he felt, or hold her like this. Press his face into her soft fur and breath in the sweet scent of her. But he could with this woman. The woman he didn’t even know the name of. Motif was gone, but he had this beautiful sand furred woman beneath him. Her affection soothed him, the steady rhythm of her paw against his fur. Her lips against his ears, the tender affection creating a whole new sense of emotions within him as his mind swirled around the thought of Motif.

He squeezed his eyes shut and willed himself to have the strength she saw in him. That he needed to move onward with his life. It was so easy to give up, fighting was hard. This girl, a stranger in every sense, showed him that he wasn’t alone despite how lonely he felt. At one of his lowest points she appeared out of nowhere to comfort him and offer her affection when he didn’t deserve such kindnesses.

Ocean nuzzled into her chest again, letting himself relax the tension he held in his neck and shoulders. He leaned more heavily against her. He changed from burying his head to hide himself from the world, to slowly nuzzling the skin beneath her thick fur. Tentatively Ocean moved up her neck and into the crook of her jaw, still keeping his eyes closed but his expression had softened and his body started to relax. Hesitantly he blinked open his silver eyes to find her bright galaxy like gaze. There was an incredible understanding there, and before Oce lost his nerve or thought too hard about his actions he leaned forward to press his dark lips to hers.

He didn’t know how to kiss, but he did move on instinct. Every thought and feeling that he felt towards the dark girl with blue eyes. All of his love, the dreams and hopes he had not only for their friendship but what more there could have been. A happy life, a beautiful family, true love. Everything he lost filled his passionate kiss, he would never be able to kiss Motif, so this angel of a woman in his arms received every bit of his love.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-21-2021, 07:04 AM

She didn't know what he was going through. Not the specifics, anyway. She did know sorrow and she did know grief so Asla was capable of commiserating with him more than any other passerby might be able to. So, as he cried and worked through his emotions, she held him. This big, dark man, dissolved into her, his face buried against her chest. She wouldn't let him go.

Slowly, the brute's face in her chest lifted and he was nuzzling along her jaw. Their eyes met and Asla gave him a soft look of acceptance. She wasn't judging him for his sorrow, she was simply here to help him through it. The weight of his body upon hers was welcome, comforting in a way. Aslatiel was showing great trust to this stranger as she allowed him to stay above her, his teeth resting so closely to her unprotected throat. The look in his silver eyes though, it deserved that trust. He didn't even seem to mind her scars. And when he finally came in to kiss her, Asla didn't hold back.

By his hesitancy, Asla could tell that he wasn't skilled. It didn't matter at all. There was passion in him and the cream and grey woman was drawn to passion like a moth to flame. He kissed her and she worked with him, gently at first, letting him learn by feel. One white and grey paw rose to cup a dark cheek. Asla deepened the kiss, her tongue darting out to quickly absorb the taste of the man. A soft little groan left her and heat began to fill her body. That familiar, aching heat. Her body knew what it wanted, but just in case the man didn't, Asla pulled away, bringing her lips close to his ear. "I'll be whatever you need," she promised breathily. Asla was giving him the green light. Fighting, fucking, crying, screaming... whatever he needed from her, she would give.


[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



3 Years
Extra large
05-21-2021, 02:36 PM
He didn’t know her and she didn’t know him but this woman fit so naturally against him as he felt his sorrow ebb and flow through him. They didn’t know each other but they shared a similar path. They walked the same road and found themselves together. She allowed him so very close, his teeth brushed against her vulnerable throat and still she was willing beneath his touch. The stranger lifted her lips to meet his, accepting, willing, and maybe most importantly guiding.

Ocean closed his eyes and leaned into the affection, almost believing his true love could feel the emotions as they rose through him and flowed through the woman he held. He didn’t believe in magic but if there was a moment that might convince him in was this one. The world stopped all around him, and he felt an incredible emotions with crystal clarity as they kissed by the falls as the stars began to appear in the sky above them. Ocean’s heart beat heavily in his chest and his skin grew warm as she groaned against his lips.

Silvery eyes blinked open to find her bathed in the last golden light of the day. She wasn’t the one he lost but there wasn’t any sight he’d ever found so beautiful. The girl reached forward and whispered in his ear, connecting the last few dots in his mind as he embraced the desire as strongly as he held onto her. His body shifted as he leaned in to kiss her again, he felt like he needed her lips, he required the warmth of her belly against his. He tilted her hips against his, with each of her back legs propped against his thighs as he pressed their bodies together. Love, loss, rage… he didn’t hold back his emotions nor anything else. He was as gentle as he was rough while he learned the woman beneath him and forgot about the loss that killed him inside.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-29-2021, 05:17 PM

Realization dawned on the dark man as he hovered above her. Aslatiel pressed her chest against his, the heat in her body demanding more from him. More than he was ready for, perhaps but reason went out the window after a time. He kissed her again and she met the thrusts of his tongue eagerly. This man was no Indigo, but he was something different. He was a stranger. He was an unknown. How would he he perform? What would he do to her? The excitement was too much and she let her desire be known in her kiss.

The moment that he positioned her beneath him and their hips met, Aslatiel's body shuddered in relief. This was what she wanted. What she needed. She imagined it was what he needed as well. As the man and woman moved together as one Asla temporarily forgot her woes. She allowed the desire and baser nature to consume her like flames. Their meeting would be well worth it and the sounds that would pull from the young woman would let him know how well he had done.

Later, when they lay there together, Asla's eyes had closed. She was sore, but satisfied. There was no rush and she made no move to leave the stranger beside her. Were they still strangers? Intimate strangers, if anything. The cream and grey lady had her back pressed against the much larger man. She was content to simply stay here until he was ready to leave. They were still enjoying one another's company. Still taking what they needed. If he wanted to stay with her all night, so be it. They would stay here all night.


[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



3 Years
Extra large
06-07-2021, 02:42 PM
He was able to forget everything, no thoughts could travel through his mind save for those that focused on the sweet she wolf he held onto. Their time together was a bright fiery explosion. Incredible and intense but swift and fleeting like the length of time they knew each other. The sight and sound of her mixed with the feelings that washed over and through him made him much softer to the reality that ebbed back as Océan reentered the real world. His dark arms held her close to him as he accepted that she was not Motif, despite the emotions he offered to her.

But she was warm and soft an depressed against him like she belonged nestled at his belly. He nuzzled against her dark ears affectionately, Océan just wanted to be close. There was no hint of motion, he would keep her close for as long as she allowed. His muzzle was nestled behind her ear and one silver paw caressed her shoulder as he closed his eyes and uttered a soft sigh. There was little contentment beyond his sorrow but Aslatiel had provided him with relief from it all, if only for the night. His muscles relaxed, he could close his eyes and see nothing instead of her face.

”I’m Océan,” he told her softly, pulling her a little closer, holding onto the feeling of sanity as long as possible. ”Thank you.” She was a complete stranger, but knew they both needed a night like this. He had shown her everything he felt, and she still remained here with him. ”I needed....” The young man trailed off. She knew what he needed and shared in that with him, she deserved more gratitude than he could ever express.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
07-03-2021, 07:33 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2021, 07:33 PM by Aslatiel. Edited 1 time in total.)

Beside her, she could feel him relax. She could feel the pent up frustration and pain slowly leave his large frame. One romp wouldn't truly make the pain go away, but it was a start.  A glimmer of hope in the dark. She was feeling better herself. Losing herself in this handsome stranger had been exactly what she had needed.

Asla's eyes had drifted closed and she chose to enjoy the closeness between herself and this nameless brute. He didn't stay nameless for long. His low tones graced her with his name and the woman's galactic gaze was revealed once more. Gently, Asla turned her body so that the pair of them were chest to chest. This way they could speak softly while looking at one another. The cream and grey woman smiled. "Aslatiel Fatalis. Reaper of the Armada." She gave her name and title. Now he would know where to find her if he ever wished to.

He thanked her and then his voice drifted off as he tried to continue. One small paw rose to cup his cheek. "I needed you as well,"/ she spoke softly, her paw drifting to stroke his dark fur. "Would you like to stay here with me tonight or do you have somewhere to be?" Part of her was hopeful that he would want to sleep beside her after the explosion of emotions that they'd shared. If he needed to get home, she would understand that as well.


[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



3 Years
Extra large
07-11-2021, 03:47 PM
The tension left his body as he relaxed beside the only woman alive who knew his deep sadness and lost love. Motif would never know the feelings and desires that he showed the she wolf in his arms, and he wasn’t certain that sorrow would ever leave him. The girl he fell in love with was gone and that fact tore his heart to pieces, but having this woman here with him helped remind him of his love of life. The warmth of her fur against his and the scent of her in his nose, he was able to ignore his loss and divulge in someone still here. Someone who understood him from the inside out despite how short of a time they were acquainted. Ocean knew her more intimately than any one else and that had to account for something.

She told him her name then, shifting slightly so he was holding her to his chest and he could gaze into her infinite galactic eyes. He couldn’t know what a Reaper was, but it sounded like an impressive title. He had heard of the Armada, but he hadn’t experienced the place himself. Now he knew where he could find her in the future, that was why she had offered right? This wouldn’t be the last they saw of each other, he could feel it. He leaned against her paws as she placed it upon his cheek. She was so soft and gentle with him, and sweet as she admitted her need for him in return.

Aslatiel went on softly, questioning quietly as she stroked his cheek if he would remain here with her tonight. Ocean felt himself grin slightly, an expression that was scarce these days. ”There isn’t anywhere I could be that would compare to being with you,” he admitted to her softly. Hesitantly he leaned forward and nuzzled his muzzle against her own. He closed his eyes as he savored the affection and being so close to her. She was what he needed and wanted, there asn’t anyone else in existence who could keep him from the brink like she was doing.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
07-18-2021, 08:05 AM

Ocean was sweet and gentle as she rested chest to chest with him. There was something about his actions that reminded her of... No. No she wouldn't open up that box of pain again. This moment was for Ocean and it was the charcoal and obsidian brute that she would focus on. Gently, she pulled her claws through his fur, careful not to prick him with the curved, sharp tips. After she posed her question, he wasted no time in answering. He didn't even have to think about it. Ocean would stay the night with her. A smile formed on Asla's face and she leaned into the man as he nuzzled her. Shifting her own muzzle, she pulled him into a kiss, her soft lips meeting his own.

Heat was beginning to build within Aslatiel again. She'd never been a one-time lover. However, the heat of her lust was tempered by the sheer exhaustion both physically and mentally. Again she kissed Ocean before sliding her muzzle along his own so that she could whisper softly in his ear. "When morning comes, we should do this again." Her tones were full of thick heat and promises. She wanted Ocean, but they both needed sleep. With her morning wishes shared, Aslatiel curled up against the mans big, warm body, and promptly fell asleep.

"Aslatiel Fatalis"
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



3 Years
Extra large
07-19-2021, 06:42 AM
There wasn’t much in his life that made him feel right but here holding this faun furred woman he could nearly say he belonged. Like holding her had been his entire purpose, that everything he had experienced to now was preparation for this moment. Relaxing into Aslatiel and allowing her to consume his body and soul. He thought that Motif was his other half, the woman that would complete him, but he felt doubt begin to seep into his mind. He didn’t have to think about his answer to her as it tumbled from his dark lips. She seemed satisfied as well, relaxing against him as he said it. She pulled her sharp claws through his fur, leaving trails of tingling electricity over his skin.

Exhaustion held them both however, and no matter his desire his body was already pushed too far. Even if he had desired to leave he wouldn’t have made it far from her. This was what he needed, to curl up beside her and sleep away his sorrows as his body recovered from their intense encounter. He’d already closed his silvery eyes when she trailed her muzzle up his cheek and whispered into his ear. They weren’t through with each other yet. Despite everything he couldn’t deny how she had made him feel. He thought it was his love for Motif, but Aslatiel created her own place in his heart.

”I’m yours.” He admitted in a whisper as he wrapped his arms around her and held her a little tighter. ”Good night.” Oce went on softly, closing his eyes and listening to her gentle breathing as she drifted off in his arms. He remained awake for a long time, his mind far too wound to sleep quickly. Eventually he’d drift off, not even realizing th difference between dream and reality.