
Single Roses in a Starlit Field


05-27-2014, 02:41 AM

He had returned to lands he had trekked once upon a time. Though the memory was both enjoyable, yet frightening. He had nearly burned alive, but luckily he had received no more then a singed hide and a few burned hairs. He had been through alot since then, and yet here he was. Looking for nothing in particular, with just memories of old haunting his thoughts. Black socked paws carried him slowly across the plateau, deep sapphire pools reflecting the darkening sky that cast itself overhead like a blanket. Dusk was setting in, the world above a multitude of colors. He would inhale a soft breath, releasing it in a silent sigh as crickets chirped their songs all around him. Winter was here, and it would soon be getting colder. Though it didn't bother him in the least, his thick pelt able to keep him warm even in a blizzard.

This season would bring about his birthday, the boy having turned another year and still containing no purpose. He thought he had one, but the pack he had joined disbanded before it's time was due, leaving him out to rethink his plans. Since then, however, he remained alone. Traveling from place to place, and even his path would lead him outside of the lands he had arrived in search of his mother. But he was back now, other lands not feeling like home the way these ones did. And although he didn't truly have a place to call home, he couldn't help but remain around here. This place, especially. It held one of his best memories, and that was meeting a spunky young girl that had the enthusiasm and curiosity of an adventurous pup. The memory brought a smile to his face, the boy ceasing his steps as he chose a place to sit beneath the stars. Would he ever see her again? He only wondered. The world was a big place, and he was sure she had moved somewhere and found happiness. It was the least he could hope for her, and hopefully she had found someone that would be able to handle the amount of energy she contained within her heart.

Something would catch his attention off to his side. He would rise and move towards it, choosing to sit in front of it as he gazed at it. It appeared to be a similar thing that the girl had carried around in her mouth that day. How he remembered was beyond him, though perhaps because it was a memory he had been unable to forget. Something he didn't want to forget. He reached a paw towards it, turning it over a few times before holding it closer. Gaze finding itself staring at the stars. Perhaps he would camp here tonight, and wonder what fate had in store for him.


Myth I


6 Years
06-06-2014, 11:40 PM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2015, 02:10 AM by Myth I.)

Once upon a time she had been an innocent child, unspoiled and full of dreams for her future. Myth may have still acted like a child but her outlook on life was not nearly as sunny as it once had been. What had carried her to this place was a mystery, the chance meeting with the male from her past sticking out in her memory right now. The ground was littered as it had been that night, though she moved with more caution, eyes more upon the ground in front of her rather than on the shiny distracting objects around her.

A familiar scent struck her and Myth paused, mis-matched gaze lifting and scanning the horizon frantically. If he was truly here, in this plateau of all places... perhaps she would call it serendipity, maybe a coincidence. Slowly she began to follow his scent again. Stopping once more as she drew in the form a wolf. The moon illuminating his coat just enough for him to be familiar.


(OOC. Sorry for the crappy post)