
Deeper then you could imagine.



5 Years
05-27-2014, 07:08 AM

NOTE: Set before the Epidemic, a few days after Covari formed:)

It was far quieter in the mornings, all the wolves that inhabit the area seem to be caught up in their own slumber. The scent of Seracia was finally starting to thin, become scarce as though their never was anything before Covari, but they all knew that wasnt quite true. The purple nymph still felt rather guilty, where did the old residents live now? Have they all banded together? Though, it did set her mind at ease knowing Viridiana gave them a chance to return to their home. Even if it was with a different ruler and new name. A yawn would pass her silken lips, tracing her tongue and leaving as quickly as it had manifested, a wisp of warm air dancing before departing. Her gaze would consume everything around her, though barely paying any attention at all. She saw no other lurking, so it would seem she had free time for herself. For the time being at least. Her small paws would skim over the surface of the dusty plains, making her way over towards some skeletal trees. Their branches expanding far and wide, as if trying to hug the air. Desire? would lay herself down on her side, letting the breeze play with her soft curls. She had grown used to the change in temperature, the coldness beginning to not bother her at all. It was nothing compared to the North afterall.

image by Serendipity



2 Years
05-27-2014, 05:23 PM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2014, 05:23 PM by Crucifix.)

There was a soft cold to any who greeted the early mornings, a whisper of it against his coat as he shook himself awake and slept from the comfort of the den. Bleary eyes would take in the soft lights that stretched shadows against the earth and splashed faint shades of colour against an otherwise dreary sky. He would move his paws beneath him, starting slowly before stretching out into a wild jog that took him to one edge of the territory. His mouth parted and tongue lolling as he felt his body warming and waking beneath him before turning and starting off in the other direction. It would be here that he would find the midnight queen, her darkly ethereal coat sparkling soft shades against the earth she lay upon.

The boy would slow his stride and stop before his queen, inclining his head in a show of respect before taking his seat. ?My lady, are you an early riser are you?? he asked with a easy smile, wondering if that would mean his own morning would need to start as hers did, as the aid and protector Vi desired of him.




5 Years
05-28-2014, 12:20 PM

Not alone afterall, it shall seem. But fear not, its her knight in shining armour.

So swiftly he would come,quiet and subtle... though none the less welcomed. She would watch as he nears closer, finally making the effort to pick herself from the ground, a few sticks jumbled on the back and sides of her fur that she barely even noticed. Nor would she care for the matter. She'd give a toothy smile, appearing to look a little like a snarl, though not quite so. Why was he up so early? " It varies i suppose, i just cant sleep lately, the early mornings are also the only times i can get some peace and quiet." She'd giggle, before locking her eyes against his own. " I could say the same to you, why are you up so early" Desire? would stand up on all four paws once again, stretching her limbs, which felt rather painful for no particular reason. It wasnt like she had been running around like a lunatic or anything.

Covari's members where growing rather quickly, and it was seem Crucifix had already been fortunate enough to rise to teir 2. The purple nymph had never questioned Viridiana,, seeing her judgement wise. He seemed to be rather active around the pack land, taking on the role of patrolling also. " How are you liking Covari anyway? I do hope its not such a bore." Her tongue would trace her thin dry lips,feeling the need to take a little stroll. The woman disliked staying still or in a certain area for to long, she liked to travel, or atleast keep herself occupied.



2 Years
05-28-2014, 03:00 PM

His beautiful queen would speak and his own jaws would flash a soft smile at her words. He could only imagine what it must be like, to be an Alpha of those growing pack and the responsibilities that must hold. She would turn the question back to him and a soft sigh would curl warmly against the cool air between them as he looked at the winter scene around them. ?The cold, and restlessness. Sometimes it?s good to simply get up and moving..? he said, without moving his eyes from her form. She had risen as he approached, and he could see the tangle that marred the soft tones of her coat. Another smile would grace his lips as he thought about removing them with a few gentle movements of his jaw. He was under orders however ? no touching the merchandise. He settled on his hunches, content to stay a while and chat.

She would speak again, and the humour was content to remain in orbs as darkly purple as her entire being. ?Covari? Boring?? he laughed softly with a gentle shake of his head. ?With you and Vi at the reigns I could hardly imagine it to be that? he would point out. She stood fully now, shaking out tight limbs and putting their weight beneath her. She looked about ready to walk out the stiffness the cold placed in her joints and he would bow his head in a graceful swoop to Desiree ?Would my queen accompany me on a stroll?? His tone was as teasing, daring as the flash of silver in his dark orbs.



5 Years
05-29-2014, 02:54 PM

OOC: I warned you about the crapiness<3

She would remain standing, shaking her lilac fur where the small twigs would fall out, untangled from her curls. " I suppose lingering near the north for so long has gotten me prepared for these winters..." She would nod slowly, accepting his offer to walk. She would go anywhere, having no particular preference apart from stretching her legs. " How did you end up reaching Covari anyway? Did Vi call for you? It feels strange being bound to these lands, coming home each night where others reside." She would sigh, not complaining, seeing it as a nice change rather then a bad one. " Did you live in a family before venturing over here? Its strange how quickly the tables had turned. I didnt expect vi to claim a pack so quickly.... she's quite something, dont you think?" The purple rani would carry on walking forwards, expecting cru to follow since he suggested the small walk. She would meander past all the rabbit holes, wishing not to break a foot. " You know when she said we'd be working closely together, it doesnt mean you need to make such dramatic changes so soon, you know that right? You do have a life withought having to escort and dine a queen all the time!" She'd chuckle, just imagining the thought.



2 Years
05-29-2014, 08:55 PM

It was pleasant to have some company and they would tread across the Covari territory as the spoke. He noted the way she tread carefully over the rabbit holes and he himself paid half a mind to where they lay. The girl had words to speak and he listened as she did so. He would smile of her mention of preparation for the cool winters, although really without company to warm him he missed the summers already. She went on to talk about Covari and revel in the beauty that was Vi. He laughed softly at the mention of the redly shaded woman it would appear he was not the only one caught up in the wonders she created ? not that he expected any differently especially since these two where mated.

?She asked for my services and I provided ? I have family but we are not as close as we once where. I like it here, I also find it strange to be tied to a pack, but it?s not just a pack.. it?s what Vi is creating? he laughed again So I expect nothing less the for it to be a fascinating experience? he joked ?I honestly don?t mind, I?m here to help you My Queen ? just ask and its yours? he grinned and flashed his violet eyes her way.




5 Years
05-30-2014, 04:04 PM

She knew very well that it'd be wise to get to know her members, especially those she has to work close beside. Though, what if they didnt get along? Perhaps that was out of the question. Crucifix seemed like one of those wolves that everyone would love and admire. As they'd continue walking she hoped to learn more about him, wide awake now then when she wished to laze around. " Are your family in Alactria? Do they have that cross like you do? Its so strange to see patterns like that." Des never really payed attention to how many questions she asked, though, no one ever complained. She would amuse herself with the thought that he was here to serve her as he says, though how far would he go? " Oh really... so you'd go half way across the world to get me one of the most beautiful, waxy red roses?" She always did love roses they looked so delicate... so perfect. Though before she could go on she would go to a sudden stop.


She wasn't paying attention to where she was going and before she knew it her right front leg would get stuck in a hole, she couldnt deny that it hurt, but she would show no pain on her face. She would take a moment to steady herself, before pulling out her leg and stumbling into Crucifix, hitting his side with her own rather forcefully. She would shake her pelt. " These god damn rabit holes are everywhere in this specific area!" She would huff, before calming again. The pain soon faded and really all that was left was the embarrassment that she actually slipped.

NOTE: Hope you didnt mind i pped him a little<3



2 Years
06-04-2014, 04:20 PM

It was easily to slip into the conversation with the purple woman, and he found himself nodding in agreement along with her words. ?That?s right, most made it to Ala, and the cross - it?s something we are all born with ? The mark of my family? it made an easy to tell when it came to identifying members of his family. It was hard sometimes to think of them, he missed Maddie and Twig sometimes and had already raced across the territory to find hi s way to Valhalla when she called. He knew Vi could understand his love for his family and his tie where to her and to them.

Next she would ask him for a rose and his eyes would slide to her darkly shaded and brilliant form with a half raised brow. ?If my lady needs a flower that could compete with the beauty of her form, then find it I will? he would promise, his voice warm with flirtatious and his smile curved in an almost suggestive form.

The next thing he knew he was walking and she was not, his whirled on one paw and faced her head on in surprise, tilting his head to see why she had stopped. The thump quickly became obvious as he saw the paw that had caught in a rabbit hole. He moved closer to her, his nose twitching as he took her in, searching for blood or any sign of real injury. She pulled her leg free and stumbled to his form. He braced himself to take both their weights and stop her from falling. She seemed unfazed and he found himself blushing ? he had just completely failed to keep her from an injury. He shook out his head to chase away the thought and aligned himself beside her, his rump almost touching her own. ?We can sit if you like, enjoy the new day here rather than our wondering? he offered, partly to double check her paw for injury and partly out of embarrassment to his own slip up.