
10/10 force field




3 Years
Extra large

LegendaryThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverScarred
Ice Bridge ExplorerWealthyHomebodyDouble MasterExplorerVolcano
1KTreat 2019
05-10-2021, 07:10 PM

Tyrian was on a quest for grass and not the fun kind. Fireside's herds and its kept-but-not-kept bison were racing to see who could deplete the Knolls of roughage first and if he wasn't careful one of them would win. Since the bison were as one with the Knolls as flies on shit he couldn't do much about them, but he could, if necessary, move his critters. The docile sheep, goats and horses of Fireside were used to being rotated outside packlands so driving them wouldn't be hard. Getting them somewhere decent would be the tricky part. The wild prey animals were in as much of a bind as his kept lot, so finding a place that a) supported munchy plant life and b) wasn't eaten down to nubs and phloem was quite the challenge.

He paused with a frown when the familiar smell of scent markers reached his nose. Clearly he had taken a wrong turn somewhere as he was looking for the Tall Grass Plains. Tyrian glanced back the way he'd come. The river had done him wrong; too many bends, too many crossing options, too few signs...or something. This definitely wasn't because of his navigational skills, no.

The young King would have been irked by someone skirting his borders but here he was about to do the same to whoever this was, because he really didn't feel like trekking back through the sand traps. It would be easier to follow the border to the river and then follow the river - hopefully - to the Plains. That was the plan. So that was what he was going to do. He'd be quick, quiet and stay well away from the border lest someone confuse his proximity for interest. It wouldn't do any of his critters any good if he got eaten by overzealous border guards.


Tyrian has a saber-toothed snow leopard companion named Zahir, a black-footed gray langur named Tashi and a striped skunk companion he insists on calling Righty even though her name is Daisy. Assume all are nearby if not mentioned.