
Off exploring




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5 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-16-2021, 08:37 PM
Spring seemed to have zipped by and changed into summer before she even had time to really register it in her mind. But maybe that was because the bitter cold of winter still clung to the air throughout spring and was only just now starting to tease her with warmth. The only reason she realized it was summer was the quiet murmuring of the older wolves as they looked at the placement of the sun as it moved across the sky and the puzzled look on their faces as they then moved on with their day. However, despite the persistent chill, Laoise was finally a yearling and she was free to explore outside of Valhalla lands, her long slender limbs carrying her russet and charcoal brindled body to the south-west as her nose led her around. There were so many different and new scents that, at first, overwhelmed her but she soon settled herself down and really began to explore.

It was an hour or so after she had passed over her homeland's border that she noticed the ground was becoming colder and wetter with each step she took and the air was filled with the scent of birds. Curious, the brindle girl stopped and lifted her head to get a good look of her surroundings, her dual blue eyes looking over the estuary with awe. The ground was wet and frosted with the unusual cold air and that made the grasses and foliage brown and dormant, but the massive willow tree in the center was still a marvelous sight. Even from this distance she could see a flock of birds roosting within its branches, some sleeping, some preening, and some squabbling with their neighbors. It brought a smile to her russet lips and the girl wanted to get a closer look.

Carefully she hopped from the driest parts of land she could find, sometimes having to wade through the water as she made her way to the center. Lee stopped halfway between the tree and where she started when she noticed the noise the birds where making had become louder and more agitated. She had been spotted by the birds and apparently they did not like having a predator walking around their roost. The girl sighed, trying to decide if she wanted to press on and disturb the birds more or turn back but a loud croak sounding next to her, almost making her jump in surprise, but effectively took her attention off the birds. Her blue eyes met the enormous eyes of a rather large frog, the green and brown creature eyeballing her as if it was thinking about eating her. Lee giggled, instantly falling in love with the cubby frog and she lowered herself to her belly as she took a moment to study the frog.



2 Years

BeeventGold Medal 2020
05-17-2021, 10:41 AM (This post was last modified: 05-17-2021, 10:41 AM by Aslaug. Edited 1 time in total.)


After months of an extended winter, where the natural warmth of spring was overtaken by the coldness of winter, not only that but new types of creatures came with this unique situation. She didn't mind the cold too much as back in her band, that was a common climate they found, but still, the food was scarce, and traveling became soo hard that hunting was harder and she often had to travel a long distance to find a suitable place for hunting.

But finally, after so many months summer seemingly brought the missed warmth, not completely comfortable but that was a good sign, a good sign of things slowly getting back to normal.

Today she found herself in the estuary, the first place she visited with Elba. Being here gave her some hints or nostalgia, seeing those times when her family has united far away now. She of course knew in Vallhala she had more family, including Aurielle. But still, she had that empty spot her mother, father, and sister used to be.

The place seemed different, well it of course was with such an ice age that stroke Boreas, the grass was dead, brown and the place was silent, silent in comparison to how crowded with bird songs it was when she came here with Elba.

As she adventured herself further the quietness faded when frog calls flooded the area, and between the wet places, she saw a younger wolf. Her cousin, though she had yet to know them more. Smiling she approached. "Hello, is everything okay?"

Art by CloudyNight



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

5 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-28-2021, 06:25 PM
Laoise Adravendi

The frog did not seem to mind her presence as she watched the frog, its large yellow eyes watching her with almost the same amount of interest. It sat on a clump of wet moss, still brown from the cold but the creature seemed content anyways. "You seem to be doing well for yourself little guy. At least it is starting to warm up a bit eh?" she spoke softly to her froggy companion. It's throat bobbed for a moment longer as it regarded her before its throat expanded as it croaked its reply and jumped into the water and vanished. Dual blue eyes stared after the creature, kind of sad that it did not stick around longer but the sound of paw steps growing near her shifted the brindle girl's attention.  ""Hello, is everything okay?" Aslaug asked her as she approached and Lee flashed the older girl a bright and warm smile.

She did not know Aslaug very well but Lee hoped that they could fix that and grow closure. They were family after all. "Oh, yes! There was a frog I was studying here just a moment before you arrived. I was surprised to see it out but maybe the little bit of warmth encouraged it out." Laosie replied, her blue eyes drifting to the now smooth water where the frog vanished. A small smile danced on her lips as she recalled it's cute big eyes before she looked back at Aslaug. "What bring you out here?" Lee asked curiously, silently wondering if she could tag along with what ever the older girl was doing.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think