
Teach me how to love




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
05-17-2021, 03:15 AM (This post was last modified: 05-17-2021, 03:16 AM by Manea. Edited 1 time in total.)

Manea walked slowly along the dark, obsidian beach with Alastor at her side, the lapping ocean just barely sweeping over their paws as they went. The sun had begun to set, painting the sky in broad strokes of orange, red, and purples as the sun fell low over the horizon. She walked shoulder to shoulder with the man that she had given her soul to, entrusting him with what she had thought were the most important parts of herself. He already had her promise that he would be the one and only for her for the rest of her life, the only one that would ever father her children, the only one that would ever experience her at her fullest and truest state. He would live beside her, be a part of her family. Yet, somehow, that didn't feel like enough. The longer they lived together, the longer she got to know him inside and out, she was coming to realize that he wasn't just her soul mate. He was far more than that.

Growing up, her mother and aunts had made it very clear to her that at the bear minimum she would find a man that had all the physical qualities and mental abilities she desired to bring to her children. If she should be so lucky she would find a like minded man that could subscribe to their thoughts of how life should work so that he could participate in raising Mendacium children as they should be raised. If the ancients truly smiled on her then she would find her soul mate - the one wolf that they had designed for her to match her perfectly inside and out that would create the most perfect union for her and their children. There was one thing that they had braced her for, insisting that it was nearly impossible to have all of that and still find someone that she could genuinely fall in love with and care for more deeply than herself.

It felt like Alastor had done the impossible. She felt herself falling head over heels for this demon and it felt too good to be true. She had asked him to go for a walk with her, telling him there was something she wanted to ask him. She stopped them once they were about half way down the beach, turning to face him and looking into those inky black eyes that had captured her attention from the very beginning. A smile pulled at her lips as she turned to face him properly, settling down on her haunches. "Alastor... There's a ceremony that my family taught me - but only reluctantly. My mother and every aunt I ever saw growing up insisted I'd never need to know it. It's a ceremony to bind me to.. to the man I love." Her smile grew a little wider, her heart fluttering nervously in her chest. She was never nervous, but this time she was. "I know without a shadow of doubt that you're my soul mate. You are who the ancient ones intended for me to promise my children to, but... I feel more for you than just that. I don't just want to just limit our relationship to that. I love you, Alastor. I want to share everything with you, my heart and my soul."

She watched his expressions curiously, anxiously waiting to see what he would say, what he would do. "If you'll let me... I'd like to perform this ceremony for you. I want to be your mate and give you my name."

Manea | Temno


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
05-17-2021, 07:31 PM

In the months that had followed their chance encounter in a bloody battle, Alastor had dedicated all of his time to Manea and Nirvana. He had gotten to know them well, especially Manea. Her likes, her dislikes, her dreams and fears, the way she gave shrieking giggles if he tickled her sides and the way she liked to curl up into his side when she slept. He had memorized how each color of her galactic swirled fur felt, how she smelled after a rainstorm, how she tasted in their moments of late night desire. Manea had fully invaded every aspect of his existence and brought him a new life from the ashes of his wrecked one. She had unknowingly saved him from total collapse when he had lost everything for a second time, and she may never truly know the full extent of what she had done for him.

That was how Alastor found himself walking along the obsidian sands of the beach in front of their home, enjoying the sunset and encroaching twilight with his beloved. The evening sky was ablaze with vibrant oranges and reds, muted with the occasional splash of indigo and purple. It was a beautiful sight to behold, but as lovely as it was, Alastor only spared the scenery a single second for every ten he gave to Manea. Watching her walk beside him, close enough to feel that elegant purple fur brushing against his side, noting the way her muscles moved and rippled with every step underneath her coat, it as entrancing. He didn't know what Manea had wanted to speak to him about, only stating that she had something she wished to discuss with him and asked him to accompany her on a walk down the beach. Of course, the dire brute had obliged eagerly. But it did make him more than a little curious. He felt like he was being set up for something, and knowing Manea, it would only be good things.

The two eventually came to a stop before the swaying ocean at a quiet, empty stretch of beach. Alastor sat back on his haunches when she did, the two facing one another while Manea addressed him with a smile and began to speak what was on her mind. Alastor listened quietly with his smile on his face as she revealed that her family had a special ceremony she had been taught reluctantly. That certainly got his attention! It was some sort of binding ceremony to tether her to the wolf she loved. Loved. That word made Alastor's heart stop beating for a second out of shock. His expression froze, unreadable while she smiled wider and confessed her belief that he was the one made by her Ancient Ones for her, but she felt stronger for him than any of her beliefs. Then she confessed her love for him, saying those three words that shocked his system back into functioning. She loved him. Manea loved him. Alastor's mouth hung open while she asked him to perform the ceremony with her, to take her as his mate, and to receive her family name for himself.

Alastor stared at Manea dumbfounded, his broken brain trying to process the words she had just said to him. No wolf had ever said they loved him before. No wolf had ever loved him before. Not his parents. Not his siblings. Not Lurid. No one. Manea was the first and only wolf to ever say those three words to him, and from the expression on her face, the demon brute knew she was telling the truth. The frozen smile on his face twitched with signs of life, and a fire sparked in his onyx irises. His smile grew to a huge grin, feeling his heart beat faster and faster, his tail wagging and kicking about the sand behind him. She loved him. She would be his mate, bound to him forever. He would have her name. He would have a family name! It had been years since he'd discarded his in disgust once he'd torn his family apart, but now... now he would be complete again. Just like Lurid had promised him, but this time Manea would actually deliver.

"Manea, I... I don't know what to say," he replied, words tumbling out of his mouth slow while he searched for them, genuinely flabbergasted for once in his life. "Yes! I mean, yes, I want to do this ceremony with you! Manea, no other wolf has ever come as close to the real me and not only accepted what they saw, but embraced it without trying to change me. You saw me for what I am and fell in love anyway. I..." He paused, finding himself unable to say the words he wanted to say back to her. Did he love her? Did he even know what love was? It was something he had never felt before, had never been given—but Manea made him feel ways no other wolf had. With her, he was allowed to be his natural self, violent and depraved and psychotic, and she just took all of him and demanded more. He felt safe letting his mask down around her. Surely, if that wasn't love, what was? Steeling his nerves, Alastor swallowed back the darkness preventing him from speaking, and met Manea's anxious gaze with a softer grin and bright eyes. "I love you too, Manea Mendacium. You are the only wolf I would want to have all of me, whatever broken pieces are left inside, the only fae I want to stand beside, to bear children with, to live and die with."

The words felt so painful and yet so liberating to say. Words he had never uttered on his tongue before, bittersweet for the lack of use, that would now become commonplace between the two of them. Unable to contain himself any longer, Alastor leaned forward to swiftly close the space between their muzzles, going in for a quick, firm kiss in the fiery sunset hues. Gods, she looked beautiful right now, the sunlight bringing out every individual hue in her royal purple fur. Once their lips had parted, he sat back up and fixed Manea with a crooked grin. "Alastor Mendacium... It does have a nice ring to it, I must admit," he remarked with a laugh. "So, tell me about this ceremony. What do we have to do or say? Can we do it now, or do we need witnesses?" He thought back to all the intricacies of the Amarix mating ceremony he had to learn—the one he had never gotten to perform due to his betrothed's betrayal. Not with Manea though. Never with Manea.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
05-18-2021, 01:09 AM

Manea watched with bated breath as Alastor froze, seemingly shocked by her statement, her confession, his unreadable and stunned expression amusing as it was anxiety inducing. The only reason she had let herself confess these things to him was simply because she had been certain he felt the same. As the moments ticked by with him in wide eyed silence she began to worry that she had read him wrong, but the moment that his grin returned and his tail began to wag she was able to breathe a little more easily, though her heart still pounded in her chest. She could face down a hundred of those giant dire wolves they had killed together and she wouldn't have felt a fraction of the nerves that she felt in that moment, waiting on him to say yes. Once that agreement left his lips a wide, overjoyed grin pulled across her features and her tail wagged against the sand. She thought it couldn't be done. In all the generations of Mendacium women she had come across and spoken to only a small handful had felt confident enough in their relationships to take this step with their partners and now she was one of the chosen few. She had found her soul mate, her lover, her friend, the demon to bring out all of her darkest fantasies and the joy to brighten up her days.

She hung on every word he spoke, listening as she gazed at him with pure love and adoration as he spoke of how she accepted everything that he was without trying to change him, that he loved her in return, that she was the only wolf he wanted to have all of his broken pieces. She wanted all of these things for him. She wanted to bear his children, to live with him, to die with him. No, she didn't just want these things - she needed them. That's why she was doing this. She needed to give everything to him so that he could give everything to her in return. His lips met hers and she returned his kiss ten fold with a happy, excited whine, the kiss over all too soon as she shifted eagerly in place where she was sitting. She looked at him, her love, her one and only, the demon that completed her soul, and couldn't possibly imagine being happier than she was in this moment. Well, perhaps she would find a way once their ceremony was done or perhaps after their first child was born, but for now this was certainly the happiest she had ever been.

Alastor Mendacium. Hearing out loud, hearing it from his lips, it felt right. It felt as if it should have always been a part of his name. His questions and inquiries about the ceremony made her grin and she chuckled as she leaned up to press another firm kiss to his muzzle, lingering there for several long moments and fought the urge to have him right here and now. There would be plenty of time for celebrating when all was said and done. "I love how eager you are," she said softly against his lips with a smirk before rising her her paws. "There's no need for witnesses in this. This is between us and the Ancients. No one else matters in our union." Chuckling softly she turned away from him, whistling for her ravens as she took several steps away from him and then turned to face him again with a grin creeping across her muzzle. "As for what you do and say... You can leave the words to me. Before we can get to the words though, there's a bit of a challenge for you. In true Mendacium fashion, there's far less pomp and circumstance than you might imagine and a lot more of a bloody battle." She glanced up as Temno and Ciemny appeared over head, dropping two similar leather cuffs at her paws.

They were pieces that she had been working on for some time now, her ravens assisting her in finding the materials she needed in secret. She held up the first one - a band of black leather embossed with flame-like markings that mimicked the stunning markings he wore all along his back, the design studded with small rubies that caught the dying sunlight to make the cuff look like it was on fire. "This represents you," she told him before slipping it on to her right leg, fitting it perfectly just above her ankle. She held up the second one, a similar black leather cuff, except the design that adorned this on was a depiction of delicate lines that wrapped like vines, similar to the marking that wrapped around her left eye. This one was studded with amethysts, the smooth surfaces of the purple stones showing their true color as well as reflecting back some of the orange and red hues of the sunset. "This one represents me," she added, slipping it over her left ankle. She had made it slightly larger than her own with the intention that he would soon be wearing it. An advantage to him, perhaps.

She shot him a challenging look, an excited grin pulling across her lips with a flash of her fangs. "To go through with the ceremony you have to take the cuff that represents me by force. A symbol of fighting for your place in the Mendacium family, if you will." She gave him a more serious look, adding, "There is no pulling punches in this fight. We will both bleed and that's how it's intended. If you want to claim my name you'll have to fight for it with tooth and claw - not that I think you'll have any issue with that. Best me and steal this cuff and everything is yours." The smirk returned to her lips as she shifted into a defensive position, already edging her left paw a little further back to prepare herself to defend it. "Alright, Alastor Mendacium... Come claim your title."

Manea | Temno | Ciemny


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
05-18-2021, 09:16 PM

Alastor couldn't suppress the wide smile from dancing across his lips when he heard Manea's happy, eager whines into their kiss when he accepted her proposal. Of course he was going to accept them! This was Manea—his Manea! He would have moved heaven and earth for her, set fire to every world in every universe for her. He returned her equally firm, passionate kiss when she bestowed it on his lips, humming happily, a content rumbling deep within his throat. When their kiss broke, Alastor chuckled in response to her love of how eager he was. He was eager! He was starting the next chapter of his life with a wolf he adored, a chapter he had anxiously tried to start twice before! She stood up then and began to step away from him. Alastor watched her with growing curiosity, wondering if he was expected to follow her or something until she stopped a short distance away and turned to face him with a wicked grin on her lips. She whistled, and the twisted brute watched while her ravens delivered two leather cuffs to her.

Before he could ask a single question, Manea was already explaining things to him. Their ceremony would have no witnesses, just them and her gods. He would need to speak no words, a far cry from what he had been expected to do with Lurid. She did however mention a challenge for him, and Alastor's ears perked up at the mention of that. All she revealed at first was that, true to her family's nature, it would be less formal and more bloody. His grin returned to his face; he did love when celebrations turned violent. Manea then held up the two leather cuffs, showing off their intricate leatherwork and precision detailing with the precious stones. He stared at them in wonder as she introduced each one, the one bearing his flame-like brindling and rubies representing him and the one bearing the flowing ivy and amethysts representing her. Alastor was amazed. They were gorgeous! How long had she been working on these? When had she been working on these? He tried to recall a time he'd seen her sneak off on her own, but he came up with nothing.

Obsidian eyes watched while she slid each cuff over her ankles, the one representing her clearly sized a little bigger than she was, and Alastor understood why immediately. Even before Manea presented him with the challenge, Alastor had begun to piece it together. She challenged him to take it from her with a flash of sharp fangs in a wide grin. He would have to earn his right into the Mendacium family. and as her mate through bloodsport. She took a defensive position, shielding her cuff on her left leg to protect it, and dared him to come take it and claim his title, using what would be his new name to goad him on. It wasn't needed. Alastor was already preparing to accept her challenge with a wicked, deadly grin of razor sharp teeth. "Oh Manea, you've made me the happiest wolf alive today," he said with a cheerful chuckle. And then black eyes narrowed into lethal slits and Alastor lunged into combat with a snarl.

Big black paws pounded against the Stygian sand as he closed the distance between them in a blink of an eye. He lunged for Manea, paws open wide and mouth full of fangs open wide aimed to wrap around her chest and neck. He would try to grab her, either with paws or with jaws, and wrestle her to the ground. Alastor was the heavier and physically stronger between the two of them, and he had to use that to his advantage. If he could get Manea down on the ground, it would only be a matter of preventing her from wriggling away for him to take what he wanted from her. He expected Manea would put up the fight of her life for him and was already anticipating how to go about subduing her. After all, he would expect nothing less from the fae attempting to tame his wild heart.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
05-18-2021, 10:53 PM

Gods, she loved this man. Seeing the wicked grin that spread across his features, the absolute thrill he seemed to get at the idea of taking what he wanted by force, it made her all the more excited to be doing this with him. She had heard stories of having to force their would be mates to attack their partners to get through the ceremony, making it difficult on both parties to complete, but not with Alastor. He met her challenge with a fervor that flared her own bloodthirsty desires to life. He made her feel alive like nothing else and that was exactly why he deserved this honor from her. Now he just had to take it and she had no doubt that he would. If there was one thing she knew about Alastor it was that he was nothing if not tenacious and vicious. A challenge like this fit him perfectly.

She braced herself as he came charging toward her full speed like a battering ram of onyx and ruby wolf, lunging toward her with reaching paws and open, snarling jaws. Her lips pulled back in a snarl, a growl sounding in her chest as she leapt up to meet him head on, catching the upper portion of his right foreleg between her jaws, right above his elbow. she felt his other foreleg hook across her shoulders and his teeth sink into her scruff, the sting of pain making her growl louder and a small shiver race down her spine. The taste of blood hit her tongue, the scent of blood mixing with his own natural, intoxicating scent, as she threw her weight into the bite, redirecting his momentum to send his right shoulder slamming down into the sand, attempting to knock him free of her scruff while one of her paws pressed hard into his chest to shove him down, her claws slicing into his skin.

As soon as she was free of his grasp again she released his foreleg and removed her paw from his chest, hopping back out of his reach. She shot Alastor a wide, twisted grin that was now stained with his blood, chuckling while excitement and desire danced in her aqua gaze. "Gonna have to try harder than that," she commented with a laugh, already preparing for his next attempt.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
05-18-2021, 11:19 PM

Alastor's attack had only been semi successful, managing to get his teeth around her scruff and his paw into her shoulder, but he felt the sting of her teeth grab and rip into his upper right leg, blocking his full grapple. He wasn't able to get a secure enough hold on her before she threw her weight forward and toppled him over to the obsidian sands below. He flinched and growled in pain, his paw on her shoulder able to dig his claws into her flesh and leave a few deep scratches when she pushed away from him, wincing when he felt the bite of her feline claws rake down his chest. Every sting of pain came with a rush of dopamine and pleasure, the masochistic side of him drawing ecstasy from the agony.

She jumped away as soon as she was free, putting distance between them. Alastor rolled to his paws, ignoring the warm trickles of blood running down his right leg while he squared off with Manea again. He saw the blood on her teeth—his blood—and her taunting words only provoked the demons inside him more. Still grinning like a madman, Alastor gave a louder snarl and slowly circled closer and closer to Manea, ravenous jet black eyes locked on her radiant purple form the entire time. Unbeknownst to her, he had fought on this beach before, against his previous fiancée, and back then he had used a trick to catch her off guard and get the upper hand in their fight. It was underhanded, but Manea had been the one to say "no holds barred". Besides, when it came to Manea's love, he would stop at nothing from attaining what he desired.

Once he had come close enough, Alastor went deathly silent, staring at her like a predator would an animal it was moments away from killing. He stood stock still, almost as if frozen in time, watching her, teeth bared in a stark flash of white against pitch black, waiting... Without warning, Alastor swept his paw across the sand between them, kicking up a cloud of the fine black particles into Manea's face. The second he kicked the sand up, Alastor rushed forward, his body crouched low as he charged Manea again, this time moving to ram her front legs with his shoulders and get his larger frame underneath her smaller, lighter body so he could flip her like a charging bull. He gave a violent jerk of his body once he was beneath her, rearing back on his hind legs and twisting so he could intercept Manea as soon as she came crashing down to the sand in another attempt to subdue her, snarling with teeth snapping at her shoulders to try and grab any hold of her he could use to leverage a pin. His eyes searched for that black leather cuff on her left leg. He would have that cuff by any means necessary!


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
05-19-2021, 12:26 AM

Manea kept her eyes fixed on Alastor, watching has he circled, shifting and turning to remain facing him as he moved. She watched him suspiciously and waited to see what his maniacal mind had thought up, the suspense building as he stood frozen and staring at her with a snarl on his lips. Just as she thought that she would have to launch the next attack herself he kicked up the obsidian sand into her face, forcing her to flinch away and turn her head to keep from getting the particles in her eyes. That gave him the perfect opening and he charged forward, his muscled shoulder sweeping her willowy legs from under her, sending her flying with a gasp as he reared back onto his hind legs, basically scooping her up with his shoulders and tossing her. She landed on her back with a thud, grimacing as he air got knocked out of her. Alright, she had to give him that one. That was clever.

He didn't give her a moment of reprieve as he lunged for her again. She was quick to roll back onto her stomach, but she wasn't quite fast enough to get to her paws before he was on her, his teeth connecting with the upper portion of her shoulder near the base of her neck. She snarled and growled from the pain, but a grin still pulled at the corners of her mouth. She wanted desperately for him to win, but she wasn't going down without a fight. Before he got a chance to pin her, she quickly reached up with her paw, digging her claws deep into his shoulder just as she caught the ankle of that leg between her sharp teeth, yanking and pulling at the same time to pull him off of his feet and down onto the ground with her. Manea pushed her self to her paws then, lunging forward to try and pin him down, snarling as she reached open jaws toward his neck while clawed paws reached to hook into his chest and scruff, throwing herself onto his side.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
05-19-2021, 01:00 AM

As he had hoped, his sand attack had blinded Manea long enough for his tackle to be successful. Watching Manea go sailing through the air to come to a hard landing on her back was incredibly satisfying, but not as much as it was when he felt his teeth sink into the muscle on her shoulder. Now it was his turn to taste blood—Manea's blood, blood he had never sampled before. It was delicious, just as she was. That immediate hit of coppery crimson on his tongue was like the first sip of a fine wine to an alcoholic. Alastor's pupils dilated, synapses firing in his brain, the taste of his lover's blood awakening that primal part of his DNA that craved and demanded more violence. A sudden sting of stabbing pain in his shoulder brought him back into the fight, the dire brute snarling with pain and glancing down to see Manea's large feline-esque paw tearing at his shoulder again with her claws. Then her muzzle found his ankle and she bit down hard.

Alastor snarled like a feral animal and yelped in surprise when Manea suddenly pulled him off his feet, his back making contact with the sand. They were both on the ground now—no, wait, he was on the ground, Manea was already back on her paws and lunging for him. Alastor twisted on his back, shifting his position to catch Manea mid-pounce with his hind legs and rolling once she made contact with him, using the momentum of her lunge to flip her over and throw her to the ground. The momentum of their roll helped the brute spring to his paws, making one swift lunge to pounce on top of Manea before she could get back up. But instead of going straight for the prize, Alastor had lunged for Manea's throat, using his muzzle to push hers out of the way and wrap his powerful jaws around her vulnerable throat. Alastor growled against Manea's throat, squeezing his jaws just enough to put pressure on her neck to threaten her, not quite choking her yet. His paws pressed to her chest and her left foreleg, keeping her held down firmly to the sand while he dug his claws into her skin, raking his paw down her sternum hard enough to draw trickles of fresh blood.

Releasing her throat from his jaws, Alastor quickly replaced his teeth with his paw, pressing soft pads down hard onto her windpipe to both keep her pinned and subdue her by choking her a bit. He rose to his full height above her, grinning down at her with shining black eyes like an oil slick and bloodstained teeth. He used his claws to gingerly trace the edges of her throat while he held her down, maintaining eye contact with her while he let her watch as he lowered his head down to her left foreleg. The paw pinning that leg down gripped her by the ankle, tugging her foreleg up to meet his muzzle. Staring deep into her rich aqua eyes, Alastor slowly opened his mouth to catch the edge of the leather cuff that was his trophy between delicate teeth, lifting the cuff ever so slowly up her leg as if he were removing the most intimate clothing she could ever wear. He didn't stop nor falter for a moment, slowly ascending the cuff up her leg, his paw squeezing her throat a little tighter if she tried to squirm or resist to keep her under his power, until he felt the cuff slip free of her paw, now hanging from his mouth. Black eyes shone brighter and the corners of his mouth curled up in a triumphant grin. He had won.

Still straddling her prone body, Alastor lifted his right paw and slipped it through the black leather cuff, enjoying watching her reactions while he pulled the cuff into place. It was a perfect fit, snug and secure around his ankle. He paused for a moment to examine the cuff on his leg, the detailing up close even more astounding than it had been at a distance. He looked over the sparkling amethysts and the intricate etchings of vines, comparing them to the real Manea still beneath him. They paled in comparison to her natural beauty, but on their own they were stunning. Most importantly though, they were a symbol of their shared love. Holding the cuff out for her to examine as it blended almost seamlessly into the inky black fur on his leg, Alastor chuckled low in his throat and murmured in the husky voice he knew she loved so much, "I win."


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
05-21-2021, 12:12 AM

Manea was a breath away from sinking her teeth into Alastor's flesh again, but before she could she felt his hind paws catch her stomach and just as suddenly she was being tossed aside again, landing hard on the sand with a grimace. He clearly learned from the first time he had given her a second to recover because he was quickly on top of her, pinning her to the ground and immediately biting down around her throat, making it so she couldn't even struggle or fight without risking those sharp fangs being ripped through her skin. A shudder ran down her spine as his growl reverberated against her throat, panting from their fight and the heated, burning desire he constantly stoked in her in the most delightful of ways. She tried to at least yank her leg out of his grasp when he pinned it down, but it was no use. He fully pinned her and kept her held in place, pulling a slightly strangled growl and gasp from her as his claws raked across her chest, drawing more blood to the surface.

His jaws left her throat and immediately she tried to move, making one last attempt to free herself, but immediately his paw found her throat and pushed her back into the sand, choking her and making her lips part in an attempt at a gasp that brought no air into her lungs. As she looked up at him, aqua eyes meeting obsidian, grins pulled across their faces revealing bloodied teeth, his paw choking her as he loomed over her... She knew this was it. He was her mate, her soul mate, her everything. He had fought and he had won brilliantly. They were both clawed and beaten and bloody and it was absolutely wonderful. It was everything she could have hoped for and more. She watched, absolutely enraptured and forgetting about her aching lungs as he lifted her leg to his jaws, slowly and sensually pulling the cuff he had fought for free of her leg, warm lust and hungry desire spreading through her at the sight. Once his paw finally lifted from her throat she was finally able to get a gasp of air, panting from the lack of air, the heat gathering under her skin, and from the adrenaline of their fight coursing through her. Her own eager excitement showed in her gaze, matching the shine in those onyx eyes that spoke to just how much this moment meant for both of them.

She loved watching him pull that cuff onto his ankle for the first time and seeing how it fit him perfectly. The leather practically blended into his inky black fur, but the purple gems were dazzling on their dark background. A grin overwhelmed with love and lust pulled wider across her lips as she watched him still straddled above her, examining the cuff around his leg, a physical symbol of the ceremony that would tie them together for eternity. It was little more than a decorative band, but the meaning and the thought behind it made them invaluable. For a moment she looked up at this demon that would soon be hers and she couldn't be more grateful for him and his presence in her life. Now she could give him the only thing she could think of that would even get her close to repaying him for everything he had done for her. She would give him all of herself and tie her soul to his. She chuckled as well when he held the cuff out to her, declaring his victory in this husky voice that made the electricity firing across her skin kick up another notch. Instead of answering she instead reached up and placed her paws on either side of his face, cupping his cheeks like he was the most precious jewel, and pulling him down into a heated, passionate kiss, a very small taste of the love she felt for this brute and a hint of what was to come.

When she finally let their lips part she looked up at him with a desire that burned far brighter than it had before and even beyond just lust and sexual desire. He was hers and she was his and now she would make it so even the Ancients knew that this union would only bring them the best and strongest that would rise to even greater heights within their family. She curled her feline paw around the ankle of his right foreleg, lifting his paw to rest on the bleeding wound where he had bitten her, painting his paw pads in her blood before she brought her right paw to one of his wounds and did the same. She brought their paws together, pressing them against one another and letting their blood mix between their paw pads as their adorned leather cuffs caught the light beside one another. Manea brushed her muzzle against Alastor's, her heart beating with excitement as she leaned her cheek into his, her eyes closing as she began to speak quietly with a love, a reverence, and a devotion not only her beliefs but to him as well. This would be her truest gift to him, one held exclusively for the one that made her complete.

"Ancients, I bring you the man that I have given my heart and he has given me his freely in return... He knows my soul and carries it with him in each of his steps, just as I do with his. We are one being in two bodies. I vow that no one else shall know my heart nor my soul for the rest of my days. I do this with the knowledge, understanding, and acceptance that there will be none after him in life or in death... I surrender the spirit you bestowed upon me as your chosen child so that we may share your strength and your power and he may truly find his place one day in the hall of the Ancients, a true Mendacium by vow. Together we shall intertwine in death, granting our strength to our future generations so that we may live on in them. I agree to bind my soul to his and with it I grant him our name... With this vow I name this man, Alastor Mendacium, as my mate." As she finished she squeezed his paw in hers before leaning away from him just enough for her gaze to find his once more as she opened her eyes, a wide grin pulling at her lips.

"Alastor Mendacium..." she whispered softly against his lips just before she claimed his muzzle with a growl in another heated, demanding, possessive kiss, her paws slipping up around his neck to hold him tight against her. Her mate. Her mate! Even just thinking those words put her in disbelief, but she was overjoyed and so madly in love with this man. They melted together on the dark beach, the sun long since set and leaving them just in the light of the stars and moon as they lost themselves in each other as they had so many times before, but this time felt different. If it was even possible for them to be hungrier for each other than they already had been they certainly found a way as she gave herself wholly to him, still covered in each others blood, in the pale light of the night sky.


Manea | Temno | Ciemny


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
05-31-2021, 03:35 PM

Alastor did not miss the looks of burning passion and excitement in Manea's aqua eyes when he took his wedding cuff from her and slid it onto his foreleg, loving the way she looked at him with this love, this lust, this possessiveness that bordered on the edge of obsession. It made him feel powerful, respected, valuable, worshipped... All the things he had never felt in his life. She didn't respond with words, instead submitting to his victory claim by gently cupping his cheeks and bringing his mouth to meet hers in a deeply passionate kiss, far more sensual and intimate than any of the other kisses they had shared before. She said nothing, but her lips and tongue spoke volumes for her, telling him of the depths of her love and adoration, and giving him a sample of what she had in store for him now that they were a mated pair. It made Alastor's fur bristle in all the right ways, electric fire jumping between every nerve in his body before coming to settle between his legs.

Once their lips parted, leaving the demon wolf a little more breathless than before, he watched with curious onyx eyes while Manea guided his paw to paint the black pads in her viscous blood, then did the same for her own paw with his blood. Their paws met, their blood mixing like a macabre cocktail between their digits while the last of the sunlight danced on the jewels of their respective wedding cuffs, sparkling red and purple in the dying light. Alastor stared at their paws until Manea began to speak, her muzzle brushing against his and her whispered words so close he could feel each exhale against his cheek. She completed the ceremony, praying to her gods, combining their immortal souls for all eternity to grant greater strength to their eventual children, and permitting him the honor of carrying her name and joining her in her afterlife. Alastor had always spurned religion, finding beliefs in deities and higher beings to be ludicrous and a waste of time. But to Manea, this was serious. This was an important part of who she was, and Alastor couldn't even muster a snarky look while she prayed, instead listening with quiet reverence as she admitted and embraced him in her religion, baptizing him as Alastor Mendacium.

Alastor Mendacium. After all these years, he finally had his name.

Her paw squeezed his, and Alastor tilted his muzzle just enough to gaze down into Manea's love-filled eyes, a grin of his own appearing across his stunned face. They were mates, married in the eyes of her gods. He was hers and she was his for all time. She whispered his name against his muzzle, and before he could respond, he tasted her lips and tongue against his again while her paws gripped to his neck. It was their first kiss as mates, and somehow that made it taste all the sweeter! Their kiss was heated, insistent, demanding, obsessive and possessive in every regard. His lips crushed harder to hers, one paw slipping beneath her lower back to pull her body tighter to his while the other clawed trenches through the black sand beneath them. His heart hammered in his chest, an emotion far stronger than just the insatiable lust he felt for her setting his soul and body ablaze. Alastor had never felt love before—perhaps this was it? This foreign feeling of compulsion to give and to do anything and everything to the fae wrapping herself around him like her life depended on it. If this was love, then Alastor was head over heels for Manea!

As the sun dipped its final rays of light beyond the western ocean, leaving them shrouded in twilight, the two Mendacium wolves melted into one another against the obsidian shore, their sounds of pleasure lost to the ocean waves, heard only by one another. Their first mating as husband and wife would be different from their other couplings; this was about them expressing and claiming the other through their shared demented love. The moon and the stars would be the light by which they navigated one another, hungers rising, passions flaring, needs climbing. His paw found her hips, pulling her roughly into him. She gave herself to him and Alastor took her with a snarl, bodies moving in perfect harmony as they consummated their marriage beneath the silvery light of the full summer moon.

— FADE —


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
