
Something To Tell You




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-17-2021, 07:56 AM

Well, she knew. She'd known for a while, but hadn't felt like saying anything. With her grey belly getting rounder, she knew it would be terribly obvious soon enough, so perhaps it was time to let the possible father's know. Hmm. She figured Naiche would take it well. Mojito would be the difficult one. So, she'd tackle the easy one first.

Asla had done a short patrol today. As her pregnancy progressed, the lengths of her patrols would become shorter and shorter. Despite her confidence, Aslatiel didn't want to take unnecessary risks. How... responsible of her, right? She was slightly amused at her change of view. Though she hadn't exactly wanted children, now that they were in her future, she was getting a little protective. They were little pieces of herself. Their father didn't matter. The pup, or pups, within her were little tiny Aslatiel's. That was worth protecting.

The evening light was slowly dying down outside. Night was rising and soon all of the Armada wolves would be making their way to their dens. The small woman was curled on a pile of furs, speaking softly to Ashur. The leopard gave a chuckle and shook his head before pressing his forehead against that of his mistress. Asla gave him an affectionate swat before the cat made his way out of the den. With the den empty, she waited for Naiche to show. They had some talking to do.


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2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
05-17-2021, 11:09 PM

Naiche hadn’t taken the short patrol.  The golden wolf roamed the border taking time to check any scents that could be a cause of concern.  The only thing of worth he found was the scent of coyotes but the scent was faint suggesting they had been smart enough to flee when realizing how close they were to the armada pack.  

Naiche felt relief that finally the horrible cold was leaving, his coat seemed to be fully grown back and now the gentle breeze could be a pleasant thing.  The stars were out and bright when he made his way back to their den.  Naiche sometimes remembered the idea had been a temporary sharing of a den with all the cold weather.  Asla had never suggested he quit staying with her and while he of course Naiche hadn’t bothered to admit to it, he preferred things as they were.  

Naiche stepped in quietly in case Asla was there and already asleep.  It appeared tonight it wouldn’t be a concern though.  “Looks like it should be a quiet night.  Not a whiff of any trouble.” Asla already seemed potentially settled in for the evening so Naiche made his way to lay down next to her. He lay on his stomach, with his side pressing up against her back.  Having just gotten back from patrol his head was still up for the moment, not yet feeling a need to fall asleep quite yet. He didn’t ask Asla how her day was, but his attention was turned towards her for anything she might want to discuss.  As far as Naiche knew it was a regular enough day with wonderful weather.  Naiche was going to make note to enjoy the spring weather in summer for a while.

Pan had been at his normal post on top of Naiche for the patrol and with little thought Naiche lowered his front end to the ground, making it that much easier for Pan to climb off.  The pangolin gave a small wave of his claws before heading towards a back part of the den to lay down in.

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Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-18-2021, 06:55 AM

The golden man finally arrived and Asla gave him a small smile. Coming across the room, he lay down beside her and let Pan wander off to his own room. Naiche gave his report of the evening and Asla accepted it with a nod. They hadn't had much trouble lately, thankfully. The Armada had enough trouble going on without adding in predators and infiltrators. Things had smoothed out enough with her father back, however. He could carry out his daily duties, but it was the nights that were difficult for him. Sirius already knew that she was pregnant, so he'd made her stop caring for him at night, lest he wake up from a night terror and harm her. Asla was tougher than all that, but she didn't argue.

Casting a sidelong glance at Naiche, Asla didn't know how to put things into words at first. It was a sensitive topic and she was taking his feelings into account. The pups growing within her may or may not belong to him. There were three other potential fathers. Oops. She had pretty much ruled out Indigo. It just didn't feel right, though she wouldn't know for sure until the pups were born. So that left Naiche, Mojito and Ocean. Since Ocean belonged to another pack, Asla would let Naiche and Mo know what to expect.

"So..." she began, taking a deep breath. Better to just get it all out in the open, right? "I'm pregnant. Gonna... do that mom thing. Further the Fatalis bloodline and all that." Her children, regardless of the father, would take the Fatalis name. She'd make a few little royals and then she'd never have to get fat, hungry, bloated, fat, grumpy and fat again. Already the roundness of her grey belly was beginning to be noticeable. Asla felt like a hoptoad.


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2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
05-18-2021, 10:30 PM

Asla starting with the word ‘so’ and having to take a deep breath had Naiche’s full attention.  The reason for the weighted ‘so’ was obvious when it was followed up with ‘pregnant’.  Naiche wasn’t showing any sign of what he thought at first.  She was doing ‘that mom thing’?  Asla as a mom?  Doing that ‘mom thing’?  Musing on Asla as a mom it took him a few more seconds before the lighting strike of realization came to his mind of who the father might be. Naiche hadn’t really moved but his muscles had grown more taught with the shock factor.

“You’re pregnant?” It was a dumb question she’d just said it but Naiche felt pretty damn stupefied as his mind tried to grasp the numerous things it could mean.  Asla babies.  Asla babies with who?  Indigo had been here and Naiche assumed they had spent time together.  The ‘what if’ it wasn’t Indigo thought nudged at the back of his mind.  Sure, it could happen but it didn’t right?  Indigo had been here and she loved Indigo more.  So her body knew who she loved more?  Well…  

It felt odd to ask how many potential parents there might be, was there a better way to ask this? “Pregnant um, from, with, just me or?” Naiche couldn’t do it, he couldn’t find the best sentence on how to ask a life-altering question.  He couldn’t say ‘so was it me, indigo or have you seen anyone else?’  Had she seen anyone else? Damn it all.  Naiche didn’t even know what he wanted her to say right now.

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Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-19-2021, 06:46 AM

Naiche's face screwed up a little and Asla gave him a minute to work through the shock. He repeated her words and she didn't answer because there was no point in repeating herself. In time, he managed to speak again, but this time he was essentially asking how many men she'd slept with. Purple eyes narrowed as she looked at him. "Smooth." Guys could be terribly insensitive sometimes. Not that he was wrong. She'd slept with four men since she'd kicked down the sexy door. But still, did he have to make her sound like such a whore to her face? If he wasn't in the running, why would she even be telling him?

"You or Mojito," she spoke dryly, the tip of her tail beginning to twitch in irritation. Or Indigo or Ocean, but she was fairly certain that it was between Naiche and Mo, simply because of the time frame and how far along she was. "I guess we'll see when they're born."

Asla rose and moved out of the chamber, towards a dish that was filled with water. She wet her tongue mostly so that she had something to do. Flicking the droplets of water from her chin with that same tongue, she curled her neck enough to look at the golden wolf. She was so disconnected right now. Naiche was not Indigo, therefore he did not have her heart. No one could compare to Indigo. There was some respect there for Naiche and they were indeed friends, but she would never love him. Again, she thought about how unfair it was for the man. Now, not only did she not love him, but the hormones that came along with being pregnant were making her cold and unfeeling. Duty. Furthering the Fatalis line was a duty.

"Since I'm carrying the future of the Fatalis bloodline and the future of the Armada, I've taken on some extra muscle." A woman, whom she'd feel more comfortable having beside her all the time rather than the clinging Naiche or the fretting Mojito. "Acantha is her name and she's going to be my new guard." Just like Kaizer was supposed to be, but the woman wasn't nearly as reliable. "She may stay here a while until she builds her own den." Asla's brows lifted but her expression remained serious. The look silently asked if he had any questions.


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2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
05-20-2021, 11:03 PM

Naiche had known the question hadn’t been the smoothest but hell if he’d known a better way to ask.  Naiche’s question had been of course waiting to hear if she expected Indigo so the fact his name wasn’t on the list of potential was surprising.  Mojito?  Naiche knew Asla had liked him but, him also?  She had walked away but Naiche wasn’t rushing to get up.  Later he’d have to decide how to feel on her also being with Mojito closer but the potential of kids kept coming up.  Naiche wasn’t ready for kids!  On the other hand the idea of seeing Asla raising puppies that belonged to the dog-mix instead of him a bit at an odd bit of bitterness.  So did he want them?  No, of course not!  Did he want them to be Mo’s?  No.

What DID Naiche want?  Hell if he knew.  Deciding how he felt on this apparently would have to wait for later as Asla was talking again.  Naiche finally stood up at the talk of extra muscle and this other wolf.  He was about to argue the fact when Naiche had to acknowledge that she was the reaper and he was the general meaning he couldn’t just throw off his own duties and stay near her every moment or, at least, he shouldn’t be.  That didn’t stop his ears from flattening back some in irritation, it should be him on guard duty versus this Acantha.  

Acantha?  Someone so new not to have their own den yet?  “How long have you known her?  It seems better to have someone who has been a member of the pack longer to guard over you.”  At least Naiche wasn’t saying it should be himself.  Maybe Asla knew her from her past somehow?  Who could he suggest instead of someone new?  Who did he trust? Who did he trust with Asla?  With some reluctance, Naiche added, “Wouldn’t Mojito make more sense?”  It hurt saying it but the man was learning to fight, had medical skills, and obviously cared deeply for Asla.  

It also was going to mean another wolf staying with them for a time.  Hell, he’d help her find a den if she wanted.  “You know, I can help take over any tasks whenever you need?” Naiche really didn’t know much on how much rest or how careful Asla needed to be at the moment but he was all for caution.  Naiche made his way near Asla letting out a small sigh, “How do you feel? I don’t have any experience with this.  So I don’t know how much help you do or don’t need?” Naiche wanted to be defensive of his own ability to protect her, he wanted to choose who else could protect her and how much she should be doing.  Swallowing all of those wants he went for admitting ignorance, “I can’t be the only one guarding you,” grudgingly acknowledged, “so what can I do to help?” Of course, he would damn well guard her when he could.

With this thoughts still had to circle back to.  Kids? Me? Mo’s? Me? Not me. Me?

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Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-23-2021, 06:24 PM

Asla's irritation was slowly rising. It wasn't even just Naiche. It was all of it. Reproduction was her duty, but now she was beholden to another wolf for the rest of her life. She would be tied to either Mojito or Naiche until the day she died. They would have a little piece of control over her and she didn't like it one bit. Naiche was already so protective. So... clingy, in a sense.

The golden man spoke out against her choice of having Acantha as a personal guard. He even suggested Mojito instead. Asla shot the man a cold, purple stare. "Do you have a problem with my decision, General?" She used his title, reminding him of his rank, which was beneath her, by the way. Not that she needed to explain herself to him, but she did so anyway. "You have duties unless you'd like to step down from your title. Mojito is not only the lead healer for the Armada, but emotionally, he couldn't tolerate being my lapdog. Acantha is strong. She has a good head. She works hard."

Asla rubbed the space between her eyes with one paw. So many hormones. So many emotions. On to the next order of business... "I think it might be better if you move back to your den until the pups are born. It's not fair to Mojito or you. Once we see who the father is, things might change. Until then, we all have to exist here together. I need everyone on equal ground." Opening her eyes, she gave him a pleading look, hoping that he wouldn't argue. This whole situation was difficult for all of them. If they could each stay separate, then whoever... won the race... wouldn't feel as though they'd missed out or been slighted. It made sense to her. Hopefully it would make sense to him.


[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
05-23-2021, 07:00 PM

Naiche’s mindset had been one of confusion about how to handle the situation and concern for Asla.  With so much in his own mind to sort out what he hadn’t thought to get as a reaction was angry Asla.  So it was that from the moment she labeled him by rank and continued stating out how things would be Naiche had time to go from confusion and shock to smoking anger of his own.  

After her explanation of Acantha Naiche’s eyes flicked around for Pan but then turned back to focus on Asla as she went on.  She was chasing him out?  Whatever.  Naiche hadn’t wanted to be here originally anyway.  The golden wolf could go back to his own den where he wouldn’t have to deal with Asla.  No more having to curl up together, no more concerning himself with if she was fine at the end of the day.

Have to exist together?  Naiche was struggling to not show the depth of his anger.  For the most part, he did good, his ears were part ways down and his eyes bore into Asla with an intent focus.  Numerous things he wanted to say pressed at his mouth but they were kept in.  Hell with this.  What interest did he have in dealing with Asla?  He’d been smarter when he ignored her most of the time.

A deep exhale, getting the tightness in his chest to loosen he spotted Pan watching from the corner.  Naiche moved to the pangolin and waited as it climbed on him.  Pan gave Asla a wave with no sign of personal grudge, ever the friendly fellow.  Naiche had some things, a lot of things to sort out in his mind, best to do it alone anyway.

“Alright,” the one response with a sense of finality as he turned to head towards the den’s entrance.  He paused at the exit, another slow exhale for self-control, “let me know if you need me, Reaper.” The words were meant to be polite but there was a cold edge to them.   This was the best he’d manage.  Naiche was pissed as hell and the longer he stayed with Asla right now the more likelihood of blowing his top.  He’d go on patrol, just to move and loosen up tense muscles.  

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

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