
I May Just Take Your Breath Away




Master Hunter (255)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Pride - BisexualAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2HomebodyIce Bridge Explorer
ExplorerMammoth HunterWordy1K
05-21-2021, 08:27 PM

Location: Amron’s Castle

Indigo’s incident at the ridge was by far one of the hardest things she had to conquer, knowing that he could have been gone in a second, protecting a stranger he didn’t know. She did not see fault in him protecting the stranger, the woman now in his care even though his care was limited in these days. She knew it was in his nature to do so, she would commend his bravery. She may have been relieved not to see the brutal events like how she wanted to turn from Indigo killing the saber cat, but that didn’t make her any less worried about his well being and his healing.

Late at night the four of them were cuddled in proximity of each other, Duchess found her own comfort in the arms of Indigo when she was able, but it was starting to get hard as his misfits grew in numbers. It was easy for her to push away the sour thoughts on her mind about the wolves here who shared his den, she was after all still wrapped in him and loved by him. It was hard to believe that she was being pushed out, or at least sharing the love of Indigo. She admired the heart that he had, as much as he believed it was out of reach.

Through the silence of the castle corridors, only the sound of evening bugs chirped from the outside world. Duchess found herself unable to sleep while always coming back to what if Indigo had died that day. She had made him feel... some kind of way when he returned from the Armada. And while she regretted it in that moment, she regretted even more now. Knowing that she could have strained their relationship and he would have died thinking that she wasn’t there for him, or what she said to him.

She shifted lightly, turning into to face the sleeping giant. He must have been drugged to let him sleep if he even was, she probably wasn’t making it easy for him now. Her eyes flicked the length of his nose and forehead, just admiring the peaceful look on his face. Her paws found their way to his chest while she moved forward to gently nuzzle along his jawline and mane. Celibacy was hard after the many things they had done, but it was harder for her now thinking of how she upset Indigo after his return. Her paws carefully searched through the mane of his chest before her lips moved a hidden kiss up to his, her eyes fluttering open to see if he had waked.

Walk "Talk"

Duchess is an !M rated! character for themes of Depression. Please Discord me if you have concerns.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-22-2021, 05:48 AM

Indigo was never alone anymore, a fact that comforted him beyond much else. He was never alone with his thoughts and however pleasant that was the practice was unhealthy. He pushed down his sorrow and loss in favor of love and affection. There were many sleeping bodies curled nearby his own, the gentle sound of sleepy breathing had lulled him to rest himself. After returning to the Hallows with Iolaire and his belly very nearly ripped open he hadn’t moved very far from the suite he claimed for himself and the wolves he surrounded himself with. He’d refused most of the pain medications that Iolaire offered to him, but he suspected that night the knowledgeable healer had slipped him a few extra herbs. He slept deeper than he had so far with his injury, and he didn’t wake in the middle of the night clutching his belly and whining at the pain that laced through his torso. That experience had been humbling and he didn’t wish to repeat it.

Once he had been put back together it became increasingly more difficult for him to lay on his back. It stretched his belly far too much. He was resigned to laying in a fetal like position. His belly was ripped open, but it was skewed to the left of his body, so when he laid on his right side his wound could be worked on and it wouldn’t put pressure on it. He was barred from being intimate with anyone, a fact that hadn’t deterred him yet. Indigo spent most of his time sleeping anyway as his body did its best to recover. Being the one to be doted on was different, but Indigo appreciated every kindness he received. It was a little easier to ignore what he really wanted, not that he could even accomplish anything with his broken belly.

It was dark when he woke up, and to his pleasant surprise it was not pain that grabbed him, but the sweetest angelic kiss. ”Mmm…” He rumbled softly, keeping blue eyes closed as he leaned into Duch’s affection and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. He moved carefully, wincing when he pulled his wounds too tight. ”Can’t sleep?” Indigo whispered quietly, realizing the night was far from over he was reluctant to wake the other sleeping bodies. Not waiting for an answer he leaned back into her sweet lips, reminded again of his restrictions.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (255)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Pride - BisexualAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2HomebodyIce Bridge Explorer
ExplorerMammoth HunterWordy1K
05-22-2021, 07:15 PM

She rested her cheek on the foreleg that was under her, smiling with his own affections as he wrapped himself around her. She hummed too as he hugged her closer, receiving the kiss he gave her in return.. "I can't stop thinking about you." Her voice was warm, hiding the more fearful thoughts of what could have happened to Indigo.

She gently shuffled closer, careful not to touch his sensitive healing wound. "I miss you Indigo." She confessed which may have seemed silly since he was right here next to her, every night in fact. But she felt it was more that he had to share his time more with others now, she wasn't the only one in his life anymore.

She pushed her forehead up into his throat, her body quivered from the urges she felt but knew she couldn't have. She breathed in his scent, her nose trailing along his jaw line as she felt like she couldn't get any closer. The others in the den she happily ignored, even though she was quite certain at least one of them could hear her whispers. "I want you so bad right now." Their alone time was little to none, in fact Indigo had more alone time to himself than Duchess did or Gypsy. Duchess was often caring for Gypsy throughout the day but her and Segin were just as matched with responsibilities given they weren't crippled.

Walk "Talk"

Duchess is an !M rated! character for themes of Depression. Please Discord me if you have concerns.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-22-2021, 08:01 PM
Everything about Duchess pulled him in. Her tempting scent, her sweet voice, the warmth of her body pressed to his. She pressed herself closer to him, not really answering his question but maybe she was. He’d almost died out there. He had come so close to ruining everything he worked so hard for, he’d almost left Duchess. She hid her worry but he could feel it, the way she spoke and the way she grasped hold of him. Indigo surrounded her, holding her as tightly as he dared and relaxing against her and the furs and pillows beneath. ”I’m right here.” He assured her as she trailed her nose up his jaw.

He groaned quietly at her next words and the conundrum they faced. Usually their affection came easily and naturally, and preferably away from the castle. Indigo couldn’t go very far from their suites, and Iolaire had barred him from any extra curricular activities. ”That’s not a very nice thing to say right now.” He told her in a whisper as he nuzzled her ear. Duchess wasn’t making his time any easier, but he did feel better know he wasn’t the only one suffering. ”It’s not forever.” He promised, Indy hoped Io knew what she was doing.

Indigo was surprised to feel her shaking, and he gently stroked her back and held her close. He didn’t like the random thought that she would want to soothe herself with another man. Indigo didn’t know what he wanted, but he knew it would be hypocritical to think that after he had been with and looked at other wolves that she didn’t have the very same right. He shoved the thought down. Duchess was his. Right?

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (255)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Pride - BisexualAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2HomebodyIce Bridge Explorer
ExplorerMammoth HunterWordy1K
05-23-2021, 12:52 PM

She still rubbed into him while he gave her his own gestures, she knew it wasn't forever, but she wanted him now. Of course that was that damaged part of her that made her believe that the exchange is what kept their relationship stable, of course she would never admit that out loud. Indigo was too good to her for her to say so, or at least want him to continue to find out more of the inner makings of her mind. She actually felt like there was little more they could know about each other. Maybe she wasn't that far off at least.

He rubbed her back which soothed her some, but didn't rid her of the warning urges she felt to make Indigo happy per say. Though, he did make her happy at least too. "I can't help it, Indigo." Her lustful eyes pulled back to look at his, rubbing gently at his shoulders as her claws pulled through the mane of his chest, "You're irresistible to me." Though he may have had a hidden thought of Duchess finding the comfort of another man, that was not the case. In these moments all she wanted was Indigo. She wanted to win his love, know that he was always there for her. He had not let her down once, even if he had gone away and was with another woman in his absence. He came back to be with her.

She leaned back into his paws a little more, her front legs stretching slightly and pushing gently on his chest, "What else can I do for you?" Her question was daring, even if her just being here in his arms was enough. She wished she could do more for him, she wanted to be intimate, but she knew there were consequences or at least risks of doing so.

Walk "Talk"

Duchess is an !M rated! character for themes of Depression. Please Discord me if you have concerns.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-24-2021, 03:26 PM
He doubted Iolaire’s prescription, he really really did especially with Duchess here whispering seductive words that he very much wanted to pursue. This was a test in his patience and resolve, and it was difficult. Not that they should have been doing anything while they were in the suites anyway, not that he could move very far anyway. The pair of them would have to suffer through, no matter how much he wanted to ignore his aunt’s orders. Duchess didn’t stop, her words whispering in his ear and her paws touching his body as she continued to tempt him. Indigo didn’t want to set himself back in the healing process, who knew what he could do or damage if he allowed himself to embrace temptation.

”I know,” he rumbled in return, breathing through her seductive words. ”It’s hard to keep my paws off you.” He returned with a deep chuckle, his voice still barely above a whisper. ”Think of how good it’ll be when we can.” He tried to soothe her and himself. Being celibate was hard, and Duchess wasn’t making the task any easier. Her lusty gaze, warm body, and tempting words lured him in. There was no question of Duch’s beauty, he found her attractive inside and out. This may have been one of his most difficult tasks, just not doing anything. ”Or don’t.” He was already getting too far in his own head and he tried to think of anything other than having Duchess on her back.

Instead he continued to caress the fur of her scruff as he closed his eyes again. Not imagining what they’d be doing if things were different. If he hadn’t gotten his belly ripped open. ”Kiss me,” he told her easily, still feeling the heavy toll the injury was taking on his body. Indigo was still struggling for energy for anything beyond sleeping. Of course he didn’t wait for her to act, he leaned forward lightly, and barely pressed his lips to hers in a delicate kiss.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (255)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Pride - BisexualAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2HomebodyIce Bridge Explorer
ExplorerMammoth HunterWordy1K
05-24-2021, 04:47 PM

It was easier for her to imagine what it would feel like after waiting so long, Indigo didn't seem to think so. For reasons that were well justified. She wouldn't hold it against him. But she did have to admit that it was fun teasing him like this, teasing herself too.

She loved how Indigo made her feel, she felt beautiful and wanted in his embrace, as much as she may not have felt that way about herself. Every day that went by after his time in The Armada, it made her more comfortable beside him. More comfortable beside the others he brought home. Every night she spent with him made her believe how much closer he was to her than the other woman.

She may have been slightly disappointed by his answer, even though she hid it well. But she wouldn't blame him. She gladly took the delicacy of his lips, moving slowly with him as she dreamed of when they could be together again. Her paws rubbed under his cheeks and her chest gently pushed into his from time to time. Her head dropped against his chest, humming as she relaxed into him, "Sweet dreams, Indigo." She teased at him, implying what she expected to fill his dreams. She wouldn't fall back into slumber though, instead looking up at him with a heavy eye, admiring and thinking of everything he had done for her before.

Walk "Talk"

Duchess is an !M rated! character for themes of Depression. Please Discord me if you have concerns.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-25-2021, 08:12 PM
Indigo didn’t want to think about it because he didn’t want to fight with himself going too far. He could stand a bit of amusement, but they both knew that going too far could result in real harm. Though maybe worth it, Indy didn’t want to chance anything. Her teasing was a fun kind of frustration, one that he knew would make the eventual release all the better. For now he could be disgruntled, but mostly tired as he kissed her carefully. Carefully turned into sleepily, even as her paws ran through his mane. Sooner rather than later she pulled away slightly and rested her head beneath his chin against his chest. Tucked tightly up against him with a light humm from both of them. Indigo was content, tired and achy, but happy.

She teased him as she made herself comfortable and Indigo relaxed around her, holding her small form to his chest. Duchess implied that she would fill his dreams and Indigo didn’t argue, he prayed that it was Duch’s sweet affections that overwhelmed him and not the recurring nightmare. ”Only the sweetest dreams.” He murmured back, still absently stroking her back until he was reclaimed by sleep.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.