

for Iza



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
05-22-2021, 02:42 PM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2021, 02:43 PM by Kai. Edited 2 times in total.)
Kai perched precariously over the edge of the falls, transfixed by the water. The way the water poured down the falls, carving out natural pools in the surface of the rocks, wasn't the only thing that intrigued him. No, he was more interested in the colors - the late evening sun, slipping below the horizon, cast a strange reflection on the rocks and water. The color was shifting between orange and pastel pink, reflecting the color of the sky as night slowly fell. While Kai was an appreciator of beauty, he spent a lot more time looking at the beauty of wolves rather than that of nature, but this sight was just too damn pretty. And he decided he owed himself a nice, long -

He'd been pushing himself slightly toward the edge and suddenly he lost his balance, slipping over the edge of the falls. He flipped forward first, his hindquarters smacking down hard against a rock that jutted out slightly, and next he felt his head smack hard against something, and then his world went black.

Of course, Kai wouldn't go down that easily. A few hours later he roused from unconsciousness, feeling sore and bruised - mostly his ego, but also his ass and head too. Likewise he was absolutely soaked, and he marveled for a moment that he hadn't drowned somehow. Grumbling and slowly pulling himself upright (how he hadn't broken anything he had no idea), he trudged out of the water and gave himself a good shake, torn between being grateful he was alive or just annoyed he'd ruined a perfectly good evening by passing out.



2 Years
05-23-2021, 12:25 PM


Izanami was back into being a wanderer after being secluded in Habari for her neglect, something she was sure she wouldn't do again, as by doing that he was failing Hattori's quest upon her. To have a close eye on this pack, making sure it wasn't turning a threat to the new empire her Shogun was now serving to. And as loyal as she was to his family, she didn't mind lowering herself under someone else if in that way she was still serving her first loyalty.

The evening painted the skies with hues of red and orange, pretty and stunning it seemed today's sunset would be one of the bests in a long time. But she wasn't here to just sit and watch the view, she was here to scout, explore and just get to know Boreas more. Her paws were cautious, quiet as she didn't want to betray her presence. Her eyes of melted silver lurked around, taking note of the land's features.

The main thing was of course the falls, that from the distance she could tell they were strong with pools at the bottom, also adorned by the sunset's colors.

As she approached the bottom, she saw a wolf, yes a wolf falling down the stream of water. And a hard noise followed their desence. From the covert of the nearby vegetation, she watched him.

[Image: CloudyIzaChibi1.png]



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
05-29-2021, 02:09 PM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2021, 02:09 PM by Kai. Edited 1 time in total.)
Damnit. Kai grunted as he gave his coat a good shake and tried to ignore the throbbing in his head. Something else hurt too, one of his hind legs - had he twisted an ankle? He tested his weight on each and winced slightly when he found the offending limb. Well, at least he wasn't dead, though if he was he could've spared himself the bruised ego... and bruised head. He let out another annoyed little grumble as he moved a few steps away from the falls, only pausing when he saw the glint of someone's eyes up ahead, lurking in the underbrush.

"Hey!" He called out gruffly, sounding annoyed. It was the surface-level kind of irritation though, not real malice; Kai was far too carefree to be malicious. Mostly he was just bothered at the fact that someone might be spying on him. The nerve! "Have you been watching me this whole time? Didn't you think, even once, that maybe you could offer me a bit of help? Instead of gawking at me?" Maybe he was wrong, maybe the stranger hadn't been spying on him after all, but he didn't mind making an assumption and rolling with it. "I know I'm a sight to behold, but-" Okay, maybe not so much right now. He was soaked and limping and looked positively dreadful, but maybe that was mostly because of his current attitude. Squinting against the fading sunlight, he tried to get a better look at the stranger - a female, he could smell - as he took a few steps closer.