
tell me your secrets



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-23-2021, 07:41 PM
Indigo’s body was slowly recovering, a lot slower than he expected honestly. He was able to be around much better by now, but his abdomen was still tight. The good news was the healing was steady and clean, the bad news was it was going to scar something fierce. A scar was better than losing his life, something he had reminded himself daily. He could be dead right now, bled out on the river miles from home. Fate had other ideas for him, he needed to keep going. Soon enough Indigo would get back on his patrols and daily duties, seeing to the wolves he cared about. For now he was mostly in the rooms, resting sleeping, sometimes physical therapy. He was afraid what Io would do to him if he missed any sessions. She always knew best, even if he didn’t like her prescriptions.

He was still disgruntled about not being allowed intimacy, but she knew what was good for him and Indigo hadn’t put up any argument nor broken the restriction. Hopefully it was helping to heal him faster. That was the end goal, attaining physical recovery. That was the easy part. Mental recovery was taking him so much longer. He wasn’t often alone, but everyone had duties and their own activities to see to. Mostly training. Indigo was proud to see everyone expanding their skill sets, but it gave him a lot of time alone in the suites. His mind drifted to dark places he didn’t enjoy.

He was broody after dinner when the sun began to settle and everyone found their favored place to sleep. Silence settled, but Indigo never really drifted to sleep. Instead of tossing and turning, and disturbing poor Duchess, Indigo lifted himself carefully and settled right outside. The stone was cold against his belly, that started to itch when he wasn’t careful. He sighed heavily and found himself again alone with his thoughts, despite the sleeping bodies right on the other side of the threshold. Tonight he keenly felt Resin’s missing presence, he knew his loss couldn’t compare to her mate and their children, but he struggled nonetheless. Indigo lowered his huge head to his paws and closed his eyes, certain sleep would continue to evade him.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.