
set me down in your warm arms



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-29-2021, 01:17 PM
The light steadily streaming into the cave was what woke Indigo. The rain stopped and the sun was dappled over the land through sparse clouds. Birds chirped and sang, bugs buzzed through the air and morning marched on without them. Them. Indigo shifted slightly so bright blue eyes could catch a glimpse of the man he held all through the night. For a moment he wasn’t sure if he’d just dreamed him up to cope with staying the night alone. Segin was still very real, his thin and beaten frame was curled against him. Indigo’s dark lips pulled back into a small smile as he just enjoyed the look of peace that had settled over those soft mottled features. There was a tight feeling in his chest as he was reminded of the struggle of accepting the affection he felt one for a complete stranger and two for another man.

They weren’t complete strangers though, both of them had confessed their deepest secrets and most difficult memories. Both had been completely vulnerable with the other, and had easily found comfort in one another’s arms. Indigo had swiftly taken him under his wing, and he tried not to think about how much else. Indigo’s heart remained steadfastly in Aslatiel’s possession but he cared for the wolves he looked after deeply. They built him up and thus became a part of him. Just as much as he rebuilt them.

Indigo had seen more progress than he ever imagined when her first lay eyes on Segin’s sickly frame. After being so close and running his paws through his fur he knew the damage was far deeper. From his words last night he’d been wounded deep into his very spirit. Indy took in a deep breath and relaxed against the mossy bed, just holding Segin while he waited for him to wake up. He needed to make it back to the Hallows, but Segin also needed his rest.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
05-29-2021, 01:19 PM
Segin probably could have slept forever hiding against Indigo. He couldn’t remember ever sleeping that well in his entire life. A combination of Indigo shifting, the sunlight beginning to filter into the cave, and the sounds of the birds outside slowly and gently lifted him from his sleep, eventually bringing him to blink open his silver gaze, violet fur filling most of his vision and making him smile. He was so glad none of that had been a dream. A small part of him had been afraid that he’d wake up alone or perhaps not wake up at all. Maybe it had been his mind giving him an extremely pleasant dream as he sank into death in his sleep. But that wasn’t the case and when he glanced up and saw Indigo’s handsome face he knew he was genuinely saved.

A smile pulled at his lips, his paws scritching lightly at his chest. “Good morning,” he told his new friend, the obvious grogginess still clinging to him evident in his voice and the heavy lids over his eyes. A wide yawn pulled at his muzzle and he chuckled softly. “I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy to wake up.” He reluctantly started to slip away from Indigo’s embrace even though he could have been happy laying there forever. The only thing that got him moving was the nagging, gnawing feeling in his rumbling stomach. Once he got to his paws - which felt noticeably better after Indigo’s treatments the night before - he gave his mottled coat a good shake, though it did little to improve his appearance. His coat was still dull from not caring for it or eating properly, his ribs were still easily visible on his thin frame, and cuts and bruises still dotted his body. At least it didn’t feel as squished and clumped against his body from sleep.

“Well… Shall we go?” he asked with a hopeful grin, nerves and uncertainty churning in his stomach. He hoped that he got along with the other wolves that Indigo kept with him. Meeting his new family for the first time… it was nerve wracking, but equally as exciting. He waited for Indigo to lead the way, his tail wagging gently behind him.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-29-2021, 01:19 PM
He would have let Segin sleep the rest of the day, but he knew that at the very least the mottled man would wake from hunger sooner rather than later. Indy found himself content there as the early morning greeted them, there wasn’t much else to ask for. The temperature was perfect, the day was beautiful, and he had Segin curled peacefully against his chest. He was watching him sleep, Indigo couldn’t help himself. Seeing Segin’s relief of the terrors that haunted him helped Indy to believe that he could make peace with his. Indigo didn’t think it was the daylight that caused the brightness in Segin’s eyes as he blinked open his sleepy silver eyes. Segin was smiling from the moment he woke up, and that expression cause Indigo’s heart to flutter uncertainly in his chest. He was surprised at the reaction, but it was pleasant.

Affection followed quickly after and he reveled in Segin’s paws through his fur. This was real, Segin was real, and the feelings that he caused within Indigo’s chest were real. Indigo smiled in return, his first instinct was to offer Segin’s mottled features a sweet kiss but he refrained. ”Good morning,” he rumbled in return as he caressed Segin’s neck with one huge paw. ”I’m so glad you did.” He didn’t withhold a nuzzle to Segin’s cheek before he pulled away from Indigo’s grasp to lift himself to his paws.

Indigo was afforded another look at the man’s sad appearance. His expression was changed completely, Segin was smiling and there was hope in his eyes. Indigo felt warmth because of it, he was the one that brought a smile to Segin’s features. He was the one that reminded him that life was worth living. There was still so much work to be done, Segin was dangerously thin. His coat was dull and his wounds were fresh. Indigo had trouble thinking about Segin’s past and the terrors he had to work through, and yet here he was grinning his fool head off at him. Indy couldn’t help but mirror the expression.

Segin shook himself out, and then he was ready to be off. Indigo couldn’t blame him, not when a good meal and home was calling to him. Indigo lifted himself from the moss floor and shook his thick pelt before brilliant sapphire eyes returned to Segin’s sweet features. ”Do you think you can manage to carry this pack?” Short round was much smaller than Segin, but the pack would fit over his shoulders and the weight was far from heavy. Just a few plants and flowers. Indigo fitted his before offering the second to Segin. Though Indigo was prepared to add the burden to himself, he thought Segin would appreciate a task to complete.

Once the packs were in their correct places Indigo may have stolen one last nuzzle against Segin’s cheek before he led the both of them out into the sunlight. He already knew his pace wouldn’t be near as quick if he were alone, but Segin had a good night’s sleep and his paws already looked ten times better than they did yesterday. They would make it back to the Hallows not long after mid day, he was sure of it.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
05-29-2021, 01:20 PM
Segin immediately nodded in agreement as soon as Indigo questioned if he could carry the second pack that held some of the herbs that had been collected. “Yes, of course!” He wasn’t actually as confident in his ability to do the task as he seemed, but he refused to let himself not help Indigo with what should have been a very simple task. He came over and let Indigo place the pack over his shoulders and was glad that it wasn’t all that heavy. Perhaps it felt heavier to him than it would have to someone else, but that was okay. He’d make it and it made him feel better than to just stand by while his friend carried all of it.

Indigo’s nuzzle to his cheek caught him off guard while he was thinking about the pack currently resting around his thin frame, the affection making his heart flutter and dance in his chest as a silly grin pulled across his lips. He peered up at the larger wolf, really seeing his full height for the first time since he had been laying down for most of their time together. He wondered how someone who was built the way he was could be such a lover, but he didn’t want to question it. He only wanted to enjoy his gentleness. He chuckled softly and reached up to press his nose to Indigo’s cheek in return before turning to step out into the pleasant sunlight.

He wished he could move faster, but any time he tried his paws began to ache and he started struggling to catch his breath. Indigo was incredibly patient with him though and they moved at a steady, if not quick, pace. He followed Indigo dutifully, keeping at his side all the way to his pack. Up in the distance he saw a huge structure in the distance, a castle, and his silver gaze widened with surprise, blinking up at it as they drew closer. “The pack is in a castle?” he questioned with a light laugh, grinning up at his own knight in shining armor. Somehow it felt fitting. They reached the border, the heavy scent of a pack hitting his nose, and he slowed, looking up at Indigo questioningly. “Do we need to ask for permission or anything?” He certainly didn’t want to get Indigo in trouble with his presence. He had never lived in a pack and didn’t know much about how they operated, but he at least knew that much.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-29-2021, 01:21 PM
For a moment Indy was worried he’d carried their affections too far as Segin looked surprised at the nuzzle he was offered. All the worry disappeared as that silly grin played over his dark and mottled features. Indigo grinned in return, proud of himself for giving Segin his smile, and proud of Segin for stepping up and taking on the task of bearing a burden. He was hungry, weak, and beaten and still he shouldered the weight gratefully. His affection was repaid with a similar nuzzle from the sweet man before the journey really began.

Their pace wasn’t a fast one, and Indigo didn’t mind. He swayed along easily, occasionally he’d bump his shoulder playfully against Segin’s. Despite everything he shared smiles with the orchid marked man the entire way. He forgot about how much loss plagued him, Segin chased away the memories and held Indigo’s attention in his slender frame and bright eyes. Eventually though, the castle became visible over the trees and Segin spoke his wonder with a glance up at him. Indigo grinned down at Segin brightly, catching himself missing a step as he got distracted by the gentle laugh. Segin seemed like a completely different wolf than the one that he’d found half drowned. His body would take time to recover but his heart seemed refreshed.

”A castle.” He affirmed as he led the plum furred man forward over the border. ”I have blanket permission to bring in any strays I find.” Indigo chuckled playfully and helped himself to another encouraging nuzzle against Segin’s neck. ”No waiting around for permission when you’re in such need for a meal.” He explained further. He’d find Ulric after Segin was a bit better settled. ”We’re just about there,” he explained with a grin as he led him inside the castle from the main gate. The most impressive entrance by far. He wasn’t sure why he felt like he wanted to impress Segin, he knew he didn’t need to.

He led him through the front gardens and into the main castle, leading them first to the infirmary where their packs would be dropped and they could easily swing into the larder. Indigo opened the door and gestured for Segin to take a look, all while wearing a wide grin. ”What looks good for breakfast.” He asked softly as he let Segin looked into the impressive stores.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (255)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Pride - BisexualAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2HomebodyIce Bridge Explorer
ExplorerMammoth HunterWordy1K
05-29-2021, 01:22 PM

Duchess had just gone up to check on Gypsy and her needs which she had grown accustomed to throughout her day. She was just heading back to the stores when she caught the glimpse of Indigo from the stairs.

She made haste when she saw him, missing him the night before. She couldn’t deny being a bit worried when Short Round told her the news, but she did have to trust the badger that he would be okay. As much as he was a big, strong man, she still couldn’t help but worry about him.

“Indigo?” She called his name quietly as she came from behind him, pushing her head towards his chest to show her greeting of affection. She did notice the male he was with, but her attention of course was put onto Indigo at first before turning towards the much smaller man, though still taller than herself. “You have another one?” She instantly took note of the man’s very thin and starving frame, but would quickly tuck it back in her mind while she gave him a warm smile instead. She stepped forward, raising the front of her paw towards him, expecting him to lift his own to hers. Obviously, she wouldn’t be offended if not, “My name is Duchess.” She looked back to Indigo for a second, “I suspect Indigo was getting you a meal?”

Walk "Talk"

Duchess is an !M rated! character for themes of Depression. Please Discord me if you have concerns.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
05-29-2021, 01:28 PM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2021, 01:31 PM by Segin. Edited 1 time in total.)
Segin smiled and nodded, easily believing that he had permission to bring in his vagabonds. It made sense if Indigo really did bring home wolves that often. That made Segin hopeful that this pack was as kind as Indigo had been so far if they were that welcoming to wolves that needed help - and in his case a good meal. He followed Indigo into the castle, his wide, silver eyes scanning the gardens in the front that led into the castle proper, a soft “wow” leaving him as they walked through the main entrance. He had never seen something so huge! After living in a cave cramped by how many wolves lived there and then sleeping wherever he could possibly find a nook to hide in after that this was a shock.

He walked into the infirmary, giving the space a curious look before following Indigo back out of the room, walking a bit further into a space that was absolutely filled with food. Segin’s mouth dropped open at the sight, his mouth watering as his stomach growled. “Everything looks good!” he insisted with a giggle when asked what looked like a good breakfast. He wanted to try all of it, but he knew he’d need to slowly build up to eating full meals again. After so long of just barely eating enough to stay alive his stomach wouldn’t take too kindly to him shoving a ton of food into it.

A voice from behind them made his ears perk and he turned around to look at the smaller woman that had called to Indigo, watching as she leaned into Indigo affectionately. She was surprisingly similar to himself in appearance, though with more black mixed into her coat and the pretty clouds of purple that livened up her coat were a more violet hue than the duskier shades he wore. Her eyes were also striking with the two contrasting colors they showed. When she stepped toward him he gave her a smile in return and lifted his paw to meet hers, squeezing it gently. He had to assume this was one of the wolves that Indigo had told him about the night before. One of the members of his new family as he had come to think of them. “A pleasure to meet you, Duchess. I’m Segin.” He nodded to her follow up question, replying, “He was. I was just marveling at it all, honestly.” It was more food than he had ever seen in his life, though he was sure his current state said that without him having to point out the obvious.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-29-2021, 01:29 PM
He grinned as they walked, Segin’s reaction was everything that he wanted to see, the awe in his expression and audible gasp. He gave the mottled man a gentle and affectionate bump of his shoulder. Being close to Segin had come as easy as breathing, and as they walked Indy didn’t let too much distance grow between them. What he found himself enjoying more than his reaction to the castle was the one he had for the food stores. Duchess's efforts were not going unnoticed, whenever they weren’t together he felt like she was hunting or caring for Gypsy. He felt pride rise up in his chest as bright blue eyes lingered on Segin’s form. No decisions would be made before he heard his name from the stairs.

Indigo turned to see Duchess and his expression brightened, if that were even possible. Segin was such a bright presence already. There wasn’t much that could compare to how she lit up when she saw him however. ”Duchess,” he greeted her quietly, nuzzling her cheek as she sought her own affection after being apart for so long. ”He found me,” Indigo’s eyes flickered up to Segin’s brilliant silver gaze. Introductions were easily made and Duchess assumed right in her thinking. Segin’s small thin frame wasn’t difficult to notice. He needed a good few meals under his belt. Indigo tilted his head and looked to Duchess, ”I think Segin might be a little overwhelmed, do you want to prepare something? We can all sit and eat.” He would make sure Gypsy made it to their little party. In that moment Indigo could see a glimpse of the band that had only been a little thought for so long.

Seeing Duchess and Segin together made everything more real. They were going to do this, they were a travelling band in the making. Segin needed help getting to condition, and they needed a few more supplies and logistics problems to solve. Like how to carry their herb stores, but that would come. For now, the focus was getting Segin fed.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (255)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Pride - BisexualAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2HomebodyIce Bridge Explorer
ExplorerMammoth HunterWordy1K
05-29-2021, 01:30 PM

She smiled as the stores were mentioned, though she wasn’t the type to feel all high and mighty even if she believed she was doing a good job. Others of course were helping with the stock, and the herds have started to grow back in numbers and things were starting to go back to normal. Duchess didn’t think so highly of herself at least.

She dipped her chin down with acceptance, stepping backwards to go around Segin and gather a sack she could place the meat in. “Of course, we can eat in the courtyard. Can you go gather Gypsy from her room?”

She placed a few different sized portions of bison meat into the pack, ones for their sizes and a fair one for Segin so he could eat more or less if he wanted. She slipped the sack over her shoulders, filled with some canisters of her favorite seasonings for the cooking. She would go up the stairs and into the main hall where she would prepare the dinner, carefully considering she was cooking one more extra piece of meat. She was starting to get used to the ever changing life beside Indigo.

Walk "Talk"

Duchess is an !M rated! character for themes of Depression. Please Discord me if you have concerns.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
05-29-2021, 01:32 PM

He gave a shy grin and chuckled when Indigo mentioned how he was overwhelmed, nodding in agreement. There were so many options, some he didn’t even recognize. His brows lifted with surprise when he asked Duchess to fix something for them. There was preparations to be made to food too? He would have been equally as happy just taking any of these pieces of meat in their stores and enjoying it as is. He was really getting spoiled on his first day with these new friends.

He looked toward Duchess as she accepted the request and went to start collecting things for their meal, telling them to go get Gypsy from her room. His head gave a curious tip at that. He easily made the connection that Gypsy was the other wolf that lived with him here, one of the ones he had mentioned during their conversation last night. What made him curious was needing to go to her room to get her. He just chalked it up to being more polite than calling for her and easily brushed the curiosity aside, looking up at Indigo with a smile. “Lets go get Gypsy then!”

Segin Epsilon



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-29-2021, 01:34 PM
Duchess didn’t deny him, in fact she was the picture perfect image of a gracious host. Indigo felt a funny swirling in her stomach as she asked them to fetch Gypsy. They’d all meet back at the courtyard and have their first meal as a… family. Indigo was still taken off guard by the feeling of accomplishment, of having his dream within his grasp, and he adored the image it created. Two wolves before him with troubled pasts and both were smiling up at him at the thought of sharing a meal together. What better way to bond as the band they would eventually form. ”Thank you, Duchess.” He offered the girl gratefully. Segin looked slightly confused at the thought of a prepared meal but Indigo just grinned at him in response. Indigo wanted to spoil the sweet man, he wanted him to experience everything that had been denied to him.

Segin was just as eager to meet the last piece of the future band, that was in the Hallows anyway. Indigo took just another moment to appreciate the smile that played over Segin’s dark features. ”Lets,” Indigo agreed, hesitating only slightly before leading the way towards Gypsy’s own private quarters. She was more comfortable on the ground floor, and used to being alone. Indigo didn’t like it, but he wanted to give her what she wanted.

”Gypsy has been through a lot,” he warned Segin softly as they walked. ”Patience is a virtue best remembered around her.” An open mind and heart as well. Gypsy always seemed so scared and nervous. For good reason. Massive dark paws carried him onwards, and Indigo was still unable to let himself grow very distant from Segin’s thin frame as he led them forward. ”Around this corner,” Indigo told him with a nod of his head.

”Gypsy?” He called out, knowing she could hear better even than he could understand. ”Duchess is getting dinner ready, and I’ve brought someone for you to meet.” Indigo continued as he slowed himself to a halt outside her door.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years
Extra small
05-29-2021, 01:34 PM

‘Private quarters’ was a bit of an understatement. Gypsy insisted on a small space since she was such a small woman. She didn’t need a lot of room to move around. There was a little window in her space and enough furs to keep warm on cold nights. That was more than she’d ever had before in her life, and so she would never think to complain. The tiny fae was living like a queen. It was so surreal. Every day she expected to wake up and see that it was all a dream.

Today, the little wolf was sprawled out on her furs, soaking up a patch of sunlight from the small window. She lazily napped. It was safer to stay inside unless someone decided to escort her out onto the castle grounds. Gypsy rarely asked for anything, so most days she just stayed inside other than the few trips out to relieve herself. That was where she was when the soft call rang out for her.

A soft gasp pulled from the tiny fae as a voice roused her from sleep. Indigo continued speaking, saying that Duchess was preparing dinner. There was someone for her to meet? That didn’t sit well with the minuscule lass. Anxiety instantly flared within her. Who was it? Was the game finally up? Was Indigo bringing her father here to take her back? A quiver of fear shot through Gypsy, but she steeled her resolve. Besides, she couldn’t stay in the room forever.

Gently she pushed the door open and took a hesitant step out. Her stature was submissive as always, head lowered, ears tucked. If she had a tail, that would have been tucked too. Her milky eyes stared at the floor as she waited for Indigo to tell her who he’d brought. Would it be good or bad news?


**Gypsy's past is full of some extreme abuse. Be warned.**

Indigo may enter any of Gypsy's threads as he sees fit.



Master Hunter (255)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Pride - BisexualAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2HomebodyIce Bridge Explorer
ExplorerMammoth HunterWordy1K
05-29-2021, 01:35 PM

Duchess struggled with the last piece of meat she had placed by the fire. It wasn’t like they would be hurt from the uncooked meat, but she knew it had to be cooked right in order to taste right. She still liked to keep the meat pink in the center, if it was done too much it was difficult to chew and didn’ taste as good. She knew she would adjust to making the extra meal eventually, but of course she wanted to make a good impression of herself.

She finished with a satisfactory result and would carefully load the skewered meat back into the pack without rubbing the seasoning off. When she made it back down to the courtyard, she spotted the rest of them still at Gypsy’s room. She took the skewered meat and stuck the spike into the ground in a square, so the four of them could face each other, even though Gypsy wouldn’t be able to see any of them. She rested at her own piece of meat, Gypsy’s was beside her and Indigo’s across. When they would come to join, she pointed out the forth piece stating, “This one is Segin’s.” She would raise to pull Gypsy’s spike out of the ground so she wouldn’t have to herself before settling to start her own dinner.

Walk "Talk"

Duchess is an !M rated! character for themes of Depression. Please Discord me if you have concerns.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
05-29-2021, 01:37 PM

Segin followed along beside Indigo as they made their way through the castle, his silver gaze lifting up to Indigo curiously as he spoke about the hard life Gypsy had led and warned him to be patient. Before he even met her Segin’s heart already broke for their fellow lost soul. It was difficult to not think of his sisters that he had spent so much time comforting and nurturing after their father was done with them. He nodded quietly and made sure to keep that in mind as they approached a door on the first level of the castle. He stood next to Indigo while his guide called out ot Gypsy, letting her know about dinner and that he was here to meet her.

He waited patiently until the door opened, revealing the smallest, prettiest wolf he had ever seen. He blinked with surprise, his gaze softening with compassion when he saw how she made herself even smaller than she already was with her head down and ears tucked back. Even the broken pieces of his heart shattered into even smaller pieces as he looked at her. It was a submissive stance that he was all too familiar with and had seen - and done - far too many times to count. His first instinct was to lower himself to the floor so he wouldn’t be a threat to hopefully make her feel a little better about being around him, but when he saw her eyes he realized it wouldn’t matter either way. His ears flicked back, but he still wore a small smile all the same. “Hi, Gypsy,” he said, speaking quietly and gently. “I’m Segin. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

With the last member of their group retrieved, he waited for Indigo to lead the way to the courtyard, quickly finding Duchess next to a grouping of mouthwatering looking skewers of meat, his mouth hanging open in awe. He walked to the one that Duchess pointed out for him and looked at the trio of wolves that made up his new family. For a moment he was completely in shock, just looking between them and the meal in front of him with tears welling up in his eyes. “T-Thank you, Duchess. This looks amazing,” he managed after a moment, a wide smile pulling across his face as he blinked away his tears. In the span of a day Indigo had completely turned his life around and he was still waiting to wake up and realize it had all been a dream. He settled down in front of his meal, taking a tentative bite and his silver gaze widening at the flavor that filled his mouth. “This is so good!” he exclaimed, his tail wagging happily as he dug in earnestly.

Segin Epsilon



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-29-2021, 01:38 PM
He knew that Gypsy would be hesitant with anything new he introduced to her, not that he would ever blame her. He was just ready to accept the fact and prove to her that Segin meant her absolutely no harm. He’d given the smaller male a warning and they were both somewhat prepared when the sweet girl slipped from the doorway. He wanted to step forward and surround her, offer comfort and raise her up. Indigo was learning her though, he knew how uncomfortable physical touch really was. Instead he put one massive black paw beside her tiny speckled toes.

Segin was quiet as he greeted the tiny violet marked woman, he introduced himself in turn. Gypsy had to be one of Indigo’s highest priorities. She took the most patience, needed the most effort, to bring to a sense of normalcy. Segin’s words were sweet and soft, Indigo was proud of the man’s gentleness. His reaction to Gypsy furthered Indigo’s affection for him. ”He needed my help too.” Indigo told Gypsy quietly, only barely refraining from nuzzling her soft white ear. ”Lets go eat.” He told her with a smile as he lifted himself to his full height again, and once Gypsy looked like she was ready he led the way towards the courtyard where Duchess was waiting for them.

She had everything ready for them, everyone’s place positioned perfectly. Indigo’s grin widened as he was allowed to look at the family that he had built for himself. Pride and joy filled him, the wolves before him were lost souls that were drawn to him. That he had taken on the responsibility of rehabilitating and revealing the wonders of life they had been kept from for so long. They deserved all of his attention and caring, after being abused and mistreated he wanted to give every one of them the world. Indigo settled in to watch the wolves around him enjoy their meal, especially Segin. He hadn’t had a good meal in far too long.

The mottled man exclaimed his pleasure and Indigo grinned brightly. Segin looked bright and honestly happy. An incredible contrast to the man he had met in the cave that was ready to die. Despite everything he had been through he was smiling now and Indigo’s own chest swelled. ”Thank you, Duchess.” He looked over to the one who so talentedly made their dinner. Indigo knew he could happily get used to dinners together like this.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years
Extra small
05-29-2021, 01:49 PM

Indigo spoke but Gypsy could sense another body beside him. The scent of the other man made the tiny fae nervous, but his soft voice helped to calm her. At Indigo's insistence that Segin had needed his help too, the woman's ears lifted and her stance became neutral. "Hello," she spoke incredibly softly. Gypsy wasn't trying to be rude, but it was difficult for her to be social. She was not only timid and nervous, but incredibly shy.

It was evident that Indigo had come to collect her for dinner, so Gypsy took her usual place. She walked behind and to the side of the giant man, his tail on her shoulder to lead the way. That was how she liked it. It make things easy, she could still maintain her distance from others and yet still be somewhat independent.

Once she settled in for the meal, Gypsy waited until the others began to eat first. Habit. Once they did, she took up a piece of the warm, cooked meat and delicately consumed her dinner. It was delicious, but then again, any food was delicious to one that had been previously starving. Just in her short time with Indigo and Duchess, Gypsy had put on a small bit of much needed weight. She still wouldn't stand a chance on her own in the winter, but it was a start.


**Gypsy's past is full of some extreme abuse. Be warned.**

Indigo may enter any of Gypsy's threads as he sees fit.



Master Hunter (255)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Pride - BisexualAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2HomebodyIce Bridge Explorer
ExplorerMammoth HunterWordy1K
05-30-2021, 08:20 PM

Duchess bashfully lowered her head as Segin stated how good it was, and with Indigo thanking her. Her cooking was something she enjoyed, but she liked providing for others more than that, especially those she held close. And now that Segin had joined Indigo, he was just the same as any one of them before her in her mind.

Duchess took a bite of her meal, glancing to Gypsy as she waited for everyone else to eat first which was normal. She took a deep breath, but didn't say anything on the matter. She wanted Gypsy to relax more, grow out of the ways she was born in to. She knew it wasn't easy and had considered it may have not even been impossible. She definitely knew it was better to not address it at all. At least not now. Maybe not for a long long time. She was just happy they could enjoy meal after meal, enjoy each other's company. At least hope and look forward to a promising future. Her eyes moved to Indigo, feel her own future was brighter just thinking about her life with him. Her eyes dropped from him with a smile, a silent thanks for everything he had done. For her, for Gypsy, now for Segin.

Duchess had finished her meal and waited silently for the others to finish. She wouldn't clean up immediately, just laying there in their company. She was much more quiet than social, it seemed to be a theme amongst them. Or at least she felt more emotionally attached to Indigo through their emotions and actions opposed to words. After a little bit of time she stood to gather the items they had used, placing her paw to Indigo's before heading back to the stores to return everything. She wouldn't bother cleaning everything up though, she could do that in the morning. She returned back to join the group, but wasn't sure if they would still be around the courtyard or ready to go up and rest.

Walk "Talk"

Duchess is an !M rated! character for themes of Depression. Please Discord me if you have concerns.