
I Slipped



Master Fighter (260)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra large

Ooze ImmuneThe Ooze ParticipantExplorerVengeanceMammoth HunterIce Bridge Explorer
Pride - Asexual
05-29-2021, 03:42 PM

Lukina was playing in the canyon by herself. Rœkia was in a bad mood and the girl didn't want to be anywhere near her grumpy older cousin today. She picked up a stick in her teeth and headed out, wandering down the trail that lead to the creek that cut through the base of the canyon. It continued to carve its way lazily through. It was one of the only sources of fresh water and one of the few places one might find green plants according to her cousin. Though, these days there wasn't much to find. Lukina decided she'd just have to content herself with exploring or maybe see if she could find some lavender again.

It took awhile for her to move to the bottom of the canyon and by the time she arrived the sun had climbed over head. This was a good thing though. While her skin was sensitive to sunlight and could easily burn it was cold down in the base of the canyon and she had to admit that she appreciated both the warmth and the light. The creek bounced and churned on its way. She wondered if it was always so small and thin or if this was a result of the lack of spring rains. Maybe she'd be able to visit again some day in a few seasons. In some ways she couldn't wait til she was finally a yearling and could go off venturing on her own wherever she wanted and whenever she wanted. Not that she couldn't technically do that. However, she knew that Rœkia was a source of food and protection so it would be foolish to wander too far.

Lukina hummed to herself as she bounded from rock to rock. Everything was going well until she suddenly slipped. With a yelp she hit the water and scrapped the front of her right leg sharply down the sharp edge of the rock she'd been attempting to leap toward. Grumbling she scrambled out of the water, limping as she went onto a nearby dry rock. She shook the water from her coat and flopped down, lifting up her leg to examine it. Blood stained her snow white fur and she whimpered a little as she leaned over to lick at the injury, cleaning up what blood she could but it still flowed.

Oh no, what was she going to do now? She was too far away from the den site to walk all the way back and dig into Rœkia's stash and even if she had made it Rœkia would surely kick her ass for stealing. Doubly so for an accident while playing and not a life and death situation. She looked about her trying to figure out what she could use to tend to her leg. She supposed she could just keep licking it until it stopped bleeding but she also didn't want to irritate the wound too much and when she started trying to climb again she'd likely open it back up. What to do? There was water, dirt, and the dried skeletons of some former plants. She could see bits of algae here and there but she didn't really want to cram that stuff into an open wound, especially since she didn't know if it was safe. She'd put moss in wounds before and while it looked like moss she'd been taught to be wary of look a likes.

Lukina sighed, flopping her head on the tanned rabbit hide she used to carry the herbs she hoped to find. She blinked for a moment then got an idea. Rœkia had showed her a couple of forms of bandages and she knew a strip of hide could be used as a bandage. She took the hide in between her paws and using her teeth she carefully chewed a strip off. Once she had the strip she carefully laid it over her injury. Now the tricky part. Using her front paws while she laid on her side she carefully maneuvered the loose ends of the strip of hide. Between her paws and her teeth she was able to gently tie the bandage enough so that it would be held in place and cover the cut.

Lukina got to her feet feeling pretty pleased with herself though it was a shame about the rabbit hide. Perhaps she could have Rœkia show her how to tan one from their next rabbit meal. Lukina started to head back to the den site, moving carefully at first but then as she became more confident she picked up the pace. She still wasn’t going as quickly as she had before. She didn’t have anything for the pain but at least the bandage would help slow the bleeding and protect the wound on her journey back to the den.