
A Child's Curiosity

Valor <3



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

4 Years
05-30-2021, 12:13 PM (This post was last modified: 05-30-2021, 12:13 PM by Silent. Edited 1 time in total.)
Sunset Falls was a beautiful place, filled with various colors and sounds that were nothing short of appealing. Many different strangers, loners and pack members alike, had crossed paths here during different times. Paw prints, either faded or fresh, were noted on the many different trails that came and left the unclaimed landmark. Prey was plentiful here and the ecosystem was balanced to the naked eye of any wandering presence. The days seemed to slow down, as summer continued to move without much pressure; when night came, time did the same thing for it as when the sun was out. Both the day and night were treasured; both, Silent was able to experience.

The young girl's sleeping schedule had become backhanded from time to time, but she was able to right herself without much effort. She preferred the day over the night, enjoying the sun when it came out to play and the other animals that woke up from the night's departure. Bright green eyes were filled with wonder almost everyday, mainly because she was not one-hundred-percent aware of what it all meant. Without her parents to guide her, she was a textbook with blank pages: nothing had been written yet, giving her all the world to soak in before her story was written in ink.

This particular sunny mid-afternoon found Silent sitting beneath a nearby tree, resting her pretty head upon an above ground root. She had caught the front end of the heat wave, something which usually came with the hotter months, and she stayed in the shade to keep her body temperature at a bearable level. Her mouth was open, salmon pink tongue lolling from it as she panted with each breath. It did not help much that her fur was so dark; despite its loveliness, it was a magnet for the heat. Her tail flopped lazily beside her hind leg as she lay across the cool ground, taking in details of nearby strangers and wondering what kind of persons they were...hopefully nice.