
Tomorrows just another day



05-30-2014, 02:09 PM

He was cloaked within the darkness around him, the moon and stars his only guidance. A change was in order, for he and his family. Though the question is, where had they been? The man was new to alactria and could only hope he would adjust in well. The previous lands that he had explored where such a bore, though the beach was one of his favorite places. The golden sand would touch against his large paws, his pace quickening until reaching a few rather large rocks. A sigh would depart his maw before climbing upon them to rest for a moment. He had been taught to never be off guard while to visible for those to see, even if the darkness makes it harder to catch his looming figure. Octavion would relax, his legs ached and his hunger settling in. Though for now he would merely sit, letting the wind play with his soft curls, for all he knew he was all alone. For now atleast.

OOC: Sorry for the crappy start, i always find it hard to make a good opening<3



05-30-2014, 02:55 PM

She had left the parklands, desperate to get away from the sickness that clung to the air. It seemed like there was no cure that could be found, everything failed. Would wolves die from this? She imagined that if it went untreated then yes many would die. But that couldn't happen, they had to a find a cure. A sigh slipped from pale lips, her paws leading her anyway they wanted. Slowly the air would change, become salty. The crashing of waves could be heard and soon the earth beneath her changed into sand. The russet beauty would bring herself to halt, her gaze lifting to look at the water. Night had long settled, cloaking everything in a shadow. Snow littered the ground, the air was frigid as it rolled off the water. The perfume of her heat swirled with the salty air, making for an interesting combination.

But another scent clung to the air, one that was unfamiliar, male, and rogue. Verdant swept the beach, looking for the outline of a wolf, but seeing nothing. Eyes narrowed, torn audits swiveling, trying to pinpoint where the stranger was located. Long limbs would carrying her down the beach, closer to the water. Sand found its way between her coats and clung to the fur on her paws. Bangles dancing in the moonlight, reflecting with each step that she took.




06-01-2014, 11:43 AM

Being alone really wasnt much fun at all, though perhaps that would soon be changing. A sweet perfume lingered within the air, a trail that he would believe was made just for him. Though, he saw no other in sight. Tonight he was in no mood to play hide and seek, tiredness got the better of him and these new found lands gave him a disadvantage. He had no clue where he was going, or for the matter where he was going next. A yawn would trace his silken tongue, passing his inky lips before his warm breath hits the open before disappearing almost instantly. Octavion would rise to his feet, jumping swiftly from where he had been relaxing to finally find the woman with the luxurious perfume; bathed under the moonlight like a lore. A smile would tug against his lips before swooping to greet her, large paws hitting the earth before stopping by her side. The man would twist his crown, mismatched gaze devouring her petite frame, looking upon every curve and features she had before nodding his head in greeting. "
" And hear i thought i was all alone on the golden beach, little red. What brings you out tonight?" Oh, how a woman on heat really is a tempting thing. Though tonight perhaps he would stick to being a gentleman. The woman before him was the first wolf he had met and he was not going to make a bad impression so soon. Or atleast he'd try. " Im ?ctavion by the way and who might you be?"


06-04-2014, 04:20 PM

The scent of the stranger grew stronger until his voice filled her ears as he dropped down beside her. A delicate brow lifted as she took a step to side, away from him, to get a better look at the stranger. He would make idle conversation before introducing himself as Octavian. The russet beauty dipped her head in greeting before introducing herself. "I'm Sibelle. And I'm just out for an evening stroll. " She offered him as easy smile, verdant pools rolling over his features. She wasn't sure if it was the moonlight, but he She wasn't sure that was possible, but it appeared to be. ""Do you make a habit of just dropping in on strangers?" Crown tipped to the side as she chuckled. He had surprised her a bit, just landing beside her with very little warning. But he seemed friendly enough, and the woman was more than confident that she could handle herself if he decided to get nasty. Tail swayed idly at her hocks as she kept her eyes on him, curious about the green man.

"Talk" "You" Think