
i don't wanna lose your love tonight



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-02-2021, 04:59 PM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2021, 05:01 PM by Indigo. Edited 2 times in total.)
It would be a big fat lie to say that this day hadn’t been at the back of his mind since the last time he and Segin gathered herbs in the almost magical garden. Plants and herbs of all kinds lived and thrived here, it was an incredible wonder right under their noses. The forest beyond the clearing was rather thick, the greenery was almost overgrown now and it gave the garden a sense of peace and privacy. They were relatively close to the Hallow’s borders too, in case a hasty retreat might need to be made. Indigo intended to get comfortable here, and prayed no interruption found them. Once he was really able to travel more he couldn't help himself as he began to prepare a little nook by the old stone foundation. He laid out a couple of leathers and pillows the day before and packed a picnic to take along. Mostly he was hiding the nervous energy within.

Indigo tried to keep his cool when he invited Segin back out to collect herbs with him, and he tried to dodge the question of why his pack was full on the way there. Eventually though Indy led him to the little hideout he’d made. There was a backdrop of flowers and fragrant herbs, the evening was cooling off and the sun would soon begin to set. The intermittent clouds in the sky promised a vibrant sunset, but Indigo wondered how much attention he’d want to spare towards the sky. He hadn’t been able to keep from playfully bumping Segin’s shoulders all along the way. His heart was pounding against his chest with every step he took. He tried not to grin like too much of a fool, but Segin’s brightness was infectious and he couldn’t help the joy he shared when they were together.

”I tried to make it more comfortable,” he eventually started softly, as massive paws carried him to the little oasis. He slipped the pack off his shoulder and lowered himself to his haunches, a smile still playing over his features as he invited Segin next to him. All the while acutely aware of the bubbling feelings in his belly, and blaring desire he barely contained.

Indigo Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
06-02-2021, 07:22 PM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2021, 07:36 PM by Segin. Edited 1 time in total.)

Segin felt like he could fully relax now that Indigo was more fully healed and could move around with out struggling or being pained from the effort. The better he got the happier Segin was. When Indigo invited him back out to collect more herbs with him Segin didn't think much of it and readily agreed, though when they started heading out of the castle he noticed the pack he was carrying seemed to sway and sag more than an empty pack should. He gave Indigo a skeptical, curious look when he tried to brush off his questions about it, but he did let it go, deciding to just wait and see what was making his friend so fidgety and what he had planned that would require him to bring a whole pack of something out with them. It very clearly wasn't to hunt herbs so he started trying to guess what else it could be.

He grinned up at Indigo as they walked whenever he would bump his shoulder against his, their sides brushing together making his heart skip and reminding him of his desire for the larger man that he had been very carefully keeping in check while Indigo was healing. He couldn't tell if it was just his imagination or not, but as they walked Indigo seemed to be grinning even more than usual and seemed even more affectionate than he had been since he got hurt. Before he could ask again what was going on, Indigo mentioned something about trying to make it more comfortable. Segin gave him another confused glance before he turned his gaze away from the violet man and found himself looking at a little sanctuary tucked away in the gardens with a that Indigo had clearly prepared with leathers to cover the ground and comfortable looking pillows.

Segin's jaw dropped with awe as he took it in, glancing back at the pack that Indigo had just lowered to the ground and suddenly realized he must have made them a picnic to bring out here. "Indigo... You... You did all this for me?" he questioned softly, his ears falling back against his head as emotion welled up in his chest and his vision started to blur with tears. He tried to blink them away as he looked up into his sapphire eyes, a wide smile pulling across his features. "This... This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. You don't have to do all this," he said with an overwhelmed whine, reaching up to affectionately nose at Indigo's cheek, his tail wagging happily behind him.

In all the times he had been with someone while he was on the run, in all the times he had snuck away with his half brother, in all of the times he had slept with someone just to not be alone, he had never seen anyone be so incredibly thoughtful or kind. Usually he would end up in a den that wasn't much more than a glorified hole or maybe just some random cave or something somewhere if the wolf that was taking him even cared about finding somewhere secluded. All of this was far more than he ever would have expected and was way, way more than he ever would have asked for. He settled beside this gentle giant and leaned into this side, peering up at him with adoration and desire and happiness. "You didn't have to butter me up or anything. I want to be with you either way," he teased with a chuckle, leaning up to give Indigo's chin a playful lick.

Segin Epsilon



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-03-2021, 07:15 PM
Indigo never really forgot the bubbling desire that boiled in his belly since the day that Segin asked if he would go any further than enjoying sweet cuddles. The Fatalis would have been content where their relationship lay, he did treasure the mottled man and enjoyed holding him close. The idea of being closer and the promise of intimacies to come settled at the back of his mind and hadn’t diminished. Every step they took together, every brush of fur, sent a little wave of electricity over Indigo’s dark skin. He felt the excitement in his toes, but the massive brute held himself back. Most of all he wanted to show Segin how special he was with a small token of his gratitude. Really the picnic was nothing exciting and there wasn’t much effort put in on Indy’s part, just a bit of preparation.

All of it was absolutely worth it when he saw Segin’s reaction to the small surprise. Indigo’s bright blue eyes lingered on Segin’s features as he took in the little picnic table that Indigo laid out. He’d mostly forgotten about the food and supplies he had brought along with them. A meal, a small vase for Indigo to put a couple of flowers in. He debated about sneaking into the alcohol stores but decided that was going too far. Segin’s expression and reaction were plenty enough to get him drunk. If it was possible Indigo softened further to the man beside him as he tried to comprehend what had been done for him. Indigo smiled and put a paw to Segin’s cheek as he wiped away the tears of happiness.

Segin reached up to nuzzle him affectionately and Indy wrapped one massive dark arm around the man’s shoulders and kissed the top of his head softly. ”I know,” he returned with a quiet rumble. Segin never asked for a cute little date but Indigo was nothing if not gentlemanly. Maybe this was still a first date of sorts, but Indigo wouldn’t and couldn’t deny the connection they shared since the moment they first met. ”You deserve it though,” Indy offered quietly, leaning into Segin’s affections as he nuzzled against his cheek. Segin made himself comfortable close beside him, and bright blue eyes met polished silver. The deep emotions within were plain to see there, and Indigo felt himself drawn into his sweet features.

Indigo felt his cheek grow hot as Segin spoke softly, again telling him none of this was necessary. He didn’t need to be wooed. Still, the gentle feeling of his tongue against his chim stirred up thoughts and feelings he let remain subdued for so long now. ”You’re special to me though, I want you to know it.” He reaffirmed as he sought Segin’s gaze once more. Unable to help himself, Indigo leaned in to steal a shy kiss from Segin’s dark lips.

Indigo Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
06-05-2021, 04:03 PM

Segin was absolutely stunned by Indigo's thoughtfulness time and time again. He had mostly been teasing with his comment about how Indigo hadn't had to win him over to gain his affections, but there had been some truth to it too. He had slept with others for much less, but when Indigo insisted that he was special to him and that he wanted him to know it be felt some of that light hearted joking falling away just to be replaced by more genuine emotions. He thought about everything and everyone that had made up his life up to this point and he honestly couldn't think of a single time that anyone had ever seen as much worth in him and thought he was genuinely worth anything the way that Indigo did. Looking up into those kind sapphire gaze made his heart skip a beat. If it was even possible to crave the violet man any more than he already had Indigo somehow found a way to make it possible in that moment.

The corners of his lips pulled into a sweet smile at Indigo's shy kiss as he returned the gentle affection, loving how tender and gentle this timid giant could be. Segin let himself give in to all of that desire and longing he had felt since the first night they met as he reached up to give Indigo another kiss in return, encouraging the larger man as his eyes slid closed and he pressed a bit deeper and more passionately into each kiss that followed. The world around them fell away and their little oasis truly felt as if they had been transported away to a completely secluded space where only the two of them remained. After a while he finally pulled away from their kisses gently, blinking his eyes open to look up at Indigo. His heart was pounding hard against his chest and his breathing was heavier, his silver gaze filled with affection and longing and desire.

He looked at Indigo with a silent question as his paw lifted to slowly trace down the larger man's chest and stomach, searching his rich, blue gaze for any sign that he might want to stop. He didn't want to move too fast or push Indigo too far, but he wanted him badly and desperately wanted to thank Indigo for everything he had given him in one of the only ways he knew how. His paw grazed the fresh scar on his stomach, and he paused glancing away from Indigo's gaze to look at it, his ears flicking back as he delicately traced the raised skin. It was permanent proof of how close they had been to losing him. But they hadn't. He was here and now Segin wanted to love every inch of him to show him how grateful he was for that fact.

Segin Epsilon



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-06-2021, 05:04 AM
Like Segin said, Indigo didn’t have to fight for Segin’s affections, but still he wasn’t sure how his timid kiss might be received. He didn’t have anything to worry about but the feeling still boiled in his belly. The rushing emotion shifted and morphed from uncertain nervousness to curious desire as Segin returned the kiss, but with much more confidence and an intensity behind that Indigo wasn’t expecting. The dark mottled man pressed deeply against Indigo’s lips and the fanged warrior followed, following the other man’s lead. Indy was confident in his own kisses, even if he’d never tasted another male’s lips. The experience was everything he wanted but the big mystery still remained. The Fatalis easily lost himself in Segin’s kisses, his mind focused only on the way they pressed together, from their lips to their bodies. He wanted to be closer, and as they kissed Indigo held Segin tightly to him.

He wasn’t sure how long they were locked together like that, but when Segin pulled away he felt like less because of it. Sapphire eyes met silver as both men blinked back the passion that held them. Indy put a paw to Segin’s cheek as they paused for just a moment and found each other’s gaze. For so long he’d withheld any feelings towards Segin, but the man knew him better than anyone in the band, at least the specifics of his secrets. With his breathing already labored Indigo embraced the crazy emotions Segin caused in him. Nervousness in his belly that danced with the flame of desire, his heart beating in his chest like he’d just raced a marathon. His lips craved Segin’s and all the wonder he brought.

Indigo’s dark purple brows raised as Segin looked up to him in silent question and traced his paw over the thick fur of his chest and belly before tracing the new jagged scars that decorated his abdomen. Indy gasped in surprise at how sensitive his skin was to the gentle touch. The promise of things to come. Indigo’s desire built more if that were even possible. It was almost hard to comprehend just how much Indigo desired Segin. There was a silent question and hesitancy as Segin carefully moved forward, uncertain if he was pushing too hard. Indigo wasn’t afraid, he was nervous about the unknown but he felt comfortable around Segin, like they had known each other far longer than was true. Their affections were easy and natural, this exciting next step wouldn’t be any different.

”Don’t stop,” He gasped softly as Segin paused and caught himself on the scar. Indigo paid a heavy price for Emersyn’s well being every bit was worth it though. The healed skin was more sensitive, and it hadn’t even begun to regrow fur. He realized he loved the way Segin caressed him there as his imagination tried to run away with him. ”I want you, Segin.” He whispered again, the sound originating deep in his chest as he rumbled and nuzzled his muzzle against Segin’s dark ear as he held himself back and waited for the other man to take the lead.

Indigo Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
06-07-2021, 04:41 PM

Segin's pale, silver gaze lifted to Indigo's sapphire gaze once more when the larger man's soft words reached his ears with an insistence that he keep going, the words of equal desire making his heart skip wildly in his chest. A smile pulled across his lips and he tipped his head up so that his muzzle could reach Indigo's, their dark lips meeting with a passion and a tenderness that Segin didn't know was possible. It was really only in that moment that he realized that there was a difference between the sex he had taken part in before now and this. This was making love and it was so much more gentle and affectionate and filled with so much longing passion that it was nearly overwhelming, but he didn't want to miss a single second of it.

His paws continued on their way to places that he hadn't yet explored, bringing Indigo along with him as he tumbled head first into the wanting and desire for this man that had saved his life. He was hardly ever the one to take the lead in situations like this, preferring to be submissive in these sorts of things, but he could feel Indigo's nervous energy and he knew this would all be new to this lovely man. He wanted Indigo to enjoy their first time together - his first time with a man - so he took it on himself to make sure that happened for him. He stoked the fire of their desires while his paws explored every inch of Indigo while they traded passionate kisses back and forth. Only once he couldn't stand to wait any longer he gently nudged Indigo's broad chest, urging the man onto his back.

As their positions changed, it fully revealed the scars he had felt with his paws before and his ears flicked as his emotion filled gaze drifted across them. He leaned over Indigo and gave each one a trail of kisses, pretending that his kisses could fully heal them and made them fade away. Eventually, he found himself over top of the larger man, his paws gently and affectionately tracing over his chest and stomach. His movements were careful and gentle - mostly for his own benefit - as he gave himself completely to Indigo and brought him into a whole different world that he had never experienced, hoping that he could make it everything Indigo had hoped for and more.

- fade -

Afterward he laid curled into Indigo's chest much the same as he had been their first night together, floating in a pleasant haze, a grin permanently placed on his muzzle. Slowly he started to regain some kind of conscious thought and he lifted his head to look up at Indigo, his silver gaze shining with affection and satisfaction. He searched Indigo's face, silently wondering if he had enjoyed everything as well, still too far gone to form any kind of coherent sentences.

Segin Epsilon



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-08-2021, 08:25 AM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2021, 08:26 AM by Indigo. Edited 1 time in total.)
Segin’s smile as Indigo encouraged him onwards warmed his broken heart, that sweet smile, an expression that had been hard won during a moment of weakness. Segin had been nearly dead when they two of them met, and seeing him now was an incredible feeling. He’d helped him to see the world as it should be, instead of the sorrow and death he had known before. Indigo knew that Segin had experienced far too many horrors, so seeing the grin on his features now made their time together so much more precious. They kissed again, and in that moment he felt the way Segin’s outlook changed, the gentle yet passionate affections they shared were as new to the mottled man as they were to Indigo. They’d both enjoyed the finer points of sex and intimacy, but being together now was like the first experience all over again.

Inky black paws hadn’t stopped caressing and touching him even as words fell away and actions were all that mattered. Indigo didn’t stifle the small groans of pleasure as Segin traced over sensitive skin and places that were not often touched. Indigo relaxed against the furs beneath them, used to being the dominate partner, of taking charge himself and lavishing his affections on the one who fueled his desire. Indigo felt less prepared for this endeavor than he had previously, as though Segin could feel the uncertainty radiating within he took the lead. Indigo savored every passionate kiss and every eager touch as the flame and fire built between them. Electricity sparked wherever Segin touched, and every time their lips met and they shared their passions and increased the desire between them until neither man could take the building pressure. The need for release took hold of Indigo and there was nothing but Segin as he pushed him to his back.

Segin pulled away from his lips again, but his attention at his belly was even more appreciated as his kisses traced the scars decorating violet skin. Small whines drifted from his throat, as his own dark paws traced over Segin’s form and grasped at him needily. There was but one thought allowed to remain and it was written all over Indigo’s features, from his vibrant gaze to the lopsided grin that played over his muzzle. Segin worked his way once more over his dark belly, eventually positioning himself temptingly over his chest. Vivid sapphire and gleaming silver eyes met as Segin’s form leaned into Indigo, as though handling the most fragile of treasures Indigo’s body moved along with the smaller male’s. That burning desire was finally quenched as two became one. Indigo’s breath was stolen, his heart slammed against his chest, as he was brought into a whole new world. Segin took his paw and led him blissfully forward, his imagination couldn’t come close to the incredible reality they shared together.


Much of the evening was a blur, he felt like he had nearly lost his mind, and even in the afterglow Indigo took a long time for his mind to catch up with body. There was little to think about beyond the wolf he was making love to, but after finding release in each other his heart finally began to return to a steady beat but he didn’t catch his breath for a long moment as Segin snuggled into his chest. The bliss they shared lingered and both men wore a smile as visual proof. Segin looked completely satisfied, just as Indigo felt laying there. They grinned at each other, both quite proud of their performance but even more Indigo would cherish the memory of Segin in the throes of pure pleasure. There were no room for words between them, and Indigo was confident that Segin was doing just as well as he felt after everything. Still, he had worried about hurting the sweet man during the height of passion. Indigo’s massive arms held Segin tightly to his chest as they basked together, Indigo’s skin still tingling from the excitement. He leaned forward to offer another kiss, this one much deeper. He felt like he learned a whole different part of Segin and he was better for it.

Indigo Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
06-10-2021, 01:49 AM

Seeing the satisfaction, the bliss, the pleasure on Indigo’s face was something that Segin would cherish forever. Even if this was the only time they enjoyed each other like this - which he sincerely hoped it wasn’t - just this moment alone would be one that he could carry in his heart forever. This was truly the first time that he could say that he felt like his partner had really cared about him the way that he cared about them and that was a fact that perhaps he’d have to think more deeply about later. It made him realize that the brother that he had given his heart to first probably hadn’t felt the same way or at least hadn’t cared about his well being the way Indigo did and that was a jarring realization.

For now though, he was happy to just lay wrapped tightly in Indigo’s arms, returning the deeper kiss that Indigo gave him with a pleased murr, his toes flexing against Indigo’s broad chest. Everything about this moment was everything he could have hoped for and so much more and he wasn’t sure that any first time with anyone else he was with in the future would effect him quite as much as Indigo had. After a few lingering moments his lips slipped away from Indigo’s again and he smiled as his paws came to rest on each side of Indigo’s face, his paw pads that had once been so torn and cracked gently rubbing across his cheeks as he looked affectionately into those sapphire eyes.

”Thank you for this.” He spoke softly, this intimate moment between them making his heart sing. ”You didn’t have to make this so special, but I’m so grateful that you did. This… This was wonderful. You’re wonderful.” He grinned shyly, giving his nose a playful lick. ”I know I’m not really what you would usually go for, but… I’m really glad you gave it a shot.”

Segin Epsilon



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-11-2021, 11:07 AM
The small ways Segin showed his pleasure returned the butterflies to his stomach. Indigo hadn’t stopped grinning, even as they shared a slow passionate kiss. From the way inky black toes curled into his mane to lidded silver eyes that gazed up at him adoringly. Indigo trailed one dark paw up Segin’s shoulder and with his huge paw nestled the back of Segin’s head in his paw as he held him close. Their lips parted and Segin’s dainty paws framed Indigo’s cheeks. The same paws that he had licked clean after they were torn and damaged from disrepair. That grin never truly left his lips, nor did it now as silver eyes met sapphire. Then Segin was thanking him. Indigo tilted his head slightly with curiosity, almost certain their roles should have been reversed. The mottled man went on though, his voice was sweet and so appreciative of their time together.

Seeing Segin so bashful and shy was incredibly endearing, especially after everything he’d experienced with him. Indigo closed his eyes blissfully as Segin licked his nose and followed up his statement. Indigo was attracted to females, but Segin was woven from a different cloth. Indy gravitated towards his sweet and gentle nature, his easy affection and bright nature. Segin really was everything that Indigo felt drawn to, but they were the same sex. Not that Indigo found any issue with that fact as he was given the privilege of such intimacy together.

”I wouldn’t have wanted to experience you like this any other way,” he returned softly as he carefully ran his sharp claws through Segin’s fur. You are wonderful for letting me have this with you.” He leaned forward slightly, his grin widened as he thought about just how much he enjoyed kissing this man. ”You’re everything I could want and more.” No he wasn’t attracted to most men, but Segin had quickly taken a place in Indigo’s life and he felt much richer for the fact. ”I’m grateful to have you.” Indigo told him softly, again gazing into soft silver eyes, his almost goofy grin continued to play over his features. They were so close right now, belly to belly and wrapped in each other’s embrace. There weren’t many moments in his life he described as perfect, but this one was very nearly there. Indigo leaned forward, finding a continued craving for Segin’s soft dark lips.

Indigo Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.