
We Are Castaways?

Poetry <3



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

4 Years
06-04-2021, 03:31 PM
Silent was hugging the Eastern Hemisphere with a snuggled grip as she began to venture into another neutral land. The warmth of the sun that wrapped around her each morning felt like a mother's embrace. The sounds of the birds that happily chirped and tweeted when she explored made her think of songs that had no words, but held meaning that ran deeper than she understood. The feeling of cool water against her paws when she played in a stream woke her up when she daydreamed. The scents she picked up along the way, either prey, stranger, or friend, nudged her in the direction of figuring out who they belonged to...and what they meant. Everything she crossed paths with held a meaning; she just didn't know what they were.

Such seriously devoted thinking was pushed from the young girl's mind that day. She had left the Falls and pursued a unique smell that had caught her attention after eating her breakfast. It was dry and potent at the same time, but she could not put her finger on the source. Her little brain began to wonder and she departed from the Falls that morning to carry after the mystery scent. Her mission was cut short, however, when she came to where the grass changed to sand. Her first step upon the beach was a startling one; she lightly yelped at the texture change, causing her small frame to leap backward in surprise. Silent had been so focused on the mystery smell that she had ignored everything else. It was a lesson she would have to keep up with in the future.

Bright green eyes moved with fascination to the ground, taking note of how the green grass shifted to blondish yellow grains of earth. Blinking slowly, she lowered her head to sniff at the sand, but one sniff was enough to cause some to rise into her nose. Silent snorted, then sneezed, the sound quite unlike anything you would hear from a pup. "A-CHOO!" She shook her head and wiggled her nose. "So pleasant," she sarcastically mumbled.