
Start Again



4 Years
05-24-2014, 03:27 PM

OOC: This takes place after the Hroovy raid on Hr??vitnir's (now Vili's) pack. This can also take place either right before the epidemic or during, it doesn't matter to me. If any of the pups get sick they'll probably travel to Ludicael for help.

Here. Here is where he'd make his new home and raise his new charges. Right now it was snow covered and empty, but soon enough it would be filled with birdsong and teeming with prey. He'd passed through the plains on his journey across Alacritis and the place had stuck with him. It was practical, abundant and relatively safe, save for the occasional venomous snake.

Glancing over his shoulder at the little ones trailing behind him, Thor's resolve strengthened. He was going to take care of them. Raise them to be courageous and fair. He would never be like his father. The brute wasn't sure yet what the three children thought of him, but he hoped in time they would grow to understand that they were being given a chance at a life that was of their own making. He would do his best to instill them with the tools they would need to survive and the virtues to do it justly, but he wouldn't try to write their futures for them or shape them into things they weren't made to be.

"Alright, guys, we're here." Before them stretched out the plains. To their left was a thicket that looked like the perfect place for a densite and to their right? Wide open ground. The plains went on for miles; the vastness of it broken up occasionally by stands of trees and rolling hills. "Welcome home."

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]



1 Year
05-24-2014, 06:50 PM
Everything had been so confusing. There had been these males saying they were related and getting her and two other pups away from the only place she had ever known. She had been skeptical over the whole thing. They spoke of a better life, but what did that mean? Could they really ensure her such a thing? She cared not so much for herself as she did the other two. She had always put herself in the way of harm for the sake of others. She never cried out, never growled, just bowed her head in silence or stared up at the face of her attacker. They were careful not to break her body, careful to make sure the abuse could last throughout her life. So really did she have much to loose by following these males? No, she had no siblings no mother, it was just her. But she did have the other pups to look after. She was no older than them but felt she could at least protect them as best she could. Someone had to try at least. But silently she had followed.

Pain, it was something she was aware of but could no longer care for. The ache of hunger was felt all the time to the point she no longer realized it. The pain in her body, scarred and still fresh with wounds was like an itch at the back of her mind but nothing more. Perhaps she was immuned to pain thus throwing herself at the jaws and claws of the violence in her pack. So their little travel from the only place she ever know to Alacritis was not a hard task for her. Yes her paws hurt, even bled. But she refused to voice it or ever acknowledge it. She remained behind the other two pups, eyes fixed on them to make sure they were ok.

A plain so vast to her young mind opened up before them. The brown male who seemed to be in change said they were here. What was here? "What is here? What do you want with us? You cant really ensure of safety you know." She spoke up for the first time, blue eyes sharp and narrowed. Her voice was avoid of emotion, flat, and just spoke as if as a matter of fact.



1 Year
05-28-2014, 11:59 PM

Silent, Bera followed behind the male wolf who had called himself Thor. Her leaf green eyes watched the back of his large form warily, occasionally glancing sidelong at Eostre and turning an ear back to hear Arnporr behind. She was wary for them, just as protective over them as they were for her, and it made her hesitant about this whole move. Everything they had known was behind them, back in the pack they had once called home. It had not been the best home by Bera's count, but it was familiar, and there was some comfort to be had from that.

But as she watched the man in front of them, choosing their path and occasionally casting glances behind at them - did he expect them to try darting off if he looked away too long? - she could not help wondering if this was not how things were meant to happen. After all, her place had never truly been in their pack. She was never going to achieve her dream of becoming an esteemed warrior amongst them, not the same way the males were. She had thought about leaving too, the thoughts never leaving her head but there all the same. And he did claim to be family. His coloration did parallel her own, which admittedly drew about some curiosity. Maybe...

Thor spoke, bringing their progression to a stop as he remarked upon their present location being their new home. Large pup paws slowing and then falling still, Bera glanced at their new surroundings, the wide stretch of grassy plains, the copse of trees that provided the only noticeable shelter. It might have done okay but...what did Arnporr and Eostre think? Arnporr was already voicing her concerns with a steady, flat voice. How she managed it the brown pup had no idea but she admired her for it. She was not so sure she could have spoken with the same strength. But she was just as curious for the questions asked to be answered and so she remained silent, watchful and attentive to receive Thor's response.



4 Years
05-31-2014, 03:55 PM (This post was last modified: 06-01-2014, 10:11 PM by Baldur.)

What did you expect to find?

Was it something you left behind?

Baldur limped silently like a ghost behind the group. His white coat blending in with the fallen snow and the silver sky, everything but the black mark around his left eye and several wounds that striped his body with blood. Failure rang in his ears and stained his sight. Hodr was dead, blinded and slain in a horrid twist of irony and fate, and Baldur was to blame. He had not been there to defend his twin, had made know attempt to return until it was far too late.

He hovered for a moment waiting for them to get ahead while he turned to silently wretch. Those pups had been through enough, they needed their cousins to be strong and sure not weak and sick? but he could feel it building up in him again. The grief, clawing and scratching up his throat with more vigor as he tried again to swallow it back down.

Not only did he have to come to terms with the death of his twin he now found himself drowning in a quagmire of memories that he had long since forgotten. The brutal murder of his lover Linne? being a hub on which his internal agony was spinning. Other childhood atrocities also filtered through his brain. Crimes against him and his siblings as well as one's he himself had committed.

Baldur felt both numb and overwhelmed. His emotions and sanity bubbling like hot oil in his skin and mind and for the third time that trip he'd wished there was a cliff he could throw himself off of and just be done with the whole thing. But he never would, not in front of the pups at least. Maybe later when he could silently slip away?

"Alright, guys, we're here. Welcome home."

"Thor?" Baldur said quietly. "Can you get them settled in? I'm going to scout and see what we can find to eat. I don't know if Loki's stored anything up with having to keep hold of his rascals."

Baldur did not wait long for a reply as he swiftly turned, his form seeming to dissolve into winter terrain.

Don't you remember anything I said when I said,

Don't fall away and leave me to myself



2 Years
05-31-2014, 04:05 PM
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eu velit id arcu ullamcorper lobortis nec eu tellus." 'Duis massa sapien, porttitor ac porttitor pulvinar, sagittis ut lectus.'

Aksel's sleep was fitful. A lot had happened, he was finally fully healthy but for some reason they had to leave with his uncles. He wondered endlessly where momma was and then for awhile his uncles had left too and he didn't quite know how to feel about that and so he crawled out of the fluffpile tangle of his siblings to take a little walk? which soon turned into a run...

Zoooooommmm! He was so fast nothing could touch him! Grinning and laughing Aksel skittered along the border of the plains dashing in and out of snow piles. After an infection gave him a rough start to life and crippled much of his movement he was now well and moving about like any other pup his age. If they woke his sister's would probably start terrorizing their father giving him the perfect opportunity to sneak away.

Skittering haphazardly to and fro the pup relished in his play coming to a halt only when he heard voices. Ooohhhh, strangers? He shouldn't? but he was going to. Body slinking low he stalked in the direction of the voices his thin wiry frame slipping through the brush. Nestled among the snow and dead grasses he recognized the form of uncle Thor and? more pups? Too curious to stay put Aksel ran towards the group, tail wagging. "Uncle Thor! Uncle Thor! Where were you? Who are they?"

Talk, Think



4 Years
06-03-2014, 11:11 PM

A sharp breeze cut across the plains, bringing with it the surrounding scents. Thor's nose twitched and he lifted his face to the wind. His eyes closed as he mapped out each familiar smell, painting in his mind the landscape in scents. It wasn't until one of the sisters began asking question that his eyes slowly opened. H remained still for a moment, savoring what the wind brought him.

His head lowering, the big brute turned to Arnporr and began answering her questions. "This is Serpent Plains. We're on the eastern side of Alacritis." Her second question was a bit harder to answer. Even though all of his intentions were good, their execution had been less than saintly up until this point. Because he didn't have an answer to her question, he decided to answer it in a way she didn't intend for it to be answered. "I want you three to be on your best behavior." As for her third question, the brute sighed as he decided on an honest approach. "No one can, but I'll do my best."

Thor nodded as Baldur spoke and then his eyes followed him as he wandered off. Something was wrong with him, but Thor was afraid to ask. The death of Hodr had hit them all hard, but none as hard as Baldur. Maybe it was best to leave him be. Let him grief in private. Slowly Thor's eyes drifted back to his new charges.

Now, on to the basics. "Alright," he rumbled, making eye contact with each. "I have a couple of rules I expect you to follow. One, there will be no back talking. You are entitled to your opinion and are free to express it, but when I tell you to do something, you will do it immediately and without complaint. Or you will be punished." He let that sink in. Now was the time to put the fear of God in them because all too soon they'd realize just how little bite was behind his bark. "Two, we will train daily in the basic skills you will need to survive. Among other things, we will set up a perimeter and patrol it as often as I see fit. I will begin teaching you the basics of self defense as soon as you are all well enough to begin." He paused to gauge their reactions before continuing, "Three, we will speak plainly to one another. I will try my hardest to be honest with you and I expect the same from you. The soundness of our family is made or broken by our ability to communicate. If you are unwilling to convey your true thoughts and feelings, and they fester, it is no one's fault but your own." Another pause, "The rest are fairly simply and subject to amendment as I see fit..." Movement out of the corner of his eye drew the brute's attention away and once it was clear who the approaching shape belonged to, Thoe turned back to the girls. "We'll discuss them later. Now, any questions?"

Before he knew it, Aksel was upon them with the telltale exuberance of his father. At this stage it was cute, charming, even, but any second now that energy could warp into whatever demonic presence inhabited Loki. Thor decided not to dwell on that possibility. After all, he himself was not his father. "Aksel!" The brute grinned, his affection for the young wolf apparent. "You've grown," he rumbled approvingly, making a point to size his nephew up before turning his gaze to the sisters. "These are your..." Quickly Thor broke down their relationship to his nephew. They were what, half aunts on their mother's side? ...Yeah. He was going to go with that and ignore the weirdness that was Ve's side. "Aunts. Girls, this is Aksel. Say hi."

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]



1 Year
06-06-2014, 09:52 PM
She stood there, stoic to everything but her blue eyes fixated on the brown male. She couldn't really remember his name or the other male's. Nor did she really care at the time. For all she knew these males stole them for their own amusement, their own harassment and cruel joy in beating them up. It was all she knew in life. She did not know what it was like to be loved, to be protected and cared for. Sure she had a mother once, not Bera or Eostre's. But either of those two knew that. Arnporr wouldn't have known either if she hadn't acted unconscious after a beating. She had laid there and listened to Vili talk about her, about her mother who wasn't the other pup's, nor was Vili her father. Maybe that's why he despised her so much. She saw it in his eyes each and every time he looked at her.

The brown male's voice drew her attention back to him. She cared not really the names of the place they were at. But what exactly was here? What was here for them? His next answer to her question made her roll her eyes and look away. Really? That was his answer? Pathetic really in her eyes. The white male who had lingered at the rear came up only to walk off again. Honestly he made her more weary out of the two of them. He was quiet and kept to himself and always in the back. She couldn't watch him, could get a judgment on him. She didn't like it. She would watch him leave the group, eyes squinting at his back.

Ear twitched as the brown guy spoke yet again. Did he like hearing his own voice? Great rules! How would this be any different from what they had been living in? She snorted loudly at his first rule, rump sitting down with ears back. Seriously? She stared right back at him, unflinching. Punishment? Everything she did had a "punishment" so really no difference there. She wasn't afraid of being beating around like a chew toy. The second rule was something different but she believed it as a lie. She would not believe it till it happened. She was best off learning on her own as she had so far. His third rule almost had her giggle. Did he really think this through? "So if I talk back as my opinion on a matter of subject, you'll punish me? How is that any different than what we are used to? Do you think we have not come costume to punishments to some degree? How are we not fit? If Vili and his...friends could beat on us every day as much as they wished with no food or water for days, do you think we can not handle 'training'? We have been through a lot, don't just write us off as weak and scared." She said before turning away in anger. She knew her mouth often got her in trouble, this would probably end the same way as always.

A new voice reached her ears, making them flick back and forth. At once she was on her paws, rushing to stand infront of the other two protectively. Head lowered, little hackles raised as she stared at the stranger. She did not growl or curl her lips but one more step from him and she would. She did not like sudden appearances of strangers, eyes flickered with distrust.


06-07-2014, 05:56 AM

Tail tucked down, ginger ears flattened to the side pitifully, Eostre had been on the edge of tears the entire weary trip. She'd been snatched away from everything she'd known, away from a mother who admittedly cared nothing for them and littermates who had been too far from the entrance of the den for the three strangers to snatch up as they made their escape from her maybe-father and her uncle. Now they were straggling their way into this strange place, minus the big white one who had disappeared in the night before they had even crossed Vili's border. She had been terrified of all three of the males who professed to be her half-brothers, Hroovitnir's sons who had left before she'd been born. Bera and Arnporr seemed wary of them, which frightened her even more. Bera was so brave so if she were scared that meant there was truly something to be frightened of.

Now apparently they were "here", this plain place their new home and she began to cry in earnest, silently as she huddled miserably in on herself, pressing into Bera's shoulder. What was going to happen to them now? She could barely bring herself to listen to Arnporr's demanding questions, both admiring and shocked that she had the will to be so defiant and bold despite the starvation and abuse and disease they had all grown up in. She herself did nothing but shiver and sob silently at Bera's side, clinging to her earless littermate like a lifeline in this turmoil of strange things.

The sudden appearance of an exuberant pup did little to assuage her fear, despite his obviously well-fed and healthy appearance. No, the addition of more wolves to the situation simply increased the shy pup's anxiety, and she hid her wet face in the sturdier Bera's ruff fearfully.




2 Years
06-08-2014, 03:10 PM
ooc: sorry for shortness ><

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eu velit id arcu ullamcorper lobortis nec eu tellus." 'Duis massa sapien, porttitor ac porttitor pulvinar, sagittis ut lectus.'

Aksel's eyes narrowed as he eyed the little girls. These were his aunts? He turned to Thor and glared. "Liar! How can the be my aunts if you're my uncle? They aren't old like you!" Unless they were just really, really, reeaaallllllyyyyy tiny. They didn't seem to nice either. The reddish brown one was awfully serious looking and then he caught sight of the one with the strange ears. "Whoa you look like a bear cub! What's with your ears?" It was then he noticed something orange and furry quivering near her butt. "Uhh? you got a little something? erm on your behind."

Talk, Think



1 Year
06-16-2014, 02:09 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

To the big brown male's credit, he did not seem slightly offended by Arnporr's questions, or her manner of asking them. Her tone might have been flat, but even Bera could tell the note of defiance within it and it made her press slightly back against Eostre comfortingly. He named their home for them, calling it the Serpent Plains, and let them know they were on the eastern side of somewhere called Alacritis. It was all foreign and strange to the girl whose green eyes once again made another sweep of the snowy plain, wondering what reason there was for the place to be given the name "Serpent." They were instructed to be good, and informed that he was going to do his part to protect them. As much as Arnporr obviously wished Thor to be wrong somehow Bera found herself on the opposite end, hoping, and more importantly believing, that he might prove her sister wrong instead.

Their other brother Baldur excused himself quite suddenly, claiming he wished to find food for the lot of them - Bera's appetite had long gone, the events surrounding her being here having stolen it away - and then with a new serious turn the real instructions began. Bera listened wide eyed, startled and maybe even a little awed. She may have had rules to live by before, but there certainly seemed to be more weight placed on these. The first, no back talking, sounded simple enough, though an uncertain glance was sent discreetly Arnporr's way. The second caught and held Bera's attention in a surprising spark of hope. Training! Her jaw fell open slightly, sure she must have heard wrong, but he continued as if she had not, and by the time he mentioned self defense she was optimistic enough to try a tentative tail wag.

Her sister Arnporr, however, was having none of it. Bera glanced her way as she made a derisive sort of laugh, frowning while her other sister stayed pressed close to her side. That crazy girl, she was going to get herself in trouble if she was not careful. And she hardly seemed to care either, at least until someone else came bounding over to them, calling for Thor. Arnporr leaped quickly into action, throwing herself in front of her sisters as if to protect them. "Stand down, Arnporr!" Bera hissed in a whisper, willing the girl not to cause a stir. Who knew just what kind of punishments were dished out here! The boy seemed nonplussed, unconvinced that girls as young as they were could be his aunts.

But as soon as his eyes went her way he seemed to find something worth noting, and Bera felt the broken stubs of her ears turn back embarrassedly. "No I don't," she stubbornly answered, feeling self-conscious of the way she looked for the first time in a while. Her sisters never commented on them anymore; she had nearly forgotten. The mention of Eostre gave her something else to worry about though. "Eostre?" The brown, round pup turned to glance at her scared sibling with a look of concern. "We're gonna be okay," she promised, not quite sure how but hoping to convince them both that they would.



2 Years
06-20-2014, 05:04 PM

Will you recognize me

In the flashing light?

They were certainly an odd bunch. Aksel too in the sight of the strange pups and frowned. They didn't seem very nice. All skittery and glarey and? rawry. Well? except for the little lump that was hiding behind her bigger sister. She might be ok. But he wasn't really sure what to thing of this little band and the young male was quickly getting bored with the whole thing. Where were his sisters anyway?

The bear looking one yelled at the mean one but Aksel shrugged. Her little move in front of her sisters had hardly intimidated him. He was pretty sure he could out run them if he had to and his father would certainly knock some sense into them if they started in on him. Bera insisted her ears weren't weird but Aksel would certainly beg to differ. But his curiosity was too peeked by the white fluffball to bother with a retort.

"Eostre? Is that her name?" Sounded like a girls name anyway. Aksel crouched down, belly nearly to the ground. "Hey! I'm Aksel! Why don't you come out and say hi? I don't bite? well, not unless you bite me first. My sisters bite me all the time. They say I'm obnoux?. obnos? obnorious." Yea, that was totally a word.

I try to keep my heart beat

but I can't get it right



4 Years
06-21-2014, 06:43 PM

Patiently, far too patiently than he was used to having to be, Thor would begin answering the mouthy one's questions. "No. You are entitled to your opinion." His lack of a physical response to her current attitude was an example. "It's when I tell you to do something and you disobey me that we'll have a problem. " She asked him if he thought they were unaccustomed to being punished and the brute's lips pursed. He remembered the kind of punishments she was probably used to. "I think you are far too used to being punished. It's not going to be like that here." He doubted she would believe him right away, but maybe in time she'd come to see it was true. Thor snorted at her mention of "training". That wasn't training. Training was something you went through to improve yourself. What she was used to was cruelty. Sometimes the line between the two got blurred, but there was a difference.

Ohh, he was already tired of this one's mouth. Why did she have to look a gift horse in the mouth and pick at every tooth? His intentions were good, okay? Maybe that wasn't enough, but they could make it work with some effort from all parties. Their position was a precarious one; survival depended on them being able to come together. Without some form of order they'd be in trouble. "I don't think you're weak." He did think they were scared--Arnporr too--but he held his tongue. "I just want you to be in the best shape you can be before we begin. You'll retain information better if you're not, for example, deprived of food and water for days." Speaking of food, what was taking Baldur so long? A plump rabbit or something might help win them over.

Aksel's arrival started something among the pups and Thor just about threw his paws into the air. "Arnporr, while exuberant, he's harmless." Probably.

The brute's ears flicked back as Aksel voiced his disbelieve. He didn't appreciate being called a liar in front of his new charges. "We have the same mother, Aksel. I was just born a couple litters before them." He wasn't about to try and begin explaining the breeding frenzy that had a firm hold on their old pack, and there was no way he was going to touch the 'old' comment.

Thor squeezed his eyes shut as Aksel continued talking. Patience. He wasn't going to give the girls a reason to not believe him when he said it was going to be different here, no matter how much he wanted to silence his nephew. It wasn't so much his question asking that was getting on the brute's nerves, it was the lack of sensitivity and understanding.

Of course the boy immediately followed his 'liar' comment with one regarding Bera's ears. Thor's eyes flew open and he fixed Aksel with a warning glare. Insulting his uncle was one thing, but Thor wasn't going to stand for him picking on Bera for something she had no control over. If he didn't pick up on his uncle's warning, the brute might just punt the boy across the plains.

"The word you're looking for is 'obnoxious'."

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]



4 Years
06-21-2014, 09:30 PM

Baldur limped weakly back to the gathering. His wounds had been tended too and he'd managed to find a kill on his way back into the plains and was carrying a small portion back wtih him, part of an elk's foreleg but he was quickly loosing consciousness. Oh great? and Aksel was out and about. He was sure Loki would be along soon.

Dropping the leg he offered a soft smile. "Sorry it took so long?. there's a kill a mile south of here near a large oak tree." He sat down heavily. "Aksel? c'mere and help your uncle Baldur. He went and tried to drown himself." Baldur laid down on his side, flopping in the snow, too tired to do much more.




5 Years
06-23-2014, 05:04 PM
so apparently this is happening after all xD

Oh no they were already so far behind! Ullr raced ahead as best as his scrawny, ill-cared for frame could. He had no idea how far ahead his? what were they cousins? Ullr wasn't sure, all he knew was that he didn't want to stay behind and endure his fathers rage, no way no how! Not after what happened to Hodr, he only hoped his sister Dyani would understand. She was as suspicious of those other wolves as? well? all wolves. But still, Ullr liked the idea of possibly surviving the night a bit better than being turned over to Ve. He shuddered lightly at the thought of his uncle. Bad. Bad? very bad. He didn't like that wolf when he smiled. Smiles were supposed to be happy and make you feel better but Ve's smiles always hurt.

Panting he slowed to a stop. Thor and the others were just ahead but he suddenly felt scared and ducked down in the snow to watch. He waited for his sister to get closer to him before speaking up. "Well? what do you think?"




2 Years
06-23-2014, 05:34 PM
They'd walked for a long time, trailing behind the suspicious characters that had visited their home. She would have rather stayed home and faced Vili's wrath, she knew what he was capable of, what damage he was willing to do. But these wolves? They were strange brutes, she didn't know how far they would go in punishing her or her brother, what they really wanted with their cousins and step siblings. It was a mystery, and the tri shaded lass did not enjoy not knowing things. However, Ullr had wanted to go, so she followed. He couldn't be left alone, there was too much risk. He was all she had, and leaving him was not an option she was going to take. Broad alabaster paws struck the snow coated terra with eerie silence, keen cerulean optics watching the receding tails of those they were following.

Ullr was moving slower and slower as time went on, his breath escaping him in wheezes that had taken on a wet taint. He was sick, he shouldn't be travelling. One silver shoulder braced against his for support, though he was a few inches taller than she. No big deal, she could carry his weight like this no problem. Her ebony plume trailed at her hocks, tall onyx audits perked for sounds coming from the group up ahead. They must not know they were there, not yet. This was a big mistake, soon Ullr would see that this was dangerous and she would be able to bring him back home. Home was safe, she knew home. She knew where to hide Ullr when Vili was angry, she knew where the rabbits denned even when they moved, she knew what to do there. Here? This strange land? She knew nothing, she was useless, vulnerable, at the mercy of these brutes who claimed to be their cousins. No, that was not good, not good at all.

With a sudden burst of speed her scrawny wreck of a brother bolted forward eagerly, catching up bit by bit to the group. Adrenaline surged through her veins in an instant, hackles rising at her shoulders as she started charging after him like a hellhound. She would protect him, even if he was being an idiot and getting himself into situations like that. He could never go where she couldn't follow, she would follow him into the darkest corners and the hottest deserts. He needed her protection, whether he knew it or not. Skidding to a stop beside her brother, she dropped onto the snow, steel cords of muscle tense and at the ready. She could smell her brother's fear, but she would protect him, it was okay. Her obsidian muzzle nuzzled beneath his jaw reassuringly, and her flank brushed against his soothingly. He had nothing to worry about, because his sister was always going to be there to protect him.

Her brother's quiet vocals entered her ears, and she snorted quietly. She didn't care, it wasn't anything special, really. Home was better, it was safer- to her. Audits would flicker absently as part of her silent response, while she regarded the group. A bloodied and exhausted looking wolf from earlier lay on the snow, a small pup she didn't recognize easing closer to tend to him. The rest of those who had abandoned their home were at ease, it seemed, wandering about and familiarizing themselves with everything. She wouldn't do that, there was no point. They were going home soon anyways.



1 Year
06-24-2014, 09:53 PM

Thor seemed to still be able to answer her questions but she was done listening. She just couldn't bring herself to believing a word he said. None of this seemed believable compared to the life she had known up till now. But as she jumped infront of her sisters Bera would hiss at her. Head turned to look back at her with hurt shining in her eyes before covered with anger and defensiveness."Fine defend yourselves from now on!" She spat out and turned to walk away. Ears twitched at Thor's words saying the other pup was safe. It eased her worry but she was still mad Bera had rebuked her infront of everyone when all Arnporr wanted to do was keep them safe.

She padded off to the side, ears plastered to her skull and tail hung lifeless at her rump. The white male appeared with food and flopped to the snow, asking for the other pup. She would glance at him warily before moving off to the side. Nose sniffled and she caught a new scent, but one she knew who it belong too. Blue eyes lifted looking for Dyani and Ullr, taking a moment before she pinpointed them in the snow. But she made no sound or movement towards them but looked away, back turned to everyone, shoulders hunched and tense.

Walk "Talk" Think



2 Years
06-28-2014, 05:59 PM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2014, 06:20 PM by Aksel.)

Will you recognize me

In the flashing light?

Aksel made a face as Thor corrected him. Obnoxious, obnorious? whatever! The young boy was about to shoot back a sarcastic comment when he noticed his uncle Baldur returning and wow. "You look like crap Uncle Baldy!" He skittered over to the other wolf, his short attention span probably saving him from getting into more trouble with Thor, for the moment at lease. "Help you? Help you what?" Little nose immediately went for the herbs on Baldur's wounded ankle. "What's that?" Aksel suddenly laughed. "What did you try and drown yourself for? That was stupid." Bounding over toward the leg he sniffed at it. Little jaws moved to bite at it but he was too young to really eat solid food and quickly grew bored as he scampered over to Baldur again. He wasn't all that hungry. "I'm gonna go find dad. Bye!" Turning he scrambled off back to his den.

-exit unless stopped-

I try to keep my heart beat

but I can't get it right



5 Years
06-28-2014, 10:29 PM
sorry for short reply feeling icky

Ullr moved to return his sister's comforting nuzzle. It didn't matter if they'd stayed at home or if they moved here. As long as they were together everything would be alright. And so he decided it was worth the risk. Things couldn't possibly be worse here, right? And Dyani would protect him no matter what, right? Ullr stood and barked lightly, alerting the others to his prescience. Trotting carefully forward Ullr stopped every now and then to scent the ground and gauge their reactions for threats before finally he got closer to the group. "I uh? we decided to come along too? if that's alright Mr. Thor sir."



07-02-2014, 01:41 PM

The young boy was quite a bit less fearsome with his coaxing tone and kindness, and Eostre's tearstreaked face peeked out from Bera's dark rough, wet blue eyes blinking at his dark face. But Arnporr's angry words made her jump, and she whined, ginger ears flattening to the sides. "Are they really going to hurt us, Bera?" she whispered fearfully. Were they in danger without Arnporr there to protect them?The black-marked white male returned, and Eostre flinched away. In him she saw Vili, and it would undoubtedly take her quite some time to get over that. But he carried a leg of something, and despite herself Eostre's stomach growled. It was hard to feel guilty when the meat was unrecognizable as something that had been formerly alive. She yearned toward the scent of meat, though the blood-scent made her stomach roil.

Exuberant Aksel was everywhere, it seemed, but just as suddenly as he'd appeared he declared he was going to go look for his father, and bounded off. His father? Why would he want to look for his father? Didn't you just try to avoid your father as much as possible so you didn't get hurt or yelled at? She turned confused eyes back to Bera, wondering if she thought the same thing. At that moment, a familiar bark caught her attention. Ullr! and where there was Ullr, there was certainly Dyani. She hadn't had much to do with her half-siblings really, they were a lot older than her, but it was really good to see familiar faces and they hadn't really been mean to her or anything.

"Hi Ullr," she whispered shyly from Bera's ruff.

OOC: SHE WHISPERS A LOT OK? Haha, anyway, just so no one is confused and goes BUT TEA I THOUGHT SHE WAS ACTUALLY... she's supposed to think Vili's her dad remembers? And that would make Dyani and Ullr her half-siblings even though yeah.



4 Years
07-02-2014, 08:18 PM

Think of the devil. Baldur padded into view and Thor's eyes were drawn immediately to the leg he carried. It wasn't until he mentioned drowning that the brute's eyes left the meat. His brother slowly sank to the ground and Thor padded over, intent on getting to the bottom of what was wrong him...again. Something was always up with the younger Hr??vitnisson; Baldur wasn't Baldur unless he was bleeding from somewhere. At this point Thor's blood pressure didn't raise for anything less than a gusher and/or unconsciousness. "Don't you be dyin' in front of the kids, now. What happened?"

Aksel scampered off. Arnporr grumped some more and flounced away. Eostre did...something. Maybe she moved? Thor wasn't quite sure. She did something. ANYWAY, everyone did something but it just barely registered with the brute. His attention was firmly grounded elsewhere. Frequency aside, Baldur's condition really did worry him, so the brute took to hovering over him while he waited for an answer.

Ullr showed up, briefly drawing Thor's gaze away from Baldur. "Of course it's alright." Why wouldn't it be? The brute's gaze wandered back to his brother before jerking back to Ullr's face. "Don't call me 'sir'." Sir? What was he, his father? Thor cringed at the thought.

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]