



4 Years
05-24-2014, 07:32 AM (This post was last modified: 05-24-2014, 11:07 AM by Baldur.)
Plot Thread between Baldur and Tyr. Will open it up after Baldur's memories get triggered. Please wait til then to jump in. :3 Oh and he stumbled right into Tyr's den.

EDIT: the pup plot with Thor is a go so no, Baldur does not have the plague. He just opened a scratch on his foot or actually did scratch his eye or something xD The hallucinations are happening because he's loosing his mind he's been having them as well as night terrors since the beginning of autumn I just thought the relation to the plague was uncanny, haha.

Dawn broke red to his eyes and not once during the night did the screaming stop. Baldur's breathing was harsh, paws pacing back and forth as he shook his head all the while knowing that it wouldn't help. He was going mad. There was no one out there. Nothing. The eyes had color now, one deep slate blue the other a brilliant turquoise. She was calling for him, screaming for him to help her but he could not name her nor why she was haunting him.

Baldur shook his head once more as if he could just dislodge the phantom remnants of his memory. He didn't want to know. Stomach twisting, limbs shuddering at the cries Baldur realized he was crying. Well that wouldn't do?. what if Odette or Thor walked by? He couldn't show such weakness to them, such frailty would be punished and he wouldn't disrespect them. Right paw lifted to wipe at his eyes but as he brought it down he noticed there was blood on his paw?

Were his eyes bleeding? Blinking rapidly in the morning light he moved toward the area where the healers made their camp. He must've scratched his eye with his claws or something. Unsteady and meandering, he slipped into the nearest den. "Hey?. "
