
Mixing Business and Pleasure

Rûga & Keetie



5 Years
Dire wolf

06-11-2021, 11:48 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2021, 12:54 AM by Sitka. Edited 2 times in total.)

Tracking down the armor smith hadn't been nearly as difficult as Sitka had initially dreaded. Following along the Rio Grande, he had passed a wolf with a rudimentary necklace that seemed far too ornate for someone without skill to craft. That wolf had pointed him west, in the direction of a lush valley in the midst of the arid desert. And so the dire brute had headed there, looking for the wolf that had crafted his armor to mend it after his most recent fight. Once he had a direction to walk in, it hadn't taken him much effort to get where he needed to go. The rugged renegade had passed through all sorts of terrains in his travels, this felt more like a walk in the park. He crossed the thin strip of arid land just before the morning sun started to rise behind him, silhouetting the wolf as he traipsed through the valley, stone and sand giving way to soft grasses.

Picking up on Rûga's scent was also fairly easy once he got around the valley. The wolf had obviously been staying here for some time now, and his scent was all over the valley. He passed by a pond with some quacking ducks, eyeing them for a moment before moving off with a grumble. Breakfast could wait. He had business to attend to. Rûga's scent led him to an alcove in the sides of one of the rock formations around the valley. He followed the natural slope up into the alcove as the first rays of morning light began to cast over the valley. There he found the wolf of his search—but he wasn't alone. The red-furred man was sound asleep with a stunningly gorgeous woman wrapped up in his arms, the two sleeping contently like lovers after a long night of fucking each other silly.

A sly smirk crossed the silvery brute's face. "Now isn't that just precious..." he murmured quietly to himself, unsnapping his armor and stepping silently up to the sleeping couple. With a shake, Sitka tossed his leather chest piece to the ground beside the sleeping Rûga's head with a loud thud while fixing the wolves with his steel-blue gaze. "Wake up, armor smith. Your favorite client is back."


Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.



6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
06-12-2021, 01:28 AM

The sex-drunk ruby-hued wolf had been living in absolute paradise with this sapphire vixen over the past few days. They ate and fucked in-between stints of him slowly piecing together the beginnings of an armor for her, taking his time both to make sure that it was fitted to her perfectly and to draw out the amount of time that he could spend with her. They'd have to leave this lush valley at some point because he didn't have the metals he needed here to complete the vision he had for the piece, but for now he was enjoying her company and every bit of the attitude that she carried with her. They had kept each other up late the night before so as the morning sun began to rise he continued to sleep with his face turned away from the opening of this little rocky overhang that had become a permanent camp of sorts, holding Keetie against him as he slept.

A sudden, loud clanking jarred him awake and made him jump, his heart immediately racing as adrenaline hit his system and his mossy eyes flew open. His head whipped around to face the culprit, his gaze landing on the distinctive form of the silver, gray, and tan marked male that was currently looming over them, his ruined armor laying on the ground in front of him. Rûga groaned with irritation, a snarl flickering across his lips as his head fell back against the furs he was laying on once more. "Fucking hell, Sitka, you couldn't have waited till it wasn't the crack of dawn?" he grumbled, forcing himself to let go of Keetie so that he could get himself to his paws, fixing the other male with a glare. Then he looked down at the armor between them and groaned again, lifting it with a paw to get a better look at the damage that he'd done. "What did you get in a fight with this time? An angry mother bear? What even makes cuts like these?!"

Rûga Amanto



6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
06-12-2021, 02:10 AM
Keetie felt utterly relaxed, and limp in her tall red-wolf's arms. If she was the sort to settle down, she knew she would try him on for keeps. As it was, her growing attachment to him could almost be considered fondness, mingled with possession. Each day with Ruga gave her exercise that ensured her body was limber and stretched. Banter and exercise filled their day in equal measures, and she had no reason to suspect that this day would be any different.

Her Ruby Knight awoke with a jolt, she could feel the way his heartbeat picked up beneath his skin. Keetie on the other hand, flicked open one cool blue eye and settled it upon the stranger. She roved her eyes up and down his pale skin and licked her lips slowly, before splitting them in a yawn.

“If you were looking to join us, love, armor roleplay is reserved for Tuesdays.” She stretched like a cat, arching her body and coming to her paws. Purring, Keetie stretched out her claws and lined them to the dents in the armor. Not a match. She sheathed her deadly armaments and kissed Ruga against one check, rubbing her side against him as she moved past him and fully into the light of dawn. She glanced across at the stranger - Sitka, her lover had called him - and troubled lightened her dual colored eyes. “Sitka, love. Care for some light exercise while handsome over there hammers out your dents?” She stretched her claws and rolled on the balls of her feet, indicating a fight and not a love making sort. Yes. Yes, she would certainly be watching Ruga for any hint of jealousy if Sitka took her up on her offer for a fight.




5 Years
Dire wolf

06-12-2021, 10:14 PM

Rûga awoke with a start, much to the humor of Sitka. He gave a low hum of amusement under his breath, then sat quietly and looked out over the eastern horizon for a few minutes until the sun had risen a little more, then turned back to Rûga and remarked, "There, I waited til dawn cracked. Now about my armor..." He merely smirked at his business partner's glare, then glanced back at the lovely lady he had been lying with moments before as she gave a languid stretch while licking her lips. Sitka made no attempt to hide his roving eyes trailing over her voluptuous form, silently appraising her. He had to admit, he felt a twinge of jealousy. How had the lone wolf armor smith managed to bed such a catch? Lucky fucker...

The lady made a sly comment of roleplaying being on Tuesdays, drawing a husky chuckle from the dire brute. "What a shame. What's today's special then, gorgeous? You might tempt me yet," he quipped back with a wolfish grin. Sitka had no shame, unabashedly flirting with the girl his friend had clearly been enjoying the night before. It wasn't like the two hadn't shared indulgences in the past anyway. Rûga asked about his armor while the fae inspected the claw marks as well. "Mutated dire wolf," he said in simple explanation. "He's dead now. Can you fix it?" Without waiting for prompting, Sitka moved closer to the red-furred man and popped the flap open on the side pocket of the armor, pulling out a pawful of semiprecious gemstones and scattering them across the ground for Rûga to inspect. "Will this cover it?"

While Rûga inspected his armor, the sweet tones of the smith's lover caught Sitka's attention in a beat. He affixed steel-blue eyes on her while she looked him over. She was even more exquisite in the daylight, bringing out every sheen of blue in her dazzling coat. Sitka flashed wicked teeth in a playful grin and chuckled again. "Little lady, anything I can do to put paws and teeth on you is a good idea in my book," he said. Sitka followed the fae's steps out into the morning sun, letting it shine across his silvery coat to bring out every highlight in his fur. He stretched his neck, looking her over again, sizing her up while also enjoying how easy she was on the eyes. "Ladies first," he purred and turned to face off against her, peering at Rûga from his peripheral vision.


Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.



6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
06-12-2021, 10:46 PM

Rûga gave a roll of his eyes at the male that he had the great misfortune of calling a friend when he made a point to "wait" till after the crack of dawn to bring up his tattered armor. He gave Keetie a glance as she played into Sitka's humor with a sly comment of her own, a smirk pulling across his lips. The teasing was amusing and enticing coming from her, not so much from the fucker in front of him that happened to be one of his most repeat customers. A small benefit of being a stunningly beautiful woman he supposed. She brought a wider grin to his lips with the kiss she gave his cheek as she rubbed against him, a soft rumble of a growl in his chest as he leaned over to nip her ear in return. Gods, she made it hard to keep his paws off of her. He wasn't surprised in the slightest when Sitka started flirting with Keetie, making his own teasing comments and jokes in return. If anything, Rûga was shocked he started with ribbing him instead of going right into he flirting considering how gorgeous Keetie was. Sitka was nothing if not a horn dog.

The answer to his question turned out to be a mutated dire wolf and Rûga just shook his head in response. The pale man always seemed to end up in the most ridiculous situations that never ended up will for his poor armor. "Well of course I can fix it. But it's going to-" Before he could finish his sentence to tell Sitka how much he was going to charge the bastard for the job, he came forward to scoop out a paw full of gems from the pocket on the side of the armor, laying them out in front of him. Rûga scrutinized them for a moment, flipping a few of them over and checking them. They would be perfect for Keetie's armor and it would keep him from having to go trading for them himself... He turned the armor upside-down and shook another couple gems out of the pocket, adding them to the pile. "Now that will cover it," he muttered, walking over to his satchel to pick up the bag and start stowing the payment away before Sitka could change his mind. Not that he ever had.

"I swear, one of these days I'm going to start charging you double for all the trouble you bring with you," he muttered while he finished examining the damage that dire wolf had done. Tears in the top leather of the armor, a few of the metal plates broken free of their bindings. It was going to be a couple days work at least and that was only if he found find some suitable leather. As much as he hated living with his family at least there had been no shortage of supplies on hand to fix things like this in a blink of an eye. Carrying that much with him as a roaming loaner wasn't quite so easy. Before he could tell Sitka this, he heard Keetie give Sitka a challenge, glancing up at her as she prepared herself for a fight, his moss green eyes shifting over to Sitka as he quickly obliged with a very Sitka-esque comment about getting his paws and teeth on her. He'd never really been the possessive type and he didn't intend on starting now, but Sitka must be kidding himself if he thought he was just going to sit by and fix his armor while he made moves on Keetie.

He scoffed and tossed the broken armor back to the ground, rising to his paws to give himself a shake before coming out to where the two were standing. "When have I ever let you have fun without me?" he told the other man with a sideways glance before settling settling himself somewhere between the two, making it clear he wasn't about to miss out on a fight as a grin pulled across his lips.

Rûga Amanto



6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
06-12-2021, 11:00 PM
If there was one thing Keetie liked most in the world, it was being the center of attention. Sitka’s roving eyes were not missed, and the flare in Keeties step was put there for the benefit of that look. “Oh baby, I’m sure i’m more than you can handle” Her eyes flicked up him again. More quickly this time, as though there really wasn’t that much to look at. The laughter smoulder in her blue/amber eyes added to her teasing.

While she had bantered, her charming ruby knight had gotten to his paws and placed himself between them. His jealousy was like a sweet morsel on her tongue. She licked her lips, sampling the testosterone in the air. The idea came to her like a gentle breeze, brushing through her thoughts and leaving laughter in her eyes. She would love a fight, but right then and there she found there was something she would enjoy even more. “Actually, sweet Sitka, I am only fair - wouldn't you like a chance to see if your on my level? Darling Ruga, remind me why I think of you as a flame. Whoever wins among the two of you deserves a kiss” She pressed her lips together and raised her muzzle. The men were only just taller than her, but she played into that. Rolling back on her haunches, and letting them feel taller then the delicate fae “And I promise you, i’m all tongue”




5 Years
Dire wolf

06-13-2021, 12:02 AM

Just as he was squaring up with the blue-furred woman, Rûga came in to place himself between the two of them, meeting the smith's gaze with a wry smirk. Ah, so it was to be a melee then? Fair enough. He and Rûga had shared women before, and if this was the direction things were headed, it wouldn't be fair to leave his friend out of the mix. The armor could wait, and if Rûga was putting work aside to join in, it either meant it would be a very easy fix or a very difficult one. Either way, more fun for him. He did love a good threesome, whether fighting or fucking. But before the fight could start, the svelte fae excused herself from the scuffle, instead turning the two brutes on one another and offering a kiss—with the promise of tongue—to the winner.

Sitka looked over the woman momentarily, knowing full well she would be worth the effort. Oh, she was a cunning vixen, and he could appreciate that. His steely gaze turned to Rûga next, meeting his friend's gaze with a wicked grin that flashed all of his teeth, the same teeth that had claimed the lives of countless wolves. "This lady of yours must be one hell of a time, Rûga. I can't wait to find out for myself," he said with a low chuckle. "I promise I won't ruin that face of yours if you promise not to fuck mine up too." Still snickering, Sitka rolled his shoulders and took his fighting stance against Rûga. He held the smith in close regards, one of the few he would consider in his inner circle, but when the sexy blue wolf was tempting him oh so effectively, he wasn't about to give up a chance to taste what Rûga had been selfishly hoarding.

Sitka wasted no time in kicking off the fight, powerful hind legs kicking off the ground to launch himself at Rûga with a snarl and open jaws. He leapt towards the red-furred brute, paws open to try and wrap around Rûga's neck while his fangs went for where the man's jaw met the rest of his skull. He didn't know if Rûga had ever fought someone like him before, someone with actual combat experience, but he was about to find out.

Sitka Thánatos vs Rûga Amanto for Right to Kiss Lorikeet
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Hunter
Specialty: N/A


Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.



6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
07-04-2021, 05:06 PM

Rûga had been fully prepared to go into a fight with the both of them, but Lorikeet unsurprisingly pulled a twist on them. He smirked when she issued them a challenge - whoever wins deserves a kiss. If there was something he had learned about the blue-marked woman already was that she was feisty and clever, always bringing some kind of twist and turn. It was one of the many things that attracted him to the woman - and it seemed to get Sitka's attention as well. When he looked at his friend and client, the monochrome brute seemed throughly amused by the idea and made a comment about how Lorikeet must be a hell of a time. The grin he wore said all that needed to be said. She was a hell of a time and more. He scoffed a bit at the request to not fuck up his face, giving Sitka an amused glance in return. "I dunno what you're protecting with that ugly mug, but a deal's a deal," He teased as he settled into a fighting stance as well.

Sitka kicked off the fight right away, launching himself toward Rûga with outstretched paws and open jaws. Rûga snarled dug his claws into the ground to brace for his opponent's attack, letting Sitka's forelegs find purchase around his neck. He quickly turned his head just as Sitka's jaws were reaching for his neck though, giving a swing of his head to try and knock his forehead into Sitka's cheek and shove his muzzle away from his neck to keep him from getting a bite in and maybe disorient him depending on how hard he was able to hit. He also lifted a foreleg to try and hook it around the back of Sitka's neck and tried to throw his weight with that extra leverage to knock Sitka onto his back.

Rûga Amanto vs Sitka Thánatos for Right to Kiss Lorikeet
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Skills: Novice Fighter & Beginner Intellectual
Specialty: N/A

"Rûga Amanto"



5 Years
Dire wolf

07-09-2021, 04:10 PM
Sitka's paws wrapped around Rûga's neck, managing to get a decent grapple on his opponent. But the moment his teeth went for his neck, Sitka found the red wolf's head coming for his jaw, deflecting his attack away to the side so he snapped on nothing but air. Rûga's paw gripped at the back of his neck similar to how he was holding the brute, but Sitka wasn't about to go down so easily. Using the other wolf's own grapple against him to restrict his space to move, Sitka brought his hard skull back down and up towards Rûga's jaw, aiming to land a headbutt as hard as he could to the underside of his opponent's chin, looking to disorient him enough to then sue the grapple to flip Rûga onto his back and pin the wolf down.

Sitka Thánatos vs Ruga Amanto for Right to Kiss Lorikeet
Round 2/2
Age: 1+ years
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Hunter
Specialty: N/A

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.



6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
07-11-2021, 06:53 PM

Ruga continued to grapple and struggle with his asshole of a friend, knocking his jaw with his head and deflecting the bite while trying to shove him over as he leaned his weight into Sitka's neck. The other dire wolf held firm though and he felt Sitka's neck move as his head ducked out of view for a moment before he swung back up, the top of his head catching Ruga's chin as the red brute tried to pull his head back out of the way and didn't quite make it. He growled as Sitka's head knocked his jaw, making his teeth clack together and leaving a bruise in his wake. It wasn't quite enough to throw him, but it sure as hell didn't feel good. He kept his paw hooked around Sitka's neck and he turned his head to lunge in for a bite on the side of the other brute's neck behind his jaw, hoping for enough grip and momentum on his opponent to finally knock him over and pin him.

Rûga Amanto vs Sitka Thánatos for Right to Kiss Lorikeet
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Skills: Novice Fighter & Beginner Intellectual
Specialty: N/A

"Rûga Amanto"

The Judge


07-14-2021, 02:20 PM

And the winner is...


RUGA must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


Rolls: 26, 98, 94, 6
Adjusted rolls: 29.9, 98, 94, 6
Total: 227.90

Rolls: 57, 35, 19, 24
Adjusted rolls: 65.55, 35, 19, 24
Total: 143.55



6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-16-2021, 09:23 PM
Lorikeet didn’t think she had ever seen anything as alluring as two handsome men willing to fight for the right to fall at her feet. She watched the battle - not just admiring the taunt muscles and displays of strength, but also the tactics that each man preferred, and the style they fell into. No doubt that information would come in handy a little down the track…

She grinned at the thought, and watched as Sitka knocked his hard head to Ruga - did that breach their silly little pact to protect their noggins? Or did that only apply to cosmetic damage, and not brain cells?

It was clear after that hit that Sitka had gained an advantage over Ruga. Lorikeet sauntered into the ‘ring’ brushing against her red bed-mate and winked at the boy before tapping Sitka’s paw with her own. “Nice moves, lightning strike.” she purred, brushing her chest against his marginally taller one.




5 Years
Dire wolf

07-17-2021, 11:21 PM
Ruga had put up a good fight, but the stunning blow Sitka had dealt to him must have been enough to knock the brute out of the fight, because for as much struggle as he gave, Sitka was easily able to twist with his weight while grappling Ruha to throw the red wolf to his back. He watched Ruga hit the ground hard, but before he could move in to complete the pin or press his attack, the svelte form of Lorikeet sashayed into their arena and slid between them. Her little attentions to Ruga didn't go unnoticed by the man, but he couldn't feel too jealous, not when she tapped his paw and complimented his moves. Shooting her a crooked grin with electric in his steel blue eyes, Sitka chuckled between heavy breaths as he came down from the adrenaline high of the fight. He'd won this time.

"Oh, you noticed that? That was nothing," he remarked with his usual bravado, happy to play coy along with her. He shifted to brush his chest back against hers, broad muscles pressing to the distinctly feminine shape of her breast. She wasn't much shorter than he was, but she was just enough that he had to tip his nose down a smidge to hold her dazzling sun and moon eyes. "Sitka Thánatos. And the lady's name...?" He dipped his head in greeting to the stunning she-wolf while he introduced himself properly, wondering what lyric of a name such a treasure would have to go along with her. "Now, I believe there was some mention of a kiss... all tongue?" As much as Sitka enjoyed reveling in the taste of victory—and soon enough, the taste of Keetie too—his eyes did shift briefly to check on Ruga, making sure his friend was okay and he hadn't hurt him in their fight.

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.



6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
07-18-2021, 12:12 AM

Ruga hit the ground as Sitka twisted him onto his back, landing hard with an "oof" as he air got knocked out of his lungs. He laid there dazed for a moment and he thought for sure that Sitka would go to pin him anyway since that was the kind of man Sitka was, but when he brought his sea foam gaze down from the sky above him he realized his partner in crime had gotten distracted by the lovely form of Lorikeet sashaying over to them. He smirked and pulled himself back to his paws just in time for her to brush her side against his chuckling softly as she turned her seductive gem-like eyes toward Sitka, resting a paw on his and pressing into him.

He listened as Lorikeet complimented Sitka's fighting and he immediately shifted into the suave flirtation that Ruga had seen from him time and time again. Settling back onto his haunches while rolling his shoulders to work the soreness out of them from, he smirked and gave a little roll of his eyes, letting Sitka enjoy his win... this time at least. "Careful with that one, she's a spit fire," he warned with a grin, amusement in his gaze as he watched Lorikeet draw Sitka in like the beautiful siren she was.

"Rûga Amanto"



6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-18-2021, 12:17 AM
She pushed her chest into Sitka’s. The move wasn’t gentle, and if he didn’t have a good stance, it likely threatened to send him back a step. If so, she wouldn’t keep a gap between them for long. “Lorikeet Flame Aracari. Keetie, to you.” She snaked out her tongue and brushed lightly against his nose. Just a soft brush, and then it was gone again.

Her eyes were laughing at him. Challenging him. “Are you sure you want this kiss, my sliver of moonlight? My… Sitka Thánatos” she wrapped her lips about his name as delicate as a breath. “I hear I'm quite addictive. Aren’t you afraid it might be just one kiss, just a breath of something beautiful, and then I'll be gone?” she stepped away from him, but her stance invited him to follow. To stalk her. No, she wouldn’t be an easy catch. Where was the fun in that?

She glanced back at Ruga again, amusement written in the corners of her eyes. His reaction to all this intrigued her. There was no jealousy in him as his lover teased his friend. There was something rather alluring about the freedom of his reaction. He wasn’t a wolf that held on so tight, he suffocated you.




5 Years
Dire wolf

07-18-2021, 01:15 AM
Sitka only just heard Ruga's warning that Lorikeet was a spitfire before the lady in question was pushing herself harder into him. Caught by surprise, Sitka was forced to take a small step back to steady himself again, refocusing all his attention on the wolf of sailing stars and physical moonlight as she closed the space to press herself into him again. Well well well, she was a feisty one indeed! She introduced herself with a name as regal and unique as the precious being it belonged to. Lorikeet. Keetie. The name echoed in his head, ringing like a chorus of mellifluous bells. He chuckled when her tongue teased his nose, resisting the urge to catch her chin with one paw and chase after her tongue with his own, enjoying the chase and their games far too much to cut their fun short now.

A lustful growl rumbled in the dire wolf's chest when she purred his name. That was a sound he could listen to all day. Her voice saying his name... Sitka quietly wondered what it would sound like moaned in her dulcet lyrics—or screamed in them. She was challenging him, making his fur bristle along his back in the most pleasant ways while chills ran down his spine. Sitka's big paws moved on their own, all but gliding after her with smooth strides as he pursued the breathtaking siren in wolf form, following like a hunter keeping pace with his quarry. He didn't respond right away, instead moving to press his nose against her spine and trailing his snout up the curve of her back while he drank in her scent. "Hmmm, while that would be a tragedy, I reckon the high of you would be worth chasing. You strike me as something worth overdosing on," he purred in his low, husky tones. As Sitka's muzzle moved to the base of her neck, he brought his lips to within an inch of Keetie's ear, then whispered, "Maybe I'm a drug like you as well, my... Keetie. Maybe you won't want me to be one kiss."

Sitka's husky tail curled to brush along the edge of Keetie's hip, sliding his toned body along her side while he followed her, eager to keep pace in their game. He noticed his midnight goddess' eyes drift over to Ruga, then turned steel blue eyes over to the red brute as well with a sly grin to his friend. Keetie had no idea about the history these two wolves shared—or the women they'd shared before. In the back of his mind, Sitka knew this would end in only one way. Play his cards right and he could have Lorikeet to his heart's content, and then he and Ruga would show her why they were such good friends. Perhaps by the end of this, the three would be much more intimately acquainted and keen to not part. He could see himself hanging around Keetie—provided she proved to be as intoxicating as she and Ruga claimed.

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.



6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-22-2021, 09:54 PM
She laughed softly as Sitka admittered a desire to overdose on her. She would happily be the death of him. Let him die in her arms, because after today, the rest of his life would be a dull grey. Today he would know true beauty, true joy. She shivered at the feel of her nose running down her spine. She was aware of Ruga in the background, watching. She was on stage, and she felt a blooming desire to put on a good show. Let Ruga’s jealousy grow until he could not contain himself any longer. Dance for them, dance, until they were both so drunk on her they forgot themselves.

She could feel Sitka sliding about her. They were drinking in each other without going for that kiss. That single kiss that he had earned with his fight. It was a game, and it would end with that touch. By the time he finally received that kiss, he would be on fire. He would not be willing to let her go.

She grabbed for his shoulder as he brushed past her, sinking her feline like claws into his flesh as she swayed her hips, bumping it against him. She tossed back her head, showing him the curve of her neck as she licked her lips and moved them forward, slowly, carefully. She started in the direction of his muzzle - would it all end here, so sudden? Darting at the last second towards his jaw, nicking it with her muzzle as her paw released his shoulder and trailed a touch of his blood down him. Digging in with her paws, kneading his shoulders with her knowledge of the body and muscles, wanting to hear him groan beneath her touch.




5 Years
Dire wolf

07-22-2021, 11:35 PM
Ah, and there it was. The shiver of a fae finding delight in his touch, that first reaction that no doubt would lead to many between the two of them. It was like that first hit of a drug, a rush of dopamine straight to his brain and other parts of his anatomy. He wanted to see this beautiful woman shiver and squirm more and to revel in the fact that he was causing her pleasure. Her paw moved quick, faster than he had been expecting, and the next thing he felt was sharp feline claws gripping into the taut cords of muscle there. Sitka hissed through gritted teeth at the sting of pain added to his lust, like flaked salt onto rich chocolate, a blending and balancing of sensations perfectly tailored for one another. Gods be good, she knew what she was doing. Sitka's wince returned to a toothy grin and a rumbling chuckle, steel blue eyes alight with a playful fire. Keetie was proving to be quite the spitfire after all.

Sitka's eyes roved over Keetie like she were everything he could ever want, following the smooth curves of her body while she threw her head back, exposing that delicate throat, down to her breast, shapely feminine curves directing his eyes down her sides to those lusciously swaying hips that he was already picturing wrapping his paws around while he made her squirm for him, either with his paws or his tongue or his cock. He clicked his teeth together while his jaw gritted hard, resisting the temptation to end their game and just have her now. No, no, waiting and playing would be much more fun. She moved her muzzle towards him, acting as if to give him his kiss and end their games. The moment before their lips met, he wondered just what true beauty tasted like.

His curiosity would be denied a little longer, as the kiss never came. Instead, Sitka felt Keetie's muzzle move against his, feeling her soft fur and warm breath on his cheek. He gave a quiet grunt when her claws released his flesh, leaving little pinpricks of pain in their wake that soon vanished. So she wanted it rough, did she? By the grace of the gods, did she pick the right wolf to play around with... Sitka pressed his body more readily into hers, knocking his hips against hers with a firm push. With her muzzle alongside his, Sitka was able to easily dip his muzzle down to the curve of her throat, his lips seeking out where her pulse was the strongest.

Once he had found the vein, he placed a firm kiss to her skin through the thin fur, parting lips to nip with sharp fangs at her tender skin. He growled against her carotid, pressing his tongue to her throat and running it oh so slowly up her most vulnerable part until he reached the edge of her jaw. He could take her then and there, grab her by the throat, throw her down, and have his way with her. But Sitka was a curious creature, and Keetie was keeping him intrigued and entertained. Why ruin the game now? He bared his teeth again and let the smooth edges run against her skin, letting her savor the feeling of having his fangs so close to her throat—the fangs that had taken more lives than he could count and elicited even more moans from women like her. Ah, but that wasn't quite right, was it? There was no woman like Lorikeet—allegedly.

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.



6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-23-2021, 12:16 AM
He gasped beneath the administration of her paws, and she reveled in the sound. Knowing it for what it was, that tangalising mix of pain and pleasure. She felt his eyes trail her, felt it burning across her flesh like a ghostly paw. She lived for that sensation, the brilliant need to be seen and admired. He knew how to play her, tease her with his eyes.

He responded to her nudge by pushing his side against her. She held firm, letting the two of them knock together. Felt their firm merging with the pressure of their push. Felt the taunt strength of his muscles, barely used in this contest, but there nonetheless.

He pressed a kiss to her vain, pressing in that spot where her thrumming heart could be felt, and he would know it was beating just for him. She felt the vibration of his growl through her skin, as he drew his teeth lightly up her throat. She arched her neck, giving him access. A sensual sign of trust in the game of love.

He was entranced by her throat, her jaw. She grinned to herself as she let him get in close. As she let him let down his guard, thinking he knew it all, had control of her and her vulnerable parts. Meanwhile she slid her body a little closer. Leaned against him, lifted up a paw, and began to train it slowly down his stomach. Occasionally pushing her claw into his fur, other times letting it trail down slowly.




5 Years
Dire wolf

07-23-2021, 12:52 AM
The salacious game between the two wolves had turned into an evenly balanced tug of war, with each one pushing up the ante to try and draw more reactions out of the other. Sitka reveled in the way Keetie gave him unrestricted access to her throat, tilting her head back to arch her neck for his roving mouth. He lifted a paw to drape it around her midsection, keeping her body held close to his while he trailed his touch along her side, feeling every dip and curve in the natural flow of her body. Charcoal-dipped toes ran through her silky fur, regaling in its splendor and softness while he followed her lithe form, watching how the swirling sea of galactic colors parted around his digits. He imagined what it would feel like to mount her right now, to claim her and make her sing for him and let Ruga bear witness to the tunes he could make her cry. There could be no doubt that it would be the sweetest sound his ears would ever hear.

His lecherous imagination didn't get long to wander however, as with his paw around Keetie, he left himself exposed to her own touch. She slid her body up to his until they were pressed so close he could feel her fur mingling with his, and she took control back with a single paw. Sitka froze when he felt that touch on his stomach, his muscles immediately tensing in all the right ways under her electrifying stroking. Low, breathy groans of ecstasy escaped the brute while her paw made its way down his torso, her claws parting his fur with expert precision to enhance those fiery tingles she left in her wake that made his muscles tense and flex like he'd been shocked. He silently willed her paw to travel lower, to find where the desire burning him up inside was gathering between his thighs.

Anything Keetie did to him felt amplified tenfold simply by the way she did it, drawing heavier breaths from the man to wash over her neck. His muzzle shifted up to catch one of her tender ears between his teeth, treating it as gently as he could while raking his fangs across the thin skin. He wanted her to hear every little groan, every quiet gasp or hitch of his breath that her exploring paw received. His claws flexed against her skin on reflex, trailing along her side from her ribs down to her waist ever so slowly, his paw coming to rest just above her shapely hip. With one strong foreleg, he pulled Lorikeet's body tighter to his, wanting everything he could get from this goddess of euphoria—well, everything except for a kiss right now. Nothing could make him want this to end any time soon.

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.