
How Far I'll Go to Feel Anything

Segin - Summer Seasonal


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
06-15-2021, 10:30 PM (This post was last modified: 06-27-2021, 09:01 PM by Syanna. Edited 1 time in total.)

After her and Ezra's encounter with the sabertooth tiger, Syanna had escorted the injured dire wolf back to his home and helped the Hallows healers in any way she could to make sure Ezra's wounds didn't turn septic and that he didn't go into shock or succumb to blood loss. Once he was stable and she had been tended to, Syanna was finally able to take stock of her remaining inventory. As she had feared, saving Ezra's life had taken almost all of her medical supplies and herbs. The price had been worth it to save the big, stupid idiot of course, but it did put her in a predicament. Without medical supplies, she couldn't barter her services or items with other wolves for food and shelter, meaning she was stuck back at square one.

Of all the things she'd given up to keep Ezra alive, the wintergreen salve was what had hurt her the most. It had taken quite a lot of effort to track down the plants used to make it; just the thought of having to track down enough wintergreen to make it again made her feel tired. As she rested her sprained leg, Syanna got to chatting with the other healers in the pack, and through word of mouth she heard of a land to the south where wintergreen might be found. Encouraged (and partially bored out of her mind), Syanna began to prepare for the short trip alone, purposefully not mentioning it to Ezra, lest the overprotective boy freak out over her. She just needed to get out of the castle for a bit, and this would keep her idle paws busy.

As she had been leaving the castle, an overly friendly pack wolf had followed her to the gates, basically interrogating her on where she was off to, then all but inviting himself along to join her when she mentioned visiting the Grapevine Cathedral. Ordinarily, Syanna would reject the offer for company, but since she was still limping and didn't want to wind up stranded on her own halfway across Auster, she let the wolf come with her. Plus he was kind of adorable in his own overtly friendly way. He had introduced himself as Segin, making small talk as they went—although admittedly it was more him talking and her listening and giving the occasional short response.

It didn't take long for the two wolves to begin to approach the towering forest overtaken by dense grapevines, getting closer with each step. She'd never been to this part of Auster before, but it seemed nice enough. Overhead, the sky churned with dark, heavy clouds, signaling a coming summer storm. Syanna frowned; they would have to be quick, but even then they might not be able to beat the coming storm. She just hoped they'd be able to find some shelter somewhere if the heavens decided to open up on their heads. She didn't exactly feel like limping back to the castle in the middle of a storm. "Looks like rain's coming," she commented, smelling the thunderstorm on the air. "We should probably be quick about this. Do you know what wintergreen looks like?" She didn't know if the small brute was a healer or not, but all the better if he was. They were going to need a lot of wintergreen.

WC: 558 / 2500

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
06-16-2021, 07:41 PM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2021, 07:42 PM by Segin. Edited 1 time in total.)
The second the fox-like woman he had come across mentioned that she would be going to the Grapevine Cathedral he knew he just had to go with her! Not only was it one of his favorite places he went to on his tour of Auster with Duchess, but he had been dying to collect come of those sweet grapes to bring them back to the others. He wanted to bring a whole selection of them back to share with Gypsy especially. He enjoyed bringing his little friend berries and sweets to snack on while they chatted. Besides all that, there was certainly herbs there to be collected and the lady seemed to be limping some as well and he'd feel bad if he knew she was going all that way by herself and let her end up hurt in the process! No, he immediately grabbed a bag to carry some grapes and herbs back in and then headed out with her, eager to go see the grove of vine covered trees again as well as get to know his chance acquaintance.

When Syanna commented on the darkening clouds he hummed in agreement and looked up at the sky. "The trees are really densely packed in the Grapevine Cathedral though so hopefully we'll avoid most of the rain in there! If not then there's sure to be a nook we can hide out in till it passes." Always one to put a positive spin, he looked away from the sky to his new traveling companion with a grin. He nodded in agreement when asked if he knew what wintergreen looked like. It was something he had used far too often whenever his father had gotten too rough with his adopted mother or one of his sisters, though he didn't really feel like Syanna would want to hear his dark and twisted past. "Yes, I've used it quite a few times," he settled on instead. That was a much easier response to give. He refocused his attention on the grove of trees ahead of them as they neared the cover of the trees. He could feel the dense mugginess in the air from the oncoming thunderstorm and silently he had already accepted that they wouldn't get back to the castle before the storm struck, but he didn't mind too much. He knew there would be plenty of places to wait it out here.

Walking into the dense clump of vine covered forest was almost like walking into a cave with how everything felt shadowed and secluded in here. The same still and quiet he had experienced last time held true and even as a rumble of thunder sounded overhead it seemed slightly dampened in here. Spotting some of the dark red grapes he had tried last time he grinned, giving a wag of his tail. "Oh! You've got to try these!" he exclaimed, trotting over to the grape vine after tossing her a grin. "These grapes are nice and sweet. Some of the other ones are more tart, but these are really good. Though I guess if you like things that are tart you might enjoy some of the green ones more!" He picked one of the grapes from the vine and hummed happily at the taste before looking to Syanna so she could join him, clearly distracted from their original mission for a moment.

WC: 563
Total: 1121 / 2500

Segin Epsilon


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
06-17-2021, 04:29 PM

The emphatically enthusiastic brute was just a constant ray of sunshine, a silver lining to all the dark clouds hovering overhead. She was quite glad to have someone with her who had been to the Grapevine Cathedral before. Judging by the rumble of thunder getting closer, she had the distinct impression that they would be waiting out the storm under the dense canopy of trees. That was fine though; she wasn't in any desperate need to get back to the castle anyway. Segin confirmed that he had indeed used wintergreen before, catching a glance of intrigue from the vixen-like fae beside him. So he was a healer as well, was he? Maybe they had more in common than she thought. Even if he had only wanted to come to snack on some grapes, he was unwittingly the best choice of companion to help her in her search. She doubted dopey Ezra would be able to tell wintergreen from holly.

Walking into the grove, Syanna was instantly hit by how much cooler it was under the heavy shade of the vine-covered trees. Overhead, she could just barely see pockets of gray sky peeking through the dark ceiling the trees and vines formed. She cocked her head in fascination. Segin had been right, they would be sheltered from the storm under here. Plus it would give them ample amounts of time to find what they wanted and enjoy the bounty of fruit all around them. Wandering around in their own little quiet, secluded world, Syanna immediately set to inspecting some of the shrubbery for the wintergreen. Segin, of course, had other priorities, and he called her over to try some of the grapes that grew in abundance here.

"Well, I suppose I could try some, but only if you insist just a little bit more," she teased the dark-furred brute with a smirk. Deft paws pulled a couple of dark red grapes from the vine and popped them into her mouth, chewing happily. Sweet juices burst across her tongue as she ate, emerald eyes springing wide open in surprised delight. He had been way too humble about how tasty they were! Syanna gave a hum of approval, quickly eating a couple more. "Oh wow, these are good!" she remarked around a mouthful of grape mush. She swallowed, then ate a couple more, already addicted. "Oh yeah, these are dangerous for my self control." Laughing lightly, Syanna took a glance at the green grapes, then sampled one, her muzzle scrunching up at the tart, almost sour taste. "Nah, not a fan. I'm more of a sweet girl."

A louder clap of thunder shook the air overhead. Syanna's eyes turned skyward just in time to catch a fat raindrop on her temple as it slipped through the leaves. Around them, the sound of a heavy deluge of rain started to pour from the heavens. Syanna peered through the trees to see the misty wall of rain just outside the grove. Once more, Segin had been right. The dense vines and treetops sheltered them almost entirely from the storm, with only a few raindrops slipping through here and there. "Well, guess we suddenly got a lot more time to hang out together," she said with a chuckle, eating another grape before looking around at the shrubs near them. "Which is probably a good thing, since wintergreen seems to be hard to come by down south..."

Syanna sauntered a few paces away, checking bushes while pausing to eat another grape or two as she went. After a few moments, she glanced back over her shoulder at Segin, eyeing the flamboyant brute curiously. "Wanna play a game? Maybe get to know one another better since we're stuck here for a while?" she asked. There were a number of things they could do. The 20 Questions game she'd played with Ezra, Truth or Dare, the list went on...

WC: 1220 / 2500

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
06-17-2021, 09:52 PM
Segin grinned and chuckled when she teased him about convincing her to try some of the grapes, and as soon as she went to try them he watched her expressions curiously as she took a bite of one of the dark red grapes. Once he saw the surprise cross her face a proud grin crossed his own, his chest swelling with happiness that she enjoyed his find - throughly enjoyed it by the way she was popping them in her mouth one after another. He laughed lightly at the way she scrunched her nose at the more sour grapes, his tail wagging behind him. "Yeah, I agree. The sweet ones are way better!" He really liked these fun little moments. All too often it felt like life got so heavy and serious - which he didn't really mind either since sometimes that was necessary and cathartic to get all of that out into the open. But for most of his life moments of joy and happiness were pretty much nonexistent so he felt like he had to make up for it now.

His ears twitched at the sound of thunder overhead and moments later it began to down pour around them. A few raindrops made their way through the canopy of leaves here and there, but for the most part this ended up being a great place to hide out the storm just like he had predicted. He was just glad they made it here before it really started storming! It would certainly keep them trapped here for quite a while, but he didn't mind. He was enjoying Syanna's company and it would just give them plenty of time to hunt down every valuable herb in this place. She mirrored his thoughts with her comments about them suddenly having so much time together and how wintergreen was a tough thing to hunt down around here. He chuckled and nodded in agreement, replying, "Well if it's in here we'll find it!"

Segin trotted over to another set of bushes as she began to hunt down the herbs they were looking for as well, dark tail swishing with each step. He pulled some branches of the bush he was searching through back out of the way to give him a clearer path, but before he could get too far he heard Syanna ask him about playing a game to get to know each other better. He shot her a grin over his shoulder and nodded, replying, "Yeah! I'm always down for a game! How about... Truth or dare? That sounds fun. I'll go first - give me a dare!"

WC: 437
Total: 1657/2500

Segin Epsilon


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
06-17-2021, 10:39 PM (This post was last modified: 06-17-2021, 11:19 PM by Syanna. Edited 1 time in total.)

Much to her delight, Segin agreed to play a game and offered up Truth or Dare as a suggestion. A playful grin split Syanna's face; she did love games of challenge, especially ones that could result in hilarious pranks or potentially suggestive or mature revelations depending on how the players were feeling like playing. Nothing thrilled Syanna more than pushing the boundaries and a risqué game like Truth or Dare did just that. Segin called going first, then boldly requested a dare. She shot him a smirk. All right, you ballsy fucker... she thought, already humored by the purple brute's personality and now more so with his adventurous nature.

"All right, I dare you to eat a green grape for every wolf you've ever been romantically interested in," she challenged the vivacious wolf. She was unaware of Segin's history of trysts and flings, but she had been banking on the flamboyant boy being something of the promiscuous sort too, and if she was right then it would pay off in dividends when she got to watch him eat a number of the sour grapes. While she inspected another bush to be disappointed by its lack of wintergreen, she kept her eyes over on Segin just across the clearing, eagerly waiting to see just how many grapes the poor man would be forced to swallow.

Once he had completed his dare and he turned the game back to her, Syanna paused to tap a pensive paw against her chin. "Hmm... Well, you started with dare, so I'll do the opposite. I'll go with truth this time."

WC: 265
Total: 1922 / 2500

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
06-17-2021, 11:13 PM (This post was last modified: 06-17-2021, 11:26 PM by Segin. Edited 4 times in total.)
Segin half heartedly continued to search for the wintergreen now that a game of truth or dare was on the table, scanning through some of the bushes near him and coming up empty handed. When she gave him his first dare he groaned with dread, but a playful grin still lingered on his lips. "Well, at least it's only the ones I've been romantically interested in," he said with a sigh, giving himself a small conciliation. If it had been for every wolf he had slept with... We'll, he'd have to give up searching for herbs entirely. He'd just be eating sour grapes until he had a stomach ache - and that was only if he could come up with a real number to follow. Of course Syanna had no way of knowing just how many wolves he had been sexually involved with, but he was happy to take advantage of the little loop hole she had given him.

He walked over to a bunch of green, sour grapes and pulled three of them free, popping them all into his mouth at the same time just to get it over with as soon as possible. His face immediately scrunched up from the tart, sour flavor as it filled his mouth, making him pucker and shake his head. "Bleh! Why do these sour grapes even exist?!" He reached over and grabbed a couple of the sweeter grapes and started crewing them with a relieved sigh. He grinned again and looked back to Syanna once more, his dark tail wagging gently behind him. "Alright, your turn! Truth or dare?" he asked around a mouth full of grape, continuing to eat the sweet dark red grapes till the sour taste was completely gone from his mouth.

Once she told him that she wanted to go for truth rather than dare, he hummed thoughtfully while peeking into the next bush around on his side of the clearing, continuing the rummaging they were doing to try and find the wintergreen they were so desperate to find. "Alright... How about... You came to The Hallows with Ezra, right? Do you like him?" he questioned, tossing her a teasing grin. He didn't know Ezra other than just seeing the tall, handsome man in passing, but he had seen her in the infirmary with him so he had to assume that she was pretty close to him at least. "I'll go for truth this time too!"

WC: 408
Total: 2330 / 2500

Segin Epsilon


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
06-17-2021, 11:56 PM

Syanna was incredibly amused and intrigued when Segin proudly noted that she only mentioned wolves he'd been crushing on, and then proceeded to eat three of the awful grapes. She wondered why he had been so ecstatic to qualify his answer that way, pondering how she could twist that bit of info into something in their game. The reaction Segin had to the tart fruits was immediate and hilarious, light and airy laughter leaving her while she watched him quickly eat a few of the sweet red grapes to cleanse his palate. "Three wolves, eh? Okay, cool," she said with a thoughtful hum to herself. She wondered if any of those wolves were someone she knew, though she highly doubted it. She was a loner who kept mostly to herself.

Segin thought for a question while they both searched, then asked about her feelings towards Ezra. Syanna's body went rigid and ears alert, turning to give him a leer while he grinned back at her. Touché, purple boy... "I didn't come to the Hallows with Ezra, I brought him back after he got injured," she corrected him very matter-of-factly, sashaying over to where he was with a sway of her hips and tail and began inspecting through the bushes there. "Ezra is a sweetheart, albeit a little dopey, but I don't really know what I feel for him. He's a nice guy, quite the looker too, any girl would be lucky to have him..." A sly grin crept across her face while she glanced over at Segin, a devilish look in her green eyes. "I have caught him checking me out from time to time though, so I know he likes me... It's kinda flattering, I'll admit." But could she say she liked Ezra? She wasn't sure, but she certainly couldn't deny something there between them, even if it was as simple as he saved her life and she saved his in turn.

Pushing through the next bush, Syanna let out an excited squeal as she spotted a flourishing bush of wintergreen, an abundance of the distinct little red berries weighing down its branches. "Segin, I found it!" Syanna wasted no time in snatching up as much of the wintergreen as she could, stuffing the berries and leaves into her satchel until it was almost overflowing. With this much, she'd be able to remake her salve in quantity! Maybe she could give some to the Hallows healers as repayment for harboring her while she recovered.

But even though their objective had been completed, a bright flash of lightning following by booming thunder reminded her that returning to the Hallows wasn't going to happen for a while. Gazing up at the nearly pitch black sky, Syanna just gave Segin a shrug and plucked a bunch of red grapes from a nearby vine, then sauntered to the center of the clearing to flop across the soft grass. If they were going to be staying here for a while, she was going to make herself comfortable. "All right, Segin, truth time! And since you wanted to get personal..." She shot him a wicked grin. "Out of those three wolves you were crushing on, how many of them have you had sex with?" Syanna watched Segin with mirthful and curious eyes. They had both taken their game to a much more adult level, but she couldn't find a reason to regret it. It was all in good fun, and Segin seemed more than open to go to these places.

Once he'd given his answer, Syanna chewed a couple more sweet grapes and said, "Okay, Segin, dare me. Give me your best shot!"

WC: 608
Total: 2938 / 2500

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
06-25-2021, 09:53 PM
Segin raised a curious, interested brow when she seemed to freeze up at his question, grinning wider with amusement when she glared at him in response. He rolled his eyes when she clarified that she had brought him back when he was injured instead of just going there freely. Details, details. He hummed in agreement when she mentioned how Ezra was a looker - he had a preference for wolves larger than him anyway and Ezra very clearly took after his father in that. He couldn't really speak to his personality since he had never interacted with the apparently dopey boy, but he could imagine that he was quite sweet. He laughed when she talked about catching Ezra checking her out a few times, his silver eyes shining with amusement. He loved this little banter back and forth, feeling like he was gossiping with a good friend instead of with someone he had only just met earlier that day.

He was still chuckling with amusement as they each took a moment searching for the herb they were looking for when he heard Syanna call out about finding the wintergreen, making his head pop up with excitement. He trotted over to where she was standing, giving her a victorious grin and wagging his tail. "Good job!" he exclaimed, picking a small bundle for himself and tucking it away. He let her take the majority of it through since that had been her main objective in coming here. He had his grapes and good company, his whole objective had more than been accomplished at this point. He returned her shrug at the loud clap of thunder before picking some more sweet grapes for himself as well and following her over to a soft patch of grass, flopping down beside her with a content sigh.

His ears perked at her question as she followed through with his request for a truth in their game of truth or dare. How many of the wolves he had admitted to being romantically interested had he been with sexually? A bashful grin crept across his face and he chuckled, a sly look in his eyes. "Um... All three," he replied with a giggle, popping a couple more grapes into his mouth. Of course those three were the most special in the list of wolves he had been with, but they were still a small fraction of that list. He remembered most of the wolves he had sex with, though there were admittedly probably a few he didn't remember in the haze of mourning and crushing heartache, but he wasn't going to go into all of that with Syanna. He was having too much fun. "I'm... um... very sexually active," he explained with another chuckle, giving her a little shrug.

When she requested a dare - his best shot at that - he hummed thoughtfully, squinting at her for a moment as he racked his brain. He could have made her eat some grapes like she did him, but that wasn't creative. He could make her run through the rain, but that felt mean. "I dare you to..." He struggled for a beat more before an idea came to mind with a grin. "I dare you to kiss me!" he exclaimed with a giggle, his tail wagging. Of course he didn't specify where she had to kiss him on purpose. A kiss on the cheek would suffice just fine. But if she wanted to kiss him on the lips then he wouldn't say no to that either. It didn't really phase him that she might like Ezra or that Ezra most certainly liked her. That wasn't really something the very polyamorous man considered.

Segin Epsilon


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
06-27-2021, 08:59 PM

Syanna sputtered and nearly choked on the grape mush in her mouth when Segin gave his answer. She glanced across the short space at the purple and black brute with wide, surprised eyes and a roguish grin. She had been expecting him to say one, maybe two if he was bold, but all three?! He giggled, then qualified his answer with him being very sexually active. Once more, Syanna looked over the brute that was just about her size with a surprised look and a little bit of skepticism. Surely there was no way he was as sexually promiscuous as he made himself out to be... right? She knew brutes were all balls of horny energy waiting to burst at any slight attention someone might give them, but Segin sounded like a nuclear power plant of pent up sexual energy!

Knowing now what she knew about Segin, it shouldn't have been very surprising when his dare for her was to kiss him. She blinked her eyes a couple of times, stunned green meeting excited silver while he grinned at her and wagged his tail like an eager puppy ready to play. He was so adorable and so full of life and energy, it was infectious. Her pulse began to quicken in her veins, sensations she'd quelled and locked deep away starting to work their way to the surface. He had no idea what he was messing with when it came to her, but that was part of the fun of the game, wasn't it? He'd dared her to kiss him, and unfortunately (or fortunately) for Segin, Syanna didn't do things halfway. She was either all in or all out, and she wasn't about to lose this game on such a simple challenge, especially not when she knew the level of experience he was playing with.

Meeting his eyes again, Syanna gave him a fiery look and a determined smirk while she shifted to get back to her paws. The closed the distance between them with slow, graceful strides, stalking towards him like staring at him like a predator going in for the kill. Once she was almost entirely up on him, Syanna lay down next to him and gently cupped his face in her paws, both holding him still and guiding his muzzle to hers. Syanna's lips met Segin's with heated purpose, kissing him slow, hard, languid, like one would a lover they hadn't seen in ages. Her mouth crushed to his, moving in time with their kissing. Soft tongue danced against his lips, tasting him and the faint flavor of grapes on his palate. Digits flexed gently over his cheeks, holding him to her until her lungs demanded air. She broke the kiss then with a quiet gasp for breath, her eyes which had fluttered closed before their kiss began slowly flickering open half-lidded to seek out his gaze again.

"Truth or dare, playboy...?" she whispered against his lips, a sly grin finding its way across her face while she enjoyed the emotional gamut running through his expression.

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
06-28-2021, 01:36 PM
He had expected her to maybe give him a quick peck, or reluctantly give him a kiss on the cheek, something that he could tease her about or poke fun for the sake of their game. Instead, she seemed to consider the dare for a moment before fixing him with a fiery look in those emerald eyes as she got up and moved toward him with a seductive saunter that took away some of his playful energy and made him look at her with an interested curiosity. He wasn't sure what had caused the sudden shift, but he certainly wasn't going to complain. His silver gaze followed her as she made her way over to him and laid down next to him, Syanna taking him by surprise again as she cupped his face in her paws and pulled him into a deep, heated kiss. His eyes widened with shock at first, but being the sexual creature he was he very quickly melted into the kiss, his eyes closing as he pressed deeper as well, his tongue tasting hers and her lips, giving absolutely no resistance as she held him there, returning her kiss eagerly.

It was a sudden turn in their time together, but one he was all too eager to enjoy. What better way to pass the time while they were trapped together in this grove by the thunder storm that continued to rage around them? His attraction to women was more hit or miss than his attraction to men was, but every once in a while one would come along that really caught his interest. Emersyn had been the most recent, but Syanna was a very close second already. She didn't have the stature or presence that Emersyn did, but she had a feisty personality and clearly had no problem taking what she wanted and that had Segin wanting more and more of her very quickly.

When their lips finally slipped apart, he gasped softly to give his aching lungs air as he blinked open his silver gaze till he could focus on her sultry gaze with a grin pulling at his dark lips. He chuckled at her comment, smirking as she called him a playboy, amusement and desire mixing in equal measure in his gaze and expression. At first he didn't respond, instead shifting so that he could wrap his paws around her sides and pull her closer to him till their chests were pressed together. "If you think I'm going to pick anything other than dare after that..." he whispered back with a chuckle as he brushed his muzzle against hers, giving her another kiss, keeping this one brief before he started letting his kisses trail down her jaw and across her cheek, his paws tracing her sides and back in steady, rhythmic patterns. "Dare whatever you want... I'm yours to play with through this whole storm..."

Segin Epsilon


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
07-02-2021, 01:51 AM

Syanna was beyond pleased to see that her sudden escalation of their game had caught Segin by surprise. She felt and tasted his tongue against hers throughout the duration of their kiss. She loved how he hadn't resisted her, playing along with her bold move and melting into her kiss. She hadn't known how Segin would respond to her sudden forward action, especially given his flamboyant and promiscuous nature, she didn't know if the lithe brute had a proclivity towards other males or if his tastes even ran towards faes. Apparently, Segin's tastes went both ways, which worked in her favor for some fun for the two wolves, and promised some interesting times ahead for them to wait out the storm with.

The soft gasp he made when their lips parted and the stunned yet pleased look on the brute's face was exactly what she had been hoping for for a reaction. His grin made a pleasant tingling tension start to build in her belly, her hind legs rubbing together while he gazed at her with nothing short of heated desire. Segin's response came in the form of small paws finding their way up her sides to wrap around her body and pull her close until she felt his chest press to hers, feeling his soft fur mingling with hers and the heat of his skin and belly against her. Syanna gave a soft gasp, his sudden directness sparking something inside her and making that pressure in her grow. His whispered words enticed her, teasing her with a promise of things to come as did his brief kiss. Then his lips began a trail down her jaw, her paws coming up to grip at the fur on his chest and hold herself tight to him while his own started a slow exploration of her sides and her back.

Syanna bit her lip to stifle a small groan of delight, her eyelids fluttering over green eyes that were hazy with pleasure. The sensations he was giving her felt incredible! Segin's temptations to play with him however she wanted through the whole storm brought a sultry spark to her verdant eyes, meeting his grin with a salacious one of her own. One of Syanna's dainty paws moved to loop around his waist, the other stroking over his toned chest and up his neck til she was gripping the back of his head and pulling his muzzle hard to hers again in a deeply passionate kiss while thunder boomed overhead. She only gave him a brief taste of heat in return before breaking their lips apart, fixing him with smoldering eyes and a grin that demanded only one thing from him, and she voiced it in her next dare for him. "I dare you to show me what those other three wolves got... Give me your best and see if you can make me scream louder than the thunder..."

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
07-03-2021, 12:07 AM
Segin didn't have to wait long for a response after he asked her for his next dare, the beginning of her answer coming in the form of her foreleg wrapping around his waist and a paw coming up to grip the back of his head. She pulled him into a heated kiss, pulling a quiet moan from him into their kiss as she took what she wanted form him and fanned those flames of desire even higher. His paws gripped her tighter to him as he kissed her back, savoring this sudden turn of events and fully enjoying the spontaneous, passionate feeling behind it. When their kiss did break and his gaze found hers again, the deeply smoldering look in those emerald green eyes made him grin and sent a little shiver down his spine. Gods, was he glad that he convinced her to let him come along on this trip!

Her dare made him chuckle and give her a little grin. He of course understood what she meant. She wanted the passionate, heated sex that lovers would have with one another, she wanted him to make her feel good. It was only amusing to him because of who those three wolves had been and the circumstances that surrounded them. The misguided love for his brother, the passionate, dedicated adoration he had for Indigo, the surprisingly sexual connection he held with Emersyn... They were all so different, all just as special in their own ways. There were a lot of wolves that he had slept with that were special to him - and now Syanna would be added to that list. He liked the feisty woman an awful lot and if she wanted him to show her a good time then he was more than happy to do so.

He rolled with her till she was on his back and he was holding himself over her while the storm continued to rage on overhead and he gave her a wider grin before catching her lips in another hard, passionate kiss, that all too familiar desire and pressure building in his gut as their lips and tongues danced together for a long moment, groaning softly against her lips while one of his paws trailed down her side and felt her vibrant fur slip between his claws. When he finally slipped away from their kiss he was panting lightly as he looked down at her with heavy lidded eyes full of lustful, playful fire. "Lets see if we can't beat the thunder at its own game..." he teased with a grin before he began to work his way down her body, covering her with nibbles and kisses down the whole length of her slender and feminine neck, chest, stomach, all the way down to the most sensitive parts of her. A little smirk played on his lips as he wrapped his forelegs around her waist and delved into her, enjoying her even more than the sweet grapes.

- fade -

Segin Epsilon


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
07-13-2021, 03:02 PM (This post was last modified: 07-13-2021, 10:57 PM by Syanna. Edited 1 time in total.)

If the playful look in his eyes hadn't tipped Syanna off that she was in for a good time, then the grin that followed and the way he rolled their entwined bodies so he ended up on top of her did. A soft gasp left the vulpine-like fae as she gazed up into silver eyes with lively emerald green, matching his grin and enthusiasm with claws running along the backs of his shoulders. Her lips crushed eagerly into his as he kissed her, deep and passionate, tasting him on her tongue as she explored his mouth with quiet hums and murrs of delight. Her body squirmed beneath him, toes splaying and tail beating the ground eagerly while his paw roamed down over her side, those pinpricks from his claws trailing the subtle curves of her slender body. Syanna was immediately gasping for breath when their lips finally parted, blinking her eyes open wide to stare at Segin through the haze of wanton lust. The look he gave her excited her, made her feel powerful for getting him into such a state. The last time she'd done something like this... NO! No, she wouldn't be thinking about that right now. All she wanted to think about was this handsome wolf and how he would feel between her legs.

Segin didn't keep her waiting long, thankfully. He teased her with suggestive words, making her grin widen and a soft chuckle leave her lips while her claws pulled at the fur on his back. Then he began his descent down the planes of her body. Syanna watched his movements with heavy lidded bedroom eyes, each touch of his lips, kisses, and nibbles to her drawing another breathless gasp or sigh from her. Her chest heaved with a light panting by the time he crossed over her taut stomach, her breath catching when she felt his warm breath on her most sensitive parts, her hind legs falling open to his advances while his forelegs held her waist steady. She shared one last look with him, urging him on with a challenging gleam in her eyes, and then she felt his tongue on her, and Syanna's eyes rolled back while her head fell to the soft grasses. With airy moans, Segin took Syanna to heights of pleasure that had her squirming and arching for him. A pleasured grin split her muzzle; she was ready for Segin to make her challenge the thunder's sound.

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"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.