



5 Years
05-23-2014, 05:32 PM (This post was last modified: 05-28-2014, 02:19 PM by Callisto.)

Walk | Talk | Think

She had done what she could at the direction of Adelaide to assist with the failing pup and their dramatic pack member, and confused beyond reason by the odd effects and symptoms of the disease she had retreated back to her den for a moment's rest and some reflection. The Steppe had finally gone quiet again, but it was an eerie sort of quiet after the chaos of those initial moments when they learned of the sickness and she took the time to think of what little they had determined. Bleeding eyes, a severe fever. Bleeding eyes? It was still hard for her to erase that image from her mind, and it haunted her even in sleep.

The restless sleep she had been having was broken the moment her body gave a quick shiver, and her silvery blue eyes opened into the quiet confinement of her den. God, she felt cold. It might have officially been winter, but it had not been intolerable until this moment. Had it snowed again during the night and chilled the air more than usual? She uncurled slightly, lifted her head with a yawn to peer out of the den's opening. It was still dark outside, dim under the first light of morning, but something was off. She could practically smell-

But she did smell something. A rather poignant something...that was in the den with her. She got to her paws, a creeping fear beginning to crawl its way into her heart as she hastily stepped out of her den and onto the rise of the Steppe, into slightly better light. No. No, it can't be. She was a healer, even if she was only in training. This did not apply to her. How was she supposed to do her job?

She blinked again, finally felt it beginning to roll down her cheek, and tilting her head she lifted a deep grey paw to swipe at it, rub it, and drew it back with a look of unmasked panic. Blood. "Shit," she muttered in a whisper, another shiver stealing over her though not entirely from the feeling of cold that still plagued her - which made sense now. Fever. Shit.

Her muzzle tilted back and opened as a quick, urgent call was issued for the healers of the pack, someone, anyone who could bring the message so that she need not venture anywhere else than right here. The less she traveled, the less the infection would spread.