
something i must live with



Master Healer (250)

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The Ooze Participant
06-24-2021, 07:21 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2021, 08:57 AM by Siren. Edited 1 time in total.)
Chimera walked away with his new slave and Siren was left alone with Dalila, her very own servant, for the first time. Siren didn’t react outwardly, she was too ashamed of the emotions within. Mostly guilt when she should have felt relief that Dalila’s burden was lifted. The tiny girl lifted herself from the sand, still sore on her paws but better thanks to her brother’s efforts. Without really focusing her eyes Siren closed the distance between herself and Dalila, finding herself once again burning her face into the woman’s dappled fur. She soaked in her warmth and breathed in her sweet scent as she tried to keep her varied breathing under control. She wanted to sob, but remained stoic save a few sniffles. She shifted only slightly and wrapped her tiny paws around Dalila’s arm and clung to her desperately. Her tiny body shook lightly as she held in her emotion.

Siren remained there for a long moment before the strength seemed to leave her limbs and her body pooled in the sand at Dalila’s feet. Her sobs seemed through her closed eyes and her shoulders shook lightly. She tried to hold them back but the dam burst and the emotions escaped as crystalline tears despite their reason to feel the opposite. What had she done? ”Dalila,” she cried softly, wanting and needing the woman to prop her up, to remind her that everything was worth it. That Dalila was worth the sacrifice.




Master Fighter (240)

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7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
06-25-2021, 03:09 PM

Dalila watched Chimera walk away with Aliana and she couldn't quite get herself to move, even as she turned her blue back gaze toward Siren. She had never felt this kind of emotion before. Watching Chimera care for Siren, dote on her, massage her paws, give her gentle kisses... She had never felt this kind of jealousy before. It twisted at her chest and clenched at her gut, morphing into some kind of anger toward the man that had caused all of this to begin with. She had been living what she felt was the perfect life. She had a friend in Siren, she found so much joy in caring for the smaller woman, and felt blessed beyond measure that she got to be her lady's servant day in and day out. If she did nothing else but be Siren's companion, groom her fur, and help her with her herbs and deer for the rest of her life then Dalila would die happy. But Chimera had tipped the balance and started the tidal wave.

She knew she wasn't completely free of blame. She had gone against all of the tenants that had been drilled into her mind as a pup. Be quiet. Do your work. Don't get attached. Don't step out of line. She had known that Chimera had been the one to purchase her, that he had been the one to assign her to Siren's care. No matter how close she had gotten with her lady she should have known better. She shouldn't have let Siren follow through with Chimera's demand to find a replacement. She should have insisted on remaining Chimera's and enduring whatever he wanted from her and restored the balance of things. But she hadn't done that. She had allowed Siren to experience the slave camp again and had let her give away all her treasures to purchase Aliana just to hand her off into Chimera's dangerous paws. Guilt mixed into her jealousy and anger and threatened to strangle her alive.

But as soon as Siren walked up to her and wrapped herself around her leg, Dalila's rigid stance broke. She crumbled and her expression softened as she looked down at the small, pale, beautiful woman that leaned into her like a pillar to hold her upright. Her emotions drained away now that they were alone again and all that was left behind was guilt. Her ears fell back against her head and her own tears collected in her eyes as Siren fell under the weight of it all, Dalila quickly falling back onto her haunches so that she could gently lift her tiny, sobbing lady off of the sand, wrapping her up in an embrace and holding her against her chest, tucking her head down over hers. Hearing Siren's soft cry of her name shattered her, making her squeeze her eyes closed as she held her tight.

"I'm sorry, my lady," she apologized, her voice soft and wavering. She didn't feel worthy of all of this. She didn't feel worthy of the heartache that Siren had to go to have her. She was nothing, just a servant. A slave. A servant that loved her lady more than she could ever, or probably should ever, admit. "I'm so sorry... I should've... I..." Her words failed her and she whined softly and just held Siren, supporting her weight and letting her cry. She got what she wanted, she got to be with Siren, but she didn't like the cost it took to have that. Once Siren's sobbing began to soften she lifted her head and brought a gentle paw to Siren's cheeks, carefully wiping the tears away from her two toned eyes.




Master Healer (250)

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The Ooze Participant
06-25-2021, 07:38 PM
She felt terrible. Trading away everything for a woman who might even just be killed if Chimera felt like it left her feeling sick over her decision but as soon as Dalila pulled her to her chest all of it disappeared. The warring emotions were still there but she felt the warmth of Dalila, her comfort and her support as she held her, joining in the same emotions. She tried to hide in Dalila’s embrace as she shifted slightly to surround her, protecting her from all that could get her outside. Siren clung to her, safe from anything that threatened them. Chimera was off and appeased, she had Dalila right here with her. The dappled woman held her tight and for just a moment she could forget the guilt they were facing. Siren didn’t see them having another option, she couldn’t see Dalila used by her brother like that. Not when she meant so much to her…

Siren tried not to acknowledge the thought or her deeper feelings, if there was anything that Chimera would be disappointed in it was how much she loved Dalila. A tool, a possession, purchased with a few pelts. But to Siren she had become so much more than that. She was her constant companion, she took care of her needs that Chimera didn’t have the time for, she saw to the intimate details of her life. Dalila shared her bed. There wasn’t anyone closer to her or her heart. How could she not love her?

Siren’s throat tightened even as Dalila asked forgiveness. ”No. It’s not your fault.” She tried to tell her as she spoke into the woman’s soft fur. ”You never even asked for this.” Siren squeezed tighter, holding onto Dalila desperately as she tried to focus on their accomplishment. She tried to smile, but it was a difficult expression even as she held tightly to Dalila.

”But now you’re mine.” She finally whispered quietly, savoring the way the words fell from her lips. She looked up to Dalila as she dried the tears on her cheeks and powdery blue met Siren’s dual toned gaze. Siren’s lips pulled back into the hint of a smile then as she felt her chest warm as the forbidden feeling of love filled her to her toes. She didn’t know what their future held in store but she knew that whatever was bubbling up inside was dangerous. Dalila was special to her beyond words, she gave most of her possessions in life to prove that, so why did her heart still hurt so much?




Master Fighter (240)

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The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
06-28-2021, 05:24 PM

She was of course more than familiar with Siren's kindness by now, but even still she was somehow still stunned by the smaller woman's generosity and understanding when she denied her apology. She listened to Siren's slightly muffled voice as she spoke into her fur, listening as she insisted that it wasn't her fault and that she had never asked for this. It left her speechless and touched her more than Siren would probably realize. Growing up a slave, she was used to taking the blame and having anything and everything tossed onto her, any little slip up being used against her if anything went wrong. Not with Siren. She didn't feel worthy of her lady's kindness and understanding, especially not when she was sitting with this guilt of bringing another soul into this and subjecting her to everything that Chimera was.

But when Siren looked up at her, spoke the words she had been hoping she'd be able to hear one day, it somehow felt more worth it. But now you're mine. She was Siren's alone, the freedom to belong to Siren and only Siren bought with furs and valuables and by trading her life for someone else's. It was hard to regret it when she saw the small smile touch her beautiful lady's face, making her smile back in return. "I am," she whispered back, trying desperately to ignore the emotion that she knew she shouldn't feel welling up in her chest. "I'll always be yours." Even if a day came that Siren no longer wanted her or sent her away, Siren would always be the one she secretly loved. No one would ever hold a place in her heart like Siren did.

"You should get some rest," she mentioned after a moment. They had made a long journey today and thinking about Chimera massaging Siren's paws flared that jealously back to life even though that emotion was still new and unsettling to her. She gently released Siren, but only so she could scoop her onto her back and carry the tiny woman to their den. Her lady's paws still hurt so she wouldn't allow her to even walk to the den as long as she was able to carry her. Maybe she was over compensating, feeling as if she needed to care for her even more than usual to make herself worth the high price they had paid for this life of theirs to be possible, but either way she still felt like treating her lady a little extra special today.

She brought Siren into the den, gently lowering her onto the bed they shared, and gave her a little smile. "I'll be right back, my lady," she said before slipping out into the chamber where their herb shelves were, grabbing a small pot of lavender oil and bringing it back into the bedroom with her. She settled down on the edge of the bed and started gently and carefully massaging the sweet, fragrant oil into Siren's paw pads, a content smile on her face. It felt like the world was right when she was caring for Siren, doting on her and making sure she felt like the princess she was. "Would you like for me to brush out your fur before bed, my lady?" she asked as she moved onto the second forepaw, glancing up at her and trying to ignore how her heart skipped whenever their eyes met.




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

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The Ooze Participant
06-29-2021, 02:54 PM (This post was last modified: 06-29-2021, 03:32 PM by Shelby. Edited 2 times in total.)
All of it was worth the expression that crossed Dalila’s features as she spoke the words she craved since asking to take her from Chimera. Followed by the grin that mirrored her own… Siren hadn’t ever seen a smile like that on the painted woman’s features and the young Klein princess cherished the moment. ”I am.” Dalila agreed quietly and Siren savored the gentle vow she spoke, now and always. Siren felt the tears touch at the corner of her eyes again but now for a much different reason. The girl never had anyone beyond Chimera. Her father left early in her childhood and her mother was distant after that. All she had was Chi, but he couldn’t be with her at all hours. He had duties and Viper…

Siren easily settled into Dalila’s arms, she was every much the unflinching warrior Siren had seen in the slaver camp in her mind. Her arms were strong and would protect her from all that sought to hurt her, physically but more so emotionally. She wasn’t given much time to dwell as Dalila took the lead from her. Siren gave up control to her easily as she was loft to Dalila’s back. She’d relieve the last bits of pressure from her paws and keep her from having to walk back to their den. Already more emotional than she thought she had ever been she blinked back the tears that threatened to fall. All of this really was worth the effort and the guilt. Dalila was hers, and though she wouldn’t dare say it, Siren wanted to belong to Dalila.

She didn’t feel like she deserved this special treatment but she put up no reservations as Dalila carried her home. Dalila put her in bed with care, like she was some prize to be tucked away in her box. It was a strange feeling, especially considering that Dalila did this for her every day. Every action seemed more purposeful and special than even the morning before. With a small smile Dalila promised she would make her return, and disappeared beyond the threshold.

Siren made herself comfortable, her tiny form lounged languidly on the luxurious bed that Chimera provided for her. No matter how much she loved and adored Dalila, Chimera would forever be a King above her. She was reminded of that fact when he had chastised her for wanting Dalila. Siren tried to banish him from her mind along with what he would be doing to the poor slave girl she gave to him.

Dalila returned in a moment and positioned herself at Siren’s paws with a bit of lavender oil. The tiny princess breathed in deeply as the woman massaged the substance into her pink pads. A heavy sigh left her pale lips and she lowered her head to her arms, her dual toned eyes lingering on Dalila’s features as she worked efficiently. She knew Siren better than anyone, and handled her paws with great experience and care. As she did with anything pertaining to Siren.

A question fell from her lips as pretty blue eyes looked up to her bashfully. Siren couldn’t help the little blush that spread over her features as Dalila looked up to her. That and the nervous fluttering in her belly intensified, but she wasn’t sure she was ready to address those feelings yet. ”Yes, I would.” Siren answered softly, but it was obvious too how much she enjoyed the attention to her paws.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

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7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
06-29-2021, 03:59 PM

Seeing how much Siren enjoyed the little things she did like massaging lavender oil into her tender paw pads made her so indescribably happy. A smile lingered on her lips as she carefully took care of each delicate, pink paw pad. She rubbed the oil into them until each of her feet was soft and fragrant, gently massaging the sore muscles in her paws and ankles as she went. As she finished up with her front paws, Dalila had the sudden urge to kiss the perfect, pale paw that rested between her own, the thought making her face flush before she quickly moved on to take care of her hind paws. Snuggles and embraces were not unknown to them by any means at this point, but something like that felt beyond even the stretched boundaries she was given. She thought about Chimera, holding Siren, kissing the top of her head, and that jealousy that she couldn't seem to stifle creeped up on her again. Logically she knew it was ridiculous and absurd to want to be able to be like that with her lady, but now that the thought had planted itself in her mind it was hard to ignore.

Once Siren confirmed that she would like her fur brushed, Dalila smiled again and gave a little nod of her head, putting the lavender oil off to the side once she was done with her lady's paws. She walked over to a small shelf on one side of the room and picked up a boar hair brush and a wooden comb, bringing them over to the large bed and finding her usual place beside Siren. She started carefully combing and brushing through her luxurious, pale coat, working any tangles free and removing the dust and grasses that had gotten hung in the longer pieces. As she worked, she grew thoughtful while she occasionally gave Siren a shy glance, a little smile playing on her features.

"Thank you," she said softly after a few more moments of silence, her ears folding back bashfully against her head while she continued to gently work through Siren's fur. "Thank you for doing so much for me... I... I don't know what I've done to deserve your kindness, my lady, but it means more to me than I could ever say." Her face flushed as she spoke, a wide smile on her lips even though she shyly kept her eyes down on her work.




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

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The Ooze Participant
06-30-2021, 07:48 AM
Maybe Ali’s life really was worth sacrificing for this moment. The subtle smile that lingered on Dalila’s features was everything that Siren didn’t know that she wanted. Her heart beat heavily in her slender chest and her dual toned eyes blinked beneath heavy lashes as she stole little glances from her handmaid. Every little pink toe was given the utmost attention, carefully messaged with the healing fragrant oil. Lavender swiftly calmed Siren’s existence along with the sweet massaging actions as Dalila saw to each tiny paw. The motions were so much different from Chimera’s affections. He was huge and gruff but he showed her his tender side and cared for her. She appreciated everything her brother did for her, especially the softness he showed her.

There was a huge juxtaposition between him and Dalila. Chimera had done with her what he wanted, not that she would complain. She enjoyed being close to him like that. Dalila was so much different. She was timid and sweet and knew exactly how to touch her paws to coax the pain from them. She was always patient and careful not to overstep her bounds, but Siren wanted her to cross those boundaries. She wanted more than a slave and master relationship with her, and that was the thought that truly had her bothered as Dalila finished seeing to her tiny rear paws.

Those thoughts played in her mind as Dalila made herself comfortable beside her and brushed through the mess of her long fur. Siren’s head remained on her pale arms as Dalila worked, the motions were soft and relaxing and all of the tension was removed from her lean muscles and her tiny body. Silence fell between them, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. Siren knew it would only be a matter of time before Dalila’s brushing put her to sleep, but then Dalila was speaking again quietly, her voice full of gratitude.

Siren looked up from pale lashes, searching Dalila’s expression and her downcast eyes. ”Dalila…” She started softly, feeling all of the emotions that had been warring inside of her. Caramel ears fell to her skull as she gazed at the woman, the one who knew her the best, who cared for her every day, and made her feel loved. ”You’ve cared. You’ve been here. You…” Tears pricked at her blue and silver eyes. She blinked them back as the words stuck in her throat. She couldn’t say them. Words were lost so she timidly reached forward and her tiny pink tongue kissed Dalila’s nose. Tears began to stream down her face then as the emotions fully caught up with her and she accepted the fact before her. She loved Dalila.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

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7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
06-30-2021, 11:13 AM

Dalila had been too shy and bashful to look up at Siren while her face felt hot and her heart was beating harder against her chest, constantly grappling with the want and desire to pull Siren closer and go back to place those kisses on her paws that she had refrained from doing before. She tried to focus on her tasks, tried to think only about working the tangles from Siren's fur and nothing else, but it was difficult to ignore how the fragrant lavender oil played so nicely with her scent and how soft and silky her fur felt against her paw pads as she moved through different pieces of it. She loved Siren. She loved her and that thought made her nervous and happy all at once. It was a secret she had held close to her heart for a while now, knowing she should never address it, she should never speak it out loud. She was too afraid of the fall out that might follow it.

But then Siren spoke her name so softly and it pulled her powder blue eyes up to the similarly bashful expression of her lady, catching her off guard, stealing her breath away as her gaze connected with the two toned eyes of her beautiful, flawless Siren. Those eyes that were so shockingly full of emotions, looking at her through pale, blonde lashes. She tried to hear the words that Siren spoke about what she had done to earn her kindness, but it still didn't really connect in her mind. Of course she cared, of course she was here. She loved her - not that Siren would know that. And she shouldn't. She was her servant, there should be a line, Chimera was all too quick to remind them of that any chance he got. Dalila had contented herself with just being able to be in Siren's life and was thrilled to belong fully to Siren, but that's where it needed to stay. Or at least that's what she had been telling herself.

But then Siren looked at her with tears in her eyes, reached forward, and placed the most gentle, tender kiss on her nose. Dalila's eyes widened with surprise, her heart taking off and racing against her chest with a quiet gasp. She froze in place, not knowing what to do. It was like living in a dream, thinking that Siren might love her in return. It seemed so absurd despite all the evidence that might say that was the truth to think that such a beautiful princess could ever care that much about someone like her - someone born to be a slave and nothing more. But here she was, laying in Siren's bed, watching tears fall down Siren's lovely cheeks, reeling from the most gentle affection she could have imagined. A cautionary voice in the back of her mind warned her to not give in to this. What if Chimera found out? What if Siren realized this was a mistake? What if this destroyed what they had when Siren realized that she could do so much better than a slave?

Dalila finally broke though her shock with a thought - Siren was worth dying for. She put the brush and comb off to the side and gently lifted both of Siren's delicate front paws to her lips, giving them both several gentle kisses with a quiet, relieved sigh, closing her eyes for a moment and smiling as she savored the feeling of being able to give into these desires that she had so carefully refrained from. She lowered her paws again and lifted her muzzle to Siren's cheeks instead, gently pressing her tongue to the pale fur there to carefully and tenderly clean away those tears, covering her cheeks in soft kisses while tears of her own formed in her eyes. It was a release, a desire finally realized, an outlet for the fathomless love she held for this tiny woman, but it also felt dangerous. Siren felt like the precious, hidden jewel that she shouldn't be allowed to have, that felt too perfect for her to touch. In the back of her mind she kept imagining Chimera walking into the room right now, seeing her like this, and ripping her away for touching his sister. But the longer she laid here giving Siren's cheeks gentle kisses, the more distant those thoughts became and the more worth it Siren felt.

Dalila slipped her forelegs around Siren, cradling her, pulling her close while her kisses trailed up to her delicate caramel ears, kissing across her ears and her crown, her heart skipping and pounding like crazy in her chest while tears fell down her cheeks. But she was happy. So unbelievably, indescribably happy. All she ever wanted was to care for her lady, to give her the love she deserved, to be allowed to shower her in the affections that she had pent up for so long. "Siren..." She spoke so softly against her ear that there wasn't a chance that anyone but Siren would be able to hear and even then she wondered if Siren would hear her if she wasn't listening closely. "I love you... You don't need to ever say it back and I apologize if I'm being too forward, but... I just... I needed to tell you. I needed you to know."

"Dalila Rocha"



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

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The Ooze Participant
06-30-2021, 01:41 PM (This post was last modified: 06-30-2021, 01:41 PM by Siren. Edited 1 time in total.)
Siren moved without thinking, unable to express herself in words it was actions and instinct that spoke for her. Even then she realized she may have made a huge mistake. Dalila gasped softly and froze in shock, Siren hadn’t ever felt rejection before and the moment that Dalila didn’t move Siren felt herself panic. Her heart nearly raced out of her chest and her stomach was suddenly in her throat. When Dalila moved she thought she was going to get up and leave, and all of this would have been for nothing. Panic crossed her features, but then Dalila was wrapping herself up in her. She started with innocent kisses to her tiny paws, which were feeling miles better after she had rubbed the oil into them.

When Siren realized what Dalila was doing the alarm was suddenly gone and all she could think about was the affections bestowed by the painted lady. Her lips brushed against the ivory fur on her paws, and both of them savored the sweet moment. The tiny princess barely knew what to think as Dalila took her opening and rushed forward, but Siren wanted every gentle kiss and touch. Her heart fluttered just like the butterflies erupting in her belly. Dalila was an everyday fixture, an essential part of her life, but this was nothing like Siren shared with the she wolf before.

The tiny Klein nuzzled against Dalila’s jaw as she shifted, taking her tears away as her own began to form. Siren wasn’t usually such an emotional creature but all of it was so overwhelming, the release of that hidden feeling deep inside every time she looked to Dalila. This was exactly what she had been trying to suppress, but for what? Her heart felt more full than ever, and she never felt more like she belonged than when Dalila wrapped her arms around her shoulders and pulled her against her chest.

Tiny pale paws gripped at Daila’s fur as she led her kisses over her delicate ears and the soft fur at her skull. Everything about this moment was new and amazing and Siren didn’t want it to end. Most incredibly was when the girl leaned against Dalila’s chest and she heard and felt their hearts beating as one. Beating like crazy, but they were in perfect harmony.

She looked up from the woman’s soft chest as she spoke her name, barely a whisper next to her ear. The tiny girl shivered lightly as Dal’s voice caressed her caramel ear and spoke words that she had been unable to speak. ”I love you.” That was when Siren’s heart stopped and she gasped for breath in both surprise and pleasure. She closed her eyes, feeling hot tears race down her cheeks anew as she clung to Dalila desperately. What ifs began racing through her head in an instant, what would Chimera think? Did he already know before they did? Was that why he was so mad? Siren cried because she knew this wasn’t what he wanted of her, or of Dalila. But Siren loved her. So much it felt like her heart might explode as it beat heavily against its confines.

”I love you, Dalila.” She whispered back quietly as she damned the consequences. She couldn’t help how she felt, especially when the waves crashed against her overwhelmingly. Siren loved this woman and couldn’t imagine her life without her. She wasn’t sure if it was possible to hold onto Dalila any tighter than she was. Siren didn’t know a lot about the world but she knew these emotions were real. It didn’t matter what Dalila was, Siren was in love with the wolf who held her.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

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The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
06-30-2021, 04:42 PM

In that heartbeat of silence after the words left her lips, a pang of fear hit her, a worry that she had finally gone too far. She heard and felt Siren gasp at the declaration, at her finally admitting the feelings that she had been hiding for so long. She loved her. Seconds felt like hours while she waited for Siren's reaction, but as soon as those words she thought she would never hear left her lady's lips any worry she might have had was wiped away. She looked down at this delicate, beautiful woman that she loved in absolute shock and awe and for a moment she was too stunned to move or speak or even breathe. I love you, Dalila. Never in a million years would she have expected to be loved by anyone, much less someone like Siren. At least now the lengths she had gone to in order to save her from Chimera made sense. Knowing that Siren loved her helped it make sense.

A shaky sigh passed her lips as she tightened her embrace around Siren, tears of joy spilling down her cheeks as she kissed her lady's ears again, her over joyed affections drifting across her head and cheeks and neck, holding her tight and lovingly and pouring every pent up emotion into these kisses that she possibly could. She didn't really understand sexual desire and had never wanted it or considered it for herself, but she understood love. She understood wanting this woman that had pulled her up from the depths of the darkest things life had to offer to know how much she loved her and make her feel like the most precious, treasured jewel. She understood wanting to worship this beautiful, delicate form that held the most kind soul the world had ever witnessed.

"I love you... I love you..." she whispered against Siren's skin again and again as she left gentle kisses all across her head and neck, one of her paws combing through her long, luxurious fur as she worked her way all the way down to the top of her chest. Nothing could ruin this moment. Nothing else mattered. She would fight the world to keep Siren safe and keep her in her life. She loved Siren and Siren loved her. Everything else paled in comparison. She lifted her muzzle back to Siren's after she left a tender kiss right at the bottom of her throat, her heavy lidded eyes catching Siren's for a moment before she leaned forward caught her lady's lips in their first real kiss, the feeling blowing her away and making her eyes close and one of her paws delicately cup Siren's cheek.




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

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The Ooze Participant
06-30-2021, 06:32 PM (This post was last modified: 06-30-2021, 06:32 PM by Siren. Edited 1 time in total.)
Siren would have given up ten times the riches that she paid for Aliana to relive this moment again and again. There was no regret because there was absolutely nothing that compared to this feeling Dalila created in her chest. She didn’t need any of that when she had Dalila like this, all to herself. The white marked woman cried along with her, siren could feel her tears fall into her fur as she showered her in kisses and bestowed all of the affection she held back. Siren only knew because that was exactly how she felt, like she couldn’t hold Dalila close enough or for long enough. She heard the gentle whispered words, chanted over her fur as Dalila felt equally as overwhelmed with the feelings inside. Siren basked in her affections, and returned little kisses against her neck and where she could reach as Dal’s focus shifted.

Dalila didn’t stop at the sensitive kisses that graced her ears, downwards the pale woman placed kisses along her neck and against skin where fur was parted for her braids. She was swiftly losing her breath and she didn’t even understand why. The emotions were overwhelming but more than that Dal made her skiing tingle and her heart race. Her belly was full of nerves but those weren’t even entirely unpleasant, more… exciting as Dalila placed a sweet and careful kiss at the base of her throat and brought her pretty eyes up to Siren’s own gaze. Their eyes met for only a moment before Siren’s eyes closed instinctually and she leaned into Dalila’s lips. Welcoming her closer Siren wrapped her thin arms around Dalila's neck and held onto her with a desperation akin to the need for life.

She leaned into the gentle paw against her cheek and pressed into the kiss with uncertain excitement. Siren didn’t know what in the world she was doing, but all of it felt right. She wanted Dalila closer, closer than she wanted anyone ever before. She wanted to hold her tightly and never let go again. A pleased hum filtered through her pale lips as her own delicate paws moved from around Dalila’s neck to her own cheeks as she delved deeply. Nothing she felt before was like this kiss and Siren never wanted it to end.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

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The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
07-01-2021, 01:27 PM

Siren brushed away any conscious thought that might have remained in her mind as the tiny woman wrapped her arms around her neck, returning her kiss whole heartedly, making her heart leap out of her chest. Dalila had never been with anyone like this and could only follow her instincts and do what felt right in the moment, but with how Siren reacted and how blissfully perfect it seemed she felt like she was doing something right. While one paw gently held Siren's cheek, Dalila's other foreleg wrapped snuggly around Siren's waist, holding her slim, delicate form to her own while they pressed even deeper into this thrilling, experimental kiss. She loved the way that they fit together so perfectly, her smaller form fitting like a puzzle piece into hers with their chests and stomachs pressed together, making it so that she could feel how their hearts beat together so perfectly. She had loved this woman so deeply before this moment, but this just solidified Siren's place as her entire world. Everything else revolved around her princess, nothing else mattered.

Hearing that hum, feeling her tender paws hold her cheeks, made Dalila crave more. She wanted more pleased hums, more sounds of pleasure, thriving off the idea that she was making her lady feel this way and delighting her so. Her tongue carefully tasted her lips, her paw slipping down from her cheek, her claws lightly trailing along her neck and shoulder till she was able to wrap her foreleg around her and press her paw between her shoulder blades, holding her tighter as she kissed her with tender, loving passion until her aching lungs finally made her break away from their kiss with a soft gasp. She blinked open her eyes and caught Siren's gaze, a bashful grin pulling across her features. She had never imagined that this kind of happiness was even possible, but Siren gave her this and let it be possible.

Dalila's paw slipped free of Siren's waist and started tracing over the curve of her side, over her hip, exploring her lady in ways that made her heart skip and felt incredibly risqué. Every part of her was so perfect, so feminine, it didn't seem possible in her mind for someone like Siren to exist. But here she was. In her arms, allowing Dalila to love her and treat her in ways that she had never allowed herself to imagine. Dalila brushed her muzzle against Siren's and nuzzled into her cheek, breathless with the overwhelming and exciting emotions that seemed endless and all encompassing. Her paws continued to roam all across Siren's skin, her claws combing through the silky fur that she had brushed and maintained so many times before, tucking her face into Siren's neck.

She shifted them just a bit, gently rolling Siren onto her back while keeping her tucked into her chest and stomach while she laid on her side, wrapping a foreleg under Siren's shoulders and cradling her while she kissed along the side of her neck, cheek and ears again. "If you want me to stop just say so, my love..." she whispered breathlessly against Siren's ear, a grin pulling at her lips as she played with changing how she addressed her lady. Siren wasn't just her owner, she wasn't just her lady. She was the woman she loved. She held her tenderly, shielding her form the world while she poured out every bit of love that had been building in her heart, manifesting it in physical affections that danced across Siren's skin. Her paw traced every inch of skin while she nuzzled and kissed across Siren's cheek and the top of her crown, feeling her heart beat in her chest, feeling the rise and fall of her stomach with each breath. She hesitated before she allowed herself to drift lower, looking for Siren's reactions and permission, not wanting to do anything that her lady wasn't enjoying.




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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The Ooze Participant
07-02-2021, 08:04 AM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2021, 08:05 AM by Siren. Edited 2 times in total.)
Siren could scarcely breathe as she held tightly to Dalila, her heart hammered in her chest and swelled so big she squeezed the breath from her lungs. She cried with the perfect emotions that filled her and felt complete as she showed Dalila her love for her, she laid bare the vulnerable heart in her chest and she offered it wholly to the woman she was entangled with. Siren was young but she knew these feelings were different than anything else, she loved Dalila and there was no question. The feeling of Dalila’s paws all over her body ignited a frightening flame within her and caused tiny tremors over her skin wherever carefully placed claws trailed through fur.

Dalila held her tighter, placing her paw at her shoulders. Their bellies pressed together and their bodies became nearly as close as possible. Siren’s back leg wrapped around Dalila’s waist as she pulled herself ever closer and dove deep into the magic kiss she was offered. She couldn’t breath but she didn’t care as she indulged in the taste of those sweet lips and basked in the unending affection Dalila offered. Little noises of pleasure slipped past her pink lips as they kissed. She savored the gasp for air Dalila breathed as their lips were reluctantly parted. Siren’s dual toned eyes blinked open shyly as she gazed adoringly up at the woman that held her.

Her silver and sapphire eyes didn’t leave Dalila’s soft blues as she felt her pale paw slide down her body, tracing the gentle curves of her side and down her silky hips. A soft whine left her and she blinked back the sudden fire like blaze in her belly as Dalila touched places that she had always instinctively avoided before today. Her breathing came in soft gasps as she struggled to really understand what Dalila was doing to her. Siren didn’t hesitate to give herself up to the woman that loved her. Dal held her tightly and pulled them closer. Siren’s breathing hitched as she pressed her muzzle into Dalila’s soft fur in turn, dexterous paws danced over Siren’s skin trailing fire wherever she touched.

This was only the beginning, Dalila was far from through even though Siren was already struggling for breath. The girl didn’t resist as Dalila shifted her small form, revealing her pink belly as she held her against her chest. Dalila’s paws never stopped exploring, and she whispered suggestively, only hinting at what was next. ”Don’t ever stop,” Siren returned shakily, her voice breathy as she gazed up at Dalila as she gave herself to the woman. Heart, body, and soul all that she was, belonged to (and with) the woman she ‘owned.’ Dalila’s pale paw caressed her chest, lingering above her heart before sliding down the soft fur of her belly. Siren gasped softly for breath, barely holding the soft whines and whimpers that were eager to be released.

There was a deep need that originated in her belly, desire like Siren had never thought was possible to exist. She needed Dalila to touch her, to love her, and as her paw made pause on pale pink skin Siren squirmed beneath her lover. ”Please…” She begged softly, her innocence swiftly fleeting. Not even sure what she was asking for, Siren looked up into Dalila’s loving gaze pleadingly.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
07-02-2021, 05:11 PM

Dalila had never let herself indulge in something that made her so happy before. The closest she had gotten before this moment was letting herself spend a little extra time with tending to Siren's fur or taking a rare moment for herself to have a nice bath. This was so far beyond any of that. Feeling Siren pressed against her like this with the softest and most intimate parts of her exposed felt dangerous and taboo. She felt like she was experiencing things that she should never be allowed to experience. But she loved every single second of it. She loved the trust that Siren placed in her, the freedom she was given to love this perfect woman, the privilege she had to listen to every little perfect gasp and whine and shaky, breathless words. Even if it was just for a little while, she wanted Siren to feel nothing but pleasure, love, and affection from her even if that still felt like it only began to scratch the surface of thanking Siren for everything she had given her. Nothing could repay Siren for what she had done, but she hoped maybe this could be a start.

Dalila's heart skipped at the soft, pleading word that was spoken as she hesitated and kept herself from going farther, the look in Siren's stunning gaze asking her for more. She smiled softly and left a soft kiss on Siren's lips before she continued further along Siren's delicate form. "Anything you want... I'll always give you anything you desire..." she promised in a faint whisper. Nothing was too far or too much if her love wished it - even if it was something she didn't fully understand or desire for herself. If it made Siren happy, if it brought her pleasure, then she wouldn't hesitate to give it to her. She wasn't entirely sure what she was doing, she just followed what Siren seemed to like and whatever brought those delightful whines and gasps out into the quiet den.

Dalila gently wrapped her paw around the side of Siren's head and pulled her into her chest, cradling her as she tucked her head down over her lady's, letting Siren cling to her and muffle her whines and whimpers if she wished while she traced a careful paw over untouched parts of her, doing everything she could to bring Siren the release and the relief she was clearly desiring, closing her eyes with a smile as she savored how Siren trembled in her embrace and how sweet her voice sounded when she lost control of herself. It took some experimenting to find what Siren liked the most, but Dalila never rushed, she took her time with her lover and felt a joy and an accomplishment in what she was doing for her lover like she had never known. She didn't stop until Siren was satisfied and only then did Dalila pull her paw away and wrap both of her forelegs around this precious woman, holding her tight and kissing all across her delicate ears while she caught her breath. "I love you," she whispered again, never growing tired of how the words felt on her tongue.




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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The Ooze Participant
07-02-2021, 06:38 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2021, 06:48 PM by Siren. Edited 2 times in total.)
Nothing Dalila did made Siren believe that she didn’t want to continue along the path they were headed, she was eager to please in all ways, and Siren opened the doors to her fully. Her tiny little crystal heart was there for Dalila’s taking and she didn’t trust anyone as much as the woman she was giving it to. Her heart hammered against her chest as Dalila held her close, as her sweet expression searched her gaze and she begged for her to love her more. All she wanted was Dalila and in those moments together she was given her heart’s desire in return. Dalila led her down a path she hadn’t realized she wanted to follow but embraced the act as Dalila reached down and kissed her softly, reminding her that she would do absolutely anything for her.

Siren grinned and returned her kiss, deep and passionate before Dalila pulled away and tucker her carefully against her chest. Dalila surrounded her and slowly explored her body, paying careful attention as she touched and teased, drawing gasps from the tiny princess as they learned their way through. The patchwork she wolf didn’t know what she was doing but her intuitive touch was enough to draw forth as many gasps and moans as she wished. Siren lost her breath and couldn’t catch it, she pressed herself against Dalila’s chest as her body roiled and rolled at her touch. She released into downy fur, she buried her features into Dalila’s neck and grasped at her chest with pale paws. A soft whine dropped from panting lips when she couldn’t take anymore.

Dalila never let her go, she pulled her closer as Siren gasped for breath and recovered from the intensity her body reacted. A small satisfied smile played on her pretty pink lips but she felt like she couldn’t open her eyes. She felt all of Dalila’s love and affection, and that was all she would know until the morning returned them to reality. Dalila whispered those three little words again and sent Siren tingling all over. She sighed contentedly, regaining some control of her breathing even as her heart continued to beat heavily in her chest. ”I love you, too.” Siren muttered into her fur as she held onto her tightly, wanting nothing but to stay tangled together forever. Tears again welled at the corners of her eyes as she experienced emotions so powerful they spilled onto her cheeks.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
07-02-2021, 07:34 PM

Dalila wondered if she would ever get used to hearing Siren say that she loved her. Every time felt like the first and it made her heart skip every time the words left her lady's pale lips. He held Siren close while she caught her breath and allowed her to just enjoy all the sensations and emotions that came with it, her paws gently rubbing along Siren's back while she gazed down at her lovingly. She saw the emotional tears that gathered in her lady's pale gaze, the low light in the den catching on them and making even her tears beautiful. "My sweet lady... My princess..." she whispered with a smile on her lips as she dipped her muzzle to gently kiss her tears away, curling a paw protectively around her as she drew Siren into her chest once more. She curled herself around her, protecting her from this harsh world that was far too cruel for a woman as wonderful and kind as her Siren.

As she snuggled with her lady, basking in this newly proclaimed love, it was difficult to not think about what might come in the morning. How would things look in the light of day? Would Siren come to her senses and realize she had done something foolish in the heat of her emotions? The thought made her hold Siren a little tighter, burying her face in Siren's soft fur as she savored every second of being with her like this as if it might be the last she ever had. As far as she knew it might very well be. She felt like she had to breathe in every single second of this moment, committing every single sensation and emotion to memory. Even if this was the last time she ever got to lay with Siren like this, she would always have the memories of the first time she felt truly loved by the only wolf that mattered.

She gently stroked the back of Siren's neck, combing her claws through her fur, while she started softly humming a lullaby, one she hadn't sung in what felt like a life time. It was a song her mother had sung for her when she was a pup and one she had ended up singing to some of the other orphaned pups of slaves that lived with them. She hadn't thought of it in a long time, but as they laid here quietly together it came to her and it felt right as she held the woman she loved and tried to soothe and calm her so that she could get some rest after this long, tiring day. It was hard to believe that just this morning they had left together to purchase a slave. She never in a million years would have thought that it would end in her holding the woman she loved after getting to shower her in pleasure and affection, humming a gentle tune to her while they continued to ignore the world outside.




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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The Ooze Participant
07-03-2021, 05:15 PM
Siren wasn’t sure she would ever get used to these intense feelings Dalila created in her, more than the physical was the emotional connection. The tiny princess gave the slave her heart, wholy no conditions attached, she loved her. Dalila held her tight, safe, sound, and warded against anything outside that threatened this perfect moment together. The young Klein breathed in the subtle perfume that lingered on the fur she nuzzled into. Her skin remained sensitive and her heartbeat fast, but she easily settled against Dalila and relaxed fully against her patchwork form. She could feel the woman shift and she looked up as the tears swelled, their gazes met and Siren was flooded with emotion yet again. Like intense waves of love every moment felt like there was more of it between them. Dalila reached down and kissed her tears away, much like she chased the silly sorrows she let herself get carried away in.

”Dalila,” she breathed in return. Siren wasn’t even certain of why she felt herself crying. A culmination of the length of day and how emotionally drained she was. There wasn’t anything to compare what she just shared with Dalila but she could feel herself at the end of her energy. Sleep called her. Siren snuggled closer to Dalila as she held her tight, a silent promise she wasn’t going anywhere. There was a vow said between them but everything went so much deeper than just a word to go on.

Dalila stroked her long fur loving, much like she had done so many times before but its meaning had changed. Siren was soothed not only by the gentle rhythmic affection but the soft hum that fell from dark lips. There weren’t any words but the tune lulled her further into a dual embrace of sleep. Siren uttered a heavy sigh, her body devoid of tension or stress as she lay snug against Dalila’s chest, fit perfectly against her body and surrounded by the woman who loved her. ”Good night.” She whispered quietly, her voice soft and tired as she tried not to interrupt the beautiful song Dalila hummed for her. But Siren’s exhaustion caught up with her, the day took its toll. ”I love you.” She said again, uncertain she would ever tire of reminding her however risky the practice may be. Siren shifted slightly to steal a kiss for the night before burying her features in Dalila’s neck. Sleep would swiftly claim her and usher her into the best sleep of her short life.
