
Our slice of heaven

Eska <3



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
07-02-2021, 06:38 PM
In the little bit of free time he had in the days that followed his commitment to Eska, after they told his children and she started living with him, he started scoping out areas of the castle that he might want to claim for him and his new partner. He was sure that she would insist that the room he currently occupied was more than sufficient, but it was purely just a room. It was empty other than the large bed in the middle of the space with his armor and other belongings strewn about because there was no where to store them. It was utilitarian and the only redeeming feature was the moderately good view he had from a window on one side of the room. It was functional, but he felt like Eska deserved better. She deserved the world, but a nice place to sleep and live with him was the least he could do. His children were old enough now that they needed their own privacy as well without their father sleeping on the same hall as them - and now that Eska was going to be a permanent fixture in his life he figured they would want their privacy as well.

He was careful to keep his preparations secret no matter how difficult it was to keep them hidden. He supposed he probably should have discussed what Eska would want out of their new bedroom, but the thought of surprising her with it and treating her to something special felt like too much fun to pass up. He picked a room in an isolated portion of the castle down a short hallway that branched off of the same landing that would lead to his children's rooms. He wanted privacy, but not to be cut off from them entirely. If they needed anything he would just be around the corner. The room was spacious with a large, king sized bed as the main feature of the room. He spent time picking out a whole selection of soft furs that he piled over the mattress and made a pile of soft pillows from fabric they had scavenged from around the castle and filled them with alpaca wool. The frame of the bed had a canopy above it and he replaced the sheer fabric that hung from the frame above, the panels of fabric swaying and blowing gently in the breeze that came from two opened windows and a set of doors. A pair of doors led out to a small balcony that faced the ocean. A fireplace took over the wall across from their new bed while the one remaining wall held a large wardrobe that could hold their armor and other belongings out of sight.

Once he felt like the preparations were finally done, he had dinner with Eska on the balcony where they had first shared some wine together, the spot becoming a frequent resting spot for them at the end of the day. When they were done with their food he leaned over and nuzzled her ear with a little grin, barely able to hide his excitement. "I have a surprise for you, my love," he rumbled quietly, sneaking a kiss from her lips before he got to his paws, waiting for her to join him before he started leading her down the short corridor to what he hoped would be their real home together. Giving her a curious glance he pushed the door open and stepped back for her to walk in first, waiting anxiously to see her reaction. "What do you think? Be honest. We can change anything you don't like, I promise I won't be offended."

Ulric Adravendi



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-03-2021, 08:44 PM

Having dinner together and resting on the balcony was becoming a regular occurrence for the newly devoted pair. It was what Eska looked forward to at the end of each long day. She worked hard so that she could feel good about spending her evenings at her leisure, losing herself in the man that she had come to love. The man that she believed loved her as well. Initially there had been doubts simply due to his past, his hardships and the number of surprises that he'd sprung on her, but now there were no doubts. Eska trusted Ulric whole heartedly.

As the pair of them finished their dinner and were laying together, Eska curled against the larger wolf's side, Ulric nuzzled into her ear and spoke. Drawing back a bit, Eska raised a curious obsidian brow. "A surprise? What are you up to?" The woman's golden gaze narrowed, but she was terribly intrigued by this surprise. What on earth could it be?

After the stolen kiss, Eska rose and moved along beside Ulric, their sides brushing down the entire hall. When he pushed open the door to a room that she'd never been in and motioned for her to go inside, the silvered woman searched his face first, curiosity sparkling in the citrine pools before she moved forward. Entering the room, Eska was taken aback by it. The four poster bed was massive and was mounded with furs. The canopy overhead was a very nice touch. The woman moved forward, raising one paw to stroke one of the wooden posts before moving towards the doors that would lead out onto a private balcony. Like 'their' balcony, this one gave a view of the ocean that they both enjoyed. Back inside, she inspected the wardrobe and admired the fireplace across from the massive bed.

Ulrics words as he told her that they could change anything that she wanted were silenced with a kiss. With one paw, she cupped his cheek and gently led him into the room. With the other, she shut the door behind him. "It's perfect," she whispered between kisses. "You're perfect." Again and again she kissed him and with each kiss, she led him closer to the bed. Leaving him at the side, she jumped up onto it, sinking into the plush comfort with a sound of appreciation. Eska's golden eyes glittered darkly as she extended a paw to him. "Come here and let me thank you." They needed to break this new bed in, right?

"Eska Datura Timber"



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
07-03-2021, 11:11 PM
Ulric stood in the doorway and watched Eska as she moved through the room, examining the bed, the balcony, the wardrobe, the fireplace... a smile lingering on his features as he leaned into the door frame and just appreciated her. He had been a little nervous to show her what he had been working on, but now that she was here and taking everything in he just kept imagining seeing her here at the beginning and end of every day, waking up with her in this bed, sitting on the balcony with her at night. Just spending his life with her. Of course he loved the physical aspects of their relationship now that it was frequently a part of their routine now as well, but he just loved her on her own. Everything that she was. He was happy just seeing her exist in the world. He took in how the moonlight filtering in through the windows and open doors played so beautifully on her silver markings, he enjoyed the subtle feminine curve of her body, the subtle ripple of muscle that moved under her plush coat. Gods, he didn't know it was possible to be this hopelessly in love with one wolf, but Eska made it possible.

Before he could even finish telling her how they could change anything to fit her desires, she walked up to him and silenced him with a kiss, making him hum with surprise and delight. He gave her his signature lop sided grin as she led him into the room, his silver gaze entranced in the golden pools of her eyes as she brought him in and closed the door behind him. He returned each kiss he was given, more than eager to enjoy each and every one. He was glad to hear that she liked their new room and gave her a silly grin and chuckled when she insisted that he was perfect as well. He felt very far from perfect, but he tried to do his best for her. She deserved nothing less. "You're the one that's perfect," he whispered in return between their kisses, each kiss pulling him toward their new bed and flaring more of that never ending desire he held for her to life. It didn't take much more than a glance from her to get him to want her so this enticing trail of kisses practically had him desperate for her by the time they reached the edge of the bed.

When she hopped into the bed he grinned as he watched her settle into the pile of furs and pillows, taking his breath away as he just stood there for a moment taking in the sight of his gorgeous partner laid across their bed, the sheer panels of fabric swaying in and out of the corners of his vision, her citrine gaze holding the most enticing glance that sent a shiver of lust through him. He chuckled at her invitation, a low rumbling sound in his chest, as he replied, "You don't have to tell me twice, beautiful." He hoisted himself up onto the bed beside her, settling into the furs with her and wrapping a strong foreleg around her waist, pulling her tight to him with another grin, leaning his head down to press a passionate kiss to her lips. "I love you," he whispered against her lips between kisses, his paws tracing her sides and hips, his claws dancing over her skin.

Ulric Adravendi



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-10-2021, 04:41 PM

Ulric joined her on the bed without much prompting and instantly their paws were all over one another. The silvered woman wrapped her forelegs around his neck and his own paws began to drift over her sides, eliciting little groans and growls from the fae in between their kisses. Seasons ago, she never would have imagined that this would be her life. Never would she have thought that an alpha of all wolves would find her attractive or good enough to take to mate.

As Ulric whispered against her lips, telling her that he loved her, Eska's bluish lips pulled back in a grin. "I can tell," she answered playfully, her claws pulling through the thicker fur at the back of the man's neck. Her tongue dipped into his maw once their lips were touching again. She loved the taste of him; knowing that he belonged to her and she to him. They were the only ones who would ever get to sample one another's taste and touch for the rest of their lives. That was a heady drug in itself.

Some time later, after she needed to come up for air, Eska returned the sentiment. "I love you as well, you handsome, perfect man." Eska slid her cheek along that of her man and began to pull her teeth through the fur of his throat. With teeth, tongue, lips and paws, she worked her way down his body much as he had done to her once before. She was careful to massage his muscles as she went. He was a hard working wolf, after all.

Gently, Eska nudged him so that he repositioned onto his back, his shoulders propped on the pillows that he had crafted for them. Positioned on her belly between his legs, Eska kept his tail pinned lightly under her chest. Her own tail rose into the air and swished lazily back and forth like a pleased kitten. "Let me show you how much."The woman's golden eyes were filled with molten lust and she kept that eye contact as she tasted him for the first time. Throughout the whole session, she did her best to watch him, her lust soaring higher and higher with each happy expression that crossed his scarred face.

--Fade because--




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
07-12-2021, 02:46 PM
Eska had this habit of making him feel like the only brute in the world with the way she looked at him, the way her claws combed through his fur, the feeling of his lips on hers and the taste of her mouth as their tongues met... He loved every single second of it. It was everything he could have ever wanted or dreamed for and Eska made it a reality. He chuckled at her playful comment about being able to tell that he loved her and really that's all he could hope for - that there was no question in her mind of how much he adored the woman he currently held in his arms. Her lips pressed firmly and eagerly to hers again one of his paws moving up from her side to hold the back of her head while his other wrapped tighter around her waist to pull her body to his, kissing her with a passion that spread fire and desire all across his skin.

He gasped softly as their lips parted, blinking open his eyes to look down at this gorgeous woman that he had the absolute honor of calling his own, grinning as she returned the 'I love you' he had given her before. He hummed happily as her cheek brushed against his, leaning into her touch until her teeth began to tease his throat and comb though his fur, making that contented hum turn into a low rumble of desire. She made the breath catch in his chest as she started working her way down his body, mimicking what he had done to her their first time together out in the plains. He watched her as she moved, absolutely enraptured with the sultry look in her golden eyes and the way she moved with such grace and confidence, taking charge as she nudged him onto his back. He willingly did as she commanded and laid back for her, reclining into the pillows with a lopsided grin on his features, looking at his lover with awe and lust driven fascination as she settled herself between his hind legs, creating what might be the sexiest sight he had ever had the pleasure of witnessing. She instantly took her breath away and stunned him with the things she did for him from the very first touch, watching her work with his paw finding the back of her head once again, his claws gently scratching at the top of her neck as she pulled gasps and rumbling groans from him.

-- fade because things and reasons --

He absolutely savored every single second of this treat that Eska gave him, but the more pleasure he received the more he wanted every part of Eska in return. Before she could finish her work on him, he sat up, catching her cheek in his paw and pulling her off of him before rolling a bit to get his paws under him. He hooked a strong foreleg around her, pulling her back up the bed beside where he had been laying. She wasn't a small, dainty thing by any means, but she certainly wasn't anything he couldn't handle. He loved every part of her, every curve, every soft wave of fur. She was truly a woman and his woman at that. He kept her on her stomach, pulling her under him with a soft rumble of a growl, nuzzling and nibbling along the side of her neck while his foreleg hooked around her hips and pulled her up into him.

Ulric lost himself in this incredible pleasure and lust that Eska provided for him, catching her dark skin lightly between his teeth as he followed the curve of her neck and shoulder with his muzzle, pinning her into the furs and pillows under him as he throughly enjoyed this woman that had captured his heart and that he gave all of himself to willingly. As he sank into her and made them one a low groan pulled from him that shifted into another deep growl. He caught her scruff between his teeth and held her waist tight in his grip, bringing her along with him on these unbelievable waves of pleasure and lust as they made this new home their own.

-- more fade because more reasons --

Ulric Adravendi



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-31-2021, 12:36 AM

It seemed that she would be denied her reward. She wasn't unsatisfied, however. Hearing the sounds that she had pulled from Ulric and seeing the expressions cross his face had made the woman more than ready for what she knew was coming next. Passion flared between the man and woman and they were engulfed by it. Just as he hadn't held back his responses to her attentions, she wouldn't hold hers back from his. Ulric manhandled her and she went along, enjoying that he could toss her around if he wanted to. She'd never been with a brute so big and she was glad that he was her first.

Pressing her down into the bed, the russet man nuzzled into the side of her neck. Eska grinned when she felt his teeth hold onto her flesh. This. This was what she wanted. Sweet lovemaking was fine here and there, but what woman didn't want to be straight up fucked? Pounded?

A wide paw hooked her hip and Eska raised her tail, lifting those hips to help put herself into the perfect position. Her body thrummed with every single touch and by the time he sank home, her growl of pleasure was accompanying his. Ulric held more tightly to her neck and Eska pressed her flesh against his teeth. She liked a bit of pain with her pleasure. She enjoyed rough sex. So as the man above her held her captive in more than one way, she let herself go. There were no inhibitions. There was nothing but pure, unadulterated lust, passion, love...Eska. She gave every bit of herself to him in that moment.

-Fade and things-
