
Little boys are made of ick and sick



Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (175)

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual1KValentines 2020
07-05-2021, 01:30 PM
The turning of the summer was admittedly giving Mojito a little anxiety... The past winter had been so harsh and they'd hardly even begun to recover from it and already the season would turn cold again, though the moisture in the air was significantly notable a potential boon for his still fresh garden, hopefully, they'd be allowed to grow still slightly, though he knew this season would likely kill some of the more fragile plants he'd managed to actually seed. This was all stirring at the back of his mind as he gathered up some of his plants, Hoa watching over his shoulder. Mojito was glad at least that he'd managed to get some Boneset before the cool had moved in, even some marshmallow, both plants he bundled up lightly in some broad flat leaves and handed his bundle to his companion who accepted it carefully.

Word had reached him that a certain young boy had managed to catch himself a cold and Mojito was called into action. Regardless of Naiche's opinion Mojito still thought of Arcturus as his son in a way. That did technically make this a conflict of interest, but Mojito hoped he might be able to also turn this into a teachable moment, for both his children. For his son obviously a lesson in taking care of himself but for his daughter, for dear Tira... Well, the girl had expressed some amount of interest in learning healing as well as combat and it warmed his heart to think he might get to teach her the things he'd been forced to learn by himself.

So with his sheep companion behind him, the man headed off towards the den his little family was settled in. He kept his nose up and checked for Naiche's scent as he approached, while he was slowly becoming a bit more ballsy about his visits to the den of his own literal child he had no desire to actively step on the yellow man's toes, if he was spending quality time with his son then Mojito could wait. But luckily it seemed he would not be intruding this time. The man would give a friendly bark to let the pups know he was there for them and then settled in to wait for his children to appear.

WC: 384 (384/1500)



[Image: Gdfwv08.png]
Mo's daughter Satira is free to cash his threads as she sees fit.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.


"Do not underestimate the power of the floppy ears!"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

5 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
07-07-2021, 03:26 PM
Satira sat on the far edge of the den away from her sneezing and sniffling brother who looked positively green around the gills. She'd warned him numerous times that splashing around in mud and rain was going to get him sick, and now look at him! Her noose scrunched up in disgust while she tried her best to keep him quarantined away from her; she didn't want to catch whatever he'd gotten. Although she thought it served him right for his cavalier attitude towards cleanliness and hygiene, she couldn't help but feel a little bad for the boy. He clearly was hiding how under the weather he felt, and even worse, she felt useless to help him. She'd told her father that she wanted to be a healer like him, but so far she had no knowledge on the subject. All she could offer her brother was a very apprehensive head pat whenever he sneezed.

She had known their mother had sent for Mojito once Arc began to show symptoms of being unwell, and almost immediately, she heard the greeting bark of her father at entrance. Tira's baby blue eyes brightened with excitement and she scampered for the door, a huge smile on her face. "Daddy!" Satira cheered as she bounded out to the canine, mostly ignoring the squishy mud from all the rain they'd been having as she ran into his chest with an affectionate nuzzle. "Are you here to see Arc, Dad? He's all snotty and gross right now and I hate it." She turned to nudge her father's shoulder, trying to usher and lead him into the den. Arc didn't need to be coming outside in the muggy weather when he was like this.

WC: 287
Total: 671 / 1500

"Satira Fatalis"



Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
07-09-2021, 06:50 PM
Arcturus hated being sick. It was his first time with a cold, but he could already tell it was his positively least favorite thing. Not only could he not stop sniffling and shivering, but he was forced to stay in the den all day and Tira wouldn't even come near him so he had to be alone in a separate little alcove from everyone else. He was wrapped up in a pile of furs with just his face sticking out, looking like a ridiculous, miserable burrito in his bed. A tickle bothered and hurt his nose, making him wind up this huge sneeze until it finally came and made him flail and kick up the fur blanket a bit, disheveling his burrito with an annoyed groan.

He burrowed in deeper and completely hid himself away in his little fortress with a huff. He wanted to whine for Tira to at least come sit by him even if she wouldn't snuggle, but he was also mad because he didn't want to admit she was right about her warnings whenever he wanted to go play in the rain and the mud puddles. It was too much fun - how could something so fun make him feel like this? It just didn't make sense. Surely she had to be wrong! He didn't want to give up his play time and it had been raining so much that it was pretty much always wet when he went out to play now.

Arcturus sniffled again just as he heard a muffled bark reach him from outside his budding mountain, soon followed by the sound of Tira rushing outside, her higher pitched voice greeting her father. Well, at least Mo was here now so maybe he'd make him feel better. He wriggled his way back to the top of the pile of furs, sticking his face back out into the cooler air just as his sister left his step-dad of sorts into the den to come look at him. "Hi, Mo," he mumbled, his voice showing how super stuffy and congested he was. He sniffled again with a frown as he looked up at Mo while he tried to fight off another sneeze. "Can you make me better?" he questioned, his blue eyes looking up at the pale, horned man. "I wanna go play!"

WC: 388
Total: 1059/1500

"Arcturus Fatalis"



Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (175)

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual1KValentines 2020
07-15-2021, 04:23 PM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2021, 04:25 PM by Mojito. Edited 1 time in total.)
Nothing could quite make the young father's day like the joyful calling of his daughter. He couldn't help but feel a little guilty that he wasn't around as much as Naiche but Satira's cheerful greeting, the yelling of his title made him fall for her all over again. Not that he needed it, Mojito had been enamoured with his daughter from the moment he'd seen her, the same was also true for her brother... they were Asla's children and no matter his complex feelings about the woman that made them special in his eyes. Almost the moment her voice reached him and his light blue alighted on her tiny form the man dropped down lower, tucking his head over her as she pressed into his chest. He gave the top of her head a few quick affectionate licks and then allowed himself to be herded towards the den, chuckling and nodding. "Yes, your mother wanted me to check to make sure it wasn't anything more than a cold and do what I could to help your poor suffering brother." He gave his daughter a wink before ducking to enter the den and spotted the patient in question.

Arcturus certainly seemed to be a little rougher for wear, his voice muted in that way that spoke of a stuffed up nose and the scent of sweaty fur was heavy in the air of the den. Mojito approached him with no hesitation, one flicking ear indicating to his companion to bring forward the herbs he'd prepared. It was a little cramped with Hoa in the den so as soon as the sheep was done delivering his precious package he'd retreat to wait for Mojito outside. "I'm here to help." Mojito said steadily. "The only thing that's going to make you feel totally better is rest though." He extended his muzzle to push his nose gently at the boy's forehead, not too hot, no fever at least so it was likely just a cold. "Your mom says you've been coughing and sneezing and complaining of being cold." Mojito's tone was a mixture of the sort of soft lilting adults adopted when speaking to children with a mixture of business, much as he wanted to coddle the boy and be the overbearing father in medicine he knew he had to take this seriously. He glanced back to encourage his daughter to approach a bit, swishing his tail so it could curl around her if she hovered nearby. "Anything else? Are you in any pain? I'm pretty sure you've just got a cold," Mojito grabbed the bundle of herbs, separating the two small piles of plants with his paws as he spoke, his tone becoming a bit more educational his words clearly aimed at both children, "they can happen whenever we're not being careful about taking care of ourselves. That includes letting ourselves get too dirty or overworking our bodies. That being said, unfun as they may be, they are pretty easy to treat. Sleep and rest." That last bit was a bit pointed, though he was loath to tell the boy he couldn't play, he didn't want to risk him overexerting himself and having his cold turn into something worse.

WC: 536 (1500/1500 woo!)



[Image: Gdfwv08.png]
Mo's daughter Satira is free to cash his threads as she sees fit.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.


"Do not underestimate the power of the floppy ears!"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

5 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
07-16-2021, 06:25 PM
He might not have been around as much as she would have liked, but Mojito's visits to see them had never been diminished because of that. If anything, that made them even more special! Satira loved her father, and although Naiche was the more present fixture in her life, he wasn't her father—he would never be in her eyes. Tira gave a happy whine when Mojito wrapped her tiny form up in his loving embrace and covered her head in loving licks, the little princess basking in the adoration her father gave her. She wished he could stay, and had wanted to tell him as such on many occasions, but she also didn't want to make him feel bad for not being able to. He was doing his best for her, and nothing could ever shatter the hero worship she had for him and Asla. Her parents were simply the greatest; there was no two ways about it.

Satira gleefully led her doctor father into the den just as Arcturus was starting to wander out of his little quarantine room. Tira scowled and huffed; of course he wouldn't listen to instructions and stay in bed like he was supposed to! Her brother had to make everything so difficult! She cringed a little when Arc spoke, his voice sounding like death warmed over, and slunk back to hang along Mojito's side to put some space between her and her sick brother. It wasn't that she didn't love Arc—quite the contrary, in fact—but she desperately did not want to catch what he had! While Mojito worked, Satira stayed alongside him, studying him, watching what he did and listened to what he said. He was so smart when it came to medical things. She wanted to be just as smart as him one day, so she needed to pay attention to the practical lessons when she could.

Mojito ran through some symptoms with Arc, and the boy confirmed them. She watched her father check Arc's forehead, then began to sort out some herbs he'd brought with him. Ever curious, Satira took his invitation and came closer, letting her father's tail wrap around her like a warm, fuzzy snake. She watched with wide, fascinated eyes while he divided up the medicine and told them how colds worked, how they were caught, and how to treat and prevent them. She couldn't resist shooting Arc a little smug smirk when he mentioned that getting too dirty or overworked led to getting sick, like a "Haha, I told you!" look. Maybe now the filthy boy would grumble less about taking baths and grooming his fuzzy, messy hair. "What plants are those, Daddy? What do they do?" she asked, pointing with a tiny paw at the herbs. "Is Arc contagious? Is he gonna die? Can I get sick from him too?"

As she asked the last question, she peered over at her sniffling brother. They hadn't gotten to cuddle and she'd been afraid to be near him to care for him in case she got sick too. Maybe after he took his medicine, that could change. She wanted to help her poor suffering brother.

"Satira Fatalis"