
Everyone Thinks That We're Perfect




Master Hunter (255)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Pride - BisexualAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2HomebodyIce Bridge Explorer
ExplorerMammoth HunterWordy1K
07-08-2021, 07:29 PM
Location: Weeping Woods

She couldn't help but feel anxious from the move, she wasn't used to so much change and she had become really comfortable inside the castle. But she wanted want Indigo wanted, and she couldn't disagree that traveling around the world sounded fun and adventurous. She was actually really confident with Indigo's cause and their trade through the band. But there was always that fear of being out in the open and unprotected too.

It also didn't help that they were wandering around The Armada. It brought back a lot of her initial fears that she hadn't spoke with anyone about. She had an opportunity with Segin, but she chose not to talk about it. She would have rather the thoughts be forgotten, as impossible as that was.

So her tense emotions were probably easily read, especially by Indigo. And she may have come off as a little standoffish and not herself recently. She walked silently beside Indigo, her gaze floated down at the ground, not noticing the weeping trees they were coming up on. And her expression more stale as it had seemed to be for a while.


Duchess is an !M rated! character for themes of Depression. Please Discord me if you have concerns.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

07-09-2021, 08:47 AM
Indigo was swift to notice how off Duchess seemed since they left the castle. He knew the change was hard on all of them but he was very much worried about the sweet woman. The band leader gave her as much space as she needed and waited for her to come to him. He hoped that she felt like she could come to him with any of her problems. He felt the change of the band as they set off on their own, the feeling of vulnerability was much more intense but it was just another feeling to get used to. They were free out here, there were no walls to hold them in nor keep them safe. All they had was their own ability and that put Indigo on high alert.

He led them towards the Armada, a place where he would always feel safe but maybe not quite at home anymore. His massive form walked alongside Duchess as they scouted the next camp. He knew they would likely linger around the Armada for a long while, at least until winter returned to them. They had the whole of the Autumn season to search and gather up here in Boreas but once the cold returned and killed the vegetation the Band would make their return to Auster.

Duch was quiet, as she had been since they left the castle, she didn’t even seem to see the glorious trees around them. He’d never seen the Willows turn as beautiful as these. Brilliant golds, reds, and yellows colored the weeping limbs. ”They’re quite beautiful,” Indigo commented softly as he averted his gaze from the incredible trees and reached down to nuzzle Duch’s vibrant cheek. He didn’t know the cause of her shift in attitude but he was patient with her. She could tell him when she wanted to, for now he’d try to bring her attention to the brilliance around them. Something he always did when they were together.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (255)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Pride - BisexualAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2HomebodyIce Bridge Explorer
ExplorerMammoth HunterWordy1K
07-11-2021, 07:33 PM
Duchess had still not noticed the weeping trees as they came into the forest, her gaze down on the ground in front of her. Indigo's voice had broke her from the blankness that surrounded her mind as she continued on in step next to him. Her eyes paused on him a moment before looking up at the changing willows above them, finding a gentle smile on her features while she admired what Indigo showed her and what she had ignored. "They are..." She trailed as her eyes definitely showed more shine to them then they had since they left The Hallows.

She took a seat and leaned into him, her eyes closing for the second he nuzzled at her cheek. Her eyes stayed up in the vines of the willows for a good moment, the changing colors of autumn above them. She then looked down at the small stream of water that flowed just in front of them. There were a few different streams that ran under the roots of the trees, but they happened to stop in front of one of them. She placed her paw gently on the surface, "It's warm." She looked up to Indigo with a smile. She had never been to Boreas other than when they came up to Ashen for the wedding. So when she was actually paying attention, she hadn't at all during their move, she was really fascinated and enjoyed her new surroundings to observe.


Duchess is an !M rated! character for themes of Depression. Please Discord me if you have concerns.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

07-12-2021, 05:46 PM
Duchess took a long moment to lift her eyes from the ground to look around at the beauty within the branches. Indigo slowed and watched her as her sad features lifted, but he could see a sparkle in her eye that had dulled as they left the castle. The both of them stopped and Duchess leaned into his massive shoulder as he took a seat beside her. The rain would start again soon, but for the moment they were blessed with intermittent sun spots lighting the vibrant trees on fire. Those same bright colors were reflected on the little streams that ran between the roots. This place was easily called beautiful but the fall colors enhanced the ambiance.

It was good to see Duch appreciate everything around her after withdrawing into herself. Indigo tried to give her space and time, but he was beginning to feel concern and worry over her. The pair of them had seen ups and downs, and Indigo hated to see her reduced to this. He wanted to see her smile. Her attention was drawn to the water after he nuzzled her and he watched as her delicate paw caressed the surface. She grinned up at him as she mentioned the temperature. The land was beginning to get cold once more, but Indigo wanted to remain in Boreas until winter to make what Autumn harvests he could before everything died.

He was glad to get a smile, even more glad to distract her mind from her troubles. From the moment they met he knew Duchess had her own demons to fight with, and throughout their relationship they cropped up and he was reminded of how broken she was along with all of them. ”How do you like Boreas?” He asked her with a sly grin as he tried to avoid directly addressing what he clearly saw her suffering through.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (255)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Pride - BisexualAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2HomebodyIce Bridge Explorer
ExplorerMammoth HunterWordy1K
07-13-2021, 06:57 PM
She wasn't quite sure how to answer his question. She knew it was easy for Indigo to worry and with her being so off putting lately she didn't want to say something wrong or make him worry more. "It's... different." It was, the weather was, the lands. She had seen many things she never had from Auster. And she was thankful to have the opportunity to see such things and travel the world with Indigo and the others. Though deep down she wished it was just Indigo, she kept that part hidden well even to herself.

Her head gently rolled on his shoulder before she stood and took a step forward in the same single motion. She didn't look back at him for a while but searched for his presence without seeking him out physically while she slowly walked forward. She was careful to avoid the small streams of water in their path even though they were comfortably warm.

She nearly stayed silent for a quite a few steps before she stopped and finally turned her entire body to face Indigo. Her neck craned slightly to look up at his features as his own looked down at hers. She didn't say anything still for a few more seconds as she searched his face with little to no emotion. But she pulled an obvious deep breath like something had been lifted off her shoulders. Getting this alone time with Indigo had finally settled in her mind as an invisible weight fell off of her. She didn't speak how she felt, though her body may have been clearly read at least by Indigo that she was much more relaxed than she was only seconds ago. She moved forward to kiss him very soon after her body changed physically. Pushing him a little more harder and quicker than they usually did, but only in kisses rather than moving into the next steps.


Duchess is an !M rated! character for themes of Depression. Please Discord me if you have concerns.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

07-14-2021, 05:15 PM
Indigo’s sapphire blue eyes watched her mottled features as she looked up at him with a very vague answer to his question. He tilted his head curiously, she mentioned it being different and he couldn’t disagree. Even he hadn’t seen everything that Boreas had to offer, but if she lived in Auster her entire life it wouldn’t take long to see the easy comparisons. Duchess grew quiet and Indy didn’t interrupt the quiet even as she nuzzled him briefly and took a step away from him. Indigo was fully aware she was struggling within, but he was powerless to help or do anything but what he was now. Offering his shoulder and giving her his time.

The massive maned man took a step to followed after her, realizing she wasn’t eager to talk. She didn’t give him a question in return, barely offered an answer, and seemed obviously sad. He lowered his head, massive black paws tracing her steps slowly. Duch stopped suddenly and she turned back around to face him ,Indigo expected her to speak, but as she gazed up into his features there were no words to hear.

She took in and released a heavy breath, obviously relaxing into her paws as she stood before him. Indigo tilted his head slightly but she leaned forward and pressed her lips against his own. He could feel how needy she was, like they hadn’t been affectionate in weeks when they’d only snuggled the night before. Indigo lifted a dark paw to her cheek and dove into her affection, returning the passion she offered him. Bright blue eyes closed as he leaned into her and welcomed this sudden show of tenderness.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (255)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Pride - BisexualAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2HomebodyIce Bridge Explorer
ExplorerMammoth HunterWordy1K
07-16-2021, 08:28 AM
Indigo fell into the affections easily, and Duchess couldn't help but feel like maybe he felt he had to do it, or he was feeling sorry for the way she had been acting lately. It may not have been true, but it was how she felt. She was definitely more insecure than she was comfortable with, and Indigo probably felt the same way. It seemed they moved passed the physical trauma, but there was always something behind each step they overcame, and she felt like she would never truly be better.

She moved into him fiercely, stepping backwards and tempting him to follow her next to the trunk of one of the willow trees, like they were hiding but it didn't really serve it's purpose. She gently hopped up to put her paws along his shoulders as she continued, it was never hard to know what she wanted when she was like this. "Please," She begged quietly, her breath catching from the kisses while her eyes looked longful and lustful up at his. She willingly put herself under him, but was completely at his mercy for whatever he wanted to do with her. She was as much a pleaser as he was.


She clung to him in the aftermath, she had grown silent in the ways she felt afterwards, because she always felt this way, it never changed. She had just grown used to the feeling, and didn't want to plague Indigo with anymore things to fix. She was still in her less than happy mood, at least physically. Her eyes were down at the fur of his chest as she carefully brushed through it with her claws. Embraced by him, it was a normal feeling.

She finally looked back up at him, resting her cheek and taking a few seconds before speaking, "Indigo..." She paused, a little uneasy with what was on her mind, "I think... I want babies." She took a deep breath like it was hard to get out. It was, because she wasn't really doing it for the right reason but she wouldn't have confessed to that. She hadn't forgotten about the Armada girl, but it seemed a lot more distant now. Though the feeling of being so close to the pack now had her on edge. She didn't think too hard about it but it was festering down in there somewhere. Just like how she wasn't okay with sharing Indigo. And it lead her to thinking that if she had his children, maybe she would keep her place as the most important to him. Everything that she wouldn't say, and she would easily lie about how she felt.


Duchess is an !M rated! character for themes of Depression. Please Discord me if you have concerns.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

07-16-2021, 05:49 PM
Duchess never had to feel like Indigo was forcing himself to be intimate with her. He was here for her, whatever she needed. Indy really didn’t know what was bothering her beneath the surface, but as their lips met she relaxed further against him and melted beneath his touch. She silently bid him to follow her beneath the fiery branches of the willows trees. There wasn’t a great amount of privacy but there wasn’t anyone around either. She grew more needy as she lifted herself to her back legs and wrapped her arms around his neck, diving deeper into their kisses and begging him softly for more. The sound of her breathy voice on his ear urged him forward with a pleased rumble deep in his chest.

Indigo wrapped one massive paw around her shoulders and carefully lay her down on her back. Indy pressed his chest against hers, lowering his huge form over her, kissing her lips and nibbling along her jaw as he did so. Duch was submissive in every way, eager for his adoration in whatever form he deemed fit. She was desperate for him, and he took full advantage, tasting and teasing before fully indulging in her.


Indigo gasped for breath as he held her to his chest. Duchess clung to him like he was a liferaft, her tiny toes furrowing in the thick fur of his mane as electricity danced between their bodies. He relaxed into the grass beneath the tree as he gazed down at Duchess’s sweet features. She looked preoccupied, like they hadn’t just been together. He held her like that for a long moment, leaning forward to gently groom her dark ear before her dual toned eyes upturned towards him and his name was on her lips. ”Duchess…” He prompted as she seemed to steel her nerves. He pulled back slightly so he could catch her gaze, what he hadn’t expected was her next statement.

He’d told her about his hesitation in becoming a father, Indigo could have listed a million excuses as to why they should wait. ”I do too,” he started his confession softly, realizing he couldn’t and wouldn’t outright rebuke her statement. He wanted to be a dad, but he knew he wasn’t ready for that step in his life. Nor was he certain who the mother of those children should be. Duchess? Emersyn? Would they both desire to carry his offspring? ”The band isn’t ready for puppies yet though.” He told her as he squeezed her lightly and nuzzled against her cheek softly. They were not yet through their infancy, they were barely set off from the pack. They needed more time to prepare and establish themselves.

Deep down though, he felt a warm feeling knowing Duchess wanted to be the mother of his children.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (255)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Pride - BisexualAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2HomebodyIce Bridge Explorer
ExplorerMammoth HunterWordy1K
07-16-2021, 07:15 PM
She felt her heart flutter a little when he agreed, but when he continued about the band not being ready, her eyes diverted from his own and back to his chest as she started to fidget through his mane yet again. It was easy to be distracted like this, feeling like she wasn't detached from him as she was touching him and pulling through his mane. It was also easy not to be mad either while she was in this position.

She waited a moment before speaking again, she almost just wanted to lay it to rest and give in to what Indigo wanted. She was very submissive and quiet to her own feelings, but she thought there was a slim chance she could convince him otherwise. "I just feel so lonely lately..." It almost hurt her to say something like that, like she was hurting him. But the way she was acting was a clear sign of what she confessed. She still stayed close to Indigo and the others at night, that part had never changed. Indigo made an effort to get his own time with everyone, she didn't really think anyone was getting special treatment. But maybe she felt she should have, or that she should have Indigo to herself. She was so giving on her end and not thinking twice of her sacrifices because of what Draco did to her, but maybe it was because she had been so reliant to that one individual her entire life and for him to just leave her behind like she was nothing, she couldn't imagine being in that position again.

"I would take care of them." She glanced at him and held a gaze for at least a couple seconds before finding it hard to look at him again. Taking a breath and acting like she could just brush it off, "I'm sorry." She forced an almost awkward chuckle, going back to her brushing, "Forget about it." Her voice was gentle as she truly tried to make Indigo believe that it could just roll off her shoulder. A part of her wanted him to turn back on his response, but another part of her just wanted him to drop it where it left off.


Duchess is an !M rated! character for themes of Depression. Please Discord me if you have concerns.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

07-16-2021, 07:44 PM
She broke his heart when she looked away from him and Indigo killed that little flutter of hope she had allowed to grow. He dashed her desires, though he hadn’t outright denied her Indigo just simply wasn’t ready for that next step in life. While he used the band as an excuse he wasn’t ready on a personal level. Indigo had felt incredibly inspired when he took Arcturus out on a small adventure. He loved that little boy more than he would have ever felt possible, experiencing Aslatiel’s children did grow his desire for his own. Indigo stifled a soft sigh as Duchess ran her paws through his mane, the rhythmic motion soothing for the both of them.

Indy listened as she made a surprising confession, she was lonely. ”Duchess..” He whispered her name again, this time full of concern. Beyond leaving the castle nothing had changed and yet here she was, bearing her soul to him and Indigo felt like he was helpless. There was no good solution to offer her, puppies would not help her feel less lonely. They would only complicate everything in such a fragile time. He held her tighter, pulling her closer to his chest as he wrapped his neck around her. He really truly felt the pain she was carrying, he could feel her desires as he held her and yet he couldn’t bring himself to appease her request.

”I know you would.” he whispered quietly against her dark ear as she added. ”You will be a great mother.” That fact couldn’t be disputed in his mind. He saw the way she cared for Gypsy and knew how she cared for him. Their pups would want for nothing. ”Don’t be sorry. I’m glad you could talk to me about this. I… I want it.” The idea was a marvelous dream in his head, but their timing had to be perfect. ”But I don’t feel like we would be making a good decision right now.” Not with winter on their heels and the band only just coming together.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (255)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Pride - BisexualAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2HomebodyIce Bridge Explorer
ExplorerMammoth HunterWordy1K
07-19-2021, 08:21 PM
He kept trying to lead her off of it, or not really off of it, just the idea of it. Everything he said was from the heart, he spoke everything right and understanding. But she didn't want to hear it.

She did just want to drop the whole thing now. Act like she never asked. It was actually a real bruise to her self esteem, but she tried to write it off otherwise. Indigo made probably very valid points. The band wasn't ready, really he may not have been ready. But she really didn't like opening up to him about stuff like this. She loved Indigo, but it was hard to talk to him like this for her. Her trauma, the inner turmoil about The Armada girl. And she had wished more and more often that it was back to only the two of them.

She only relaxed into him as they laid under the willows. She didn't want to say anymore. It wasn't fine but if that's what he wanted she would follow obediently. Or that's at least what she wanted to think for herself.


Duchess is an !M rated! character for themes of Depression. Please Discord me if you have concerns.