
From The Start




3 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
07-11-2021, 08:35 PM

Serenity had felt like she had been slacking around the pack, and she really had been. It was really hard for her to get out there. She had been alone almost her whole life with a little help from strangers here and there. It was easy to get free meals when she was young, but she had to learn to overcome many obstacles as she grew older. It seemed she was fit for survival though, maybe it was somehow in her bloodlines. She didn't know much about her father, but he had overcome a lot of hardships himself too. There may have been more in common with him than she was aware of.

So since she had been slacking off, and she was no slacker, she decided that building something for the pack would do well to make it seem like she was at least trying to find her place here. At least trying to pull some of her own weight and some for the pack. So she gathered a number of things that she found laying around in the castle storage rooms. Laying out some planks of wood, metal bars, old wheels that were still in good shape. For now she just stacked each supply on top of each other that so she could grab what she needed easily.

She looked down at the supplies, her head went crooked as she thought of the task at hand. It would be a lot easier if she had help, but she knew she could manage by herself. She started to lift the large plywood planks, lining up the bottom and sides that would make the wooden cart.

Intellect Seasonal Prompt (Building A Cart)

Total Word Count: 276 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words

Walk "Talk"



Master Fighter (290)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

By the skin of my teethSnake EyesVengeanceMammoth HunterHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
07-12-2021, 06:38 PM

Slacking was something Dunkan would never do, something that no one could even dream with when one knew the male well enough. He was the opposite, he was a workaholic, never finding happiness if he wasn't working on something, laziness was a big no in Dunkan's life. He loved to work hard, and always do his best to maintain his pack well, but he was learning to not let that side of him stop him from building relationships with packmates. But since he himself has been lonely for most of his life, changing was harder than he thought it would be. How to have friends without risking his duties' progress?

But wanting to follow on Resin's last wish, he was doing all he could to work on his social skills, but it seemed there was still a long road to having good results.

Today the brown and white wolf walked through the Castle, as he attempted to patrol the place, no one never knew if no intruders had entered without being seen. It a bit exaggerated but Dunkan wasn't going to take any risks. And like that, he moved through the halls, checking everything. And there is when his eyes caught the image of a female. Brownish with speckles in some parts of her body. She seemed focused on something, what is she building something? Well, if she needed help he was okay with helping her, it was just part of his job, to help anyone who needed it, not always in a fighting matter.

"Hello, Miss. Is there anything I can help you with? My name is Dunkan Sarcova, knight of the Hallows." He felt like it would be polite to introduce himself.

"speak."| "You"

WC- 284

Art by Cloudy, Code by Cloudy
He has a male Jaguar Named Urasa and a female red tailed hawk named Kaira ,They are always around him unless told otherwise
He wears a lion skull with mane and claw bracers.



3 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
07-16-2021, 08:12 PM

Serenity was interrupted by a male who approached her but she didn't mind. She may not have been used to company but that didn't mean she didn't welcome it. She may have preferred quick hello's or even just a quick bit of help like he was offering. It was definitely a lot harder to actually build relationships and open up, call someone a friend, even if she was a little more spontaneous and outgoing than most others.

"Uh, Heya." She gave him an eager crooked grin as he approached and offered help, "I'm Serenity." It was obviously courteous to introduce herself as he did. He was a pack mate after all. As secluded as she made herself, she was easily able to jump into other's space and have a lot of confidence with who she was as an individual.

"Here, yeah! If you can hold up these walls of wood while I nail them together?" She picked up a board, holding it up how she wanted and waited for him to come over and hold it still. She pushed a nail in to where she wanted it, using a hammer she grabbed with her mouth to carefully mash the nails into place. She was careful not to stick her pack mate with one.

Moving from one wall to the other, they finally had four walls and a floor to make a box. She moved over to the wheels, "If you can hold these up for me too," She held the wheel up so he could just hold it in place, sticking a metal bar in the center and moving on to the next wheel. They eventually had the storage part of the cart and the four wheels. The only thing they had left was to put them together and then make an area in the front for someone to pull it.

Intellect Seasonal Prompt (Building A Cart)

Total Word Count: 871 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words

Walk "Talk"



Master Fighter (290)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

By the skin of my teethSnake EyesVengeanceMammoth HunterHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
07-25-2021, 06:34 PM (This post was last modified: 07-26-2021, 08:34 AM by Dunkan. Edited 2 times in total.)
Patience was a feathure he has learned since his yearling days, learning to keep the stress levels under controll. He didnt want to lose his cool too quick, to let emotions to affect his capability of ating logicaly in the different situations that could arise. And as he waited for the female to answer, he sat down while his eyes contemplated the materials she had,to perhaps try guessing what was up in her mind. Was she going to craft? If she was, he wanted to help out, whatever was for the pack's betterment he was up to the task.

Nodding to her first instruction, he used his paws to keep the wood together, hopping to do so close enough for making it easier for her to nail them. And as she did, he took the opportunity to watch with critical expression. One always learned a new thing, and whichever chance he had to learn any new skill, he wasn't going to let any detail slip away. Then, she had a wheel into her jaws, telling him to help with that as well. Wasting no time, he moved to held that into its place while she worked on it.

And now that he had a more clear view of what she was doing, he figured out it was a cart. That could be very useful for a variety of things, from carrying meat from far away hunts, to herbs and even materials to build. He was happy to help. Even if he didn't show that in his cold eyes.

WC- 258+871=1129/1500
Narrative. "Dialogue." 'Monologue.'
Art by Cullishare
He has a male Jaguar Named Urasa and a female red tailed hawk named Kaira ,They are always around him unless told otherwise
He wears a lion skull with mane and claw bracers.



3 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-02-2021, 02:14 PM

The male was silent, but helpful. So Serenity couldn't complain. She didn't mind quiet, she could be the same way too. It seemed easier that way too while they were working, maybe they could talk more after. She would enjoy it, but she wouldn't have cared much if they went their separate ways either. She had been more secluded in herself anyway, so she didn't expect for others to do all the work for her in making relationships. There was always another day to make friends, or another wolf.

She nailed in a couple metal pieces while she was under the cart to keep the wheel axles in place but so that the axles could still roll. When she came back out from under the cart, she grabbed the large "U" shaped planks of wood that had already been put together and pointed to the other end so that the male could grab the other side and help her carry it to the front of the cart. She figured he would get the hint and hold the part of wood in place for her again while she nailed it to the rest of the cart.

Once that was done, she grabbed the long strap of leather that they needed to tie around the "U" shaped part of the cart on each side. She handed Dunkan one side of the leather strap, and started to tie her side onto the bar of the front of the cart. She figured he would be able to watch her and do as she did, but she would have helped him without complaint if he needed it. She did nail a couple more nails into the leather straps after they were tied just for the extra support, but with that the cart was finished.

She stepped back, looking at the final creation. It could use a few more things just to make it look pretty, but she would have to go find more supplies and she could do that another day. The cart was sturdy and usable, she pushed it with her body and made it roll backwards a couple feet just to make sure it was usable. She shrugged, it was good enough. She was happy. She turned to the brute that helped her, "Well, hey. Thanks for your help." She started to push the cart backwards again, just to get it under the shelter of the castle in case it rained or anything else, it didn't have to move far for now. "Dunkan, You said is your name?"

Intellect Seasonal Prompt (Building A Cart)

Total Word Count: 1554 words (Met)
Word Count Goal: 1500 words

Walk "Talk"



Master Fighter (290)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

By the skin of my teethSnake EyesVengeanceMammoth HunterHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
08-03-2021, 09:31 PM
He watched her work, quite impressed by her abilities, abilities he had to admitt didnt have or atleats not practiced. He has been so focused on fighting his whole life, that he had forgotten that there were more skills than just kicking butts. And he also took note of her, she had a quite unique pelt pattern, browns mixing up into her frame. She was taller than him, it didn't bother him in any way. He was used to be around larger wolves. He knew he wasn't the biggest but he never let that bother him. He could fight anyone and even if they were twice his size he didn't fear.

Then, she handled him the other piece and just like she did, he started to do the same. He wasn't doing something as good, he was just learning. "Like this?" He asked calmly, still with the cold expression, but not as hostile as it would have been in the past. And now that he thought more on it, he was doing well around someone else. He wasn't being as ugly as he used to, not being a grumpy wolf.

After a good while they were done. "It was my pleasure to had helped you." He said tryna my his best to sound nice. Not dry as always.

"Yes, I am Dunkan. Have you been here long?" He guessed small talk could be a good start. He wasn't an expert in the "art" of the conversation. He sometimes didn't know how to act or speak like a normal wolf.

Narrative. "Dialogue." 'Monologue.'
Art by Cullishare
He has a male Jaguar Named Urasa and a female red tailed hawk named Kaira ,They are always around him unless told otherwise
He wears a lion skull with mane and claw bracers.