
About HIGH Time



8 Years
05-22-2014, 10:39 PM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2014, 12:41 AM by Othello.)

The damsel padded back towards the place where Scorpion had told her to stay, tripping over her paws as she did so. A giggle flew from her mouth and she pranced too and fro, her body swaying to some unheard rhythm. She thought that she was walking in a straight line, but her whole body was rocking. The girl let another wild giggle out of her maw, gleefully swinging her tail as she hummed an unknown tune. The herbs that Orchid had gave her made her feel amazing, like she was on top on the world! She wanted to see Scorpion and tell him the good news, so she picked up her pace.

"My dear Lord Scorpion!" Her singsong voice rang out, another peel of laughter erupting from her form. Her head swung around, her violet eyes trying to pin point her darling. Yes! She had good news to share! A delightful tale! Othello paused, pouting when Scorpion did not come into view right away. But wait! Maybe he was playing a game! "Are you hiiiiding from me? What a silly thing to do!" She called, when suddenly she found herself on the ground. Oh dear, did she trip? However, the cool grass felt wonderful on her creamy back, so she decided to roll about in it. Mindful of her belly, she wiggled her bodice on the grass, almost rolling from the sheer force of her laughter.

Othello stopped rolling then, jumping onto her tingling paws. Now was not the time to be silly! It was a for serious time. So the dame put on her serious face, looking around to see if the large brute had seen her silly stunt. But her serious face didn't last long, it was cracked by another laugh that sputtered her lips. Hehe, news time! Now where was that silly boy?

"Scorpion Speech"
"Othello Speech"



5 Years
Extra large
05-23-2014, 08:03 AM
Scorpion's tall form would saunter forward, the quiet sounds of the wintry range his company. He'd have need to part ways with his succubus, though he found himself loath to do so. Her ripening form was an intoxication, when he withdrew from her the Sobering symptoms would shine through. So as he withdrew himself from his duties his first thoughts were on the queen he'd selected. Bleached paws would carry him back to where he'd command she stay, ears falling back against his skull as he saw her form not there. However she would obviously be making a quick return, a joyous giggle would give her away and Scorpion would slip into the cover of the trees. At first he was alarmed, the girl could obviously not walk in a straight line. Her voice was bubbly if slurred as she hummed and then called out for him. ?A laugh quickly following as she stumbled forward, what has gotten into her? She would look obviously distressed before calling out again, his hiding obviously not what she would appreciate. Still he'd watch her for a few more moments as her feet tangled beneath her, vuluptuous body falling to the earth.
He could not resist her soft belly as she rolled upon the grass, he'd shake his head as he appeared from the low cover. ?She would suddenly be on her feet, vivid eyes searching him out as an oddly serious look overtook her features. Not lasting long however a bold laugh would leave her lips as he overtook her. A playful growl would leave his lips as he grasped around her ribs. He'd uproot her feet as his body fell to the ground, his back would hit the hard earth as his jewel would find the safety of his stomach. "What has gotten into you, dove?"



8 Years
05-23-2014, 03:33 PM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2014, 12:40 AM by Othello.)

So he was hiding! She was too busy rolling in the grass to notice him, but his yummy scent wafted over her as she jumped up on her feet. Tail wagging wildly at him, she as about to greet him when she was scooped up and flopped back on the ground. Snug in his arms, Othello looked up at the spinning sky. That was a fast movement, and it rattled her herbed up brain. Giggling, she playfully nipped at the legs that kept her trapped, wiggling until she fell into a comfortable position. A soft sigh pasted her lips, a wild smile upon her face.

Scorpion asked her what had gotten into her, which made her giggle again. "Gotten into me? Herbs! So many herbs!" She flailed her paws crazily to try and show him how many herbs she was given. Okay, it was probably way over stated but still, there had been like... three different green things. Was there a purple one too? She couldn't quite remember. But, trying to think of that brought up another thought. "Oh! OHHHH!" She howled, squirming and flipping so that her belly was against his own. "I have news, I have news!" her tail thumped on his lower most belly, wagging between his two hind legs and it danced is crazy motions. It seemed to fly every which way as she attempted to gather her thoughts.

Looking down into his golden eyes, her very dilated orbs seemed wild as she beamed down at him. "I went and saw Orchid, and she told me that we are having babies! Puppies! You're going to be the best daddy in the world!" The dame exclaimed, burying her face into his soft neck fur. Her tail still swung like mad, happy yips drowning out in his white hairs. Yay for babies! So many babies! She wanted all the pups, anything to make Scorpion happy. An army of little ones! She laughed at the thought, kneading her paws on his chest as she tried to stay her bubbly excitement.



5 Years
Extra large
05-23-2014, 07:56 PM

Easily he would move her with him, pointing their features to the sky. Othello's bell like giggle would tickle his ears as her nibbles would loosen the grip he made with his paws. Her movement would disrupt him little, but he would enjoy her gentle sigh. However giggling would again take hold of her petite form, giving way to the reason for her strange actions. "Herbs, hmm and where might she have gotten those?" though apparently there was not any time to answer him because her voice would grow very loud for being such a small being. He would feel her rather sharp elbows as she flipped herself on her belly. Her words would proclaim news with out actually telling him what it was he needed to know. Yes. This girl was very much high. He wondered if this might even be her very first time with such plants. He'd smirk at her, but his face would be contorted as her wild tail would abuse his vulnerable balls. Finally though she would focus, wild lavender orbs stating down into his golden pools. Orchid. He would find amusement in her statement, so that's where she'd been. Finally though, she would tell him the whole reason she had seen his sister. She really was pregnant. ?
Her face would become buried in his plush fur, the giddy excitement obvious in her. He would growl playfully, his possession of her growing exponentially. This tiny porcelain succubus would be the mother of his first children. Pulling her closer his long arms would wrap around her form again. "My Othello will bear my first born..." her paws would dance upon his chest in her excitement. She displayed so much energy he could hardly keep up. Though her girlish giggles would send wanton waves of desire down his spine. The doll he held in his arms would care for his unborn, his obsession over her would only increase. "My irresistible Othello, mother of my spawn.." quiet words would be spoken as his nails played in her fur. His emotions would be of museful awe instead of excitement as she showed.?




8 Years
05-23-2014, 10:42 PM

Silly Scorpion, who else would she have gotten herbs from? She didn't talk to many other wolves, and she was rather shy of exploring the pack because of who resided there. She saw his flinching as she moved and rustled herself around, and she made her whole body freeze. A pout covered her pretty little face, looking around to make sure that he wasn't hurt. "Did I hurt my Scorpy-poo?" She asked with a whine, licking all over his face. The scent of herbs was heavy on her breath as she showered him in licks. She didn't mean to give him a boo boo! She whined softly, but found that his body seemed to be rather unharmed. Oh joy! That was good.

Her tail calmed, she wrapped it around his hind leg and purred softly when she told him the news. His playful growl teased her ears as she buried her face in his fur, the texture of it so appeasing and oh so soft. He called her his, and a flash of desire suddenly rushed though her body. Still full of excitement, it was easily turned to something else. She was his, and she would give him the best gift of all. "My Scorpion, my lord and my King. I give you all that I have, and I will bare you an army of sons." She said, her voice still loud, but a note of desire ringing in those tones. His claws ran though her fur setting her skin on fire. Her body was ultra sensitive, his simple caresses sent her moaning his name. Nipping around his neck, her body was alight with the heat of his touch. Her pupils contracted like mad she tried to focus on his handsome face. "My Lord, my protector." She said softly, with each word placing another kiss around his neck. Her tail tightened on his leg, tugging playfully as she wiggled carefully down so that she was right on top of his, uh.. jewels. A wicked grin crossed her face as she nipped at the sensitive skin that rested close to the good stuff.

But Othello wasn't done. Oh no, she had a game in mind. With a single claw she drew shapes around him, teasing her with her ever so soft touch. She wanted to get him distracted, occupied by her touch. "I heard men like the chase." She mumbled, flashing him an even wider smile and she stood and took off, racing away from him with her luscious laugh blowing in the wind behind him. The herbs made her silly, and playful. So why couldn't she play sex games? Plus, he did like to chase her, did he not. She turned and winked over her shoulder, weaving skillfully around the field. He had long legs and wouldn't have a problem catching up to her, but hopefully her lustful touches had given her a bit of a head start. She had a large belly that slowed her down, but hey! A game was a game.



5 Years
Extra large
05-24-2014, 04:16 PM

The girl would freeze as she realized how rough she'd been, her features taking on a mock pout on her features. She would look him over, making sure she'd caused no lasting damage. She would whine an annoying pet name, she would distract him from apprehending her with her needy whimpering. He would feel the gentle wrapping around her tail, her actions drawing out the greedy monster within him. He would indulge in the feeling of her pressed so close to his body, her intoxicating scent only pushing him further. Her pledge to him would make up for the earlier name she decided to bestow. The touch of nails forcing his name from her jaws. Another growl would resound from his chest at her provocative behavior as he would realize she was the one to seduce him. Her every movement would stoke the flames of his desire. Vivid yellow gaze would observe her curiously as she slid down his belly. Her obvious intentions would cause his eyes to grow a bit wider, his body sending trembles over his skin with her every touch. Her intentions were not immediately known, and her plan would be executed with out fail. He would lay his head back as her claws would continue to tease him, eyes closing as he lay back to enjoy her motions. She would mumble something, his attention to preoccupied to really care about what it was, however when she disappeared from her project he would be keenly aware.
Her mischievous laughter would fill his ears as vivid gaze would see her voluptuous hips running out of his grasp. He would find a viscous growl erupting from his chest as he found his feet. She would not be teasing him for much longer, his hunger would be satisfied by her excited form. Elongated legs would grip the earth as they pulled him ever closer to her elusive frame. He would bring himself close, their bodies would bump lightly with their pumping limbs. However she would not last long, his canines would reach for her scruff. He wanted to grasp her hard, to taste her blood as he caught her. Of course he wouldn't want to damage her too much, for fear of hurting his unborn children. He was feeling violent though, he wanted to hear her scream as he claimed her.?

"Scorpion Speech"
"Othello Speech"



8 Years
05-27-2014, 07:52 PM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2014, 12:40 AM by Othello.)

It wasn't long before she heard the pounding of paws behind her as he chased after her, and she let out a squeal as she felt him almost upon her. His breath was hot on her neck as he bit down, causing her to skid to a stop as his fangs bit into her scruff. A sharp yelp of a mixture of pleasure and pain left her maw, her heart beating fast in her chest. There was little pain, it was more pleasure as her tingling skin was bit into. Her nerves were so alive that it raised so much ecstasy in her little form, her long tail raising up to twirl along his member. Snickering the girl stood otherwise frozen, she couldn't do much with his teeth stuck in her.

Othello snapped her pretty jaws together, growling playfully at the male. "Oh Scorpion." She moaned, knowing that it drove him crazy when he said his name like that. She may be putty in his paws, but she knew how to play with him too.



5 Years
Extra large
05-28-2014, 10:14 PM

She would squeal as he took hold of her roughly, her running coming to a quick halt. Oh she was a temptress too, she knew every sound she made would send him spiraling further into a greedy monster. She shook with the pleasure his actions brought to her form, the movement transferring through his skin and over his body. The friction between them would increase, his heated body burning with want for her. She was playing with him, egging him on so he would take her. Chest would rumble in ecstasy as she moaned his name, he'd bite down harder on her delicate skin. Blood would seep into his jaws, fueling the raging wild fire underneath his skin. Long limbs would reach around her ribs as he relinquished the grip on her scruff. Hard nips were given up her neck as his muzzle was buried in the thick fur behind her ears. "My succubus." Scorpion would growl as he pushed himself against her hindquarters. "Tell me how much you need me." he'd whisper in her ear, teeth grazing her teeth.?




8 Years
05-28-2014, 10:42 PM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2014, 12:40 AM by Othello.)

His bite bit deeper into her skin, breaking through the soft barrier and opening up her blood vessels. She could feel the sticky liquid trickle down her neck as he let her go, growling as she moaned her name. She pushed her hindquarters back towards him, her teasing tail drawing little circles around his belly and nether regions. She could feel their lust build, just like it always did. She whined as she wiggled her rump, begging for him to enter her. She craved him, needed him. And then Scorpion asked her just that, nipping harshly around her neck and behind her ears. His wet nose soothed the burning, only to replace it with a whole different kind of heat. The male grazed his canines on her sensitive ear, sending another shock though her sensitive body.

"I need you my sweet, I crave you." She growled, growing impatient of his games. She was burning, on fire, and needed him to end this torture. "I need you with all I am. I am nothing without you." She said, trusting her hindquarters up at him as he pressed closer to her. "Take me." She said between clenched teeth.



5 Years
Extra large
05-28-2014, 10:56 PM

She would push herself into him, goading him on, begging him wordlessly to relieve them both. She would tease him with her tail, making his breath grow hot and harsh. Loins would ache as he withheld himself, shivers running down his spine as he breathed her in. Othello's body would shake beneath him causing his eyes to roll back into his skull. She would growl her need for him, words rough as he nipped his way back down her luscious neck. Her words proclaiming her absolute need for him, her dainty hips being thrust into him. She would beg, needy words would be forced from behind her clenched teeth. All he needed to do was push her intoxicated body over the edge. He would again grab her violently, his limbs taking hold of her as he snapped his jaws over her bloody nape. Hips would ram into her own as complete ecstasy would radiate from that point.?
-fadey fade-




8 Years
05-28-2014, 11:14 PM

-after fade-

The dame awoke with her eye lids fluttering, her head spinning when her eyes opened. She groaned, blinking several more times until she just closed her eyes again. She felt warmth all around her, Scorpion had his long limbs splayed all around her. She was stuck, but it was in a comfortable position. She felt cared for, and most of all she felt protected. So she just kept her eyes closed, trying to ignore the spinning of her head as well as the pain in her neck. He had bit her pretty hard this time, she was sure that there were several puncture marks covering the nape of her neck. Her blood had long dried and crusted on her creamy fur, the scent of it mingling with their love making. It twirled in the air to combine into a smell of their pure lust, although Othello had began to develop more true feelings for Scorpion.

As Othello lay there, stiff and sore, she thought if the brute holding her could ever care for her in the way she was starting to. What this a relationship of just lust and protection, and now pups? Maybe it was the little ones growing inside her that increased her feelings for him, or maybe it was just about time that she realized them. Sighing softly, she turned her head and buried it into his neck breathing in his heady scent.




5 Years
Extra large
05-29-2014, 02:16 PM

He would hold her, long limbs still wrapped around her frame after their intimate exchange. Sleep had taken him not long after its grasp had wrapped around Othello. He would finally be disturbed by her muttered groan, her wakefulness coming as slow as his own. He would sigh contentedly, his limbs still tingling with the satisfaction her body brought him. The aches that stretched over his muscles were hardly noticeable as he hold her close. He didn't question his relationship with Othello, she belonged to him. Her name, her body, her very soul belonged to him. But did he care for her? Scorpion couldn't get enough of her petite form, her luscious pelt, and seductive lips. He wanted her safety and happiness even, but could he ever consider those feelings love? It didn't matter, she was his and he wasn't ever letting her go.
She would turn in his arms, burying her features into his neck. The brute would rumble, pulling her closer and moving to nibble gently on her ear. Tiny shivers would run up his skin, no longer was he a blood thirsty beast. "My Lady has awoken." he'd whisper, nuzzling the backs of her ears.?



8 Years
05-29-2014, 06:39 PM

Scorpion pulled her closer to his chest, and she sighed happily. He commented on her being awake, and she grumbled as she buried her face deeper into his chest. "No she hasn't." Othello muttered, not wanting to wake up at the moment. Her head was still spinning and her whole body hurt. Her paws felt swollen and she knew that she would have a few scars on her neck. Her long tail swished along the grass lazily as the dame fought waking up. "Another 30 minutes..." She whispered, pulling her belly against his. She was too comfy to wake up, and with her head spinning it hurt way too much to look up into the sky.

Othello wiggled even closer to the brute until there was no telling who was who. She just wanted to morph into him, let him do all the walking and eating, she could just be a little blob. She would crawl out to eat and that was it. How nice and easy would that be?



5 Years
Extra large
05-29-2014, 08:34 PM

His temptress would sigh, an obvious sign of the bliss he had offered her. Words would contradict him as she buried herself in his fur, he'd chuckle lightly as he groomed her coat. His tongue would move from her ears to her neck, taking special care around the wounds he'd inflicted. "I'll have to take you back to Orchid so she can tend to these. Maybe get more of that herb she gave you.." his words would be whispered into her fur, the last statement more for him than her. She would mutter about more time to sleep, and he would continue to contentedly groom her bloodied fur. She would mold into him, his tired body not immune to the flare of desire that her simple actions caused him. Still tingling from their encounter he would suppress his urge to take her again. She was hard at work maintaining the children within her womb, he didn't wish to tire her more. "then my Lady will sleep until she's ready." he would growl as he continued to manicure her fur.?




8 Years
05-29-2014, 10:13 PM

She cooed as he began to groom her fur, wincing slightly when he brushed her still tender wounds. When he said that she might need more herbs, it all came back to her. That is why her head was hurting, and that is why last night was the best sex of her life! Those herbs that Orchid gave her. Othello snorted and then giggled into Scorpion's chest, remembering how crazy she had been. "Only if you take the herbs with me and we have crazy sex for the rest of the day." She said teasingly, lighting nipping at his throat. Still her violet eyes reminded closed, she still wasn't quite ready to fully wake up. Othello was a terrible morning person, put babies growing inside her and her tired body meant she was stubborn. Well, even more so than usual.

"then my Lady will sleep until she's ready." Scorpion said, another soft laugh bubbling from her lips. "Darn right I will my Lord." Her voice was not harsh or growling in any way, it was light and teasing. Even though she was half asleep, didn't mean she still didn't have a sharp tongue. Still laying as close to Scorpion as physically possible she rolled onto her back, her paws flopping down. A large yawn split her maw as she poked open one eye, gazing up at the golden eyed beast. "Morning love." She said, smiling softly before closing her eye once more.



5 Years
Extra large
05-30-2014, 05:11 PM

His long tongue would continue to groom the wounds he'd placed on her scruff. He'd feel her wince, but it was better they were cleaned than left as they were. After he told her his plans a rough snort would follow, his grooming would pause as she giggled almost uncontrollably. Her words would excite him, and he would take her literally. Scorpion would eagerly spend the day screwing around with his favorite dove. She would nip lightly at his neck, only further driving him to want her again. Laughter would bubble forth again as she demanded to sleep longer, though with all the laughter he could only guess their rest would not last much longer. He was very much correct as she shifted, her back coming to rest against his stomach. She would yawn as a single violet orb looked up to take him in, her greeting sweet and alluring. "Good morning my succubus." he'd whisper in her ear as his claws gently caressed her fur.?
