
On a Seafood Diet

Fall seasonal



Advanced Hunter (75)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years
Dire wolf

07-12-2021, 02:33 AM

The ocean waters rippled around Kane's legs as he stood in the shallows of the cove watching the variety of fish come swimming by. He kept his hazel eyes focused and unblinking on the wiggly sea creatures as they swam tentative and cautious around his legs, drawn by curiosity for the strange animal invading their home. You can do this, Kane... It's just like hunting... Just breathe, focus, time your strike... Don't think about your girlfriend sitting on the shore who'll laugh if you make a fool of yourself... Kane bit his lip while he tried not to picture Tamsyn watching him from the shore, her mint eyes locked on him, waiting to see her man catch some dinner for them. He had come across so confident, so cocksure when he'd told Tam he could catch them a fish dinner with no problems! They were only a couple of days into their island vacation, but already Kane was looking for more ways to spoil his lover, and what better way than by showing off with a fresh fish dinner? Besides, how hard could fishing be from hunting?

Well, as it turns out, it was very different from hunting. Fish were a lot faster and harder to track, let alone catch! They were smaller than the deer and pigs he'd hunted so often. Not to mention the fact that all the fishing he had done had been in rivers and lakes, never the ocean. The water made it difficult for him to move fast, and when he'd first waded out thinking he could just snap up a few fish, he'd realized very quickly that fish were fucking fast in the water while he was slowed! And so he stood and he waited, waited, waiting for them to get used to him and swim closer. It had taken a little bit of time, but slowly and surely, the cove fish began to return to their normal swimming habits, no longer disturbed by the giant wolf acting like a statue.

Kane turned to peek over his shoulder, spotting Tamsyn sitting on the beach and watching him, just as he'd predicted. He cast her a wide grin from over his shoulder, then looked back down at the fish with a nervous grimace on his face. Oh, c'mon fish, pleeeease don't make me look like an idiot! A little fish swam in between his legs, but Kane let it go. It was far too tiny to even be a snack, let alone a meal. He'd need some more sizable ones for him and Tam. And so he waited, and waited. As the minutes stretched on, more and more fish began to swim closer, some even daring to swim around or underneath the dire wolf. When one decently sized fish came too close, Kane dove for it like he was bobbing for apples, thrashing in the water while his jaws snapped down over and over. His efforts earned him nothing but a mouthful of saltwater, which the brute was all too happy to spit back out with a look of disgust on his face. Okay, bad idea. Can't go crazy, gotta be smoother.

Then the moment he'd been waiting for came. Another larger fish started a lazy swim around his side, doubling back around and coming past the wolf's front. Kane wasted no time, jaws parted as he shot down into the water. He felt his saber fangs sink through flesh, and when he came back up, he had skewered the fish with his fangs. Kane grinned a proud grin while he pulled the fish off his teeth, looking back at Tam with water dripping from his drenched fur. That was one! Just a few more to go! Fortunately, Kane had come up with a strategy. He set the dead fish back into the surf near his paws, watching it bob gently in the water while he used it as bait. Sure enough, a larger fish came, drawn to the easy meal, then ended up on the end of Kane's sabers when it got too close.

Again and again Kane repeated this process, scoring about a half dozen sizable fish. Okay, sure, maybe some of the attempts he made had ended up with him soaking himself or guzzling a mouthful of salty water and then coughing and gagging, but he'd still accomplished his goal! Turns out he hadn't forgotten how to fish after all! Kane gathered up the fish and carried them back to the shore, grinning triumphantly to his lover as he hit the beach. "Dinner is served, my blackbird!" he declared in a happy voice that resounded with joyful victory. He didn't even care that he was soaking wet, he had caught a fish dinner to show off for his lover and hadn't made too much of a fool of himself. That would always be a win in his book! With their dinner caught, the pair began to make their way back towards their cabana so they could prepare and cook a romantic meal to share in their new beachfront getaway.

WC: 847 / 800


As his mate, Tamsyn may enter his threads not marked as Private.