
you and me, baby, on the run


05-23-2014, 12:12 AM

She had slipped from his side within their den early in the morning, stomach beginning to rumble and awakening her from her slumbers. She had worried it might wake him up to so she had spent half an hour trying to wiggle her way from his side without disturbing him and eventually pulled her last paw free and belly crawled her way out of the den. The morning air was brisk and chilly, a bit too chilly for fall.. Was it winter? No snow yet? She sighed , watching her great grow in a cloud before her before chuckling and setting off. There was no sun yet? Was it near dawn? She really had no way to tell but as she looked at the horizon she realized that there wasn't even a hint of sunlight? Maybe she could catch some dinner and bring it back to surprise Talon. Yeah, that sounded like a great idea! Long legs began churning faster, propelling her forward at a lope. No one really lived in this territory or near here so the rabbit population had exploded. That was probably why within twenty minutes she had two rabbits dead at her paws. Slate blue tail swayed happily at her feet as she surveyed the blood covered white beasts below her.

That was when the first flake hit her nose, a small shock of cold that made her blink at first before turning her gaze upwards and looking up at the overcast night sky. Had that been snow? She spent another few minutes staring up before shrugging and lowering her skull to retrieve the bunny's she had caught. Eyes caught movement to her right and her gaze followed it. She took a step over and looked at the ground to find a perfectly formed snowflake on the tip of a blade of grass. It was snowing! She let out a bark, tail wiggling at her heels as she gathered up her bunnies and turned back towards the den, moving at a half lope half jump. There was pure joy in the young girls steps, every so often twisting in the air after a step and throwing herself as high as possible. Within a few minutes the flakes were drifting down consistently and lazily. "AAALLLLLEEEEENNN" She yelled as she bounded closer and closer to the den, words muffled by the bunnies still gripped in her jaws. But as soon as she was close enough she spat them out and stuck her head in the den to poke and heckle him. "Talon! it's the first snowfall! It's here! Waziya brought us snow!!!" She exclaimed with a delighted giggle, backing up and twirling around again.


Talon I


4 Years
05-23-2014, 10:49 AM

Talon was used to sleeping by Kangi's side. Being with her now was as natural as breathing -- he could not imagine spending a day without her, let alone sleeping without her beside him. But he was in such a deep sleep, so calm and content, that he did not notice as she pried herself away from him. He merely wriggled a bit where he lay, shifting to a comfortable position again,

It was the scent of blood that made him slowly stir awake. Perhaps it was time for breakfast. He was content to lay there still, shifting as his eyes remained closed, searching for Kangi's familiar warmth. Only when he did not find her did he let his eyes open, slowly blinking away sleep. Her voice came next -- brimming with excitement and joy that he had not heard in some time. His posture would stiffen as he rolled to his belly, attempting to pull himself upright onto all three paws, not always the easiest of feats first thing in the morning. "Kangi!" he called back to her with a laugh, his voice heavy with sleep. During the last few seasons his body had filled out slightly, and his voice had deepened considerably. Still he was a child at heart -- but perhaps that was why the two of them worked so well together.

Slowly he slid from the den's entrance, coming to bump her neck with his nose in a happy greeting. "Who is Waziya?" he asked curiously, grinning from ear to ear. Snow was here, she was right; and he gazed up at the overcast sky happily as it began to fall. It was a magical scene, and filled his belly with warmth, despite the cold air. "I think I like her, if she can make it snow!" He loved to see how happy the first snowfall made Kangi, and only wished he could see her so joyous more often.


05-23-2014, 12:55 PM

She heard his voice call out her name from the depths of their den followed by some awkward wiggling and shuffling as he attempted to stand. A pang of guilt arched through her as she realized that she wasn't there to help him up. But before she could dart in to help him he staggered semi groggily out to join her, neck stretching forward to bump his nose into her neck in a tender hello. She smiled and giggled at him as she pushed her own face into his shoulder and ruffled it around a bit before pulling back to hop away and toss her head back so she could stare up at the sky. Unlike him she had not really grown much, still a tiny petite thing that looked rather gangly and awkward, her voice remaining quite childish probably no thanks to the giggles and childish talk she retained. "Who is Waziya?" He would ask and a smile would grow on her features as she returned her gaze back to him. "I think I like her, if she can make it snow!"He exclaimed as he joined her in her joyous giggles. She stuck her tongue out, attempting to catch one before chuckling and licking her lips.

"Waziya is a giant who lives in the north. When its time he sweeps down towards the south and brings with him winter. Though he brings with him the beauty of the first snow he is also the patron of famine and disease. A harsh and uncaring god my mother used to tell me." Her short story was said rather breathlessly as she plopped her butt down and stared up at the sky, an easy smile playing across her lips.God she missed those stories. She felt a dull ache in the pit of her stomach, a yearning to know more of her people and her culture. Did she even have people? Or had she and her mother been the last ones? She would never know. "Oh! I brought us breakfast!" She exclaimed suddenly, tail waving easily behind her and pushing the snow in an arch. The blue woman would hop to her paws, bounding forward and almost head diving into the bunny carcass's. Jaws would snap closed on one that she would promptly pick up and toss towards Talon before picking up her own and prancing to his side. She plopped herself down beside him, forepaws sliding forward until she was laying with the bunny in her paws, grinning up at him.


Talon I


4 Years
06-13-2014, 07:39 PM

Talon could not help but worry that she would not stay happy forever. Everyone he had ever loved had left him, even Kangi, albeit for a brief time. What if she grew restless once again? This time, though, she knew he could care less where she wanted to go -- he would follow her to the ends of the earth. His smile said it all as he stood there, his tail flicking happily where it lay at his hocks. He followed her behavior, sticking his tongue out to allow a few of the flakes to land on it. The snowfall seemed to grow heavier by the second, but perhaps it was just his mind growing more alert as he slowly rid himself of sleep.

His eyes opened wide as she began to tell him about Waziya. He loved her stories; they were so foreign from the things his parents had told him as a child. His memories of them were hazy, but he somehow knew that Kangi knew things they had never known. Different things -- she knew of this Waziya, the giant in the north who brought winter and destruction with it. "Maybe he doesn't sound so nice," he commented idly, his gaze shifting to the meal she had gotten for them. He felt his stomach rumbling, and grew suddenly aware of how hungry he was.

He was happy to take the kill from her, and his own smile grew as he found himself settling down beside her. Talon wondered if they ought to seek shelter as they ate, but he knew Kangi was enjoying the snow, and would not take that happiness away from her as long as he could handle. The snow was a pleasant sight to him, even if he felt his paws growing cold as he sat. "I should be hunting for you," he suggested softly. "My dad hunted for my mom and us a lot. I think..." He could hardly picture any of them now, but he was beginning to feel a sense of duty to Kangi that he wasn't sure if he could completely fulfill.


06-18-2014, 05:42 PM

Funny... He had agreed to leave his pack, had even actually left it before finding her just to find her. Talon was worried of her getting bored and running off and yet she felt such immense pressure living up to him and his ideals of her. It had never really bothered her before, having been content with them and their strange way of always seeming to find each other at the most opportune times. He had seemed happish in a pack, always happy in Seracia and though it was hit and miss when she visited him in Glaciem he had seemed content in pack life. Would he be content out here? What if she said the wrong things or after differently then how he liked and he got sick of her? Before they had been apart so often that their reunions were always magical and special. What if that went away? Funny how they both still had all these fears and didn't talk about them. And yet? She kind of preferred it that way.

He seemed to consider her story and she smiled up at him as he agreed that maybe this god wasn't as great as he had seemed at first. She couldn't help but chuckle, flopping into her side as she gnawed at the rabbit, allowing paws to press against him every so often as he settled himself beside her to eat as well. She rolled in the snow, tossing her head as forepaws curled around the bunny and she cuddled it. She would only pause when he spoke again, mentioning that he should be hunting for her. "My dad hunted for my mom and us a lot. I think..." He said and for a moment she would lay there studying him. Her mother had always hunted for her, Prospero had always hunted for her and then she had always hunted for herself. Was that what love was? Hunting for each other?

"Do moms and dads always hunt for each other?" She had to ask, it wasn't often that there was a filter between her head and her mouth as she mused about this. She had never had both? "Talon? Do you miss being in a pack?" She asked, unable to help herself. Slowly yellow gaze would slip back to him ad she rolled herself back up onto her belly and into him so her body rested against his and her neck arched away towards her dinner. She ripped easily into the bunny, tearing off a strip that she would chew on thoughtfully as she turned around to look at him to see what he had to say.


Talon I


4 Years
06-19-2014, 09:56 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2014, 10:38 AM by Talon I.)
-i failed and edited this :(-


07-06-2014, 12:09 AM

It was odd that neither he or she knew what parents did, they had both had parents for only a short time. She had never had a father and Talon's father had left early on in his life. "You can hunt for me wheeennn eeeevvveeerrr you want!" She said with a giggle as she lifted a paw to attempt to touch it to his face. "We can try hunting together sometime maybe?" She asked easily as she rolled herself onto her belly and leaned into his side again, ripping off another strip off the rabbit and chewed on it hungrily. When he spoke again she would prick her ears and turn her head to look to him easily. He missed it but had a specific pack in mind? She mused this as she tipped her munched her meal.

"I have been thinking about maybe joining a pack. What do you think? Winter might be hard on us..." She looks to him again, eyes curious as she regarded him. Would he agree? Was this something he might want to do? She had been considering it for a while but had been cautious about brining it up to him. Last time she and joined a pack for him she had chickened out and bailed. But if she stayed talking to him, kept communications open then it could maybe work right?


Talon I


4 Years
07-09-2014, 10:38 AM

Oh, life was so good -- it could only get better from here, so long as they remained in good health & had each other. As he lay beside her and watched her, he found himself in awe of her beauty; she was so simple and so complex at the same time, a world full of mystery and wonder... and yet she was so familiar, as though she had always been a part of his life. 'We can try hunting together sometime maybe?' she inquired, and he nodded, a contented smile slipping over his fragile features. "Okay," he told her happily, nodding in visible agreement. They mostly subsisted on rabbits and small game, even fish when they could catch them, but taking down something bigger might be satisfying for both their bellies as well as their minds. They knew they were strong together, but seeing what the two of them could do combined was something Talon needed.

She spoke her mind aloud. She wanted to join a pack, as he had suspected when she first asked if he missing being in one. His head tilted, but he pressed against her again, tasting her scent and wondering in silent thought. "I'd like that," he said honestly, but his words were chosen carefully, afraid of what had happened before. "But if you don't like it, you have to tell me, and we will leave. Together. And we won't rush it, but watch them from a distance and make sure they are nice and friendly to one another." His tone was serious, much more so than usual. As long as she wanted to be with him.. and oh god, he couldn't imagine what would happen if she wanted to ever leave... he would go wherever she pleased.
He was smitten, and it was obvious, and he didn't care if he was looked down upon others for his utter devotion to her. He would follow her to the ends of the earth -- and even walk off the edge, if she wanted him to. "I just love you." The words didn't always come easy for him, for they reminded him of his parents and the nostalgia that those words brought was laced with loneliness and depression, but he meant them. He nuzzled into her fur again, lapping at her shoulder affectionately.


07-19-2014, 08:23 PM

Hunting together could be interesting, though Kangi love the fun of chasing small game and the joy she got when she and Talon attempted fishing bigger game might be nice. She would simply grin at him as he agree to one day try it. He would lean into her then, pressing into her side and she would nuzzle his neck tenderly as he said that maybe he would like a pack. His next words made her pause. She had done this to him before, telling him she would join a pack for him and then bailing half way through. "I'll never leave you again... Promise..." She murmured, closing her eyes into the feel of his neck as she leaned her face into it. No, she couldn't imagine life without him anymore. Yes he may have been smitten with her and willing to follow her anywhere but she would do the same in a heart beat. Funny how quickly one person can become your whole world. "I just love you." He would murmur and she would giggle against the feel of his tongue rasping against her shoulder. "I love you too..." The words were coming easier to her now, though she still remembered the foreign taste of the word on her tongue when she had first said it to him. Now she was beginning to realize that that was what this really was. And she didn't want it to end, didn't want to spend another minute away from him.